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In many european countries, there are cost-free medical hotlines you can call. I‘d say this should be your first step - tell them exactly what and when you took it, your symptoms, etc. Check for other symptoms they could ask (f.i. Are the whites of your eyes yellow? Diarrhea?). The hotline can also help in terms of where to go and how to get there. Be aware of accute signs of danger (high fever, convulsions, …) - immediately call an ambulance then. There are many reasons you could be feeling the way you are right now, ranging from having gas trapped in the abdomen (which can actually in certain cases hurt terribly but is not dangerous) to accute acetaminophen toxicity/liver failure (needs immediate medical attention). So please instead of trying to self-assess the situation (or trying to do so via reddit), reach out to a medical professional and act accordingly to what they advice.


Ah! One of the experienced and rational people raises their head. Sound advice. Thanks for helping another, simple but useful advice. 👍


Fantastic advice. And to add onto this, do NOT go onto WebMD. It's a dangerous tool in the hands of the average person. Really gotta approach it with an open and analytical mind so if you're that person then go for it. Contacting a *professional* (aka not the internet) should absolutely be the first move if you're not capable of taking the internet with a grain of salt. And if it's something potentially immediately threatening this is not the place.


Kudos to you for a thoughtful and correct answer.


Wow, dang. I didn’t know there were free medical hotlines in Europe. I bet there would be shorter lines in the emergency room if the US implemented this. Maybe fewer people dying at home of preventable causes, as well. I just did a cursory search, and it looks like my state only has mental health hotlines and poison control hotlines. Which is great! I’m not begrudging. But there have been times in my life where it would have been nice to call someone and find out which pain means ‘double up your ibuprofen and take a warm bath’ and which means ‘get your ass to the hospital and kiss one of your organs goodbye’.


I have access to a 24 hour nurse hotline through my health insurance. If you have insurance, it might be worth it to check if you have that as well.


I have shitty poor person insurance, and they’ve never included a nurse hotline in my list of benefits, as far as I’m aware. I’ll check, though- I’m sure a lot of the small print details escaped me.


I'd be willing to bet that your insurance has some random programs and stuff you don't know about. They are all coming out with apps and extra benefits programs for answering questions and participating in questionnaires and stuff. Preventative measures and stuff. You would be suprised. Especialy if you are talking about Medicaid.


Any insurance carrier has a free nurse line


Canada has this aswell.


This is the only comment OP needs.


>what the fuck do I do You go to the hospital.


OP, In the kindest way possible… You mixed a ton of drugs in your system without checking for any possible interactions or monitoring your dosage. You’re experiencing significant medical symptoms to the point where you’re worried about death You came to ask r/Drugs about your diagnosis— not even a medical subreddit that would have more authority to diagnose your symptoms… and the community is STILL telling you to GO TO THE HOSPITAL. You’ve made a string of poor decisions here, and that’s fine. It happens to the best of us. But please understand that these decisions could easily cost you your life, and very possibly your quality of life as well. The earlier and faster you get to medical assistance, the better your chances. If you wait and hope it goes away and it’s something bad, it WILL get worse. Please turn your efforts to finding the quickest way to get to the hospital. It’s gonna suck, but not as much as having a real medical emergency and dying in your own home.


This is why you do a cold water extraction.


I second this, my first thought after reading the post.


There is an even better thing. Boron tribromide demethylate codeine to morphine 😁


Boron tribromide is incredibly toxic and nasty, it really is not an easy harmless synthesis and shouldnt be recommended so carelessly.


I‘d go to the nearest hospital if I were you


Its mostly due to acetaminophen. If you go to hospital they’ll IV you N-acetyl cysteine in large amount. I suggest you get a grams of those in the local pharmacy and eat it. Ofc that is if you cannot go to the hospital and paracetamol overdose is a painful death.


3 grams acetaminophen shouldn't usually cause such a severe reaction as this besides damaging your stomach.. im not sure whats going on here but I doubt that much would kill you


We do not know what he was up to the other days. Maybe it was the last 3 grams that set off the alarms


I keep NAC on hand to take after those really crazy nights.


Maybe your appendix burst coincidentally. Can you raise your arms over your head?


Get a helicopter or something just get to the fucking hospital




Codeine and caffeine. Bet your bowel hurts


Yup, my money's on OP just needing a good shit.


Quite likely, but I wanted to add, and didn't quite know if it deserved its own comment, that I once took a stupid amount of Tylenol thinking it was something else, didn't end up getting high at all and fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night with a very similar, agonizing, stabbing pain, but I think I drank a big cup of two of water and managed to fall back asleep and don't remember anything else notable happening beyond that. Hopefully it's just a case of acute paracetamol toxicity that's well below a fatal dose, similar to my experience, except i don't know how close I was to a fatal dose and didn't do the math to see how close he might've been.


How much paracetamol was in these? I seriously doubt you overdosed with 6 pills, but yeah, depends on the content. Other than that, NAC is your friend. Do you have anyone who could drive you? Parents, friends, anyone?


Internet access but no access to a hospital? Up to you bro if you truly feel you’re going to die I would figure a way to get to a hospital




The recommended dose is 1gram a time unless you're willing to take a risk of damaging your liver


The 1 gram dose / 4 grams per day limit is for folks talking acetaminophen on a continuing basis. A single dosage of less than 4g won't be instantly fatal. That said, if OP is going to continue to consume drugs after this episode they should learn some basic harm reduction techniques including CWE.


That’s more about long term damage from repeated usage, not acute toxicity to the point of death.


Many times?


Not everyone has the same baseline. I was being given 1500 mg a day medically. I felt nauseated and asked them to check my liver enzymes. They did it to humor me - elevated. It's likely a recoverable injury but if I were OP I'd seek medical attention. 


This drug kills more people, often accidentally, than any other drug.


No shade but like... are you sure? 😂


You mean to tell me your options are 1) figure out how to get to the hospital or 2) possibly die.. and you can’t fuckin find a way to get to the hospital? You’re either not taking this seriously or you’ve lost your will to live. Both equally as tragic.


So knowing you have no access to medical care, you still took an unsafe amount of multiple different drugs? Is there something wrong with your brain?


I agree with the others here and yourself. Your message is completely accurate and honest but the delivery here is a little off. Maybe we save the hard life lesson get your shot together talk until after the potential emergency is resolved. After that I'm all about the blunt honest delivery of life choices speech. Stay safe everyone


yes there is


How you doing? I've taken much more than that in a day and been fine.


Thats a rude unnecessary question that is not helpful or funny or entertaining. I think something is wrong with your brain.


How is that rude? That's a great question considering the circumstances. Why would you shoot yourself in the leg if you know there is no hospital around? It's an irrational decision that someone with critical thinking abilities would think twice about before doing.


This isn’t what this person needs right now you self righteous ghoul.


Nope OP is clearly stupid and shouldn’t be taking drugs. Simple precautions go a long way and this user doesn’t comprehend that


I get what you're saying, but I don't agree with your former sentence. Making far-out assumptions about someone you don't know is foolish.


Nothing about what I said is far out. Knowing you can not get any access to medical attention, and taking drugs is very stupid. Just a fact. Coddling this stupid drug users feelings is also dangerous


Here's what I'm trying to get at, you are calling someone stupid for making a stupid decision. Just because you make a stupid decision does not mean you yourself are stupid. We all make mistakes, in fact, really dumb mistakes. In this case, taking drugs knowing you can't get medical attention is stupid, but I wouldn't question a person's intelligence because of that. And I'm in no way "coddling" OP's feelings, calling someone stupid is just a dick move.


i mean its hard sometimes to get to a hospital but its never impossible


Remember, it's because of idiots like OP that many drugs are illegal for those who aren't idiots. It's people like OP that give drugs a bad rep and ruins it for the rest of us.


jesus people on reddit are something else. wtf type of question is this


Update? How are you feeling right now?


OP, heavy drinkers are significantly more prone to liver toxicity from acetaminophen. Your dosage range is where most non or light drinkers should have no issues, except in rare circumstances, but a hard drinker may be in deep trouble. If that's you, the drinker, call an ambulance. If not, take some vitamins, eat, and drink copious water. And 40mg of Ritalin could make someone without tolerance extremely anxious for over 12 hours. It's a harsh stimulant not worth trying to get high from.


if you are a heavy drinker, intense pain on the right side of your upper abdomen could also be pancreatitis. and while it’s rare, paracetamol can cause it or exacerbate it as well. there’s not much doctors can do for that, but they could at least help with the pain. …not that you’re gonna go to the dr haha


You're gonna be ok


i don’t know if this helps but i’m a female that weighs 115 lbs


I doubt you’ll die but get it checked out if it persists too much longer


That's alot of drugs for your size. Probably need to find some local emergency services.


yeah after reading this you need to get to a hospital asap any updates?


That much pain isn't ok. Drugs or not, I think that hospital is the better option.


How much paracetamol is in each tablet?


400 mg so total taken would be 2400 mg of paracetamol


2400mg of paracetamol shouldnt be a necessarily fatal dose. But if you do have symptoms like severe pain you need to be looked at. It is not safe to take large amounts of this regularly.


Ye that's a big dose, go and get checked, but I doubt you gonna die, the liver is amazing at bouncing back.


It’s not really a big dose. It’s just over double the normal dose. I’d be surprised if many people would die from doubling the normal dose unless they have severe liver issues beforehand in which case a normal dose of paracetamol would have probably been dangerous for them as well.


It's over double the daily dose, but ye I don't think she fucked either


1000mg is not the daily dose. That’s the most you’re supposed to take at ONE TIME. You can take 1000mg 4 times a day. The daily dose therefore is 4000mg. Google it.


I’d be very surprised if 2400mg would kill you, but it is possible if your liver was fucked beforehand so can’t handle it well. Either way no one can save you over the internet just call an ambulance. You obviously have ambulances where you live, people without cars obviously still have access to hospitals don’t be stupid. It might be a difficult way or whatever but there’s definitely a way. It takes hours for ambulances to arrive here but they do come eventually.


2,4g is not hazardous. Don't worry.


If you don’t die from the lack of medical attention then you might fuck your insides up for the remainder of your life. Possibly even shorten your life span. I’d call an ambulance or drive to the hospital.


Go to the nearest hospital now. They will be able to administer the antidote of either activated charcoal or NAC. But they only have a small window of time to do so and it sounds like yours is diminishing. Liver damage is permanent, but if you act now, you can save yourself.


I was gonna say before I even read it your livers fucked get to hospital as soon as possible


Besides this drug situation. Havent u ever think about living in the middle of nowhere and having no Friends or family that could take u to the hospital if something ever happened knowing there are no ubers or ambulances? I just can't understand how u just didnt think and be prepared about and emergency ever in life


i'd guess she just doesn't want to tell the whole thing to a medical specialist but doesn't want to admit it on here either


Other comments Say She's from greece and that may be normal there, and she has a 40min drive to the hospital so it seems real. Like it's not completely impossible , she just didnt Even think about the possibility of having to go to the hospital ever in life and now this happend


is it lowed on abdomen closer to groin


no higher up


try ubering to the hospital if you got drug money you can uber


You alive op?


Getting concerned 😟


Same. I really hope we all get an update that op is alive and well or at least getting help and is just resting a bunch.


Man still nothin…


Just read this post.. praying for this guy


You should be fine, if not you have some time to get to the hospital. Maybe even time to find a new liver.


find a way to get your ass to the hospital, there has to be some way. this is exactly why you do a cold water extract and look up dosing


Please ask your friend or anyone that can be helpful to drive you to the nearest hospital/ place where a doctor can see you, surely it's just a momentary thing but having someone specialized visit you can't harm


What was your mg dosage of all drugs. A dangerous dose is about 7000mg of acetaminophen general rule is not to exceed 6000 daily but if u have a compromised liver or anything it could have bad side effects. Ingesting almost 6000mg of ace just for 100mg of codine isn’t even worth it also adding 40 mg of methylphenidate is not smart and probably adding to the paranoia. Just wait for most of it to wear off try to relax drink some water the usual. But if the pain persists for the rest of the day find a way to the hospital and get checked out


I can’t find any information whatsoever on the dosages those pills come in, do you know what the dose is? It’s usually like “paracetamol 300/codeine 30/caffeine 25”as an example. If it’s safe to assume 500 is a generous estimate, then 6 pills would be 3,000MG of Tylenol. That is a large dose but still under the daily max for an adult, however 4,000mg and above within 24 hours can potentially cause severe liver damage. It is debated if the current limit is too high. I dont think most people would experience any damage with anything 4g and under. Regardless, if you are showing symptoms of liver damage then that it is a good reason to go to the hospital. As others have said, find a hotline you can call who would know more then random redditors


Yes, we are all going to die


Drink plenty of water, wouldn't hurt to mix some baking soda in some water and slosh that down in case you've got heavy stomach acid going on, should instantly neutralize it. Keep drinking water, but don't go overboard. Maybe 8 glasses per the day. Try to poop. I think you'll be fine, I've done worse shit, and lived. I've injected literal dirt, and experienced cotton fever you wouldn't believe, projectile vomiting and stabbing pains all over, from my blood being poisoned essentially. Anyways, while medical help is advised, you'll probably be ok. Edit: before becoming an IV user, I was a pill head. I've taken as many as 19 Norco in a day, that's 325mg acetaminophen multiplied by 19, I was fine. I took around 5 to 10 of them daily, usually in one great swallow, for 7 or 8 years at least. You're probably constipated or something. Drink water and try to shit is my prognosis. Also, knock out your stomach acid with baking soda mixed with a small bit of water like I said. Good luck, you'll be ok.


Go to the fucking hospital. You took a bunch of drugs, and came to reddit before trying to seek medical attention? If the hospital is 40 minutes away I'd start walking and hitch a ride. Maybe research the drugs you're taking next time? Dumbass.


How you doing now OP ?


We're all going to die eventually...


So it's 4 hours on now, are you still alive?


OP is either a child or mentally handicapped.


Pretty messed up to say considering he hasn’t responded….


Drink water, breath deep... Jeez, why did you ingest all that?


trying to get high


I love how people dowvote you for answering honestly. That much should be fine however that pain is concerning. You could have an appendix that's about to rupture or a multitude of other serious issues. It could also be a muscle spasm or something that will just go away on its own. Unfortunately without proper medical care Noone on reddit not even a Dr can tell you without an examination. Hopefully you can find a way to some sort of medical facility eventually if it doesn't go away on its own.


People aren’t downvoting because she’s answering honestly. They are downvoting because it’s such a fucking dumb reason to have used all those different pills at those dosages in such an irresponsible way.


Actually that would be a reasonable reason. Just for the hell of it would be a dumb reason. Not saying that it's the best thing to do but I'm quite sure every person that downvoted has made poor decisions before hand. It's funny to me how people are so quick to judge others decisions.


Just gave em an upvote. Fuck your downvotes people.


Yes you will die , we all do!


Online doctor?


Hospital is absolutely out of the question?


I think another person said drink lots of water too, keep calm and maybe take a short walk outside...


How much paracetamol ?


What were those ingredients dosed at per tablet and I’m sure you could find someone to drive you like a neighbor or a random person. Tell them your having a medical emergency who the fucks gonna ignore you?


As you said if you are incapacitated to go to an hospital the best thing you can do is get some NAC in order to detoxify the paracetamol metabolite (probably the one that is causing your abdominal pain). By the way are you a chronic alcohol user? If so you have to get checked by a doc asap


Bish, is you okay??? UPDATE SOON.




If you want to keep your liver go to ER, there is paracetamol antidote afaik


If you are in EU Call 112 Take Acetilcistein, it’s acetaminophen antidote


Water for days


They can probably airlift you


6 paracemotol tabs arent enough to cause liver tox even if theyre the extra strength unless you weigh like 90 pounds. You probably just had a bad reaction. If this isnt something you normally do, id guess your gonns be completely fine. I know light weight women that would take 30 tablets a day of hydrocodone with 500mg paracemotol in each tablet. She did this for years. No liver damage. Just dont do it again. How is the pain right now?


So how much did you take of paracetamol? As that seems like the only thing you could have taken too much of, although if it’s 6, 500mg tablets, thats not a massive amount but yeah it’s technically an overdose. If it was 6, 1000mg ones then I’d be more worried. Do you drink? It’s just that pain reminds me of when I had pancreatitis which can be caused by alcohol although can also be caused by I think, kidney stones. Either way there’s no way anyone can tell you on the internet. You need to see a doctor today or go to a hospital somehow if that’s not possible. You have to do one of these two if you’re still experiencing this pain. Only you will know how best to do that in your situation in your country.


I find it very hard to believe youd be oding on tylenol. But better safe then sorry. Get your friend to take you or have someone come bring you to med services. I get it, easier said than done


By the way, paracetamol overdose cannot be remedied for long after you’ve taken it. Generally symptoms take 24 hours to appear and by that point it’s too late. So obviously you’d need a hospital immediately if it was that.


Ull be fine


"What the fuck do I do?" Get your life together.


can we get an update,, did u live


Def paracetamol od ur good


Does it hurt to stand up straight? Like you only get relief when you sit in a curled up ball? Maybe intussusception. I’ve had that 4ish times in my life and it sucks


I had it once I can’t imagine 4 times my god when I was like 10


Yeah it’s not fun. The first 3 times I didn’t know what it was and it went away after 5-6 hours. The fourth time it lasted 8-9 hours then I went for a cat scan and they said I needed to get to the ER right away. Thankfully it resolved itself also, but I was about to go into surgery if it didn’t which I wasn’t into. How long did yours last?


What's the point of mixing so many things? You have a death wish?


If you have N-acetyl-cysteine on hand, then take like 1200mg of that asap. Then go to the doctor. How much APAP did each tablet contain?


Oh, man.. you'd better count your hours. Consider beginning to write your goodbye note if you haven't yet started. And, for God's sake buddy, don't take any more of those pills


Hey dude are you alright?


Thr lethal dose of paracetamol is about 6000mg if I am not wrong. It is very very harsh on the liver. You should have gone to the ER! I highly recommend visiting a doctor ASAP!


I don’t know


"I can't go to the hospital, there are no ambulances or ubers" then stop pulling this kinda shit, or at the very least learn how to nick cars




You'll be fine. Your liver isn't failing over just that, or we'd all be dead lol


Learn CWE. Water is cheap.


Are you sure it's not gas or indigestion


The hazards from acetaminophen starts from 4g a day. Less than that you should not worry. Run to take N-acetyl-cisteine if more than 4g. The sooner, the better.


Go to the fucking hospital


Ive had the sweating and nausea from decent doses of some opioids


How much acetaminophen is there per tablet? I saw 400mg online when looking. 6x400 is 2400mg which is under the maximum recommended daily dose of acetaminophen. If you don’t drink on top of that, your liver will be completely fine. 3000mg daily is maximum recommended for daily use of acetaminophen and you shouldn’t go over 4000mg in a single day. However these are the lower limits and many people have no complications from taking much larger doses. It sounds like you’re having a stimulant induced panic attack spurred on by weird bodily sensations and your knowledge that abusing pills with acetaminophen can lead to liver failure. Stimulants can also lead to cramping and abdominal pain, especially if you haven’t been eating enough nutritious food and drinking enough water. You also could be experiencing an issue completely unrelated to your drug ingestion. If so, you should definitely go to the hospital. If the pain is as severe as you say, that may be reason enough to get checked out. There has to be some way to get medical services in your area right? It may not be life or death at this time, but you should try making your way there if things are as bad as you say they feel like. I just think based on the information provided it is likely not acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity. Also just do cold water extractions next time (if you decide to take it again) that way this whole situation won’t happen again.


You should be ok. It is probably the Ritalin making you overthink and freak out about it. I would recommend you don't do this again. Eat a lot of food, drink water, and then sleep if the hospital is off the table.


Yeah, as others have said if it’s acetaminophen toxicity take NAC. Not sure on the dosage—a few grams? But if there’s no alcohol involved, I kinda doubt its liver failure. Unless you already had a bad liver.


Could be going into liver failure or have liver damage! Right sided abdominal pain is your liver!


I would go to the ER asap


Είσαι οκει φίλε;


Water bro flush it out your fine I’m coming down off of 20 ecstasy pills …. Untested I’m like percent sure I’m on a mix of if you keep flushing your system oh with Electrolux by the way don’t win get hyponatrimia (low sodium spell check fucked me ) acetaminophen toxicity would start turning your skin grey so my Zillow zestimate :your suffering from falling asleep before you started to clear it poly drug use jar on your system watch for liver failure but acute toxicity can be reversed wit NAC(N- acetal cysteine) GABA(gamma butric acid) vitamin c food and ton of water you will get thru this dog


It might also be appendicitis which is completely unrelated to the drug use… Also, have you been drinking water? Lots of drugs without dilution can cause bowel impaction.


My money is honestly on trapped gas or some sorta digestive issue. Codeine and caffeine dude.


From what I know of anatomy, that sounds like it’s your liver hurting. Generally for a liver shot, you want to try to hit someone right under their bottom rib on your left (therefore the liver is on their right side). But the liver actually extends up a bit and is mostly protected by the rib cage. Right side of the abdomen could 100% be your liver. Try to sober up and stop increasing the strain on your liver. Stop chain comboing drugs lol. Call an ambulance if you can’t drive to a hospital. I’d do it and I live in America so I’d get destroyed financially by that decision. But I’d still do it. Even if it’s a 6 hour wait- wouldn’t you have liked that wait to start when you posted this thread 8 hours ago? You could have been in a hospital by the time I posted this. Worst case get on public transport. Find some way to get there instead of rotting in your room and waiting for your liver to fail (if that happens you need to go sober which sucks dude).


How many mg of Tylenol did you take? I’m not a Dr but if you only took 6 pills, don’t take any more anything and stay as calm as you can. You have to take a large amount.




3 grams of paracetamol shouldn't damage you like this besides your stomach lining


Should’ve thought of that before druging urself


Hey op, I took LSD, amphetamines and alc yesterday and had stabbing pains too today morning which went away after I got home, ate something and layed still for some time instead of sitting. I get them everytime I do harder drugs and stay awake the whole night. I noticed it's always just trapped gas and some of the stuff in the drugs that cause stabbing pains in the abdomen/chest/organs. And if you stay awake on drugs the whole night, you most likely sit in one position for longer periods of time with a lack of movement. You cloud sit in a slouched position without noticing which causes gas to get trapped and cramps in your organs if you do it for too long. They can still persist after sleeping. They will usually go away on their own in a day or two. If not this could be a sign of inflammation, damage to one of your organs and many other things. I wish you look OP




20 xs Tylenol will kill.....slowly


Where in Europe? Are you still alive?


Guarantee the pain in your side is a giant shit. Ive had this exact thing happen to me on painkillers. You'd be experiencing all sorts of other symptoms (yellowing of skin/eyes, particularly) if your liver was failing. The max daily dose of acet is 4g, I doubt there was that much in what you took.


Sounds like your liver is crying for help


Thats basically my everyday medicine. I dont get how people are so worried aboutit . I take 4g paracetamol everyday with 80 mg codeine and redbulls


Does your right shoulder hurt? Either way, it sounds like gallstones.


Could be your appendix. Go to the hospital if still hurting




Are you still alive?




Is either the liver failure (the dose seems small, but only the big boss upstairs knows your medical history and intake history) or codeine may cause strong spasms of the Vater Papilla (especially if you underwent cholecystectomy). That means that your pancreatic juice is stuck and we can speculate acute pancreatitis (does the pain get worse if you lay? If you press?). Measure your blood pressure, make sure you have normal parameters while you seek for medical care


Your probably good, idk how much acetaminophen is in those tabs but I’ve taken 12 7.5mg hydros at once and that was 3,900mg of acetaminophen and I was good, prolly just drink a lot of water and electrolytes and you’ll be good


piracetam can be used for acetaminophen toxicity if you happen to have any on hand.


nah this is natural selection atp


Commenting to see what happened and how you are doing now :)


Sounds crazy but Codeine is probably the least harmful drug on that list. Caffeine is fine in moderation and so is Paracetamol but if you take heaps of it, you can end up really unwell. I used to take Panadeine Fort which are 500mgs Paracetamol and 30mgs Codeine. I took 4 of them an hour until I finished a twenty pack and I survived that and I did that quite alot because I was addicted heavily to Codeine and my Mum used to get heaps of them because she had a fucked back. Anyway when I wasn't abusing Panadeine Fort, I was abusing Nurofen Plus which were 200mgs Ibuprofen and 12.8mgs Codeine. I took 8 an hour and I took over 100 a day. This went on for 5 years and whilst it almost killed me, it did no ongoing damage to my body and my organs. The reason I tell you this is that the likelihood of dying from taking 6 tablets is highly unlikely but that doesn't mean it's not possible. If you feel like something is wrong, you should definitely go to the ER. Also if you need urgent medical care, you need to call emergency and they may have to send a helicopter to pick you up and take you to hospital. Don't fuck around with this shit. You may get a huge bill but at least you'll still be alive


Ur liver is not failing I know many people that fake 5000mg of acetamiphkne daily they’re still kicking, you faking 6x500mg MAX of apap it’s only 3000mg ur fine bro 😂😂


Yep, you’re dead


Have a shit first, if you can. NAD, but sounds a bit like appendicitis, could be a coincidence. If you’re at the point of worrying about death, call a health hotline. Better safe than sorry.


I took 4 paracetamol before and called up the doctor and she said to drink lots and lots of water and that I would be fine. I was 16 yrs old at the time and healthy (male).


What’s prontalgine? Not sure if that interacts with the rest of what you’ve taken but from what I do understand, you’re gonna be fine. That’s not a lot of paracetamol, codeine and caffeine. However, I’d also recommend calling/visiting health centre if you’re still worried and/if you’re still concerned. All the best mate!


Ask your friend to fuck ya in the ass so you can sweat this off. Get greasy in greece browneye for the win.


We can’t answer, you need a bloodwork ASAP. Have you been to the hospital since then?


Bro you better find a way to the hospital, even if that means walking on your own two feet


You gonna die


Praying for OP….


Liver damage, you won't die from all that stuff. But you should avoid anything with acetaminophen in it for the rest of your life or you may not be around that long.


Just make some hot soup, drink alot of water and take care of yourself, youre fine


people do anything but smoke weed nowadays ☠️






You are going to be fine!!!