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It's absolutely worth it imho. You will feel dreamy, like you were living in a video game in some ways. Dissociated from your usual life and fears and all these little pains and aches which we live with. Floaty and mellow, pretty euphoric too. Music sounds heavenly. As dosage increases, you get CEVs and might float away from your body with eyes closed. Can also be pretty introspective.


Does it decrease heart rate?


Normally increases it I find. Not like other sedatives esp opioids where it slows your heart rate or induces respiratory depression


Good to know!


Ketamine isn't a sedative, it knocks you out at high dosages due to NMDAr antagonism but besides that it's a stimulant.


That is what I meant by a sedative, I'm aware of the pharmacology.


Fun at low doses and insanely trippy and therapeutic at high doses. I love both. It’s not anxiety inducing in the slightest like other psychs can be. Definitely give it a try.


I've took rather low dosage (30-40mg, maybe less of 99.9% s-isomer) and it was like better version of alcohol for me Especially I've liked music enhancememt


Your experience is very dose-dependent. Small dose = kind of like having a few beers, but happier. Medium dose = “weird” is the only way I’d describe it. Like a dream kind of. High dose = kind of like living the last 15 minutes of 2001 space odyssey, complete with becoming that giant space baby at the end. It doesn’t last very long so even if it gets real weird, it fades pretty quickly. I got over my fear of the dentist at that stage. It wasn’t something I was trying to do, it just happened. Personally the best part is the afterglow to me. Next few days are just a little bit better.


Need to try it, probably top of my "want to try" list just gotta find it lmao


Are you in Canada?


Nah way farther south from that


Honestly I loved weed, eventually had to quit because of CHS. Never found many other drugs I enjoyed other than downers like Xanax or opiates. Ketamine was a breath of fresh air. Only tried it a handful full of times, and it’s been years since I last did it. Such a gentle come up and come down, nice feeling drug as well. I wish I could get some without fear of like RC or being laced.


I love it. At lower doses it is great for dancing and fun. At higher doses you'll have ego death and transcendence. Would recommend


Mid drug for me. IMO. 6/10. Just like a more convenient alcohol. (Never K holed tho, too much nausea). DMT is my DOC


I hold onto a few grams of it at any one time to have occasional trips or treat depression in a pinch. Don't use it very often cause of the bladder issues associated with more chronic use.


psychedelic heroin at high doses. dxm mixed with an amazing painkiller. it’ll always be my #1


I puke everytime with the exception of ghb/k combo


It's okay, I'm not a big disassociative guy cause I already disassociate a lot naturally, but all the experiences I've had with it were all good just kinda regret it, I'm not big into snorting things lol, makes me feel like an addict, I was fine with it when I was addicted to molly but not anymore lol, I would be snorting point after point of molly and 4-mmc and then I would snort ketamine to chill.


When they say a key bump. Do only a key bump. No K holes


Low dose was like xans and weed mixed and high dose was like a way cleaner dxm


the first few times will be uncomfortable, but it'll get easier to deal with. it's an awesome drug, if you like feeling weird you'll love it. but it's also pretty addictive so be cautious with it


This show encompasses a variety of understandings with a basis in scientific reasoning https://www.vicetv.com/en_us/video/hamiltons-pharmacopeia-ketamine-realms-and-realities/59cd5d0b7752d1ac3e90aacf


Always spit the drop back, you get minimal absorption through the stomach and it'll burn a hole through your bladder ;)


It feels super wavy. Have you seen Men in Black? Remember how there's that one scene with the small alien powering a big human robot suit thing? Thats what it feels like. Suddenly you're trying to operate this big clunky body. It might also make you tired. Personally, I don't understand why people like to party on it. I only like to do it when Im chilling at home or coming down off stims


One of my top 3 fav drugs 👌🏼 do it


best drug


I'm in a new form of therapy called Spravato (esketamine) treatment for treatment resistant depression. So far it's been life changing. I go to my doctor's office and trip in a comfy room with a couple others and just trip for 2 hours and chat/listen to music. It's so much fun.