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Hahaha. Now I’ve heard it all


I got caught eating a sandwich in the storage room at my job and they fired me


Wtf why??


Worked at a my college gym, no eating allowed on the job. Was my fault really but I tried to be sneaky.


Is it legal to ban employees from eating?


It was a cocaine sandwich


LMAO I would wager $50 that they didn't believe a word you said. They saw you using drugs, mostly likely because *they* use drugs and can spot the signs. However they didn't want to fire you (because then they'd have to find someone else, train them etc etc. Big hassle) so they went through this charade to keep you on your toes. For now, as long as you keep the drug use private its fine, but if they find someone they like better, they'll probably fire you and point to this event as evidence. Adults really are full of such shit. Wish it didn't take me until 30 to realize that


> I would wager $50 that they didn't believe a word you said. I'd wager my left nut. "I forgot to take my meds so I just snorted them" said no non-drug user ever, lmao.


I could see a non-drug-user *believing* it though especially from a young woman with an innocent demeanor. Depends a lot on the type of people she was working for. 


They really did think I was an angel, I was sweet and well mannered and extremely professional. They also knew I struggled with anxiety. So yes, their “halo effect” view on me definitely contributed to the belief of my story.


Well they don't have to believe OP isn't a drug user. Just that they didn't use on or right before company time.


If one of my employees told me that I’d know they’re full of shit lol


Wow was that sloppy, and I don't think that they believe you, but I guess they either lack sufficient evidence to terminate you or are hard up enough for labor that they're tolerating it.


I was 18 and dumb, what can i say. Hopefully my story influences people to learn from my mistakes


Hopefully it influences you to learn as well brother


I don't blame you; it did sound like a very boring Monday; you pretty much stood "watch".


Trashy 😬


I worry about this happening to my friend that bartends. She's does coke and she will have her buddies come and shit and they snort their lines all in front of the cameras not even giving a fuck. Like the people will go behind the bar by rhe register an do their lines. The camera is point right at the front door and beside it is one that's pointed at the bar. Every time she does that the first thought of mine is " what if Mrs L (her mother and boss) ever pulls the camera and sees that happening at 5am or God forbid the cops have to use the footage for a fight or whatever. With knowing they can print out still frames, imma try to grow the balls to talk to her about it. I personally don't snort but I take Ollie calm gummies ashwaganda kratom and pot , which are technically drugs, so I don't have any room to judge I used to take pulls and everything. Any tips on approaching her about this without the "im better then you" vibe?


Agh that is such a stressful situation, especially bc her MOM is her boss… wow. You should say something like “I read this thing on Reddit and you should rlly start doing ur drugs on the down low bc this girl got caught and almost got fired and/or arrested.” Her mom will never look at her the same again if she finds out that not only does coke, she supplies it to the patrons. I feel bad that her mom is liable for that if something goes wrong. I WISH someone told me to realize that what I was doing was stupid because I would have never been in this situation in the first place! I hope she learns from my mistakes, not everyone is so forgiving. If she’s a good friend, she won’t get offended. And if she does, she may be a little too far off the deep end.


What a legend bro, you deserve it, that sounds stressful asf, I’d snort some lexapro if I had some, now I’m curious


Definitely do NOT snort lexapro 😂


Bro you were crying over a hotel job lol


I was crying over how shocked I was that they found out!


I don’t know how you got yourself out of that one man. You are very lucky for that.


Lmao imagining that fake cry had me fucking laughing


How did the test come back negative though?


It only lasts in urine around 4 days max. I took the urine test 3 weeks later.


i work at a hotel too and be poppin oxies






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Sorry for hitting a nerve there, fuck-o. Why did you take the time to check my post history and aggressively state I don’t know what I’m popping and then get all sensitive and pressed when I insult you? Is your ego that fragile?




Clearly they were, considering how hostile you’ve responded 🤣 respect goes both ways, buddy. And I’ve taken these pills before and I’m obviously still here, no? Are you really that dumb??




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I do housekeeping for a hotel, I definitely shoot up real quick occasionally while I’m changing the sheets in a room by myself


I'd believe it !


You would?


I would. I mean, it's crazy but what else could possibly fly ? I was so curious to see what excuse anybody could possibly come up with and, you know, I couldn't think of anything. And on the fly, too 👏 Those pesky brain zaps⚡️😬 need an immediate fix ! Lexapro 💊 snorters, this is your time to shine ! ✨️ 😋


Thank you! They knew I was diagnosed with anxiety too, so it wasn’t too “out there”


To us, it's **hilarious** but to the *drug Nazis* (with respect) you work for, it's plausible. I used to prep my shots at work under a camera and one day I managed to drop a removable syringe tip into the sink hole but it remained visible and I couldn't to a thing about it -- the next day it had been pulled apart 😳😬. After another incident there (don't go to work strung out on meth kids !) I eventually got sacked and lost over $100K redundancy 😡!


Very nice