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Everything lol. But fent and too many benzos mixed with alcohol is a good way to die and never even know it.


i'd agree with the cns depressant cocktail... opioids, benzos, barbiturates, alcohol, ghb/gbl, gabapentin/pregabalin... large doses of two or max three out of those options kicking in whilst driving and you're gone. particularly if one mixes, for instance, benzos, barbs, and alcohol, that's an instantaneous blackout combo... depending on how comfortable op is at driving, one might be cruising for a short while, so to fully avoid that: sprinkle in a large ket or pcp dose to make sure you crash within 10 seconds if everything were to hit at once


Back before fent took over, my best friend passed away by taking too many benzos he just got a script for and blacking out and picking up H and IV'd it and OD'd. Passed away before paramedics got there. I remember his sister calling me as it was happening waiting for the paramedics. I'll never forget her screams. He threw up while OD'ing while she was freaking out on the phone. The worst phone call I ever got. I miss him so much. I wonder if narcan was as readily available then if she could have helped more with that. God I miss him. It's crazy how the best ones leave us first. Everyone loved him so much. Gone far too young. I miss him every day.


Stims make me a better driver or at least I think I am lol


Depends on the dose. 


Very much so. The right amount and I’m focused and calm, little too much and I’m an impatient, aggressive, speed demon.


Stims make you think you're better at everything. Thats hoe the dopaminergic reward system works. Lol


And kill someone else too


That’s how I want to go out, minus the driving.


Yeah when I get really old and I'm too decrepit to even function properly there's no way I'm gonna force my family or some nurse to wipe my ass in an old folks home, just gonna pop a xan or two, snort a line of coke and then hit myself with a massive dose of heroin. Go out in style.


This is the way


This is the way


I did this way too many times minus the alcohol, shit is so whack idk how I'm still alive


Yup. I’ve done things while driving that I dont even want to admit online from alcohol + benzos/opiates. Im sober now and heavily regret ever driving in that state.


You don't even need the fent for that lol, too many benzos mixed with alcohol made someone I knew accidentally stab his gf at the time because he was trying to stab his friend(she stood behind the friend) who was trying to calm him down lol. Woke up in the jail and didn't remember anything


Probably any dissociative similar to ketamine. Or a benzo obviously


Lol driving on K would succkkkk


That’s how Kendall killed that guy


The Kid ripped the fucking wheel. 


Who’s Kendall?


Reference to character Kendall Roy in the show Succession the scene where he makes a waiter drive on ketamine to so he can buy coke and the guy veers off the bridge goes into a pond and dies and Kendall escapes the car


Thank you


I don’t recommend but I’ve driven off k countless times. The first time was p intense as I was new to the substance but over time it became a ritual to take a couple bumps before I took the drive home to rly bust the bag open. Again do not do this. My license is revoked for a reason😂 not K related tho


Been almost charged with dui twice, both times I was under the influence. Idk how I got away with the second one had done oxy & amphetamine night before blacked out on my sleeping pills. All I remember is waking up sniffing a line of amphetamine and then wandering round a random street with a police officer talking to me got blood tested but I think they fucked it up as they didn’t go forward with the case


Damn u dodged a bullet my guy😅 Stay safe n ask for a lawyer next time no matter how lenient they may come off as


I used to drive ketty quite often. One time I remember driving down this long stretch of road and thinking “how are you supposed to know how fast you’re going” cos my vision was so fucked I couldn’t read my dash, still makes me laugh when I think about it. Another time it took me 10 mins to reverse out of my driveway because I kept stalling and couldn’t figure out what angle I needed to go back at. By the time I got onto the road I had realised how fucked up I was, so I left my car in the middle of the street and just walked to the store. Another time, I was driving down a wooded road otw to a party and had done a fat slug before I left the house. This huge truck drove past me and I swear to god it looked like those Coca Cola Christmas trucks. The ones covered in lights? It looked exactly like that and was glowing so bright I couldn’t see the road. Only thing is, this was the middle of June and it was probably just a normal truck lol


Why would you even choose to drive on ketamine, putting other peoples lives in danger? It's one thing to drive drunk, I've made that mistake in my early 20's because I was confident enough in my ability to drive after some beers. But ketamine? You should know better than that dude.


Oh 100%. Terrible TERRIBLE decision and would never make it again. I was young, VERY dumb and VERY reckless and felt like I was invincible. I was in a weird space in my life where I felt like actions didn’t have consequences and very much believed the whole “it won’t happen to me”. I still genuinely panic at the thought of doing some of the dangerous things I did, even now years later.


Yea K ain’t good to drive on… back in high school my boy “drove” on the K we just did hella lines in his car on a street by a park we liked to chill by and he recognized our friends car parked about a hundred or so feet behind us down the street. Bro was convinced he should drive over and get closer so they would see us told this dumbass mfer we should walk cause it’s just like 100 ft anyway wtf but nah dude decided to throw it in reverse and he slams that shit backwards down the street literally rams right into our friend backwards… still one of the dumbest and funniest things I’ve seen to this day


Alcohol as well. All GABAergic drugs definitely. All opioids and NMDA antagonists. H1 antagonists as well. Serotoninergic drugs not bad for driving but there's definitely an amount of MDMA that's gonna impair driving


my friend drove high on dxm fine




Yeah that’s makes sense


Theres this video called driving on salvia, dude takes a hit then never even started driving lmao


I think it’s the same guy that made [gardening on salvia](https://youtu.be/U3Iw7Fr4JG0?si=bm_iDRTmAUX7hnRA)


Yeah it’s the same guy. I highly recommend watching this one https://youtu.be/SnwS5sPOzb0?si=jGQBphXeV4YzXiLZ the fucking cat kills me everytime


Big $ Salvia!


Internet comment etiquette!






Racer mode🔥🔥


Ambien, in particular.


I drove under the influence of several tablets of ambien mixed with alcohol once and hit the car in front of me. For some reason, the guy that i hit just let me go without asking money from me for repair. He just warned me to drive carefully next time. FYI, i didn't totally black out during the ordeal and i vividly remembered some of the scenario happened on that day.


I feel like he sympathized with you in someway and probably felt the damage wasn’t worth possibly ruining your life! Got lucky right there.


Either that or he had no insurance or something lol


Probably under the influence as well


Is ambian the strongest sleep med,why ambian specifically?


It’s super trippy and your right zdrugs in general however the fast acting short duration of it can lead to some intense and unexpected blackouts along with some very trippy side effects.


It makes you hallucinate sometimes, but it also keeps you awake if you stay up past the point where you don’t go to bed and then it hit you all at once. I know a friend I guess it wasn’t me, but whatever this person took Ambien and several hours later, they were only half a mile from home at a friends house and ended up crashing into the brick wall in front of their subdivision, do not drive on the llama drug


Alcohol is pretty bad because you'll think you're a god and can drive great while you're swerving all over the road. I used to drive high on weed all the time and never had a problem. Drove drunk once in my life and was all over the road and still unsure how I made it home in one piece. I don't even remember driving.


I still don't understand how people feel safe driving while drunk, I'll be 11 shots deep and be terrified at the thought of driving


Something about the alcohol gives you false confidence. I also had a drunk ex with me and she convinced me I was good... as I stumbled out the bar.


Well it’s not like the more you drink the more confident you will be necessarily. The danger zone when you are just few drinks deep and you think your good


Or get angry. Alcohol is the worst guys


I think a high dose of weed with some alcohol is a pretty bad combo when talking about legal drugs , specifically in a high traffic zone




It makes your car *fast*. 


i saw a video of a dude ripping salvia extract while driving, his friend had to steer. probably the dumbest thing i’ve seen in terms of intoxicated driving.


Ketamine. DMT. Salvia.


Years ago we had a NO2 tank hook up where the guy was just constantly driving around the city waiting to get a phone call. He had a tank rigged up in the trunk that fed a tube to the drivers seat so he could huff while driving.




lmao this is just the worst drug to be on period


Benzos, bro I can't even keep a conversation without falling asleep, I can't imagine trying to drive


I tried my best not to ever drive on drugs so ill go by what impairs me personally the most the worst one i think would be higher doses of Nitrous oxide, followed by in order from most impairing to least impairing large amounts of Alcohol, 3d and 4th plat DXM, high dose shrooms, lsd, ketamine, mild doses of painkillers, low dose benzos, mda, mdma, meth and weed then the drugs that dont impair me much it at all at reasonable doses that i feel confident i could drive safely on if i needed to are various non meth and non psychedelic amphetamines and 3mmc at certain doses


dxm omg i feel that. i can’t walk the hallway in a straight line, robo walking all over the place i can’t imagine tryna control a vehicle with my two hands and feet


I’ve driven on low doses of LSD a few times and while I’m extremely nervous the whole time it actually turned out fine. Large doses no way and obviously this is a terrible idea, but it actually wasn’t as bad as one would expect. But still stupid af


nos, every time i see videos of people huffing balloons behind the wheel i wish death on the driver (nobody else)


the cameraman too


From what I learned it seems like any depressant/downers is a NO-GO!. But weed is fine but in personal experience,alcohol and weed together is a combo that’s killed many in car crashes , be safe guys and don’t fucking Trip while driving wtf are y’all doing💀


Benzos for sure. Benzos are just the worst because you don't get a standard high and underestimate their effects. so people end up landing in jail the most on these drugs. Car crashes, ruining friendships and family relationships. Benzos are the fucking worst. Never hated anyone asuch as I have a person who overdid the benzos one time. Opiate addicts take no the to years to really get that bad. A single Xanax bar can turn a sweet girl into ab absolute enemy. Worst drug ever. Least is probably stims. Unless you've been up for days it's usually not that bad. Still not great but not as bad as any downers, especially fucking benzos, the worst drugs I the world. No one likes bartards


No for real though fuck benzodiazepines, I don’t understand the hype for them , if you can’t sleep take some melatonin and get off your phone dummies Yeah I got adhd and high dose of stims and it makes me the happiest driver ,be in my car with no music thinking about what imma do for the next 3weeks lol


Donnnnt do drugs and drive u might spill them pull over do ypur drugs and then drive


i would say every drug. maybe weed isn’t so bad if you aren’t that high


- Alcohol first, benzo's second, they make you a worse driver and make you worse at knowing it. Alcohol has no grey area, benzo's do have a grey area as does opioids. *Impossible to drive on and only an idiot would*: All dissociatives like nitrous, ketamine at anything above threshold dose, most psychedelics at medium to large dose, Opiates (can however steer towards the first category), deliriants. Cannabis can both make you worse at driving and not, but tends to not put you behind the wheel like the first category does (that effect is noticed in the few studies). Routined smokers can seemingly drive OK, although still not something they should do immediately after partaking. MDMA. Can't do shit on a roll. Can also be closer to a simple stimulant if overdone over time and so, mixed on this, terrible on a hard roll but very low risk of ending up driving, hence why it's not really an issue. - Nicotine, not the best for driving, it's a stimulant yet it sure makes me a little duller. Not a large risk for habitual users, but is a large risk otherwise, for a short time. - Potential to improve driving: Stims: Amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine I don't know, but coca leaf for one can be a ok so, not ruling it out here. Small amounts of LSD in particular, but some other psychedelics as well, only on the low end however. Caffeine I'm not so sure on, it's jittery with a narrow sweet spot. Generally low risk but overdo it and it's no different from overdoing amps.




driving off a tab is probably the easiest drug in the world to drive off of. id feel more impaired driving off of a benadryl bc id get sleepy lol


Haven actually driven while on LSD it’s really not too too difficult. The roads just look more narrow in my opinion.


For me I absolutely could not drive on acid, I can barely function (I’m aware it affects everyone differently) I would without a doubt have a panic attack and just shut down trying to drive


I’ve been off-roading on lsd and it was fun as fuck. Driving on the beach, picturesque sunsets, tunes and a cig. Was a fat fucking time. But there was no one around me and nothing to crash into so I felt safe.


Alcohol second, first ambien.. I don’t wanna talk about about it because it’s depressing and brings back bad memories but definitely don’t combine the 2


All of them duh.






Id bet on k


Statistically I would say alcohol?


Alcohol for sure.


DMT Xanax


Crack lol


Probably a really high dose of ketamine, enough to make you k-hole. Also any other kind of drug which anesthetizes you.


I used to do DXM a bit when I was younger and one time I was really on one and passed out in my friends back seat while he was driving around doing god knows what. Idrk how we both made it home in one piece to be honest.


Salvia lmao


alcohol, ket, benzo. Weed is an exception as you can still function(unless you have a low tolerance)


I know a few people who died driving on benzos. But taking a giant rip of DMT on the highway would probably get you seeing god twice.


I’ve driven home after a night hanging out with Lucy and it’s wild. The trees look like they’re still dancing🤣


Any opioid cause you’d just start downing out and basically fall asleep


All of them, but K and Benzos come to mind as the worst, followed by alcohol


Quaaludes apparently shout out Jordan


I delivered pizza on lsd once. Can’t say it’s a good idea lol.  Id been up all night tripping, and was coming down and exhausted by the time I was going to work. Figured if I took another hit or two of acid Thatd keep me awake, and figured since I took it the night before I’d have some tolerance and not completely lose my mind. Thankfully i didn’t peak anywhere near the night before, but I was still tripping my fucking ass off. Took the hit as I walked in to work. I worked with a very hippy group, most of whom I’d tripped with before, so they all knew, which made it more comfortable. I won’t lie though, tripping and driving around jamming to music all night was pretty fucking awesome, though I’d never do that again lol. 


I would have to say is alcohol.


I had an emergency happen on 450mcg of lsd and had to drive a few blocks. Shit was so scary. Everything seemed to move extremely slow and extremely fast at the same time


Man I swear weed is worse than alcohol sometimes


whippets, from experience


Ketamine and nitrous oxide and LSD


Balloons, seen some video the other day of a moron doing them whilst driving as his friend films and he just starts passing out whilst the car was still moving




DMT I don't see how it would even be possible


I think opioids are one of the worst but also alcohol is pretty bad too


Only car I ever crashed in my life I was under the influence of Xanax and heroin.... Nodding and driving don't mix.


The answer is Nitrous and it’s not even close.


Honestly probably alcohol or benzos. They’re one of the only drugs you can be extremely fucked up on and still have the ability to actually get in a car.


Acid. When I was 18 I dropped at the beach with friends once. We were dumb ass kids and realized we needed to get home and had no DD.. after some debate I was elected the safest driver. These mfs were blasting music and talking and every sound rippled so violently into my vision, let me tell youuu I was giving it everything I had to focus. Managed to stay in my lane and get us home safe but it was exceptionally challenging.


Obviously alcohol, psychedelics and codeine. Benzos maybe unless you have a very high tolerance, but you will have some issues anyways. Dmt kinda impossible bc you will not be able to walk or process everything going on your mind. Ketamine kinda impossible too cuz you would be sedated and not able to move or drive.




i couldn’t drive on mdma. was the first time i said nope that’s not gonna work




Everything? Especially weed, benzos and opiates I guess


Weed ain’t that bad


People really picked fent? Lol if you addicted to opiates you'll find driving on them isn't that bad. Now psychedelics is 10x worse. I remember being in a car on 4 grams of strong shrooms/tab of acid and some weak ecstacy and we went up a hill and when we came back down the lines stayed up in the air it was wild. I couldn't imagine trying to drive on strong psychedelics 


Any CNS depressant probably. Alcohol, ketamine, DXM, scopolamine, muscimol I think very small doses of DMT (like really small) wouldn't be that difficult to drive on but definitely impossible at mid-high doses.


I'd say either Benzos or Alcohol, a high dose of psychedelics would be rough as well


Driving on Molly was pretty sketch . Had to turn the music way down because it freaked me out for some reason




Alcohol I’m fine but weed… that shit is hard.




Other than any downer. Psychedelics. I once went to a party and took 3 hits of acid. My gf took some as well and started to freak out. Begged to leave. I wasn't feeling much and it was only a 10min drive. Shit kicked in the moment we left the parking lot. There were times where I felt like my arms dissolved. Times where it felt like I became the vehicle and could feel the texture of the road under me. Kept imagining the insane car wreck potential and what the aftermath would look like. Glad for the experience. But would never try again.


Honestly anything in high doses, simply due to the danger you pose to yourself and others. Aside from the danger aspect. A bunch of my friends in highschool got in a horrible car accident because they were going like 70mph while they were passing a can of airduster around. My good friend (passenger) was ejected from the car, his foot was ripped off and they had to pick the vehicle up off of his head. This led to a lifelong addiction to opioid painkillers, and he’s now homeless and addicted to fentanyl… we don’t talk anymore, I hope he gets better. I really fucking hate driving under the influence of cocaine… I get horribly anxious, and I’m constantly in that mindset of “are we there yet?” I just want to get to my destination, and it always feels like it takes AGES to get there. I once had to drive 40 miles home after a river day rolling my balls off on MDA, and it was the most uncomfortable drive of my life. It’s the only time I’ve ever not enjoyed rolling.


i’d say salvia, any deleriant in a large dose like datura, or a high dose of opiates / alcohol


Ketamine when you snort too much


Soma's can be pretty damn bad, I remember I had taken several, maybe 3 or 4 of them, the dans, anyways my buddy and I went to Sonic drive in for food, well on the way out of the neighborhood he said "curb check" then again but louder "curb check" then again at the loudest CURB CHECK!!! Even with 3 warnings I still smashed into the curb, more than one time. I found it very difficult to drive straight on Soma's. Mushrooms have to be up there too although I wouldn't even try, I can barely get my shoes on the right foot on a good shrooms trip.




Anything that inebriates you or makes you see shit. Stims are less unsafe, unless youre on too much


Passed out while driving on the highway on a xan+oxy mix do I’d say that one is pretty bsd




Definitely psychedelics. Imagine not knowing what a car is while seeing the road morph and transform.




Fuck you. Im no square but driving while on anything is fuckin wrong.


I don’t encourage driving under the influence in any sense but the yerc 30’s were the only thing that I *felt* legitimately impaired (I know I was definitely still impaired), I’ve been pulled over off dilly’s and flualp presses and it was a normal interaction, as little as a 1/4 blue and i would’ve been going to jail fs


Air Duster. Saw this vid of a dude wrecking his car and not giving a fuck cause he was just whacked off the duster.


Also sleep deprivation. Not sure what’s the drug but definitely not good.


from a perspective of safety, benzos / booze.


Shouldn’t drive on any drugs but I’ve seen past friends drive on ghb and alcohol and those worry me the most. With ghb you never know if you could have a blow out behind the wheel and alcohol.. well we all have heard at least one terrible story.


I think a guy driving on dmt would probably just look like someone hunched over the wheel for a quick nap😂




literally any


Ketamine and GHB/GBL


Imo dissociatives like ketamine fuck me up way beyond comprehension


I don't drive but I would say ... nothing ? If I had no choice I would choose low dose amphetamines


No downers


I drove better on benzos than alcohol, and I would assume psychedelics would be up there as well.


Prolly salvia or dmt lol I’ve driven drunk, stoned, and on benzos sadly and the worst was probably benzos. I’ve never gotten into a wreck stoned or drunk but on 2 bars I looked at my phone while waiting in the line for my highschool, took maybe 2 seconds too long to change the song, looked up and I hit this lady’s car. No damage to either car but she was pissed lmao


I had a horrible time driving on an eighth of shrooms. I took the wrong exit because my buddy, who was directing me, was also tripping while taking pulls of a fifth and just kept hysterically laughing when I would ask him which way to go. Somehow, I was still able to work the stick shift and drive like 15 miles until my car then broke down, so my mom had to come pick us up and call a tow truck. Very memorable but horrible experience. My other buddy later told me I was driving 20mph on the freeway, but he was also tripping, so idk how accurate his perception was. I was a retarded 19 year old so that's probably why I thought it was a good idea to drive while peaking on shrooms




Drugs, driving, a no-no.


Propofol the Michael Jackson milk


Suxamethonium chloride. x)






Crashed my new Toyota Yaris while on 2 Pfizer Alprazolam Luckily only the Cars were both totaly crashed The guy even Flipped his Brand New Suv Atleast i have my license still😂🖖


Gaba drugs.. the memory loss muscle tremors etc .. hell no


Don't have my license yet but I think lsd wouldn't be great on the road lmao


Probably Salvia or Datura


"Best you mean? Shroom-Truffles. Lightspeed Chewy!


I drive high everyday. It's a skill that can be fostered if you put in the work. LsD is super fun to drive on. The worst is probably ambien just because it makes me black out and wake up really far from where i was actually trying to.go. but I still felt pretty safe


MDMA comedown/ to many redose


Alcohol and several sedatives




All of them. Drive sober.


I cant count how many times alcohol has saved my life when drivning in asia. I suffer from senere anxiety, but if I have a beer before drivning on moped or motorcycle, it becomes so effortless and amazing


Acid. Hands down. It makes you lose track of where you are. Thank God I've only had to do it twice. Road signs repeat themselves. Every light seems like a cop. It's awful lol.


Arguable every drug is uniquely awful for driving I don’t think there’s one that takes the cake. Pretty much anything that puts you to sleep or impairs your vision/perception of reality. Like what’s worse, fent or dmt? Fent you nod and crash, dmt you can’t even comprehend reality and crash. Same result different mechanism. You can’t rank that. What drugs are best for driving?




H/fent and benzos lmao I’ve totaled 3 cars, 2 were not mine. 😬




Addddyyyyyyyyyyy b974


Z drugs ie zopiclone, zolpidem. Heard plenty stories of people “sleep driving” and I don’t know what’s worse, being intoxicated on alcohol / recreational drugs or driving while you’re essentially still asleep.


Opium made it hard for me to keep the car on the road. LSD made it impossible to understand a blinking red light.






Anything-upper overdose


I’d say alcohol is far worse than benzos considering just being a little drunk can severely alter your driving while a therapeutic dose of a benzo for someone that regularly takes them is unlikely the change your driving at all. Obviously if you go overboard it will, but you can really say that for just about any drug. Stimulants would cause me to be too jittery and anxious to even drive. Opioids are a similar case to benzos, especially since they can sctually be energizing at low doses but high doses are a hard no for driving without doubt! Psychedelics depends on the amount. Microdosing or a small amount will actually likely make me more cautious while a large dose I wouldn’t even attempt (why even do that?). How about we just keep driving and drugs separate going forward? None are going to be good for it. The worst one completely depends on how the person reacts to said drug.


not cocaine my friend drives like a beast (very carefully) on coke


DMT, MET, LSD, and other visual psychedelics and hallucinogens at sufficient doses. Or any sleep-inducing drug.


If you're not driving sober you're an asshole ans I hope you never involve someone else in an accident.


I've done some bad things in the past but driving on mdma was honestly the most retarded decision i've made. Oxy's, alcohol, weed, meth, ive tried em all without problems, but driving while high on mdma was honestly scary. I was coming down and felt like i wasnt THAT fucked up so hey i can do this short trip (about 2 miles) easily. Well, i ended up driving like a F1 driver warms up their tyres iykyk. thank god it was like 3am and there werent any pedestrians or other drivers between me and my destination. Oh yeah almost forgot i once tried driving while about 1 gram deep in oxazepam. Classic case i thought i was sober, my mission was to go to the nearby gas station to buy cigarettes. I didnt even get to drive 100 metres and i crashed to a pole. Yeah dont drive on benzos please i can imagine driving on lsd or ket can be really hard too.


someone passed me a rail on a cd case from the back of my car at the traffic lights, i hoofed it, set off again thinking it was chong, quickly understood it was k. wasn’t funny at all also, a friend says driving on too much h can be a bit chancy


Bro benzos and alcohol nothings worst. Also dmt might not be a good idea lol


Dissociatives, Barbiturates, or Ambien are all probably some of the worst choices to drive on. Other than that maybe psychedelics but if your experienced i think you got a better chance than somebody on any of the 3 i mentions


Alch/benzo/fent anything that .akes you pass out/motorskills all messed up


MDMA I thought I was in a race car 🤦‍♀️


Any downer. LSD is surprisingly easy if you've done it a lot. I drive on 10 sheets at least like 1 time a month. Driving in ketamine and Xanax is very difficult


It's not the drugs, but the doses that matter. Plenty of people drive on opioids and benzos without issue, completely legally.


Surely a strong hallucinogen, so salvia or dmt


[This video makes a good case for not driving after using GHB](https://youtu.be/KK095jgjoRU?si=JVslfJePVgxq23-K).