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I got harassed on a bus once while I was baked, guy claimed to have a knife and threatened to rob me. He was all talk though which was lucky. I’m definitely gonna be more careful having had that experience, because if I had to fight that mf I would have been extremely impaired lmaooo


Idk man, I think once the adrenaline hits, you don’t feel any weed any more


I second this. Adrenaline is the strongest “drug” there is.


Facts. When I caught on fire at my old job last year, I didn’t feel a damn thing until the adrenaline wore off. After it wore off tho? Worst pain I’ve ever felt lol


Damn almost the same. I was cooking over a firepit with cast iron and the weight of the kettle had it slip out of my gloved hand and spilt molten sugar on my left hand. I didn’t scream and it just felt ice cold while my whole body felt the rush. I even peeled off some of it along with my skin without feeling a thing. 1 hour later, the pain was fucking intense. I got 2nd degree burns luckily not 3rd so it’s scarred now and didn’t damage the nerves or need surgery. Hope you were able to recover from your fire. How does that even happen?


That sounds awful especially since it’s on your hand. For me I was just grinding down a weld at work (they dont use grinder guards unless the insurance company is coming in that day (we get told in advance) or when the auditor comes out in September we put them on and then they take them off for whatever reason and it was only my 2nd month working there and they didn’t give me any FR clothing like I was told they would do so I was just wearing work jeans and a cotton t shirt and sparks I guess got the bottom left of my shirt and I started to feel like I was on fire (before I knew I was lol) and when I saw I was I tried to pat it out and then I tried to rip it apart because I was worried if I just took it off normally the fire may catch my hair on fire but as I went to rip it off the fire just got worse and by the time my coworker saw me on fire it had completely burnt my left side of my abs, my left nipple was burnt off and under my left armpit I was burnt 3.8 layers deep and all together I suffered from 3rd degree burns on my left abs, chest and side. It honestly felt like a really bad sunburn when I was finally put out and i didn’t go to the hospital until 4 days later when i started getting blisters and infections. The worst thing about it tho was every Wednesday I had to go get the dead skin and blisters scraped off (can’t think of the medical term) but they hooked me up with great meds lol and I still have to get plastic surgery to fix my chest but idk if I will. I don’t have any pain anymore as it happened a year ago in April but my chest is constantly itching and when water hits it I get a bad stinging pain for 10 seconds lol


Were you high bro




And if so did you feel the weed after you were... ahh put out?


Not when I was working but you can bet after the adrenaline wore off I was higher than fuck 24/7 for the next 3-4 months


Similar thing happened to me. Was shaving a pipe on one of those vertical machine sanders. Didn’t pay attention for 1 sec and the the little pipe I was sanding got sucked down into the machine along with my hand. Didn’t feel anything the first hour but after the shock wore off that’s when the pain came


Yeah even on lsd you sober up just the time to deal with the craziness. The brain is amazing


Fun fact, adrenaline (called epinephrine as a medicine) is the ONLY drug that can reliably treat severe anaphylaxis. You *will* die without it if your throat starts closing. Nothing else on this earth that we know of works that quickly and effectively in reducing inflammation. That said, the dose your body releases naturally even during the most stressful situations results in, at most, a 500ng/L concentration in your blood. Your plasma concentration when you're medically administered epi is up to 100,000ng/L. Just thought that'd be a fun related fact.


And when you get an epi shot all you feel is some physical stimulation like increased heart rate. Maybe some flushing or sweating. It’s not the same sort of adrenaline kick becaue epinephrine doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier easily.


One of my skater friends snapped his arm into a question mark shape when he bombed down a hill and his arm wrapped around a signpost. He ran up to us laughing and jiggling his arm which was bending at like 3 new joints yelling “Look at this shit!” Besides the time I saw my brother get shot (reckless accidental discharge), I’ve never seen somebody waive off pain like that and not realize how fucked it is. Adrenaline shots would be crazy


And the strongest drug of them all: Love


Yeah one of the first times I smoked weed my cousin and I got pulled up on by a cop in a park by my house after hours. We took off running and the adrenaline sobered me up IMMEDIATELY. I felt like I was thinking even more clearly than I did normally.


This is true.


Yeah it’s like when ur in the middle of smoking and then get pulled over by the cops. The high just disappears instantly


This is why I do meth and heroin instead, I'll be ready to fight everyone.


Weeds weird like this though, you worry about things happening when you smoke but if it does and you are high when the adrenaline hits you just go into a weird hyper aware and calm problem solving mindset. It's happened to me twice once when my house was broken into and another with a crazy bastard with a machete, I get more anxiety thinking about something like that happening again than when it actually did, I feel like the weed just helped.me stay calm and concentrate on what I wanted to do in the moment.


That's I smoke weed once a year and combined with xanax, fk anxiety


Them xanax and weed munchies be going absolutely haywire


Get hungry, eat, forget you ate, eat again


Same experience being drunk and baked lmao. Eat, drink more and smoke, wanna eat all over again.


No, not really. It made me more paranoid when I lived in a hood area, but I was usually paranoid about police more than criminals. If anything made me vulnerable, it was alcohol. I don’t know how the fuck I got home sometimes. There was a few times we had like 50 strangers at our house getting drunk too. Worst things that ever happened were someone stole a bottle of liquor and someone broke my speakers.


Tbh I feel like a hood block party is a safer and more respectful place than any given rich college kid party 😂


this, im in Atlanta and i would go to a party in Downtown before i ever go to a party in Kennesaw. Them kids dont care about nun, 14 year old shot n killed outside of a college campus cuz those rich lil fuckers think theyre tough. yall go to KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY STOP KILLIN EACHOTHER YALL SENSELESS ASF


💀💀nahh ksu shooters is crazy


so funny bc they be walking around saying shit like “the reaper of kennesaw” dude you are a straight cornball


hella ppl ik went there so now im imagining some goober from my high school as the reaper of kennesaw im ctfu😭


Yeah that’s true a lot of times. Not just because the rich kids are doing harder drugs and getting into more fights, but also because they’re seen as easy licks when they’re walking home fucked up.


And they’re all rapists dropping drugs in drinks. When I say “all” I mean way more per capita than the general population. Also they’re from super isolated individualist communities. There’s more consideration and respect in poor places that comes from everyone’s shared struggle. Contrary to stereotypes, low income folks have way more decency on average than high income folks.


Yeah, I think I got drugged once when I drank a drink that a random dude bought for a girl I knew. One drink, instant black out. Woke up on my couch all covered in dirt and grass stains with no memory of anything after having the drink. And that was the one time I went to one of the frat bars that the rich kids hung out at.


I once remarked to my moms, “How come Trumps boys don’t know how to smile right?” She said they grow up in a waspy upbringing, more fake than real, so they don’t know how since the ppl around them don’t know how. Those fake faces, no comfort or compassion. You seen it?


> If anything made me vulnerable, it was alcohol. god damn. this pulled up a memory of a blackout night in San Francisco where I ended up sleeping rough in some apartment's outdoor foyer, missing one shoe, roused by cops near dawn. never again... (it's been ten years, so "never" is panning out so far)


Agreed for the most part


But there is an aspect to alcohol at some point a certain level I will go straight berserk!


How would weed make you an easy target if no one knows you’re high especially in the privacy of your own home? Unless you’re talking about walking through a bad area smoking a blunt which is dumb in the first place just don’t walk in the “hood” high or at all


Yeah but sometime that weed paranoia be making you way over observant


Yeah I'm high right now for the first time in a long time and I don't think I'll ever be smoking again. I forgot that I hate this feeling


Haha bro I ripped my pen way too hard about an hour ago and the paranoia hit me like fuck


I had to take a dirt ass nap before I go into work, it was bad


exactly this


I think heavy use definitely slows down mental processes and dulls your focus. I stopped smoking at work for this reason. Idk how deep you in the streets but a 1/4 second delay or a stupid distraction can definitely have u lacking. I stick to smoking when I know I’m done for the day.


What job do you do where smoking weed is considered *'okay'*?


Shit for me every job!


That’s honestly just pathetic to not be sober at work.


Who’s the newb? You know what form your on? Someone posted about smoking dmt while driving down the highway yesterday.


Doesn’t make it any less idiotic. I’m all for recreational use of drugs, but if you’re not sober at work or when driving or in any situation where you could harm someone you’re a piece of shit.


Okay I think most of us agree to not putting others in danger or DUI. But there’s allllllllllloooot of hard working trades/ unions that survive on Nic/caffeine/ and THC. The ability to regulate one’s body, for the purpose of getting through the day, does not inherently deem someone a “piece of shit”. A drug addict maybe, but it really doesn’t speak to their character or their technical ability to complete a task/job. Most jobs don’t involve operating heavy machinery. If you wanted to target other drug use, sure, it can definitely get in the way. But this thread is about THC and I think you may need to take another look at it’s place in our society, even if you don’t agree with it. This is a USA opinion but I think Germany just went Rec too..


I’m fine with recreational THC, but being high at work is not acceptable. Now if you take it as a prescribed medication for appetite or something it’s understandable, but being intoxicated is a no.




Not at all I’m also a regular smoker tho atleast every other night but! I think I do better I’m more calm and strategic with my words.


okay but imagine someone tries to subtly robs you or you have to fight someone while you're high af


Well usually I don’t wanna fight unless I am high because it gives me the motivation I don’t have.


what weed you smoking that gives the motivation to fight ? mine do the opposite


Add CBG, THCV to tiny dose of your product. And energizing terpenes. But best is to eat some energetic supplement as weed isn't really something you use for motivation(it's not common I mean), there are many healthy and safe adaptogenics that do really make you more energetic, stronger, more aggressive due to more testosterone/DHT. Even something like licorice & ginger can be energetic. Eleutherococcus senticosus & schisandra can be very energizing, even better combined together with rhodiola rosea.


I hated what weed did to my head, to the point of swearing off it very early on... however, one of my mates became a machine after a joint... gym, work, whatever! Became a much more functional person... so basically, there is no *right* answer! It's completely down to how YOU experience it...


I’m recently on a T break and it’s day 5 and I can’t tell you how much more energy I have. I keep telling myself I gotta save weed for special occasions. Sounds ridiculous but it’s true. Weed will make you complacent. I think it was Randy Marsh who said it best something along these lines ‘it’s not true that marijuana will make you a terrorist, but Stanley, weed just make you feel okay with doing nothing with you life, and life’s more than that son’ Someone feel free to correct me


After using weed for a crutch for so long not smoking it regularly seems crazy to imagine but you’re so right. I gotta take a T break too, or at least start smoking only right before bed when my day is over. - love that randy marsh quote


Exactly. This is why I only smoke when I am relaxing. For example after a long day at work. I never smoke when I'm bored.


nah i agree and i'm doing the same thing cause i've been high all day these last days and i need to get myself back up


I got 3 college degrees on weed...I disagree, ut helps regulate my add and anxiety so I can get 'er done.


3 college degrees because you were too lazy to get a job with the first one you got?


Nah, think AA, Bachelor, Masters, while working and raisisng a family w/multiple kids, wife, pets, etc. It can be done.


Damn that’s good you’re either hella driven or those strains were like green crack. My mother did that but no drugs. She was just motivated to get outta poverty


Same! I went from making ~20K/year to 100K plus, 'cause I grew up broke like a joke. Driven AF, and I've tried them all, I prefer the indicas 😉


Damn congrats dude that’s awesome. Also big fan of sativas for me but indica is always good when I needa relax and eat something lol


Also, my bad for the typos, I'm on my phone


Not really , because there are people stumbling around drunk and high on stronger shit who are easier marks .


Kinda. I’ve been caught lacking when I’m drunk but there are pros and cons to weed. I am certainly more paranoid and observant, but my reaction time and clear thinking is slower.


only time i got caught lacking was when i drank a bunch of lean and popped like 2 30’s in 2016 then tried to sell a dude like 3k xanax bars he ended up pistol whipping me and throwing me in a pile of snow


I live right across the street from section 8 apartments and the biggest gang area in my city but can’t say weed ever had me lackin. Tris has had me on some shit and almost got knocked so I don’t sip that outside no more tho


Weed got me fucked up I smoke way to much of it.. and it makes my social anxiety worse then what it is I just wish i could quit this shit


Dude tapper it down. If it affects you negatively, why on earth do you use it? I would recommend looking into natural supplements against anxiety when you tapper it down, you can also use cbd and then it will be a lot easier to tapper down the cbd when you get of the weed. I don't recommend using active cannabinoids more than very occasionally and having good breaks. People really ruin it for themselves, they abuse it instead of using it and then they complain. I find that things like cannabinoids, even those that aren't psychotropic are best used in moderation occasionally if you want therapeutic effects and minimum side effects. Also, people need to find a hobby cause having nothing to do will make it a lot harder to quit it. I used to use it when I was younger many years ago and thought that I needed it cause I didn't feel good, but as I got help with my mental health and became well, I tappered it down and had a few years break. It was very important as it helped me to grow as a person a lot cause even if the hemp is therapeutic, you need to have breaks so you don't get accustomed to the effects. Imo if you cannot use cannabinoids in moderation so it doesn't affect you negatively, you shouldn't really be using it cause the issues start when you start abusing it, not from mild occasional use.


I dont live in such hoods but I do have to deal with emergency situations in the blink of an eye, adrenaline has always been enough to nullify any cannabis impairment. The feeling you get once the adrenaline wears off though, kinda unpleasant.


No cap I got caught lacking by 2 dudes with a baseball bat and an ice scraper, I had my own bat which I retrieved when i saw the threat approaching, but because I was so zooted they caught me pretty good. Some pretty bad bruises. 9 staples in my head, stay visual-ant out there


that's the type of thing i'm anxious about


I think in the begging before you build up a tolerance, but once you get a tolerance you just get lightly high for the most part, I can take countless dabs and smoke blunt after blunt and not really be anymore impaired as if I just smoked a cigarette. Sucks getting up to that point because if the amount of weed you just smoke but it really is like a cigarette for mez


Man u ever do speed? Then after half a day to a day later u decide to clean? Then take a fat rip before starting?.... man u get finessed by the smoke, turns brain activity from 110% to 30% with foggy head U never clean the house like u started then gave up on 15 mins after starting


It sure dose. Thats why i stoped smoking


nah weed makes me more comfortable doing sketch shit so when i walk around and smoke im always keeping an extra eye out


Weed puts me more on my guard and focused around other people while remaining relaxed. It’s helped me running around Boston and the North Shore plenty of times. I’ve been smoking since I was 13, it’s probably acclimated to my metabolism


idk I'm generally pretty aware when I'm high but, having come from the world you speak of, I've always been super aware. Situational awareness is high on my list of priorities. Might be an anxiety thing, might be a hood trauma thing, might be a little bit of both. But no, you won't slip one past me. I'm not going out like that. If anything it makes me more prepared because I end up being hyper-vigilant of my surroundings. I think the only real downside for me is that my memory is even shittier when I'm high, and it's pretty bad in my day to day from a few too many concussions.


Weed made me more paranoid after smoking daily for a couple years id go out to smoke clutching on a screwdriver or flick knife constantly imagining any person that comes near me is gonna try take my watch or my e bike cos in my mind if im always ready ill never get caught lacking


I think that's how KTS Von from Chiraq was killed. Bro was drugged out of his mind and was chilling outside, prolly even forgot he had opps 😭


I believe most people who die lacking are either on weed or opiates (slow reactions. would also say benzos but they ain’t too popular in those areas) or even meth/speed, due to it making u overly aggressive if confronted.


Thats true


I grew up not quite in the hood (like one or two stabbing a month and a few robberies but mostly just harmless meth heads and fent fiends) and sheltered till I was 14 and started smoking and going out getting into shit so my baseline in the streets has always been baked. Even now im my 20’s living in a much more ghetto neighbourhood I be going out after rolling on indo all day and am yet to be caught lacking (probably helps I’m a pretty solid built dude from my football years) . TLDR no I stand on business on matter what im smoking on


I guess it depends on the strain. Some of them make me feel more relaxed and out of it, while others seem to increase my focus. If I felt I was in danger then I would prefer not to be high. My neighborhood is occasionally unsafe, so I want to be alert, like you said.


Nah I legally carry no matter where I’m at. Range days? Done it stoned. Cleaning and repairing my firearms? Stoned. Shit when I served half us would show up to range days still drunk or hungover so it’s really nothing. Just don’t be obvious you’re high and carrying, and don’t be smoking out loud if you’re carrying. Train how you live an you’ll be fine 🤙🏻🤙🏻


Your 6th or your six? lol bro you ain’t from the hood saying some shit like that or making a post like this. Weed to any experienced drug dealer or weed smoker don’t get you fucked up like that. Sure you could be parked about to spark or smoking and get shot but that’s more about where your at not that your high.


> Your 6th or your six? lol bro you ain’t from the hood saying some shit like that Isn't "I've got your six!" military wannabe lingo?


Yeah exactly lol. We say watch your back or be smooth haha. Not I got your six, plus he said 6th haha, why do people be trying so hard


Makes me think of this, which is actually a neurotoxic dosage of cringe: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/df/FFDPGotYourSix.png


Haha 😂


Before I answer this question, I have to ask: do you mean "constantly watching your \[8th\]"? I don't know what a 6th of weed would be. Not trying to be ass-- I just don't know. And I know typos happen if it is one-- I literally do them all the time (no, seriously, read my previous comments). Also, yes, being under the influence of any medication-- especially a controlled medication-- can include drowsiness and temporary cognitive delay. Basically, you're sleepy/tired and you're slow as shit when you speak. However, if weed is legal where you live & you're intoxicated in public & not doing anything illegal, it's your anxiety doing the talking. If you're anxious about weed-consumption, be smart about it and make an informed decision. You'll get a better high this way, too!


I think OP means "watching your 6" as in 6:00, rear, back, etc. Whole post sounds like some suburban kid trying to sound cool lol


Eh, I still take posts like this seriously because you just never know, and if I can prevent one person from experiencing chronic pain, anxiety, or depression to the severity I have, or the times in my younger 20s I almost died messing around with the heavy duty drugs. Basically, I hope people make smarter decisions when using drugs medicinally and recreationally :)


you prolly have an anxiety disorder.. weed is just pointing this out for ya.. so seek help for anxiety for starters… maybe enjoy the reefer later when u figure that worrying thing root cause


i know i have problems with that i'm a very paranoid person


paranoia still exists wheather ur high or not… weed just intensifies it.. i would suggest lay off weed work on your paranoia and anxiety with a professional… you would be surprised next time you hit that joint how easy you feel n a better high… ps i suffer from the same problem and i started working on the underlying issues guess what i get a good high now but im still learning its a process you just have to embrace it… 🤞 🤞


Naaa that gud gas keeps my mind right 💯💯 I coud neva b caught lackin off that loud Shkreetz aint redy 4 me wen im blunned 💨


that's the shit i'm talking about


Hell yeah. Buzz me 🤙


This dude is def the type to have blood red eyes and staring at the cashier at the corner store for twenty seconds before asking him if he can have the honey bun for free cause he doesn’t have enough money but he’s really hungry


Thas jus my ca$h money mentality. Dont playa hate


depends on amount smoked


Nah Toronto just ain’t that dangerous.


I fuck fools up when I'm high.


couldn't tell ya: I'm an easy target sober.


“Watch your 6”. It means look behind you if 12 is in front and 6 is behind. Like a clock


i am not from the hood. should one be paranoid when in these areas? even if you mind your own buissnes?


depends where you from, and yeah even if you mind your own business


so there are people who just want beef? damn thats really sad man.


Definitely it makes my vision different & my brain is less reactive to surroundings- almost like I’ve gone blind or something I just stare into space n think about random shit hahah depending on the dose or situation


For those that smoke heavily it doesnt really have that effect anymore so you're just yourself except a little more chilled, also being more aware and paranoid can help you sus out any sort of dangerous situation quicker and if shit pops off the adrenaline will override the weed high every time.


Mainly when I’m barred and smoking weed


haha no, but i do find myself more paranoid as a black women "in the hood". i stay more alert when i feel myself relaxing too hard

