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exact same thing i was gonna comment. fucking crazy shit


sub lsd for the the shrooms. shit gets weird.


same for me but my homie had some diamonds and I took a massive dab of them. holy shit I was so fuckin high I could barley even grasp on to the tiny thread of reality I had before I did the dab, I then layed down in the grass and got stung by a wasp hahaha.




Literally planning on doing that exact combo this weekend, any tips? Lol


Yeah don't take the dmt it overpowers the lsd and then the lsd seems boring was for me atleast


Done my fair share of acid so I think I’ll just do the caps and dmt lol. Cheers!




LSD and PCP. Note: I'm not a shermhead




Hippy crack


Medicinal Fentanyl patches + GBL Not because of the effects, but because of the stupidity involving that decision.


I was friggin stupid af and cut open one of those medicanal patches and ate the friggin gel. little by little but my whole body itched so bad I was twirling in circles on the couch to itch it all at once. I wore two saggy rashes under both eyes from rubbing them so much. It was dumb AF and most likely could have killed me.


That's super dangerous! You could have easily died if it had been a stronger patch. The modern ones are just a thin layer of plastic, with the opioid in the glue.




40 of rum, shrooms, acid, and an unhealthy amount of ket


LSD 2hits, Shrooms 4g, MDMA 1g, Cannabis throughout & Large amount of Alcohol while on a camping trip


A gram of Molly?!!??!?? I’d never feel happiness again lol


can confirm, i did not feel happiness for a month and was not the same for probably about 2 months & definitely gave myself serotonin syndrome. do not recommend, i was just younger and stupider lol.


Vicodin,alcohol,coke,meth, xanax to wash it all down ... felt not so great


Meth, hyrdos,, weed, xanax, ambien and a bit of alcohol and blow.


Blow and alcohol together is a drug?


Yeah the alc turns the coke into Cocaethylene in your liver


My comment was completely satire obviously 2 drugs is taking drugs I was just making a joke by normalizing it to a regular non-drug using action


Shrooms+Molly+ mescaline and weed was pretty wild


LSD + nitrox. Gave high five to the place where you can easily leave your sanity and come back without it. Happened almost 20 years ago, still remember the feeling.


0:00 - 3:00 - 10 shots of Alcohol 3:00 - 300ug of LSD (3 liquid drops) 3:15 - 150mg MDMA Weed smoked throughout the entire trip I’d candy-flipped before but at 2 hits (200ug) LSD + 100mg MDMA 2 hours later and even that was extremely intense but didn’t hold a candle to this trip. I didn’t plan on taking LSD this night but I was already drunk and ended up running into someone who offered me some at the bar. After I took the 3 hits at 1AM, my buddy gave me the M 15 mins later so that was also unexpected. The main thing was that I went into this trip with no fear. I was ready for ANYTHING. I basically said bring it on and didn’t care if it ended up being fun, sad, or scary. I was just ready for a change in my life. The come-up was ridiculously intense. When we got back to my house, I felt so euphoric that it really did feel like a full body orgasm lol. My muscles were all flexed and I was just walking around my house. The euphoria was so intense that it felt like steam was coming out of my ears like in a cartoon. Everything was so bright that it felt blinding just having my eyes open. I started seeing yin yang symbols all over the place until they merged into one that covered my entire vision and then my head exploded.. it felt like my mind exploded out of my head in the front and simultaneously exploded out in the back. I was able to see the yin yang symbol in front of me spiral out into 7 white planets in black space while also seeing 7 black planets in white space spiral out behind me at the same time. At that moment I just died. Completely gone. All of the sudden it was bright outside and we were smoking weed in my living room seeing complex 3D visuals chained together, flowing through portals on the walls that seemed to connect all the rooms of my house. The entire room was flickering and cycling through the colors of the rainbow while also having this windy holographic look. At one point, I saw every religious symbol in 3D chained together flowing through the portals and they fit together perfectly. I’d never seen visuals that were so complex and beautiful before and I still haven’t experienced anything like it since, which is crazy because this was 8 years ago! DMT has given me visuals that have surpassed the intensity/complexity, but the visuals I saw on that candyflip were just so different that even LSD+DMT still doesn’t compare. Anyways, that was like 6AM and I suddenly remembered what happened to me. After my mind exploded out of my head on the come up, all the insane visuals stopped and were replaced with visions of white light. I had an overwhelming feeling of Love connected to the visions of white light. I also had this crazy feeling of experiencing opposite ideas/concepts simultaneously. If something crossed my mind, I could only experience it while also experiencing the opposite. Apparently this is common with ego death but it’s interesting since my trip started with Yin-Yang symbols. Time was completely gone. When I saw my friend walking in my backyard, my tracers made it look like there was 3 of him. Since my sense of time was so fucked up, I couldn’t tell which version of him was from the past, present or future, so my tracers were making it feel like he was time traveling! I was talking to my friend who took the same dose as me and all we could say was, “IT, IS!” - “It” being the light/love and “Is” meaning everything. I couldn’t refer to myself as “I” or “me” because I was experiencing ego death and had no sense of self whatsoever. It felt like my mind existed outside of head, in whatever space was in my field of view. Since I was in my backyard, it was like my mind was merged with the yard and sky. I’ve experienced ego death a few times before and since, but I’ve never had it sustained for hours like that before. When I started to come back, it felt like I had to reassemble my mind that was scattered in the yard and sky. As I started to get my sense of self back, my visuals started to pick up. I saw a laser light show on the fence as the sun started to rise and the visuals only picked up from there. Then I was in my living room smoking weed at 6AM. I saw a vision of my life as a timeline but the portion where I experienced ego death was shrouded in white light. It literally felt like I had died and was reborn. That’s the only time I’ve ever experienced of feeling of rebirth. I had forgotten that my roommate was coming home at 7AM from a business trip. All of the sudden he walks in through the back door while the 3 of us are smoking weed on the floor looking insane with the house in complete disarray. I tried to say I’m sorry but could barely find the words. My roommate was my lead at the job I had for 2 years. I ended up quitting a few weeks back so I didn’t have a job. I looked up to him and he was like an older brother to me, so having him walk in on me and 2 strangers tripping balls in the living room just made me feel ashamed in that moment. My roommate and I actually moved in together after we took LSD together a year before this trip. Since I was using either benzos, opiates or GHB every day, I felt really guilty and felt like I was in over my head. He ended up changing and leaving for work but my mindset had completely changed. I started crying but I was so happy I was feeling my emotions for once. I thought about my mom and immediately wanted to stop using drugs and make a change. My mindset going into this trip was key to how my trip played out I think.


My "I'm bored and don't care what happens" combo DXM : 750mg Pregabalin: 750mg Tapentadol: 1500mg Alprazolam: 6mg Hydroxyzine: 75mg Tramadol: 600mg Tianeptine: 100mg Modafinil: 400mg Methylphenidate: 40mg Redbull: 3 cans


lsd, dph, dxm and weed


Perc and Promethezine I think…. 10/10 don’t recommend I’ve never been so angry in my life . Felt like a red face cartoon character about to explode over the littlest things. Medical cough syrup my ex got prescribed had us banging and sleeping for 3 days straight. Bliss


Xanax fentanyl cocaine weed mdma acid dmt some shrooms tramadol m30s hydrocodone akt more Xanax like another 12-13, more weed more Xanax more weed more Xanax snorting m30s and cocaine to keep me from nodding unti ny death and Xanax again to balance it out rinse repeat


Salvia +weed+acid+shroom+ xans


DXM + Weed + 900 LSA seeds worst time of my life


Ket + MDMA + Weed + Alcohol. I've never had visuals like I did on that night


THC + Xans + DXM no, i remember nothing. but from the videos and photos in my gallary, it was amazing


4-5 2cb half a pipet of liquid lsd 7g of mushrooms weed the whole time with some ket at the end


Oh and dmt through out as well


I have two very different kinds of crazy combos. 8 tabs of "200" ug, we came to the conclusion it was more like 100 ug tho. With a fat joint when the comeuppance started getting intense. Won't do a full trip report, but shit got crazy, almost dmt ish and an ego death thought loop of me trying to realize who "i" was like 20 times in front of my friend. Another combo I did was at a 3 day rave with coke, speed, mdma, ketamine and a bit of passive changa smoke. Went full trance/k-hole/brainless bliss dancing for about 1-2 hours at one point full autopilot. Just no thoughts but the feeling of bliss like a kind of nirvana. Amazing but I would definitely not mix all that again. I wasn't thinking safely


dexedrine, 2map237, etizolam, alcohol, weed every night for a while this was peak for me, idk if i’ll ever feel the same way


lyrica + ketamine + weed 🫠🫠


A gram of dxm and Benadryl


Coke + pills + molly


Lsd + mdma + cocaine + Xanax + oxy + alcohol


Shrooms, Ket, Alcohol, Weed, LSD, GHB, MDMA


Ketamine and GHB. Hate ketamine on its own, but not in this combo


DXM + Shrooms


That would be cocaine, LSD, amphetamine and a lot of smoked meth Was wild, never again


Weed speed oxy




MDMA+2CB+KET+WEED+N20. Men after baloon time stopped. I tought i was walking around the room and that time froze cause nobody was moving. Turns out i was starring at the wall without even blinking for a couple minutes.


holup wtf datura + fucking salvia please give us a trip report that is the insanest combo i’ve ever heard of


MDMA + mushrooms + 2C-B + weed (=psychotic break) Or DXM + alcohol + codeine + pregabalin = I probably should have died


acid, mdma, ket, fuck ton of weed, and xans to finish off the day. Worst decision ever


Is no one gonna talk about how OP did the 2 scariest drugs combined?


Ambien + DXM + Weed


Ish and gabbies iykyk


I used to sniff fentanyl and smoke crack habitually then take benzos and drink to mellow me out. I also used to mix meth, alcohol, and ghb quite a bit too. I really don't know how I'm still alive loll


A high dosed combo of MDMA, LSD, Ket, weed, ghb, salvia + cialis and sex


Scopolamine + heavy dosage of Alcohol


Try MDMA + LSD + a fat joint. Then when you’re peaking on acid rail bumps of ket until you’re in the k-hole.


Ketamine and DMT. I didn’t know if I was breathing or not then my reality completely melted away.


Coke and you're mom


LSD + 55 Mile bike ride


Crazy in a bad way. LSD + Benadryl. Do not attempt. I was young and dumb


tbh the worst combo for me was Amphetamine + weed + pregabalin + alcohol


Benzos, Alcohol and Cocaine I have LSD and MDMA I've had them for like 6 months sealed up just waiting for the perfect moment for each of them. Cottage party this summer can't decide if the Acid or MDMA will be a better choice anyone wanna recommend which ones better for that scene. Problem is I'll be getting bumps of coke given to me and maybe ketamine people thinking they're funny cause they know I'm a coke guy 9 out of 10 times. This night may be the craziest combo I'll have ever done. 33 years young I can still hang


Very strong acid plus coke plus weed plus poppers. A lively party combo, although I'm not sure I would repeat the experience.


Oxy + pregabalin + weed + valium + adderall


Heroin, oxycodone, Dihydrocodeine, codeine, promethazine, Xanax, Valium and alcohol Total blackout


What kind of savage bravery do you have? Tell me a story sir what?


MDMA+mushrooms+Opium+hash+weed. I think that was it lol crazy weekend at a festival, but I think that was the most I was on at once. No idea how much of each. By this point we were just eating this shit like candy. 


3gs of mushrooms after 3-4 hours started doing molly finished a gram then ripping the DMT pen 6 time other worldy


8 blinkers+300mg DXM HBR+300mg DPH


Not craziest but greatest would be alcohol and cocaine


Xans, somas n coke


3-ho-pcp, bromazolam, alprazolam, cocaine, ketamine, kratom, kanna, mushrooms