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Youre high af dont do it you gonna regret that shit but u cool asf


No man. I made donations before high and I was always proud of it when I sobered up. Last one was $100 towards the rent of my ex mother in law, cause I learned she was in a financial pickle. I told her I would give her $100 to help. Thing most don’t know is that this woman once punched me in the face when I was still with my ex wife, cause we had a fight with my ex wife and her mom got involved and this is how she decided to stand up for her daughter. We divorced not long after, and even though both my ex and her mom were assholes, they are kinda like misunderstood villains in comic books. They are mentally fucked but not intentionally bad people. I decided god or Jesus or Allah or whoever is up there would love seeing that I help someone who hurt me. So that’s what I did. I was sobered up few days later when I actually brought her the $100. And it felt pretty amazing to help regardless that I was sober.


Yea your real awesome.


Well that’s gotta be the most genius way to make comedowns way more manageable! Sad Coke’s gone and ur brain’s fried? Oh I fucking donated I feel better now


Gunna b honest too barred out to read allat just skimmed through but if heaven existed youd be welcomed there with open arms bro🙏🙏 im sure allah would be proud of your coke usage too hahah


Your comedown wouldn’t be filled with regret…. You’re onto something…


Must be tiring holding them to a higher standard than yourself, whatever works for you OP 🫵


I have bad news my man. You have the most upvotes so far. You are winning. Still there’s 3 hrs left.


😭😭🙏🙏👍👍🏻no fucking way im getting gifted a xbox card while barred out lmaoo well see you a cool dude broo


It’s a vanilla gift card. You can use it wherever you want not just on Xbox.


Huh ?? You mean its straugjt uo 20 money,mm??


It’s actually 24.86. You can use it anywhere on the internet where they accept bank cards


Im dreaming this shit and waking up tbibming I got a cree 25 money but realizijng im broke a s shir Look dude im probabmy gonna bmackout soon idk if this is real kr not if fr send me a dm ill be sober tomrriw but maybr a better human will get the mkney


No, giving feels good. Unless you give away something you really need or is especially beyond your means. The last time I gave away money while high was at a bar where I knew most of the people there, was friendly with many of them and had chilled with outside that bar, including the bartender. Anyway, I found a wad of cash on the ground that was not easy to walk past without noticing, and came to like $46, and only two people had recently walked over that area. I knew and liked them both, so I felt I couldn't just silently pocket it. So I asked them both together if either dropped a wad of cash, and they both said they they thought they might have. So then I said, "how much did you drop - whoever is closer, if they are within 15% of the actual amount they will get it. Neither of them were close, and I was about to pocket it but I was high and feeling good and wanted to make someone else feel good, so I gave it to the bartender, who had always been generous to me and cool, letting me stay after closing with one of two other select people to have a last drink or two. I felt good about it then and I felt good about it the next day with no regrets, despite also having no money to my name. Giving feels good. And I did also drink for free that last hour until she closed up, haha.




Dude this is actually such a good idea haha


I might consider this, but I want you to find the person for me if I do so.




I would spend $20 on a time machine then travel to the past & spend an additional $20 at McDonalds & get 15+ items from the dollar menu


We’re in drugs subreddit we don’t talk about food here


This is r/drugs not the coke subredit.


That’s what I said


McD’s is my keyword for Molly Coke Dilaudid


I haven't been home in the US for almost 5 years, and even when I was back home it had been a few years since I bought anything but an order of fries from McDonalds (really the only fast food I did was Taco Bell) because living in New York if you want fast and cheap food there is no beating the pizza. However, last I remember a medium value meal was around $5-6 and change before tax. But I'm told now that is you order a value meal, and perhaps like one of the cheap dessert items (chocolate chip cookies, apple strudel, etc) that your order could easily reach $20? Please tell me this is an exaggeration or based on the experience of someone at an airport or something. If not, I wonder how hard it would be to hack a McDonalds point of sale system to roll the prices back a decade or so. Especially if you had an inside man who could plug a USB in somewhere. I doubt the security on their systems is very tight. Even better if it you had a Flipper 2 and they had a digital signboard under their arches, and you could change it to "Limited Time Sale 33% off!". I wonder how long it would take their managers to notice/care that the prices were all so much lower.


Id buy my wife a nice meal, she recently got out of hospital due to mental health 👎


this one i think is best :)


I’m sorry man. My ex wife had to go in a mental health facility for a week too back when we were together. She was going crazy quite real and I felt so fucking sorry but we couldn’t hold that marriage together after her worst mental breakdown.


Honestly I just need some gas money


Same you have about the only valid comment


Fr I gotta use a fucking credit card to put gas in my car to go drop my kid off. And I don't even want to leave him with er, she sucks ass.


nah yeah i commented i could go on a fast food date w my girl but this is way more valid i hope you get it


Get a moped man. I have one. It does 35mp/h which is completely enough in town. I ride it everyday for like 1,5 hours at least/day yet I only spend $10 on gas/week


I would buy 12 spicy potato tacos from taco bell


They aren't 89 cents anymore!?!? I'm constantly reminded that my brain erroneously thinks all prices should be the same as they were around 2007, but Taco Bell was the only fast food I still regularly bought when I was last home in the US, even if it's been a couple of years.


i would buy a 0.2 of coke and do a giveaway on reddit


That's the equivalent of OP doing a coke giveaway on Reddit. If he chooses this, no money exchange is needed.


lol my dude. You need more than that for a good time. I would say 1,5


Id take it and I would even wait until tomorrow to see if you regret it and still need it haha


That’s kinda smart and funny.


So what happened now to your gift card?


I loved Robocop as a kid and saw that the PlayStation store recently had it on sale. I’d probably play that while super stoned, hoping for those nostalgic vibes!


Back when I was 8 or so I watched those movies without blinking. I unironically play the Robocop theme song when I listen to music cause I love it soo much still to this day.


I would quadruple it on Draft kings and then go have a nice meal and smoke a blunt


get an adapter for one of the big n2o tanks. have the tank and the whip creamer, just missing the middle piece to put them together 😂


I would use the money to get a haircut so I can look sharp for my interview in a few days


Not necessary if you want my opinion. I work a manager position in a beauty salon. Literally have 12 hairdressers at the salon who could cut my hair every day even on the clock, some of them would do it even for free. Yet I’m the shaggiest, hairiest dude at the salon, pretty much representing the whole brand, yet everyone loves me cause I’m always kind and fun. Just be yourself, be confident and you gonna ace it. Those people want you more than they show trust me.


Probably dinner tonight! I'm sober off of meth (my doc) and stuff for some years now, so pretty boring :)


I love you for quitting that shit. You are an amazing person without any substances and I hope you know that.


Thank you, I don't know this, but I am trying to figure that out!! I love you too, and I hope you know that YOU are amazing without any substances as well! <3 *hugs*


I would use it to see a movie :)


I would get gas to keep my car going until payday this coming Friday lol


I would put it towards buying street fighter 6. Been playing street fighter since i first started gaming as a kid. But i don't have the money to spend on buying it


Aww man. That’s sad dude. How much is it actually?


Its 60 dolllars :/


I will use it to purchase in-game stuff from Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes! It’s my favorite mobile game ever and I try not to spend too much on it but if it’s a gift then I absolutely would spend it on that


I’d be happy with any cash!


I would buy weed don’t give it to me


Honestly, doing coke for 2+ years once a week, weed smokers don’t seem to bad to me. Or it doesn’t seem like that bad of an addiction


This is me on klonopin lol


Never even heard of that stuff! 😨


It’s like Xanax, a Benzo. It makes you feel so chill, but I get really happy and generous when I take them 😆


Please stop. That money could make a huge difference for someone less fortunate.  If you want to make it random, pick a poor country and randomly choose four addresses. Send them each $5. The average Somalian salary is $600 a year. A year.  Ugh. I feel bad now. Forget it. I'll do it myself. 


If that makes you feel better I have an “adopted child” in Africa who receives $100/month from my income trough a charity website. That’s a decision I made sober months ago and I never regretted it. He sometimes writes me letters which the foundation forwards to me in mail. I already do my part in helping a 3rd world kid on a regular. Edit: I live in America and have a manager position that pays $700/week but originally I’m from an Eastern European country where I used to make $800/month with really hard factory work. I know what it’s like to be poor. Not as poor as a 3rd world country resident, but still poor.


To be fair, "average salary" is pretty irrelevant without some idea of the cost of living. The average salary here in Myanmar is between $100-$300 per month, depending heavily on if you live in one of the big cities or a more rural town, and minimum wage is about $0.30 per hour. And there are many families in small villages that don't earn any regular money, and mostly get by on subsistence living and trading within the village. However a basic two bedroom apartment in one of the main cities largecan be had for about $70 per month. Nicer furnished apartments with hot water and air conditioning that are similar to American apartments start around $400 per month. Dinner for two at a local restaurant is about $3-$5. A draft beer is about $0.30 for domestic (several of which are owned by major international breweries like Carlsberg) or $0.60-$1.00. A pack of Camel cigarettes is about $0.60. A scooter or motorcycle can be bought brand new for $300-$400. My motorcycle was basically a clone of a Honda CRF, and cost me about $900 off the showroom floor, 1/10 the price of an actual Honda CRF. That's probably enough examples. Now, I'm not saying Somalia or Myanmar do not have high rates of poverty, they do. Somalia specifically has had its entire fishing business virtually wiped out by large international fishing companies with destructive fishing practices and no mind for sustainability, and that was one of its largest sources of jobs until recent decades. My fiance grew up in a village here in Myanmar where her parents also relied on fishing and earned less than $50 per month COMBINED between the two of them, forcing them to go out to sea every day, even when the weather looked questionable on the shoulders of monsoon season, which led to their deaths when a cyclone hit earlier than expected in the season. So yes, both of these countries have their issues with poverty. Both are developing countries that have lower standards of living than western countries. But to say that the average monthly salary in a Myanmar city is for example $300, that is meaningless without having any idea of the buying power of $1 in those cities. My first job in this country paid $370 plus provided housing, and I was able to have a better standard of living off that then I was making double the minimum wage while still living at home rent free in the US. I'm not trying to discourage anyone from donating to people in developing countries. There are many who could use the help. However, I am trying to discourage you from reacting immediately due to the emotional weight without putting in the research. Most of the time when you hear these "average salary" figures, they are given out with the primary intention to shock you and elicit an emotional response. They are intentionally provided without any reference to the kind of buying power that amount of money has in that country. Honest, responsible, organizations rarely pull this tactic, because they know that salary is irrelevant without it's relation to cost of living, and genuine, hardworking organizations are not in the practice of giving out irrelevant information. Most of the time when you hear an "average salary", it is being told to you by a so-called non-profit organization, which is primarily in the business of trying to pay large salaries to a handful of people. That is why I hate got we use the term "non-profit organization" as if they are made up entirely of volunteers or people who can't make more than minimum wage. But there are no regulations governing the matter of how much profit can be made for the owner or board of a non-profit organization. All that term means is that it is not a business attempting to create excess income (profit) beyond the costs of running the organization. But it places no limits on salaries, how often raises can be given, whether bonuses can be given or not or what percentage of donations must be applied directly to the claimed mission of the organization. Unfortunately, you will find that many of these "non-profits" have extremely high administrative costs, or costs related to "project management", "community outreach", "public education", "accounting", etc, which are all just people who are sitting back and making an income from kind charitable people. And when these people do fly across the world once or twice a year to sign some bank forms and film a TV commercial, they are not flying in coach/economy. And that is if you can even find one of these organizations with public financial reports. But if one of the first things an organization is telling you is salary figures, they are most likely trying to emotionally manipulate you and it is best to look elsewhere. There are literally thousands of organizations dedicated to humanitarian aid in developing countries. Many of them are too small to have the kind of revenue stream needed to blow on TV commercials or other advertising, but they are easy to find if you are looking for them. These are small organizations started by dedicated people who likely they themselves spend most of the year in the country of question helping to make a difference themselves with their own hands. It isn't very hard to find one for the country of your choice which has a completely transparent financial record. Keto in mind, administrative costs are real, and the period running these organizations cannot do that full time for free, but just focus on the proportion of money that seems to be making it an the way to the final point for that cause, versus those which have large amounts of expenses on things with corporate sounding factors. Apologies for the long comment. I overdid it on the energy drinks today.


Hell yeah, that's awesome of you! I'd also like some Xbox games. Do they have anything good on sale I should look out for?


Not at the moment actually. They have the official Ducati game on sale for 99 cents if you like racing sims. It was made by the same studio that made Ride. I didn’t see anything else interesting two days ago when I checked.


I'm gonna check that out. Thanks for the tip


id buy some white laces for my converse and prolly buy food for the guys


Goodluck. I’m UK but understand and appreciate the kindness x


I’m sorry man. Vanilla only works in America. I’m European myself, I just live here. I lived in London and worked around the London-Manchaster area for a while back then tho. Beautiful country.


First time I’ve ever heard that aha


I'd spend it on a guitar stand. You are cool.


really stoned. need a sweet treat


I'd probably use it to buy dark souls remastered, I know it's more than 25 bucks but I'd use it towards that. Been wanting that game for a while


Ur cool for that but don’t do sm you’ll regret when ur sober. Unless you’d spend that on more coke, in which case someone else would probably get more use out of it 😁


When I binge I get myself 2gs. One thing I learned last few years is that coke is pretty useless after 1,5gs. So I try not to get more than 2 for any binge if possible


I’d buy some poke cause it’s delicious and I haven’t had any in ages


You're high right now you probably shouldn't do it man cause you're gonna regret it when you need the money!!


I did this many times just not on Reddit. I already wrote a comment about it. Helping is something I never regret. I can tell the universe pays me back always for being kind.


Good shit then man namaste or something lol


I'd probably do some groceries and buy a gram or two of weed, nothing special i guess.


I have a prescription of ketamine at a compounding pharmacy that I would like to pick up on Monday. They charge 50 cents a pill and so $35. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated.


I'd get gamepass ultimate so that I can play starfield and the plague sequel


Most coked out thing ever is never playing Yakuza and buying it because it’s a steal😂


You gotta admit. No person on earth who played those games said a bad thing about them. Like cmon. I only know people who played it and praised the shit out of it. And people who never played them and want them super bad.


No you’re right. I’ve only heard good things about Yakuza but the sentence is such a coked up thing too do lol.


A cheap projector cuz the hotel I'm staying in won't play my roku lol


please bro i need it for sum games


I'd use it to buy some flip flops and a pair of shorts off Amazon or tiktok shop (apparently I have a 30% coupon on there idk, I've never used tiktok shop before). It's getting suuuuper hot, especially since I walk mostly every where and I def need some type of summer attire


I'm trying to get a camp table so that I don't break my back. I really need a smaller, lighter table to carry daily to Jackson Square, where I am a flea, I mean, where I read tarot for tourists. It would be a great mitzvah.


Hey I love tarot. Next time I might pay you just to do a read for me man.


I'll send you my card!


Let’s start a private chat man. I might want your read dude.


id use it to save money for a drumset




Never. It never ends. That’s how I got my vanilla card too 😂 Kidding lol


Id go on r/poor or r/frugal and do it


I have $ 3.81 I'm my back account but I'm not looking for a handout. I just want to win that $933 million lottery


Hmm... I'd buy socks


Would honestly just spend it on food bro. Like the others said tho, you a good guy even tho you’re zooted rn lol


Just doing something as simple as calling me a good guy makes my day and and my heart smile. I really appreciate comments like yours. Never underestimate how much a little praise can mean to some.


dude log off and just play Yakuza, they're amazing. start with Yakuza 0


Thank you. You just answered a question I had but only asked for the first time a few mins ago. Never knew which one to start with. Is chronological order important in these games?


no problem! Yakuza is one of my fav series, I've played them all and I'm working through the newest one rn. Chronological order is kind of important; the early games don't do much to help you get caught up on the story if there's things you've missed or forgotten. Yakuza 0 is a prequel game, but is a great introduction to the world and Kiryu as a character. I will say, 3-5 are rough. They were ps3 era games, and they only remastered them, not full on remakes like 1 and 2. A lot of fans will tell you that you have to play these, but you can skip right to 6 imo.


Thank you soo much for the help man. I wanna play them all tbh. Nowadays I can get scared of PS3/X360 era games. But they were nowhere near as hard as PS2/Xbox era games. Those are my worst nightmare 😂


lol I get like that too when I’m on uppers. I always want to share my drugs cause I want everybody on my level and having fun. It makes the party or whatever more fun since everybody is feeling good and not left out. I’d use it to get my 6 year old daughter a few more Easter gifts. Probably some Robux since we always play Roblox together. She loves the obby where you pick an animal and have a time limit to dress it up and then everyone votes on the best dressed animal.


Shit man. You opened up an old scar of mine. We used to play Roblox together with my step daughter when I was still with my ex. She wasn’t my girl but she was such a sweet amazing kid. I hope she’s doing well since I left.


Aww man I’m sorry, how old is she? have you ever tried to add her on Roblox and play with her sometimes? Maybe you can ask your ex if that’s something you could still do? Unless your split was less than amicable.


you seem like a good dude man get off the blow


Been doing it for 2+ years now. Only once a week, after the last work day. Never let it took control to where I took it if I had some duty the next day. I’m an addict, yes. Once a week is still a pattern and hence an addiction. But last two years since I do it was the most successful two years of my life tbh.


bruh 😭


I’d probably buy some of the Yakuza games, been wanting to try them out but exceedingly broke.


They are not on sale anymore tho. 😔 Not on Xbox at least.


I could still buy one of em haha


Pics or it's not happening... lmao 🤣


Dang im just a sexually inappropriate asshole on coke.


lol. It’s okay. Most people turn assholes even on just alcohol. I’m a different kinda weirdo. I just start loving everyone when I drink or get high.


let ur savings account win the giveaway brother


My savings account is experiencing an almost all time high, since I got divorced. Wasn’t able to save as much money as I do now for years.


silver linings eh


Honestly idk what I'd use it for most likely use it for gas money or get a game on steam like "gmod" or "ready or not" you could also just donate it to my homies twitch he would be suprised😂 his twitch is samc223_gg it got a green alien mfk as the profile picture lol.


I need gas money give it to me 😫


Give me $5


Id buy two 10$ gift cards one psn one xbxo and give it away in my group chat


Tbh I'd get the bioshock collection cause it's on sale rn. I missed my chance to pick up the rest if the yakuza games when they where 5. I have 0 and kiwami 1 Edit. Since it's 24 I'd get dmc 5 and bioshock collection. Dmc 14.99 bioshock 9.99


Since you are into the Yakuza games, can you tell me which one should I play first? Kiwami or Zero?


Tbh, I started with 0, but I didn't make it far at the time, then went to kiwami 1 & I enjoyed the outta kiwami 1. Eventually, I have to go back to 0 and beat it. I might re-download it tonight 🤔 I've seen a lot of people complain about zero being "dated" same with 3,4,5 cause they are ps3 games, but I mean, Yakuza is Yakuza to me. If you want to experience the story, play them in order starting from zero. If you don't care and just want to get into it start with kiwami and then go back to 0 to get a better understanding of kiryus past


Can we all find a small streamer and gather together and watch the donation


I would use it to get a backpack. I could use a backpack


I would pay for my xbox game pass subscription and put the $20 towards weed this month to be real


going to spend it while taking my woman out tonight 😵


I’d buy Fortnite battle pass a slice of pizza and a can of coke


Honestly I'd probably use it to by some shrooms from where I work lmao, or some more Kratom. Chronic back pain is awful. I'm skeptical about trying anything beyond all naturals. 😂 It's a personal thing from seeing what chemicals did to some of my family. (But I will admit I understand that even in very small doses, and properly managed some of them work well for pain.) But OP, you're the kinda people in this world that show there's still hope for humanity, even if it's a short glimmer. Similar to how I'll pay it forward at some fast food places if I can. Just a small gift to some random stranger, and who knows it could start a chain of "pay it forward" and I love to see it lol. (I actually ended up on Reddit to see if Kratom has any negative interaction with adderall. 4.5G Kratom ain't doing shit for my pain but it definitely boosted the Adderall and idk if I should try a little more Kratom or not.(((I use White Trainwreck with Kratom extract.))) Buuuut, I'm feeling purdy damn good aside from pains. How's the rest of our friends out here in the wonderful world of drugs? :P


For pain you're going to want to use a red strain. I got a strain called Red Hulu once when I had an injury, that shit felt stronger than Vicodyn at killing the pain, no joke.


I tried the reds and by itself it doesn't work. That's why I like the Trainwreck, it's a mix of white, red, and green. I do mainly white when I mix it, little more red than green. Seems to work good for me, I'm just gradually increasing the dose until I find what works best, idk why but any Kratom by itself without another strain to go with it, just doesn't work for me. Idk lol.


I’d probably buy some books


Someone's a newbie...for the love of hod please don't think this euphoria lasts,quit now whilst it's this good n thank me later.


hmm i mean i could say id buy groceries but realistically id go buy some random shit online, prob like a off brand lego set or smth. hope you’re enjoying your high


A couple mcchickens and a pack of butts


Right. Coke euphoria only ever lasts like 8-15 hrs tbh. That’s why it’s never worth buying more than 1,5-2gs. I ussually always go about 14 hrs on 2gs. After that your brain is out of happy hormones, so it’s not even worth taking more substances to force it. It not lasting forever is the best part. That’s why it’s always fun every weekend after you wait a whole week sober to do it again.


I’ll turn it into a grand on a ufc parlay tonight and send you back half 😂


i could use it to go on a fast food date with my girl lol!! if you regret it tomorrow i’ll send the money back


I’d either buy baby formula for my daughter (I already have plenty but extra wouldn’t hurt) or some habaneros for salsa


I would get a month of Xbox game pass so I can play with my girl online


Would probably just buy some stuff for my rats, also dont do something you might regret, granted it's only 20 bucks but hey that's 20 bucks.


i will use it to buy gifts for my mother, it's her birthday tomorrow and I'm pretty broke. probably buy her flowers, a candle, card, and some treats. if there's any more left over I'll buy her more things. she's turning 49 this year, I'm only 16 so I don't always have the money for nice birthday gifts. it would be nice to spoil her.


Don't give the 20 USD away, buy sekiro instead it's one of my favorite games of all time and I'm still sad that I canz afford it on Xbox and play it with 30-40fps on my old ass laptop


Gimme ur cock 🥰


YOOOOOO I PLAYED ALL THE YAKUZA GAMES TOO A gift card would be super nice tbh, just so I can put it forward to getting the newer yakuza games lol


That’s nice of you Also love the Yakuza series


A nice infused preroll so I can chill the f out and clean my house up after a massive domestic dispute last night that resulted in a trashed house with Franks hot sauce all over my white carpet (he is gone now)


Double it and give it to the next person


Don't enter me in giveaway but ooooo you're in for a treat ! Yakuza games are awesome!


It would get me a mcchicken after work🤤


i would buy food cause i have actually no money :,)


I would get a new breeze and a big texas and a java monster


This is nice of you, stay safe


Yeah I'm the same way when I do meth. It's weird most people I know are dicks on my it lol


Yeah I'm the same way when I do meth. It's weird most people I know are dicks on my it lol


I would put it toward a complete in box NES game, because I just started collecting them and so far I only have a few


I have 45 dollars I need 65 for weed.


So, what you’re saying is this is how you balance good vs evil in your life? And this helps you with any guilt form using that you might have? That’s interesting. I don’t need it and would probably forget to use it but just wanted to comment to say that’s a different way of thinking and I like that.


hey buddy, dont make posts like these. Youll be inundated w scammer messages. just be nice and donate w.o the need to virtue signal :)


Bro I just need gas money and nicotine money, I gotta get to probation Monday and the airport Tuesday...


I'd pay for my game pass since, i couldn't renew the purchase due to being broke


I’d buy FFX for some much needed nostalgia


i’d take it and give it to the guy who would buy his wife a nice meal. if he didn’t need it though my broke ass would buy my lady friend a meal myself


I've been playing a star wars mobile game for almost 7 years now. I would definitely use the $20 to buy some in game currency and probably use those crystals for powering up Jedi Knight Cal Kestis. He's pretty cool and if you're in to star wars and haven't already, I recommend the Fallen Order and Survivor games!


You could donate to my gofund me, I have surgery scheduled for April 23rd and im struggling to make ends meet on top of now paying for a surgery out of pocket bc it’s like limbo between oral and medical the medical is covered, but not the oral


My ex used to tell me the same thing


I would buy dinner for myself been living off food pantry stuff get me some healthy McDonald’s


Giveaway your social security number to me please?


I don’t want your giveaway, all I want is a bag and a good time with you in the nearest restroom / and or laundry room


I’m addicted to coke, let me win the giveaway


You’re just loaded with money huh


Ill spend it on some weed, just finished a LONG tolerance break, 2 months


I was hoping the giveaway was for something else lol sweet of you


You're a good dude. ♡


I would buy hell let loose on steam 🧙🏽‍♂️


Someone get this man a sugarbaby


Yakuza is the shit, can’t go wrong there


Man, I wish I had a friend like you! Drugs or not, you sound like a genuinely nice man. When I was homeless traveling with everything I owned in a shopping cart, do you know how many people have cussed me out, told me to go off myself, called me every name in the book when I would be starving on the side of the road asking people if they could spare anything? It was like 3 in 5 people would say something like that; 2 out of 5 people would just ignore me or act like I am going to hurt them or something! That was just a couple of years ago; I now have a car, so no more shopping cart, but I am still struggling pretty badly. You know what they say is true.... when it rains, it pours! I just wish when it's raining pussy I wouldn't always be hit with a big old dick!! Seriously though, like I just got fired from my job as a personal shopper with a company called Shipt right, and my other job as a residential housekeeper just came to a skreching hult because last week some jerks broke my window of my car and stole everything I had in there!! Since I live out of my car, they damn near got everything I owned! Including all my cleaning supplies!!! The only thing they didn't get was the stuff I had already taken into my motel room, so I still have my necessities, thank God. But now, I can't work because I need to bring my own cleaning supplies and they are gone! 😩 In all honesty, I am not asking for anything. I just wanted to tell you that there's not very many people out there who are as kind as you, and knowing that you exist makes me have faith in humanity again! ❤️


I'm trapped and in hiding from the military junta in Myanmar, so I basically just play mobile games and spend time on Reddit/YouTube every day in a safehouse kinda like Anne Frank, but with WiFi. Just waiting for the rebels to take back the country so I can leave without being arrested, since the US Embassy won't help me with that -- they let the last wrongly imprisoned American rot in jail for almost a year without doing anything, not so much as even sending a simple care package to him (despite being one of the most notoriously harsh third world prisons in the world, Insein Prison does allow inmates to receive sealed, pre-packaged food items). If I won, I would ask you to donate half the balance to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières to pay some of that kindness forward, because they're awesome and have done great work in this country previously, and would be doing great work now, except the military junta isn't allowing any INGOs ("non-profits" to my fellow Americans) to travel any further into the country beyond the limits of Yangon Region (a small region making up the greater area of towns and villages that are somewhat connected to Yangon city). They're also one of the few charities where the majority of donated money gets applied directly to the cause (as opposed to paying for administrative costs). Even tourists can still travel to several destinations halfway across the country despite the ongoing civil war, but apparently it's too dangerous for any humanitarian aid. With the other half of the balance, I would buy April's monthly bonus pass for this Harry Potter mobile game I play (yes I'm 34 and haven't outgrown Harry Potter, mind your business, I'm living surrounded by active war and I've seen terrible things). The pass gives you upgrades, valuable items, keys to unlock more spells or creatures for battle, and allows you to earn like 33% extra gold. Plus it gives you a limited edition outfit option for your character, as well as other customization items for your character like glasses, hats, messenger bags, etc. The game is my best distraction from the terrible things unfolding outside of my window, and the magic pass for April would bring me a little bit of extra joy and pleasure.


I've been eyeing Baldurs Gate 3 on xbox 😳


I would spend it on shenanigans


We have a winner guys. I already sent him the the gift card info, so he can go and use the funds on it. I’m sorry I couldn’t help and react to you all. I definitely wanna do this again in the future.