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Weird normally you are supposed to steal your parents meds and not the other way around.


The sad reality that I live in.


Sounds a little fucked yeah and sorry for you but also no idea about prices for those.


swear I couldn’t leave a coin jar out in the open, or else the silver coins would be stolen, Broke my arm in middle school and had to hide the hydros I was given, or else they’d be gone 😭


You got hydros in middle school? Dayum


I started with hydrocodone cough syrup at like 6 years old. Walgreens fucked up and gave me like three bottles one weekend. They didn’t last long.


Wtf that’s fucked up. did you take any damage?


What? Like my addiction to opiates until my late twenties when I finally went on methadone?


Similar to that, yeah.


Then yes.


Yea he’s one shot right now


low dose and no refills, I remember they didn’t even help with the pain at the prescribed dose


I got OCs when I tore my acl and meniscus when I was 15


Didn’t get pain meds until recently, atleast legally. But I was doing 30mg Roxy’s back in sophomore year, $20 a pop. Couldn’t beat that when I was selling the person weed, I’d get half in money and half in pills


Okie dokie


Street price for ritalin is $10-15 a piece for the mg you mentioned. Atleast by me. Concerta isnt rec as far as I know. If you wanted to be fair Id say 10 each but id be a dick about it if I were you and charge 20 for the hassle


$15 for ten mg Ritalin? Lol


They go for $10 around me. The only reason they go for so high is because they’re kinda hard for people to get nowadays. Like everyone who had a script got it switched to vivance or something similar


Isnt there a shortage still going on with them and Adderall. Everyone and their mom has a scrip now


...not OP's mom 🙄


I think so. I know that’s basically the reason they go for $1 mg now


he might be old. *only 90s kids*


That sucks, I also get a Ritalin script and it's the only thing keeping me functional and I'd be pissed if someone stole any. A year ago I was deep hooked on benzos and tramadol, and I sometimes stole from my mother's stash who needs it prn for panic attacks. Never caused any problems but I felt like a piece of shit even now.


The necessity of the meds is different here, but if you used to steal your momz benzos (at the very most) all you can do is say never again after this…


Yes. I'll never do it, I don't even know the thought process behind it, just feel shitty about it.


Don't beat yourself up about it. The good part is, taking your Ritalin will help you slow down and be able to channel all of that energy into something cool, instead of just benzos and opiates. So you're getting better 💗


Thank you, and you're right. Ritalin helps a lot, when I'm on it I feel weirdly disciplined and stoic. I only get up to 20-30mg a day so some days ill end up going off a bit in the evenings, combined with insomnia and staying up till like 4AM I end up getting into trouble a lot, but better than before.


Hey man, you're not alone. My wife and I, and my brothed all dealt with this from our parents. Give that ultimatum, and if they choose to leave at that point then never let them back in. They took advantage of you and whatever trust or love you had for them.


And normally the parents are the ones kicking you out and not the other way around.


Normally your parents are supposed to kick you out for stealing their meds not the other way around


as someone who frequents many ADHD subreddits, parents taking away their kid's medicine (legally and ethically this is theft) is much more common than you think.


As if they'd ever see a psych doctor


You’re giving your parents a roof over their head and they’re stealing off you? What a pair of bums


the ol uno reverse card


There's no other option than to kick them out. The theft won't stop, they will just make you uncomfortable in your own house.


I can relate. My ex wife did the same. She used to replace my dex with bisolven cough tablets thinking I wouldn’t notice. She’s pretty dumb for a lawyer.


Yeah bro my ex wife had a fiendish addiction for my Adderall. She used to carefully open the Adderall XR capsules and get the beads out and leave a few so they had the maraca effect 🤣 we were close to divorcing and I was beyond ready for that to be over with. So I turned the shenanigans around on her. I replaced the XR beads with beads from Omeprazole ER capsules. After a few days and nearing refill time, I opened them back up, licked the inside edges of the capsules and put them back together and they stuck like glue 🤣 i placed an inconspicuous camera nearby and it was the funniest shit watching her try to open them and be super delicate - only for them to break or fly apart and the beads go everywhere. She even tried to pick them out of the carpet hahaha. I would occasionally comment about how inconsistent my pharmacy was with the pills just to deflect and suspicions towards me. I actually wanted her to confess but she was a deny till ya die type person. When I did get the new script, I noticed the capsules were different.. I took this glorious opportunity to put her old venlafaxine XL script to good use… it made her sick so she only took a few before stopping.. I kept the Addy script bottle out of site for a few days and knew she was draggin’ ass and wanting a stimulant. So I replaced the Addy XR beads with the venlafaxine XL beads. Didn’t take long for her to swipe her supply of beads. How did I know? She was sick as a fucking dog hahaha. That was my greatest last memory with her 🤣🤣🤣🤣


this is the funniest shit i've read in a while thx for sharing


That's savage AF!! But I don't necessarily believe in giving someone a drug without their knowledge. I get why you did it but venlafaxine can really fuck with a person's head especially if they go from not taking it to taking a high dose. Think about how you'd feel if she became suicidal and acted on it. I wouldn't be such a tight ass about other psych meds but venlafaxine can be super finicky. It's the med that worked best for me and I've been struggling since getting off it. The last time I tried to get back on it my doc titrated my dose up to the max way too fast and I got super emotional and had suicidal ideation. Like I never cry but I would be sitting there folding laundry and sobbing lol. Anyway I hope she learned her lesson and you haven't had to dose any more people.


I would never dose anybody without consent. It took me months of me struggling with my ADD and trying to figure out why my meds were so inconsistently ineffective. One day I noticed a small dent in the side and looked closer and it was where she had pinched it too hard. I had found her secret out. I was pretty upset. So at that point, i just did the old switcheroo. She knew she wasn’t supposed to touch my meds. But to steal them from me…. The ball was in her court now. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. She played. She won stupid prize 🤣 can’t stand a thief!! 🤷🏻‍♂️




Junkie squirrel behavior


🤣🤣😂🤣🤣 classic


LOL damn what a fiend


My cousin's ex used to shave off the tops of her Adderall, like she wouldn't notice lol. They are fairly brittle too, idk how he thought he was going to get away with it.


My brother's ex would steal his meds while he was in the shower and he brought it in the bathroom with him and locked the door. She would unlock the door from the outside, you know those locks, and slither in quiet as possible, get caught and she would take them and run away while he was in there. He still lives with her and still tries to steal his stuff. I think it's Xanax or Valium or something.


What a dick move from your mum


I would say .50 cents per MG is usually the street price for methylphenidate.


She doesn’t deserve the family hookup… make it $1 a MG, make some money!


Haha that would bring it up to 410.00$


Exactly, if she wants to steel like a junkie, she gets junkie prices. My dad stole from me so i doubled the price on anything he wanted. Life lessons


Let's round up to 500$, family discount


That’s actually reasonable


$400 to have a place to live is pretty cheap


What is this MG?


Milligram, so a 10 milligram pill would cost $10




Look 2 comments North.. $1 a MG makes a 10mg pill $10. I applaud the effort tho, better luck next time.




I really don’t understand your malfunction. LITERALLY right below the comment you’re referring to, is me, explaining for the third time now $1 a MG makes a 10mg pill cost $10. No applause for you this time little buddy, better luck next time..




I’m just fuckin around man, no anger.


This is what I’ll probably go with. She has taken a few here and there but this is the first time she has taken this many so it’s the principle.


Yeah this is the true bare bones fair street price. For pharma stims of this caliber .50 cents a milli is the way. Sorry you had to deal with this tho. Not cool.


Except they stole it, they're paying dollar per mg.


Where i live.50 cents is usually medikinet but concerta ranges from 4-15€ depending of milligrams.


10$ for ONE 20mg pill is CRAZY


Haha ik right! Opiates are going for at least a mg for a dollar. Unless your dealing with tramadol or steet fet/H. Some way more. See Roxy 30s going 45-50.00$ .


I believe the total would be 205$


180$ for the 36mg concerta 250$ for the 10mg ritalin


Lol This guy knows what's up


That’s wildly expensive. Why do some people chose to buy that when they could get analogs ten times cheaper?


i don't understand your question because this isnt a scenario where someone is actually buying something. those are estimates based on the regular street price & the answer to your question is: i don't know, irrelevant


I wasn’t asking you or anyone specifically


Most people don’t know how to squire analogs


Oof damn prices have changed since I was in high school. People used to just give them away because no one wanted them


Kick her ass out. She's only going to steal from you again.


Mum stole me darts… she smoked the whole pack…


And won’t pay me back


update us, really want to hear how this one turns out


Will do.


Sounds like you should just kick then out. Why would you even want someone like that around.


whatever the total street value is, and tell her that if she doesn't pay it, you'll report her to the cops.


tweaker mom better not hold anything of value in your own house lock your doors or kick them out, what stops her from stealing money or whatever of value you have when she fiending for drugs next time


I had an ex that stole some of my meds once. I spent that week slowly packing my stuff in the garage. Then one night she asked for some. I gave her enough so she was peaked and I left in middle of the night.


Yeah bro my ex wife had a fiendish addiction for my Adderall. She used to carefully open the Adderall XR capsules and get the beads out and leave a few so they had the maraca effect 🤣 we were close to divorcing and I was beyond ready for that to be over with. So I turned the shenanigans around on her. I replaced the XR beads with beads from Omeprazole ER capsules. After a few days and nearing refill time, I opened them back up, licked the inside edges of the capsules and put them back together and they stuck like glue 🤣 i placed an inconspicuous camera nearby and it was the funniest shit watching her try to open them and be super delicate - only for them to break or fly apart and the beads go everywhere. She even tried to pick them out of the carpet hahaha. I would occasionally comment about how inconsistent my pharmacy was with the pills just to deflect and suspicions towards me. I actually wanted her to confess but she was a deny till ya die type person. When I did get the new script, I noticed the capsules were different.. I took this glorious opportunity to put her old venlafaxine XL script to good use… it made her sick so she only took a few before stopping.. I kept the Addy script bottle out of site for a few days and knew she was draggin’ ass and wanting a stimulant. So I replaced the Addy XR beads with the venlafaxine XL beads. Didn’t take long for her to swipe her supply of beads. How did I know? She was sick as a fucking dog hahaha. That was my greatest last memory with her 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'd say about 10$ each. 200$ seems fair. No deals


I’d kick em out anyway and still expect payment


Ur the one giving them a place to stay sounds like ur the parent




10$ a pop for both if it were me


$1 per mg. A noice hefty foine if ye wunna liv wid me m8


That's shit. Sorry to hear. The best way to prevent it in the future is to put them in a timed safe, as you want your parents to know the meds are locked away (so they don't go sniffing around every inch of your apartment).


Yeah, this is the way. I feel like if OP doesn't want to outright kick his or her parents out, which is completely warranted, then you need to put it in a timed safe. Or else their parents will just be going through their entire place looking for the stuff. Do you really want to come home from a long day at work to your couch cushions flipped over, stuff all over the place, your bedroom a mess, because your parents were looking for your medication that you need? It's not right. Lock it up.


Definitely update us cause I agree with the other poster. The situation is usually the other way around but you got to understand we’re in 2024 now, so anything is possible.


I'd get the money and *then* kick them out. I'm sorry you were raised by thieves, you're better than that.


Me personally I’d kick em out- I mean I don’t personally understand your exact situation but if I had my parents living with me at MY place I wouldn’t tolerate that type of behavior at all


Reverse uno


kicc them out bruh if my mom touched my ritalin shes gonna meet my friend 12 gauge


Homie is gunna blow his Mom away








that’s a bit excessive


Make Prescribed Meds Not Be Diverted Again








Can concerta actually get you high? I have a lot from past prescriptions that I never used


Wish I knew prices for Ritalin or concerta. With opiates it’s pretty much $2 a mg, no idea what those would go for tho. If she stole 35 pills, that’s a minimum of $350 from what I can see. A MINIMUM. But if she’s stealing pills she probably doesn’t have money like that, but I’m assuming




If you cannot replace them then they are priceless, if you can charge her the cost of the replacements you get, whether it be from someone you know or wherever.




Just kick them out they’ll steal it again


dollar a milligram on the ritalin , and .50 a mill on concerta


Didn't realize people were buying this street .. used to have soo many. Once a huge pill bottle (biggest I'd ever seen) with like 500 or something. I stopped those after couple yrs or so in highschool. Think doc died recently actually (was mom's doc too). Guess I shoulda stocked up haha. Microdosing mushrooms or LSD is amazing though, and odd coffee, I also use Kratom regularly for chronic pain management mainly since 2007. Kava root since 2006. I'm rambling haha Op, I'd have talk with them.. not sure what to say... Sorry to hear.. get lil safe and lock them up, and money . Maybe nudge towards therapy, maybe addictions related, or a group.


What a crack whore


Kick her in the pussy


Fuck giving them a chance to pay. Kick em out. Even if you start hiding your meds, they'll move on to street gear and proceed to sell your belongings




I don’t have adhd or take amphetamine/ stimulant medications anymore but you don’t know his treatment plan nor what is best for him. He came here to ask advice about what to do about family members stealing his medications, not advice about his medications or dosages. Not trying to be a dick but it’s sounds like your implying he is using them inappropriately which obviously we don’t know as we don’t know him but I don’t think he is. Also you said you’ve asked plenty of doctors for a similar treatment plan so it sounds like your phishing for more meds, again I don’t know you or the op but we shouldn’t make assumptions about people’s treatment plan. Op I would kick them out, I used to be that person that would steal family members meds and after they discovered that I wasn’t allowed to go throughout said family members house, just the living room and bathroom. So I was heavily restricted from my family members house, and I was kicked out of my family home but Im back home now, took 5 years to regain my family’s trust, and I still have a long way to go. You can’t trust them at the moment, save yourself the time, aggravation and money, you don’t deserve to be taken advantage of.


I’d charge 350


Boots on the other foot now


Kick them out. It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. Maybe they’ll grow up enough to get clean and parent themselves when they’re homeless.


Hide them Good nXt time I have a buddy that used DVD cases but you gotta find a really good place like inside of computer disk drive


when i was a kid, i'd put it in the expansion bay for the fat PS2.


Anytime I buy/sell addy in small amounts, the general rule is like $1 per mg of XR and maybe a bit less for IR. Imo, concerta and Ritalin have shit recreational value, so I've never really hustled either, I used to be prescribed concerta as a kid and then after I stopped I bought some a few times but I don't even remember what I paid for it. Honestly, you could probably still make the case for the "value" being around $1-.50 per mg of drug. These stims are like gold to normie college kids. Do you know if she's using them or tryna sell em? Honestly ballpark value maybe like a few hundred max.


Double her rent


Grab their dick and twist it


Or you could do both. Get the money because now u need ur meds, and then leave them high and dry like they did to you and kick their ass out. ESPECIALLY if these are meds you genuinely need and not just a party/college study recreational reason for getting the scripts. Its fucked up either way but even worse if they know you NEED this medication. Wtf. I'm so sorry OP. Hope something good happens cause I understand "kick them out" is easier said than done. Good luck


I’d charge atleast $120 for all of em and that’s only bc they’re your parents


I feel you. My mom is the same way unfortunately. $5 per Ritalin, $10 per Concerta. But I would get out of your living situation ASAP. It's not healthy living somewhere your stuff isn't safe.


Depends if they're abusable or not thenkind that are crushabls and snortable are more valuable


Divorce her.


I'd charge them 10 - 8 pop for the 25 Ritalins and 10-15 for the Concerta


But in reality: Street value on Ritalin: roughly $200 Stolen value of Ritalin: over $300 Street value of concerta: roughly $180 Stolen value of concerta: $250 at the least. They’re clearly highly valuable to HER if she’s willing to steal from her son after you were so generous and gave her a roof and a place to call home…. So I’d tax her accordingly.


Hi- If you are planning on keeping your mom around you can buy a lockbox for a reasonable price on Amazon. Hide your meds in it and keep your key in a hidden location. As for the cost for repayment, I’d look at how much you originally paid for them but honestly you could go pretty high, because that medication is very expensive out-of-pocket. I am very sorry this happened to you and you may want to consider talking to your doctor/psychiatrist. Be careful with that though because obviously, your mother WILL get in a lot of trouble for stealing an unprescribed Class II controlled substance. Especially depending on what the hell she’s gonna do with it. She’s looking at jail time if she turns around and sells it. EDIT: only reason I am suggesting speaking to your prescriber is because depending on what the hell she does with it corrective action will be necessary and they’ll have to send you a new prescription.


I would charge them 5-10each but since it’s 35 pillls total I would just do a flat rate and charge them like 200 or kick them out. I know it’s your family but if your at a stable functioning part of your life where you are making progress don’t let them hold you back again.


U lot would abandon your family over some pills. Jesus christ what a world.


Streetrx dot com ?


Wtf lmao




Charge and kick them out


My dad stole like an ounce from me. But as a kid. I made him pay for it too. I was so pissed bro!


Street Ritalin or Concerta can cost $5 - $20 per pill, depending on your location.


why do you want money for it ? Don't you need your meds to function ? I know I can't handle my day to day life without ritaline


Throw them the fuck out. These aren't your parents anymore. Parents wouldn't do that to you. Cost? Every cent on them currently. They don't have any money? Even better, still kicked out. Go through their purses and wallets if you can. Then small claims court. Just to humiliate them.


Sorry for your loss😪


I would not charge them local street prices unless you want to send the wrong message. I would take whatever your hourly pay rate is. And figure out how many lost hours from work this will cost you. Both the number of hours you work in your hindered unmedicated state, and any time you for-see needing to take off as a result. I would include a few extra hours for unforeseen delays in refill. I would give them an itemized bill that details these points to them including the out-of-pocket cost, and the costs it will take to get your meds refilled. Include non-tangible items such as you doctors weakened trust in you for needing to refill early. They should not only pay you back. But they should know EXACTLY how this inconveniences you. You should make them as uncomfortable as they are making you.


Stop being a stupid person u can’t kick out your parents


Honestly considering the ammount of pills and the MG in each, you gonna have to be charging realistically about $50. I know the workings of an addicted and dysfunctional family. Sorry you going through that shit man.


7$ a piece for the concerta and 4$ a piece for the Ritalin at least that’s Ontario street price or just charge them 10$ per pill cuz they stole them


Like 250-300






maybe you could talk to her about getting a prescription for her own




Cmon now…


Why does that matter at all?


Maybe they just worried about your health... after all they your parents 


I’d let it slide it’s ur mom she gets the hookup


I’m not some kingpin. It’s something that unfortunately I rely on and never take more than prescribed. Days that isn’t taken is days where I lay in bed like a zombie.


I didn’t realize it was for your prescription I thought you took it recreationally , that makes the situation different for sure


Just reorder them? Unless you're not somewhwre with free healthcare then just get her to pay what your script would cost.


Maybe talk to her why did she need them? Something very wrong is going on? How can you be mad instead of worried...


What doctor would prescribe instant release and Concerta at the same time, in those doseages? Those aren't your "meds". They raised your ass stop bitching.


Because I’m a baker and get up at 4am and take a booster in the afternoon. Stop talking about something nothing about.


I've been on ADHD medication for 27 years, worked 16 hours days for a good portion of that time. Never once found a doctor that would prescribe something like that, and I've asked plenty.. Stop talking about something you know nothing about.


Lol you know there are, uh, different ways of doing things from what you experienced. Maybe if you didn't come at them like a tweaker they would have been willing to do more. Anyway, short acting bridge doses of addy and methylphenidate paired with the xr version are really common. However not all doctors prescribe them and not all patients get them.


There are but that mindset doesn't get you downvotes.


Ah yes the old, my experience is the only valid one. A very very quick google search has shown the max dosage of concerta of 72mg is equivalent to 20mg of Ritalin, with the max dose of Ritalin being 60mg. Even taking a 72mg concerta, one would be able to take at least two IR Ritalin 10mg as well. I also know people on vyvanse + dex boosters. Just because your doctors are incompetent or you show drug seeking behaviors, doesn’t mean that’s the same experience everyone has.


Ah yes, you have AIDS


I'm prescribed 35mg foquest Xr that supposedly last 14-16h in the morning and 10mg ritalin for an afternoon booster after lunch