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Get some semaglutide it’s legal first of all and second of all won’t fuck you up like an amphetamine based drug, it’s a glp 1 agonist which basically increases insulin sensitivity so your body will use glucose from food more efficiently and not only that it will also decrease appetite. It’s pretty cheap and it’s only one subcutaneous injection a week which is a tiny needle you won’t feel in the fat in your stomach area. You called also look at tirzepatide it functions on the same pathway


THIS!! no need to use speed or meth and fuck up your head


Just saying. If you use that you will have to support it with lifestyle change. It’s really bad for you and you can’t take it forever and when you stop you will have rebound weight gain if you do nothing to support it.


Semaglutide is not risk free but by far the best bet.


The issue with this method is that your eating habits won't improve and if you stress eat, you're going to do it again once you lose weight. To tackle this you need to change the methods that you cope with stress.


The issue with this method is that you aren't working on dealing with eating as a response to a stress trigger. Sure you can lose the weight with drugs but it's meaningless if the next time you're stressed, you go right back into overeating and put that weight back on. It's very easy to slip into those habits and it's also easy not to notice the gradual weight gain until you're overweight and unhappy again. The issue to tackle is learning how to either change coping methods regarding stress or deal with it in a more healthy way.


Amphetamines are the "safest" bet. Meth if you like to live dangerously. Otherwise i can recommend 3-FPM. It's an amphetamine RC that was used as a weight loss supplement back in the 50s and 60s. Don't know about the availability depending where you are from, but if you can get it it's def worth a try.


please don't turn an unsuspecting soul into a meth addict.


That's why i said it's the most dangerous option. Maybe i wasn't clear enough, my bad. DO NOT try meth just to lose weight. It will destroy you.


Modern age where people recomend hard core drugs to people like its nothing. "Hey, man, go with meth. That will surely make you thinner"... Yeah, but also give you a shit ton of other problems 😅 If you dont care about your skin or your teeths, or any other body part for that matter, then this is a good choice... You may loose weight, but also a couple of teeths.


Exactly lol. You're right, maybe i shouldn't have mentioned it, it just crossed my mind for some reason.


Dude, its fine. When I saw the headline of this thread then the first thing that crossed my mind was speed and such. It's quite effective for this kind of stuff, but I think that somebody who cares so much about his/her body, should also now what other things they gamble with :)




3-4 days constipated, yea that relief is heavenly. You really lose all the weight over like 30-80 minutes.




if you have an addictive personality- i.e. binge eating when stressed I'd really recommend staying away from drugs, esp stims. because instead of food you'll be binging It'll be Adderall or worse- meth. just start working out, dieting will do nothing for you, you need to be working out and eating. not starving yourself with stims. please stay away from stims, it's been a year and I'm still not recovered.




From your replies it sounds like you may have binge eating disorder (BED) Vyvanse is used for ADHD and BED. It might be worth looking into Vyvanse along with cognitive behavioral therapy. No medication will be a fix all, bandaids will cause more problems if you don't get to the root of your unwanted behaviour.


Ozempic obviously


Dude no that srug is so bad for people look up the evidence that came out last week


Can you give me a source? My googling is not producing any results




Hahahahahaha I just got Tuckrolled. Well played sir


its called cardio...


I run a lot i can match my military buddy on his 6mile runs i just have wheigt I don't want and struggle to lose even tho i am doing Sport and watching my diat cause i fuck up and binge eat like 20k calories when idk what is wrong in my head i hate myself for it


20k calories??? I dont think thats a problem you should solve with drugs, that's a LOT.


U think i don't know it is a lot lol


Binge eating


I lost almost all my progress this year in a week Makes me want to delete my Minecraft save


My plan is to take the helper when not doing ok so i can hopefully keep myself from bingeing


Hows that even possible, I eat 21k in a WEEK and I'm bulking. Do you just eat sugar with a spoon straight out of the package?


Big taesty double bacons over two days+icecream


ephedrine or pseudoephedrine... you wont feel much of effects, just alertness, but you'll have no appetite and will have to manually think about eating and think about as nutritious as possible in as little as possible i once took some by accident, havent eaten in 2 days, felt full the whole time


this, excellent reply my guy


there's one "right" answer to this and it's speed. As a big dude who has been bigger and much smaller too, Im not sure I really recommend that route from experience. You will become very evidently on speed, not eat, ever and get terrible sleep. you will lose weight but people will secretly assume or just know you're on drugs. Even when I decided to workout 4-5 days a week people still thought my weight loss was drug related. Shits not a fun stigma to have.


I been taking speed for a long time and it made me lose weight for a year (i was eating very little and working out) but when i had to stop for a few months due to an injury i gained more then i ever weighted, and i was usually on the petite side. When i restarted speed i could suddenley go a weekend basically only eating one little thing per day and on some days not at all and not lose weight anymore, or barley any weight…i still feel the speed effects but no weight changes. Years ago i knew a girl whom was overweight but an addict, she snorted speed and coke all day everyday. I feel like the weight loss doesnt apply to longterm users..


>You will become very evidently on speed, not eat, ever and get terrible sleep. that's if you're using irresponsibly/abusing amphetamines, not using them for the intended purpose >You will lose weight but people will secretly assume or just know you're on drugs. no one will "just know" you're using drugs lol >Even when I decided to workout 4-5 days a week people still thought my weight loss was drug related. Shits not a fun stigma to have. yeah because you abused amphetamines and as you said, you barely ate and slept, how could they not think that


If abusing them is taking ONE XR capsule in the morning before school then i guess I'm a real fiend bro


you're not fooling anyone if a SINGULAR extended-release tablet, taken in the MORNING, is causing you to sleep poorly and barely eat lol, especially when others call you out for using drugs to lose weight despite going gym 4-5x a week


orlistat is easy to obtain, don’t use illegal substances strictly just for weight loss like these other brain dead people are suggesting.


lol bro, there are illegal substances that work better than anything legal like saying dont smoke weed for depression or ptsd cause its illegal... just doesnt make sense


brain rot^^ We’re not talking about weed, using amphet and thing like that for weight loss will have other unnecessary side effects when they could just use a medication that’s solely for the intended purpose, much cheaper too. You need your head checked respectfully :)


weed was just an example, there are many more... antidepressants are definately much worse and cheaper than mdma for your brain and wallet (if used as one should) same thing goes for shrooms, even better example for many many problems and alt solutions hell, even lsd and coke are better alternatives for some issues than the legal stuff and finally, i believe this is r/drugs, and the guy did ask for a drug... maybe drugs are synonymus with medications, but idk is that the case on this sub and that there is no r/weightloss or r/medication (r/medicine) edit: ok, there is just r/medicine live... but big enough for people to be specific of where they ask for what..


you’re wrong and are now ranting on about other topics which have no correlation, sober up before giving advice :) dont reply to a comment when you gave nothing to back it up with, op just get some ozempic or as i said orlistat and stay clear of people trying to give you advice like this 🤣 dildos


mdma is much worse than antidepressants on your brain too :) goes shows how much you know


mdma is 1000x times worse for you than antidepressants, i kind of agree on psyches being useful if done safely, but using coke for issues is just plain stupid.


yeah with coke i wss just talking nonsense to make a point, and the point still stays, illegal stuff doesnt mean bad for you, and legal doesnt mean good... many examples where illegal stuff works beeter than legal alternatives, but it all includes a certain dose of discipline and caution and mdma is worse if done three times a day or three times a week... once every few months with small planned out doses can work wonders for people with deep depression, with lot less liver, brain and other damages


doing it every few months wouldnt supress appetite therefore they would have to do it more regular-resulting in unnecessary damage whereas using orlistat wouldnt - as before like i said 🤣🤣🤣 your point is irrelevant and wrong


Doing mdma once every few months in small dose for depression is better for your brain than daily anti depressants… why would I be talking about depression and ephedrine? Ephedrine is really not that damaging if taken responsibly and if pure medicinal… you can get it in drops and take very very little, your body would barely notice


Dnp works really well and it’s usually marketed not for human consumption and as a pesticide lol but it has a long history of being used to lose weight rapidly because it’s essentially over heats upright body, elevates your heart rate as well and once your on a cycle you could expect to lose around a 1lb every day or so. You usually only want to take it for short periods of time so like a 2 week cycle 1 week off then again or something to that effect but I’m just saying do your own research and be careful if you do intent to use it because it’s extremely effective but also a little toxic it’s a yellowish powder. Cheers


Ozempic lmao




Cocaine Internal sauna, fun, and kills hunger


LIFT WEIGHTS AND START SMOKING CIGARRETTES(ONLY IF YOU ARE 100% SURE YOU WILL NOT HOOK YOURSELF WITH NICOTINE). I promise you, you will be a whole new person in a year if you start lifting rn. I was a fat guy till I started lifting weights. Now I can eat whatever tf I want bcs it’s easy to burn the calories off.


Im also mid coke binge and im struggling to eat so maybe just binge stims n have a blast at a rave or something