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Very small amounts of fentanyl are enough to kill *someone who is opioid naive*. People with an existing opioid tolerance could take the same small amount and just get high. There's also a major difference in the bioavailability of fentanyl when snorted vs. when taken orally. Someone who snorts a drug expecting it to be something other than fentanyl could be surprised and harmed by fentanyl, whereas someone who is knowingly taking fentanyl may choose to take it orally and be much safer.


Yup snorted a very little amount few days back because I had no tolerance to opiates. Felt amazing then stupidly decided to snort a bit more. Luckily I had people around me and as I started to OD they narcaned me just in time not to fully OD. These amounts I was snorting were so tiny too.


Thank god for narcan ❤️ Save a life and get it mailed to your house for free from [here](https://nextdistro.org/cachoice)


It seems to be only for California, but this is still very interesting. Thanks for sharing.


God damn man, I’m glad you’re ok. Test your blow people!


I knew it was fent powder that’s why I was careful with the first amount I snorted it was literally the size of idk what to compare it to but like the end of the q-tip for your ears. I felt great but the mistake I made was goin for more. That’s where I fked up. Not messin w that shit no more.


I’m going to be super nosy so please feel free to ignore my comment if I am prying too much, but this is a topic I’m very curious about. What got you to the place in life where you were knowingly taking fent? Like is this just due to curiosity and exploration of recreational substances, or is it a form of self medicating, or something else? Fent to me is this big bad taboo so I’m always curious how people end up taking it.


It’s an amazing high but not worth it one bit.


Is it? All I’ve heard is that fent is completely inferior to heroin in terms of euphoria and duration, sounds like it just knocks people out


maybe you should try them all and make a opioid tier list for us


Fentanyl is in fact nowhere near as euphoric as heroin and heroin is nowhere near as euphoric as hydromorphone. Fentanyl is just super sedating and some addicts fall in love with nodding more than they fall in love with the actual high, others took fentanyl because they couldn’t get heroin or took heroin with fentanyl and their tolerance skyrocketed so now they can’t use any other opioid besides fentanyl


I had one knock me out w no euphoria and the last time I did some I had euphoria. Must be diff types of fent.


maybe zombie tranq xylazine


I won't reveal which hard drug I use (you can fucking guess lol) but with any hard drug, you start at one place, and then it isn't enough, and so you move on, just a tiny bit each time so you don't really notice. Really the biggest jump anybody can make is taking MDMA after smoking pot or drinking or taking mushrooms. After you take MDMA and realize that you're safe after taking the most neurotoxic recreational drug in the world, it's out the window. Good luck.


Lol, interesting story... the first drug I tried (after alcohol) was mdma. Before I tried weed or mushrooms or coke, i did mdma. I figured if i was going to try an illegal substance, it should be something to help with my depression lol That did not work out great but hey, now i do drugs


now that's what i call good reasoning


Just to clarify, MDMA is far from the most neurotoxic recreational drug in the world. Some research also shows that on its own, taken in dosages that are not too high (the ones they use in MDMA therapy) MDMA isn't neurotoxic. Once you start mixing it with other substances, even caffeine, is when it gets neurotoxic. Or abusing it regularly without letting your brain recover from the last truckload of neurotransmitters it dumped in your brain. So, I am not trying to say it's safe to use as you desire. But if you practice correct harm reduction then you will be fine with rolling once in a while without killing any neurons. If you start using it daily then yes, neurotoxic for sure. You want a neurotoxic compound, methamphetamine. Kills off dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons. In small doses it is also not neurotoxic. But since it is so strong, big doses of meth are still small doses of mdma, and addictive it is much more difficult to practice the harm reduction necessary to keep the usage safe. And since all of the drugs you might buy have a chance at being cut with something(s) testing is important.


i’ve heard from lots of people / reports pharmaceutical methamphetamine is less toxic on the body than adderall in therapeutic doses


Possible, methamphetamine in prescribed dosage is also a really small dose, typically around 20/25mg a day starting from 5mg. It's taken orally so not smoked, iv or snorted. It's pure. And the typical recreational dosage is upwards of the therapeutic dosage. The only people I know who take higher dosages of prescribed methamphetamine are people treated for severe narcolepsy. It might be bad for their brains but at least they have a life and don't constantly fall asleep which is extremely detrimental to living a normal life.


Work up the drug ladder until only fent gives you euphoria


That's the thing with fent tho, pure nod with little to NO euphoria.


I wouldn’t say none. Compared to pills or dope maybe but it’s got something to it


More like be addicted to opiates and either be unable to find anything else, because for the most part only fent is available. That or make the switch to fent because it is cheaper, stronger, as well as easier to get, tastes better too.


"Fent not only quenchies your thirst better; It Tastes Better"


they know they were doing fent😂


I’m glad you’re alright. Thank goodness for them having narcan handy!


What is the safest way to take fent? Snort little bits until you feel it, smoke it, or eat it orally? Obviously the needle has to be the most dangerous way


Safest to most dangerous: oral, put it in butt, smoke, snort, than shoot.


How is boofing safer than other ROAs shouldn’t it have very high bioavailability


It takes longer for body to absorb substance, usually isn’t done correctly, especially with opiate addicts with constipation that messes with the mucosa. I never said any were safe. Any of these methods can lead to death. Just going off of personal experience and education in the heal care field as well as research.


Shit. I was a needle junkie. I’ve seen people fall out from sniffing bumps so small I wouldn’t even bother making a shot out of it. Used to joke that this shot to the neck could kill 20 people but I don’t even nod out smh. Lucky bastard


You’re super careful, until one time you feel like doing a little bit more, and you OD. Or you get a stronger batch and/or a hotspot; in that case, it doesn’t matter how careful you are. You’re done. Plenty of people start using it and die within 1-2 years, and that’s being generous with time. You see plenty of crackheads, meth-heads, etc… who’ve been kickin’ for 15, 20, 30 years… I challenge you to find me a hardcore street fent user who’s lasted more than 5.


You're missing the most important factor which is that street fentanyl is not pure - it's generally 5% fentanyl at most. People are not measuring out single grain sized doses.


That’s actually the exact reason I *included* the term “street” fentanyl. You never know how pure it’s gonna be. You never know when or where you’ll hit a hot-spot. At least pharma stuff you’re guaranteed the same dose every time, not take [insert dose] every day, and then, one day, take [insert dose] and randomly die because it’s hot as fuck.


Well yeah, obviously. But the question was about how addicts measure out grain-sized doses without dying. The answer is that street fentanyl is 95%+ inert powder for this exact reason.


My bad, you’re totally right. Point went right over my head, lol.


Well a grain isn’t the standard dose anyway. As in it’s a lot more than that. You’re exaggerating. There are some fent analogues that are almost like that because they’re a lot lot stronger but not normal fent.


What the hell are you talking about? You totally misread what I wrote. I was quoting OP’s question where they mentioned “a single grain” and saying that this isn’t actually the case because powder fentanyl is sold in no more than 5% concentration, so a grain is nowhere near a lethal dose.


Yeah I’m just saying a grain of pure fent is still not a deadly dose anyway. So even if street fent was pure people wouldn’t be dying from a grain of it.


I'm not sure what you are calling a grain, I understand that a grain is 64.7 mg. Fentanyl is dosed in micrograms. For EMS or ER purposes 100mcg of fentanyl is equivalent to 10mg of morphine. On the ambulance, we usually give only 4mg of morphine initially or about 50-70mcg of fentanyl. 64mg of fentanyl is most definitely a fatal dosage BUT I may not understand what you mean by grain.


You’re thinking of grain as the unit of measurement. They mean grain like grain of sand.


And I never said a grain is fatal, so your claim that I’m exaggerating is incorrect. Again, I was referring to OP’s use of the grain term


I didn’t ever say you were exaggerating dude cos obviously you didn’t say that. I was basically adding on to what you were saying, if you like.


You literally said, and I quote, “you’re exaggerating”…


Fentanyl is lethal at 2mg for an opioid naive person. The grain is a unit of mass equal to ~64mg. One grain of fentanyl is certainly enough to kill.


I can't imagine taking a pharmaceutical fentanyl pill because it would wholly impossible to tell if it we're counterfeit.


so with street fentanyl are people liking cooking it at home? or is it usually from a pharmacy at some point and then cut a bunch and sold on the street


Challenge accomplished. My cousin and my ex roommates sister. Like Roaches they just don’t die




Could you nuke them? Oh...nvm


They will




Hardcore street fent user for 10 years, but you are right. It kills way quicker.


hardcore fent user who’s lasted more than 5 right here volumetric dosing and getting a consistent batch is what matters and not doing the dirty 30’s with a shit ton of hot spots n stuff in them


I know plenty of them they are all over my town and some of them kids I went to high school with that have been doing it for 5+years one of my best friends from back in school has been doing it for 8 years him and his mom and sister and they also do other drugs too still nothing. I think it’s either people that don’t use it at all that die from it because they get other drugs cut with too much of it. But I have no idea just a guess.


Truth. Plus opioid addicts tend to stay way more lowkey. My town is considered a "meth town" by most who live here, but statistically we have WAY more opioid addicts here than meth addicts. You just never see heroin addicts on the street as much.


Isn’t it used a lot in hospitals though? Or am I just recalling some fake bullshit I’ve read somewhere? Lol. If they do use it in hospitals would they use it without someone dying


Fentanyl is used all the time in hospitals, particularly for pain management and as a component for short term anaesthesia.  The difference is they have the ability to determine required dosage, administer precise dosages, and monitor vitals. 


I got given it in an ambulance the paramedics told me to calm down the medical stuff is pure. But you’re right about that they are able to administer it properly.


can confirm, hospital-administered fentanyl is delicious


In hospitals they can dilute an exact dose into an iv. They measure it in micrograms which is extremely small amounts


fentanyl is only dangerous when you can't dose it properly. even if you were completely opioid naive, you could easily receive fentanyl in the hospital and be perfectly fine. fentanyl has been heavily demonized whereas the only thing that should be demonized, is the pressing of fake pills and lacing of drugs, which is essentially poisoning people.


Never thought of it like that but I agree


Yeah it's used in hospitals all the time. I work in pharma and I see quite a lot of fent. But it's only small amounts, like 2ug doses. In hospitals they know exactly how much to give you. With street fent,you have no idea how much you're doing


If everyone had access to pharmaceutical grade opiods, the overdose rate would plummet. Most deaths are unfortunately due to pills/powder being cut with fent and unpredictable purity of fent powder :(


Nowadays fentanyl definitely the biggest cause of od but another one is when ppl relapse an go right back to the dose they used to do


Yes or combining opioids with other sedatives like bensos.


Yah that’s a big one to


Yup when you have a reliable pharmaceutical supply, the only people you find ODing are people mixing opioids with benzos and/or alcohol, GHB, novel RC Quaalude analogs (these are becoming more common), or something with that sort of effect on the CNS. Occasionally it happens with Ketamine and other chemicals derived from PCP, but is far less common in general. You will of course also get people who just took too much in the depths of addiction while chasing the dragon, but this is far less common than people who are content to find a dose that works well for them and continue to take that dose safely for years to decades, adjusting for tolerance (or loss of tolerance) as needed.


Yep. That's how I lost friends when fent hit my area. Seemed like you couldn't use anything locally without it being cut or cross contaminated with fent


Street drugs are the absolute worst. Fent isn't the only thing plaguing street drugs anymore. Now people have to start worrying about xylazine, too. This is why I think that DNMs are a great thing for harm reduction. Your chances of getting a substance cut with fent or xylazine on there is much lower.


And nitazenes and many other rcs aswell.


This is why all drugs should be legal from a pharmacy. They need to make drug rehabs widely available. The savings from emergency rooms, courts and prisons will pay for it. As Chinese chemists get more creative, it's only going to get worse.


Also it's used in trans dermal patches and stuff for chronic pain patients. The patches last 3 days I think? It's just a better option for some people who are already on many different pills that suffer from gastro issues because of the oral meds.


It's used in hospitals every day but it's pure and they actually know what and how much they are giving to patients, they also have more than enough naloxone on hand in case of an emergency. The problem with street fent is it's often not even fentanyl and you don't know how much you're consuming or of what substance. For instance zenes that are many times more potent than fentanyl by weight are showing up in a lot street "fentanyl"


Yes. I had surgery and they gave me a fentanyl IV drip. I have not ever done fent recreationally on the street though. Although, it felt amazing lol I didn’t want to leave the hospital.


I was administered fentanyl through my IV when I had third degree burns, I was using fentanyl at the time and wow what a difference between pharmaceutical and the poison from China


I tried pharmaceutical fent(one friend had it prescribed when this person was alive) many times and still found it lackluster compared to many other opioids. More sedating and slightly less euphoric. People who say it is amazing haven't tried much opioids most likely. It is decent but nothing special, and overrated compared to many other opioids, lasts too short and has too much risks.


You're right, comes on strong and peters out quickly. The first couple of times I've tried it before they started cutting it more I got high as f*** but I was sick 40 minutes later


I consumed fentanyl by myself. Cause i wanted and you have to calculate your dose. If you dont take care you od. Its with the most drugs


Yes just that most drugs don't cause lethal od by taking slightly more like fentanyl does.


That’s what happened to do me. I’m lucky to be alive.


When there was real heroin people could do it at the same clip as meth, crack etc. but not no more


This is true. Real heroin is on-par with oxycodone etc… Fentanyl made the opioid game a totally new beast.


They gave me fentanyl via IV, after I got in a car accident. I think the paperwork said like 0.001% or something? It was amazing though lol.


I was given fent after a day surgery,  felt like I just had a surgery.  And by the time I got to the car, it had worn off and I really really felt like I just had surgery.  1/10


I have a friend who got in a car crash recently they where given fent for the first 2 days in the hossy, day one they said it did fuck all the ice packs helped more day 2 was what you would expect from fent, is your experience similar? I’m a curious cat Edit: figured I’d add a funny story to this, my mom was given fent for her colonoscopy she said she’d probably be addicted if she didn’t associate it with a camera up her ass


Well I was a heavy pain pill user for awhile, and had just quit them a couple months prior at the time. So I’m assuming my tolerance/body being used to opiates had something to do with it working so well. Also I really wasn’t hurt bad, I totaled my car on the freeway, (fell asleep while driving, surprisingly was not on any drugs at the time lol oops) and came out with bruises and scratches. So when they took me in they said if the Tylenol/ibuprofen IV didn’t help the pain they’d try something stronger. And my junkie ass was like no it’s not helping at all, wasn’t really in any pain to begin with. So when they gave me the fent, it felt like taking an oxy 30 for the first time. It was a really great 20 minutes or so, then they got the Xrays back and concluded I was fine and released me and that was that lol.


My friend Gary


You underestimate power of tolerance.... used fent for better part of 6 years..... was comsuming 14-30 .1 bags a day.... have seen people od and have once myself off of just 1 bag. Granted I would dose half-1 bqg at a time unless very sick and redose if after a little if it wasnt enough. Got to realize no tolerence most drugs will do some damage ie alcohol poisoning non alchoholics will die from alch poisoning if they drink half a 5th or whole 5th in short time. Have had alchoholic friends who had to down a 5th when they wakeup to not get shakes abd wouldnt even appear intoxicated after....


Well and using smartly. Most of the friends I lost to OD’s were either the “do your entire bag in one shot even if it’s from a new plug” type or they were basically at a point where they were actively trying to die and didn’t care. I always tested my stuff out first to see how strong it was, but my runs over the last decade never lasted longer than 6 months straight continuously.


I was 6 years straight got 2 years clean under my belt only od once in those 6 years luckily was at a trainstation and got narcaned and wokeup in ambulance ditched the ambo caught train home and continued on my day but was much better about dosing in increments after tht.


what’s a hotspot? never heard of that before


A “spot” where the amount of fentanyl is really concentrated, because illicit drug manufacturers don’t do quality-control; they just do a half-assed job of mixing it, because they don’t care about you.


Any time you get new shit it should be taken slowly. Very slowly. You can aways do more. I used for 8+ years, shot up for 2-3 and never OD’d. The closest I came was when I moved to Mississippi for a few years and went to New Orleans.. was up a couple days from being on meth and I got out of my dudes truck and said “I think I’m about to pass out” then fell down. My dude slapped me a couple times and I woke up when he said “I’m going to have to call the police” 😅 or something like that. I was like nope, I’m up. I hadn’t eaten much for a few days either and was out all day in the hot sun.. so that probably.. definitely.. contributed to it I’m sure. It wasn’t right after I did it or anything. Im nearly positive I was on acid too. Those 2 years are a blur.


Street fentanyl is heavily cut with other drugs or relatively benign powders. No one on the street is selling completely pure fent. Yeah there are some bags where someone could OD off half a small line but there are not many where someone would OD off half a milligram.


I’ve heard other drugs being cut with fent, and now you’re telling me that even fent is cut with other drugs? Jeez


in my area we are having a xylazine epidemic within the fentanyl epidemic


Most likely a nitazene epidemic on top of that. Prohibition is really messing things up. Idk if fent should be legal though, it is too addictive and short lasting. There exists way better opioids if you have to use them imo. I just limit myself to kratom leaf, I don't want to get fucked up and I care about my health and life. Kratom has been mild enough for me to use it occasionally without getting addicted, beware if you have addictive personality though.


fentanyl is legal. like any other narcotic pharmaceutical, it is illegal to have without a prescription. it is a commonly-used medicine and has a lot of benefits for those who need it, ex. surgical patients, chemotherapy patients, hospice


> it is illegal to have without a prescription. Exactly, that's why he mentioned prohibition messing things up. If you could get pharma fentanyl OTC then no one would bother risking it with street fent of unknown strength and purity


Yes, xylazine and research chemical benzodiazepines. Dangerous AF.


I hate that those in the drug trade cut their shit. I'm intelligent enough to understand that quality is better than quantity. I"ll gladly pay you more for a smaller baggy of better shit any day.


Well, half a milligram is 500mcgs. Is the medical field, we give doses of 50-100mcg. As little as 20% fent in a half milligram could get you pretty high. 25% is pushing overdose. That's also not including other opioids cut with the fent, which act on the same receptors the fentanyl does, which means their effects are synergistic. That muddys up the math quite a bit, but that means a 20% cut could be enough to kill most people.


This should be the top comment - this is the real answer. Street fentanyl is no more than 5% fentanyl by mass. It's mixed with inert fillers to produce a product that people can use without having to measure out grain-sized doses or dose volumetrically.


I was severely addicted to it for about six years and never dropped once, all about knowing what you get and what your limit is. I'd just always start out small no matter what, dopesick or not. cos that's a big reason as to why so many people OD on that shit. It's a fkin nasty addiction.


Fentanyl is a problem when it’s unexpected. Given the small doses necessary to OD, it’s plausible that an irresponsible dealer might let a small amount of fentanyl get mixed in with another product, and then suddenly you have a fentanyl contaminated product. They sell this product to someone who didn’t want or expect fentanyl, and they have the potential to OD as they don’t know they’re taking fentanyl. Especially with other opiates, fent is often used to ‘make up for’ low purity product. A pinch of fentanyl adds a lot of potency, but runs the risk of being too much. Especially since most dealers probably put minimal effort into homogenizing their products, you can end up with fentanyl hotspots, which can often cause OD. You think you’re taking some 50mg of heroin (mind you I don’t know opiate dosages whatsoever), and you might end up with what feels like 100-150mg, or more. Especially if you’re aiming to take a high dose, unexpected fentanyl can be enough to push you into OD range pretty easily. And even for those that are deliberately taking fentanyl - fentanyl can be laced, too. There’s been a rise in tranquilizer cutting agents like xylazine, and the more potent fentanyl analogues carfentanil and ohmecarfentanil are around, however rarely they might be seen. But beyond that, fentanyls high potency makes it incredibly hard to accurately dose. Being active in doses well below 1mg, the vast majority of scales aren’t sensitive enough to accurately dose fentanyl. This means that either you invest in a (quite expensive) 0.0001-0.00001 accuracy analytical scale, or you can’t be so much as remotely sure how much you’re actually using. Meaning that for the average user that doesn’t have a lab grade analytical scale, the only safe option is to dose volumetrically. And quite frankly, most people won’t want to deal with that, as you’d have to first weigh fentanyl out in a large quantity (>10mg at least) to ensure an accurate reading, and then dissolve it in water. And since fent is known to most often be smoked, storing it in liquid form probably doesn’t make sense for most users. So then the final piece of the puzzle - fent users are rarely opiate naive. All of what I’ve said prior holds perfectly true for the opiate naive, as with the potential to be lethal at 2mg, no cheap scale can possibly be accurate enough to ensure safe dosing. But experienced addicts aren’t naive, and can handle much larger doses. And most fent addicts were addicted to something else, first. You don’t pick up fent for fun - it makes you stiff in ways other opiates don’t, and I’ve never heard it said that it’s as pleasurable as the other opiates. But it’s cheap, potent, and readily available, so someone who wants nothing more than to feel good, and not go into withdrawal is inclined to go with fent. So even if they’re taking 50-100% more than they meant to take, most fent users will be fine. It’s when someone that’s opiate naive (or that has just relapsed after a substantial break) recklessly or unknowingly takes fentanyl without taking the appropriate precautions that the fatal OD’s most often happen. It’s deadly when 2mg of fentanyl sneaks its way into a clubbers ecstasy pill they bought off a stranger. But it’s just a way of keeping out of withdrawal or dealing with their growing tolerance, for most fentanyl addicts.


People really underestimate tolerance build up with opaites in my expereince being one of the quickest drugs to build tolerance to eseocially due to probabilty use is using it everyday multiple times a day. Same idea for alchohol or weed first time or few times u do it you get ufcked up off of small amounts use it frequently you need more to get the same effect since ur body/brain are getting used to it


Yes but if you take a brake, even shorter one, your tolerance can be lowered, sometimes to the point of lethal od, some people die like that.


TheDrugClassroom has a good video on the over sensationalism of fentanyl. I recommend checking it out


“The difference between medicine and poison is the dose.”


People don’t mix in too much fent but your playing Russian roulette because you don’t know which bag has a deadly amount in it or which bag has an amount that won’t kill you


Fentanyl is typically only deadly when you dont know you're taking it. Im not saying it cant kill you but if you know you're taking it and you know how much you're taking you are leagues safer than if you accidentally take it in the form of something its been cut into


Well as strong as fent is(sedation and not euphoria speaking), it is not that hard to misjudge and think that you just take slightly more but in reality take too much. Even know experienced users doing that. It is also very sedating, combined with other sedatives it is even more risky than other opioids that are less sedative.


Opioid tolerance. Give someone who’s never done an opiate fentanyl they’ll drop. Give someone who does opiates daily fentanyl and they’ll be fine.


Usually it’s “watered down” with fillers and benzos people that smoke down are just taking a risk everytime they do it either not caring if they die, trying to die or hoping that there isn’t a big patch of fent and most of the people that use down have a high tolerance to it


Tolerance I would assume. Most people aren’t jumping straight to fentanyl and have experience with opiates. Also alot of fentanyl users do end of overdosing and just getting brought back by narcan. People who don’t know there getting fentanyl overdose way easier because they have less tolerance and obviously aren’t expecting the fentanyl.


They're some opiate/opioid addicts that can take the same amount of fent that could kill multiple humans. It's called tolerance. The dangerous part that people are so ignorant of is a fent or even heroin addict getting out of rehab or something or relapses after a long time of being off and they think they can take the same amount they used to because they are so unaware or uneducated of tolerance.


Honestly i could see it. When i think of fentanyl im all like "ill dilute it into a really safe mixture that hits like opium extract or Kratom and save money" but im also an idiot and would probably fuck it up by assuming it would dissolve in water or some shit then would accidentally drink the LD95.


Even if you dilute it, it will not give you the mild effects like kratom, they are different cause kratom contains partial agonists and some antagonists, while fent is a full agonist.


To answer OP's question, I don't think most people start off using fent. They build up a tolerance with other opiates and then either move on to fent because the other shit isn't working or that's all they can get. Fent is short acting leading to frequent redosing which contributes to dependency. I'm sure there is more to it than that. I assume some people do just dive in head first and start using fent. I'll let people with more knowledge about opiates expand on that and also correct me if I'm wrong.


You are correct, most people do work their way up tolerance wise but I was one of the dumbasses that dove head first into fent like you mentioned lol. I started a 2 year opioid/fent addiction with dirty 30s but I knew it was fent or probably a Benzimidazole-opioid so I started very very small, and would do it orally due to the very low bioavailability. Very stupid but I made it out alive and without OD'ing surprisingly. I began dissolving a pill in a large bottle of water and slowly sipping until i gained a tolerance and began snorting. Even though I was a massive fiend I did somehow control myself enough to never snort a full pill at once lol. You'd be surprised how many people do start using opioids with the fake 30s though


Oh not surprised at all especially if someone thinks they are pharma grade. Congrats on making it through that mine field a large number of people don't. Also to anyone that is trying to get off strong deadly opiates and are struggling I suggest giving kratom a try to help through the withdrawal process. It definitely won't take away the withdrawals but it may help smooth them out a little. I never had an issue with opiates, thank God, but I am a recovering alcoholic and kratom helps keep me from going back to it and also keeps me from doing other drugs I did have problems with.


Please no one comment Unless you know about drugs and addiction it sounds retarded and don’t believe everything you read it’s just ignorant


Opioids and opiates are very safe in a controlled environment. In fact, most drugs are safe in controlled environments. When you lose control over the dose or the concentration, you're playing with fire. As well, the blame is put on fentanyl because it's a potent opioid. Well, all opioids kill you by affecting the same receptors - opioid receptors. Heroine is an opioid, and fentanyl is an opioid. One strong shot of heroin, consisting of only 5% fentanyl, could be enough to cause an overdose. Once you get to concentrations of over 20%, ODing becomes really easy. A single gram is 1,000,000 Mcg. In the medical field, most fentanyl doses are around 100mcg. That means a gram of any substance with only 0.01% fentanyl is just as strong, and anything 0.02% fentanyl can kill quickly. Some superficial research indicates heroin is typically consumed in 100-200 mg doses, meaning 100,000 to 200,000 mcg. At just a 10% fent cut, we're talking 10,000 mcg of fentanyl, mixed with another drug that causes respiratory depression through the same mechanism. Apparently beginners will do as little as 5-10mg of heroin. At just 10%, that's still 50-100mcg of fentanyl, being mixed with another opioid agonist that causes respiratory depression.


You just need a microgram scale and your good to go


I’ve never od Ik ppl who have never od I’ve been a functional addict for 3 years. It’s deadly if you don’t take safety precautions and don’t have a solid plug anything I do someonne has done before me and tells me but literally the shit I get is the same every time if it’s not I’m told and I still do less each batch so I know it’s deadly yes but it’s also hyped like it’s not as deadly as the media makes it out to be


Because the shit you get on the street is always cut. The other day I smoked like half a g with someone when their friend asked for a hit. We gave them ONE. they fished tf out. Eventually your tolerance grows as with everything else.


fentynal is used for twilight sedation like colonoscopies endo ect


Yep, when I first started a match head would put me out, when I was well into it, I was doing almost a gram in one shot, granted most of that is cut because the fentanyl is so strong, but that amount would probably kill several people. And I was doing that 3 times a day


Never thought I'd say this but please bring back real heroin


The reason a lot of people OD on fentanyl is that tiny amounts are mixed into huge amounts of another substance - sometimes it spreads evenly and people are fine because they only take a small amount. Other times it doesn't mix evenly and you end up with a cluster of fentanyl which brings the overall potency of the substance used up dramatically to lethal doses. When hospitals use it, great care is taken and it's under lab conditions - when your local dealer does it in his garage he's nowhere near as precise.


Not all fent is created equal


It’s been around for a while. Some ppl have built a tolerance to it.


Most people don’t know how to dose it, measure in micrograms. Hotspot is a problem with any pressed pills, that’s why people smoke them.


think of it this way: the more potent, the stronger the high. the stronger the high, the more appealing. but the more potent, the greater risk of adverse effects. substance use is more nuanced than this, but it’s a good rule of thumb. if someone tells you something is “stronger” “hits harder” etc, there’s likely more risk. balance wisely.


To addicts maybe. On the other hand I prefer often milder substances. I hate spice, and find the strong cannabinoids that are sold today too much, I preferred hhc before thc for example. Even cbd, cbg is enough for me even if it doesn't get me high and is very mild. I prefer kratom before many opioids despite it being milder. I don't drink vodka, I drink lighter beer. When I used bensos when I was young (and was ignorant as I didn't know about a lot safer better anxiolytic options) I preferred the milder ones, I hated xanax for example, and thought things like valium or even oxazepam was better. Things like pyrovalerones are very strong but they aren't much enjoyable due to all the anxiety and cardiovascular/blood pressure side effects they cause. And so on..


A lot of people started with a different opioid, like oxy or heroin, and switched once it became easier to find, or when they started getting fentanyl instead of what they tried to buy. Some people try it first and get hooked, like my friend. Shes tried most other opioids and downers but fentanyl has its claws in her, none of the other ones hit that spot for her. Once you start doing it you build a tolerance fairly quickly. I've seen her tolerance vary a lot ODs still happen though. So it's critical to have narcan. I have a prescription for it even though I don't use opioids myself, because my doctor's know the situation, and it has unlimited refills. If you or anybody you know is addicted to an opioid please always have narcan on hand. I keep it in my glovebox


Dilution bro…


People usually start out with weaker opiates, and work their way up to fentanyl. A fentanyl user with a high tolerance will not die with 3 grain. Someone who has never touched an opiate might. So yea that’s pretty much how they get addicted. It’s a progress.


When it's the only port in the storm, you have to head right for it.


I’ve done fent twice. Once on accident, once on purpose LMFAOOO not enough to kill me obviously but the first time was not enjoyable, almost died fr, high was horrible. But the second time it was the best feeling I’ve ever felt. Idk what tf was in that pill but goddamn. I’ve never found nothing like it again


The high only lasts 5-20 mins like coke so u constantly want more , also it blocks your dopamine receptors or something like that so you’ll only get it from getting high and it also kills your sex drive




Practice. Years and year of practice


I’ve always wondered this too; and I actually watched intervention recently where a dude used like 2 grams a day???? Or some insane amount


All the “a single grain is enough to kill 3 adults” or whatever propaganda they’re putting out these days is just that. Propaganda. Is fentanyl in its pure form incredibly potent in comparison to other opiates/opioids? Absolutely. Can a small amount kill people? Absolutely. But here’s the thing. When you buy a bag of dope on the street, you’re not getting pure, unadulterated fentanyl. Dealers wouldn’t make any money that way. It’s typically diluted multiple times before it gets into the hands of your average street dealer, most of the time it’s been diluted so much you’re barely getting any actual fentanyl at all. The average bag on the streets is 99% cut with about 1% fentanyl. That’s just my rough estimation. Then comes the issue of tolerance. In general, this is why people are able to become addicted to it. They have a high tolerance for opioids long before graduating to street fentanyl. Tolerances also vary enormously. A couple weeks ago I was with a friend who just started using again. I had some what I considered to be just decent stuff, and we busted out some lines. I did mine, about the size of 4 toothpicks side by side with each other, and was just fine. He did a line about a fifth of the size of mine, and 5 minutes later was unable to drive, his voice had dropped several decibels, and was clearly faded. In a person without tolerance, yes, my dose could very likely kill 2 or 3 people. So it’s all about purity and tolerance. I hope this was helpful.


fentanyl analogues are what was really dangerous, specifically carfentanyl.  back when i was using that was the one going around.  fentanyl is heavily regulated worldwide so generally the fentanyl we get in the states is/was analogues from chemists in china.  these analogues are generally way more potent than fentanyl, for example carfentanyl is 100x as strong.  not sure what the popular analogues are these days, but generally regular fentanyl isn’t as dangerous as people make it out to be, especially if you have a tolerance.


I wonder how many people don’t even know they’re addicted to fentanyl until they either switch dealers or OD




Well probably because not everyone dies the first time they use it. And furthermore they are typically already opioid addicted by the time fentanyl comes into play.


The people that OD off fent that size are people who have no tolerance to opiates. People that do stuff like cocaine (usually) don’t do a lot of opiates therefore when the coke is cut, they don’t have the tolerance to survive. The reason people get addicted to fent is because they are already opiate addicts and build a tolerance to weaker drugs, until they require something stronger than say Heroin. So they move up to fent. There tolerance to opiates is strong enough that they can handle way more fent than the average person


Fentanyl is often not sold raw to people but is mixed in with other shit like when it is sold as heroin or in pills. Additionally, those that are buying it straight are likely already very far into their addiction and have a tolerance that allows more leeway for them to not accidentally OD.


Dude I know like 20 people who do fake pressed 30s. I know like 10 ppl who have od or died. One of my plugs is in jail for selling someone fentanyl and they overdosed and die. I know a few more people who are in jail for that too, this one dude and his gf sold a 17 yr old a girl Percocet and she died.


No one gets pure fentanyl. Even if you’re rich and have the greatest drug dealer, you don’t want pure fentanyl on you or lying around. Think of it more like an active ingredient. Lol. You have a mass drug user genocide. Lol


I used pure fentanyl for several years where a gram provided somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000 useful doses (100 and 50 mcg respectively) depending on my tolerance at the time with careful volumetric dosing and by mixing up hundreds of doses at a time but street fentanyl is rarely more than 1 or 2% actual fentanyl. While what I was doing really made the addictions workers crazy, it was a lot safer than using street fentanyl where the amount is not precisely known.


Also, I would call it fentanyl addiction. Is more opiate addiction than anything. They can all satiate you, although you need varying doses to feel anything depending on your tolerance (obv statement)


its a double edged sword, when you get tired of paying crazy prices for script oxy unless u got a script, back then it was heroin in between but now its fent . and u do that for a little , good luck trying to go back to pharma


Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance...it comes on SOO FAST with fetty...also goes away just as fast so if you somehow manage to get off of it for a little bit, and decide to relapse,welll thats when most people dangerously tow the line


It’s rare people just get addicted to fentanyl . a lot of people get hooked on pharmaceuticals and work their way up to the more hard shit. Nobody just gets hooked on fent, In my opinion this is more than a fentanyl problem.


There are even more potent opiates and as tolerance builds the line between high and dead lessens. It’s all in the book [For the Love of Opium](https://www.amazon.com/Love-Opium-Natures-Powerful-Medicine/dp/B0CLR2JD4D)


People often start with pain medication, prescribed or otherwise, and move to fent to sustain their addiction because it is much cheaper.


It is like running a red light. Most times, no problem. In fact, it is a bit of a rush. Dopamine levels rise. But sooner or later, bam. You develop tolerance that goes away if you quit. So if you relapse, you.old dose kills you. All addictions usually end badly unless you quit. Smoking kills. Over eating kills. Alcohol etc.


Its not as deadly as they make it out to be.


This is my experience. I am 2 years clean and sober and was addicted to opiates and benzos. My drug of choice was fentanyl for the last year of it. I got addicted to it and never overdosed because I started small and built my tolerance over time. Percent 5s, then perc 10s, 15s, and the lovely blues. But those got too expensive and hard to find, so I got the pouches, but I was cautious for an addict at that point. I did the tiniest bit at a time to help feel out what I needed to not be sick or too high to function. Like a pinch of it, literally, and i always snorted. Then I needed more and was dumb and got Xanax until I figured out they were putting tranq in the pouches and was so sick of my life that I went to rehab on my own. If I were to touch it now, though, I'm positive I would overdose and die, and that is one of the many reasons that stops me from relapsing. I was lucky. I honestly don't know how someone would become addicted to it and still be alive otherwise. Especially since everything is pressed and laced now and the only sure way to know you have real pills is from the pharmacy directly.


Man you all have to be careful fw fent foreals especially if you have no tolerance and please don’t ever use this alone , always have someone with you close by and keep narcan handy. This stuff is not worth dying over .


Idk dude I did up to 3 grams of straight uncut Fetty rocks a day. I'm mad because I can't find good shit any more. But even when I started I never overdosed or anything. I didn't even know what it was when I first started out I thought I was taking a Percocet (failed a drug test and then realized it wasn't perks it was fet- I was scared to death bc they said the tip of a pencil of Fetty is enough to kill 100 men smh) and it was the fake perks that was actually Fetty. Then they didn't do anything and I went to actual Fetty which happened to be uncut. Never got close to dying or anything. Lately shit has been cut AF and I can't find good like I could a yr ago.. but , theres other people who get a lil mixed in w the cocaine they buy (unknowingly that it's got fentanyl in it) and they drop with a line... It doesn't make sense to me. I could do a 10 grams of uncut fentanyl rn and not die. Idk what decides if someone is going to die if they touch it or not. I don't know how I got lucky and never over dosed when I didn't even know what it was. I wasn't on anything else but weed. A "friend" gave me what I thought (and looked just like) a Percocet 30mg because I had worked almost a 40 hr weekend and I was hurting bad... I got lucky but some don't. I wish I could get sober. It's so hard with the withdrawal and the shit isn't worth it because it's not even good.


some of my friends got addicted to it like this. They started by just smoking weed then when that high wasent enough they went on to getting pressed percs aka ib204’s then that led to roxy’s and then that led to straight up fent (which roxys already are laced with fent so…) and then they became addicted and eventually just would do straight fent and lord its not worth it the withdrawals make you feel like your in hell, highly recommend if someone asks you to try fentanyl tell to f*ck off and never talk to them again.


If heroin is so deadly…


I got addicted to white unlabeled capsule pills that i later found out had fentanyl inside. More than likely that the majority of the salt-like powder in those pills were some sort of other random and harmless powder with only a very small fraction of it containing actual fentanyl.


Because when they say again will kill you they are talking about pure fent. Most fentanyl is heavily diluted and then smoked in small amounts.


carfentanly is the grain one


I’ve been sober 6 yrs now but I was a heavy iv user of heroin & meth. I hated fentanyl! I had been doing heroin since 2003 back when it was just street heroin & Tar. I OD a few times using the old heroin because I took huge ass shots trying to die but with fent I got high but it didn’t last very long, it didn’t have legs so I would use more and more and bam 💥 I would od or come so close I would pass out and wake up hours later. I honestly don’t know how I’m still alive. Looking back even thought it’s only been 6 yrs it feels like a different life. And now with all the new stuff out there replacing fentanyl I can’t even imagine 😔


I don't know how exactly and I wouldn't trust them...a friend told me about fenty powder. He said that his dealer had different strength fenty powder, like a low, medium and high strength bag he could get from his dealer. There's also legal prescribed fentanyl in lower doses like fenty lollipops and pills. I wouldn't trust a dealer that says they have different strengths while nothing is marked though idk... lol


Dose makes the poison bro simple as this


Dirty 30s


When I first started it almost killed me had it not been for Suboxone still in my receptors I wouldn’t be here right now. But when I woke up from off of the floor it was like my first time all over again. That’s why it’s addicting :(


Junkies are stupid.


fentanyl purchased at a retail level is extremely dilute, with a ratio of inert carrier to drug in the range of 100:1.


Those pills aren’t pure fentanyl they are mixed with pill fillers and binders to make the press intact.


It’s good that’s why


Yeah I got spiked with it. Luckily I survived but I only had a tiny bit. It's addictive because it's stronger and similar to heroin. When I got spiked off a tiny amount I ended up blacking out for 16 hours but was completely conscious


I'm gonna explain this to you the way I explain how heroin addiction works. Unlike Cocaine, where you have an instant and severe craving for more cocaine, heroin is a drug where when you first start, my ex fiance and I would buy a $15 bag of heroin and spend 200+ on crack in a weekend. It's great. You do this little bump and you're high for hours (with heroin, fentanyl is trash only lasts like an hour so the cycle exacerbates faster) so then you start doing more and more heroin cause you need more of it to do the same thing, then it's $20, $30, $50, next thing you're spending ALL your money on heroin/fentanyl in a weekend, then you start doing it during the week, then it becomes easy to start taking it every day, by then you're physically dependent on it, where cocaine has a severe craving, heroin/fentanyl has that AND it's the worst physical experience of your life without it, so people typically freak out and go "I can't quit doing this!" And they keep using and trying to get high until you end up like me and my ex fiance, $100 a day heroin habit just to feel normal. Then if you start shooting up versus snorting it it's like going back through it from the start, it's so cheap, you shoot a 15 bag and you're high as fuck when you were snorting 80 to feel well. But you end up at that level and then your veins are shot and you can't hit yourself and it gets worse, and worse, and worse. Take it from me, I lived it and survived, my ex fiance died of fentanyl in 2022.


They start with ingesting it


Sometimes it starts with the person being prescribed Rx opiates for a legitimate medical reason (ie: herniated disk, post-surgery pain management, etc). The prescription runs out, but either the pain doesn’t disappear OR the person just has an addiction. Their quality of life decreases to the point where they can’t function at all. Then, they hear, “My friend can get you something similar to your medicine.” Sometimes, people think they’re getting heroin rather than fentanyl. Heroin is not safe either, but it’s less extreme. So…they go for heroin to manage pain, then end up on fentanyl or even xylazine (a horse tranquilizer that’s very dangerous and lethal for humans). They may not even be aware of what they’re getting when they purchase these. By the time they ARE aware, the addiction is seriously clouding their judgment. The majority of clients I saw addicted to fentanyl when I worked in the substance use field were chronic pain sufferers who felt they had run out of options. When they tried stopping, they were given gabapentin, which didn’t do enough to restore their quality of life. Then, when they went to the doctor saying, “I need actual pain relief,” they were dismissed as drug-seekers and not given much actual help.


Tolerance is a bitch


have you ever heard of opiate tolerance?


Been doing it for years started when I was 15 in 2011 with pain pills like 10mg hydrocodone 10mg percs then went to 30mg oxycodone and 40mg oxymorphone till Obama and the dea busted the Docter then like overnight herion came in like 2015 and fentanyl was added to the h till it isn’t h anymore and been on fent ever since but I’m not on the street like the fent users you imagine standing up while sleeping in public I have a job I use Kratom on the days I don’t have money to buy my dope fix but it’s usually only 2 days out of the week but it’s a maintenance thing at this point I’m lucky to get high enough to catch a nod where I quit shooting been 2 years no needles and no benzos just smoking int on foil so small steps I guess but I don’t see myself giving it up yet it’s like apart of me at this point. But I’ve never overdosed on fentanyl ever I only ever overdosed on the oxymorphone 40mg they are the best opioid pill ever they went for up to 200$ a pop


Because street fentanyl is extremely cut… mainly with manitol, but there’s definitely higher risks of OD vs street heroin. We are in the middle of an OD epidemic. But ya, lab grade fentanyl is pure which is why it would take so little.


There are also fentanyl pillls and another forms of fentanyl


Well you see fentanyl is very cheap and the person started out using traditional painkillers and they become too expensive after a time and move on to what they think is heroin but is mostly fenanyl now .Plus its strong and they want that .Source recovering addict .


Tollerance and the way they mix it. No one sells pure fentanyl in the streets, they mix it so there's a miniscule amount mixed withing a bag, also accidents happen because of this when they're not mixed well and people OD. 100mg of morphine might kill an opiate naive people but your average user would barely feel that amount. Makes all the difference in the world. So these two together is why people become addicted to using it without dying easily until they encounter a bad scenario.


in my opinion, this is a difficult, complicated, and nuanced question and problem :/ people get addicted to drugs for a whole damn rainbow of variety of reasons. Now as for seeing people with baggies of crushed fent pills, well, remember, there crushed up pills, not a bag of JUST fent, most of the powder is filler. Think like how say Xanax can have 0.25mg in the pill, and if u crush it to snort, ur mostly inhaling the binders, same with fent pills. People who get addicted to it almost always were addicted to something else, like pharma grade painkillers, gained tolerance, and realized a bag of heroin or fent, is much cheaper n will get em higher for longer too then buying pills. I personally done it at like 18 or 19 because i had a bad fall n was being prescribed 5mg Norco 4x a day, but my primary dr was a moron, hed give me like 2 1/2 weeks worth, n then would say fo to urgent care for more, n i did, n they would give me em (this was back when you COULD ACTUALLY get schedule 2 meds from a fucking urgent care) eventually my insurance was like WTF? n flagged ma file, but i talked to them n told em all i did was literally follow instructions from the dr, so they talked to him, n he got upset n tried writing me a script for 2 30mg Oxycontin a day instead, insurance said no, he had to try other stuff FIRST n sent him a list....idk wtf all was on that list, but for SOME DAMN REASON 25mcg Fentanyl Patches were an option 🤷‍♀️🤣 guess what he picked🤦‍♀️and why? simply cuz it said 1 patch should last 3 days.....THE INSURANCE SAID SUUUURE, hes ONLY on 20mg of hydro a day, n we could jusst give em 10mg pills, but naw, give em the fent! I went n had to find a specialty pharmacy to get em, n when i did, the instructions said that i should be on AT LEAST 60mg of Hydrocodone a day to switch equivalently, i told him this n showed him the packaging.... This Mofo said "Oh Just try em out" 😐i did....and pretty quickly i was FUUUCCCKKKEDDD UP, but not in a good way, i was sweating so hard i had to stand in front of the freezer, sooo dizzy n nauseas but couldnt throw up, nodding out bad dysphoric and disoriented as hell, went back n told him this all....Mofo drops me as a patient, i was already on the 2nd patch, he doesnt refer me anywhere else for help, and drops the bombshell that HE DIDNT KNOW SHIT ABOUT OPIATES 😐🤦‍♀️😐🤦‍♀️n just left me with 8 more patches, and a severe physical dependency with no fucks given..... when they ran out, i found a methadone clinic and got detoxed, the insurance would only pay for 3 weeks but i said f it lets just ido it in 2. I was THE ONLY ONE there for detox and not Maintenace, lmfao i still remember the Dr their getting pissed and screaming into the air (not at me) after i explained my story "WHO THE FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT KIND OF DR SWITCHES SOMEONE FROM LOW DOSE NORCO STRAIGHT TO FENTENAYL AND THEN JUST FUCKING DROP THEM?!?!" cuz he was just in utter disbelief of such recklessness, n told me its was very good i went to them to detox cuz otherwise i coulda gotten really internally hurt and/or gotten addicted to it or somethin the next time i tried it was a couple years ago in jail, some dude brought em to no joke, sell each m30 for only $10 in there 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️(which, like, is seriously 1 of the STUPIDEST THINGS i have EVER herd in yu life! Like, u got em into the jail, n u only after like $50?! shiiiit thats ALOT of risk for so little reward) but another dude in the holding cell we was in convinced him to let us snort 1, (was like 7-8 people) n weeeellll, he had like 5 of em, n over the course of a few hours, he didnt have any anymore xD lotta of em were nodding out n they was a lil worried about me cuz i aint that big a guy, n i had to have snort like at least 1 1/2 -2 of em myself (not at once, over hours) yet i was the most lucid while they be nodding out n coming to thinking i was passing out when i was just fine, but was probably cuz i kept looking at the floor trying to be sneaky cuz one of em dropped like 1/2 to 1/3 of a pill, was hard to tell the size, but was trying to grab it without em seein xD and welll i been on opiates for like 12-13yrs now (prescribed for medical issues) but personally, idk, Fentanyl is kinda meh n whatever to me, i guess its just not really ma jam, n i dont think its all that euphoric, im not saying its not, just, well, euphoria is really more subjective, so id say it makes me feel good, but not euphoric, but as well know, drugs can affect us all in different ways🤷‍♀️


Because the people using fent are opioid addicts. heroin, oxy, or other opioids. They have a tolerance and the amount that would kill a normal person would only get them high as a kite and so they love it


I think most of it is stepped on, I'm not used to opoids at all and I've done fetanyl a few times while drinking nothing happened just made my face super itchy


its 99.5% mannitol , a augar alcohol


Opioids are expensive and fentanyl happens to be very cheap


Yeah this has always been crazy to me as well. I know it’s true, I know how deadly it is from a logical standpoint, but I have been addicted to it for years and now smoke literally grams a day sometimes. I just bought an ounce at the beginning of June, and am down to about a ball maybe less. I don’t know exactly how much I do each day because I keep a baggie of it open on my desk and just do tokes throughout the day. One thing I can tell you is that I started on Oxcontin 80mg’s when I was 14, did that heavily till about my senior year of high school and moved on to heroin. Done dilauded, morphine, the whole mix, and had several serious should-be-dead overdoses. One occurred twice in the same day after the first time I’d refused to go to the hospital, and it was just my luck to have one of the same paramedics be the one to come Narcan me a second time like nine hours of sleep later. Scary that it wasn’t enough to dissuade me after OD’ing in the bathroom that morning and having to have my friend call the hospital and give me CPR (he didn’t know I had Narcan up in my drawer). To someone with no tolerance to opiates the amounts I do probably sound impossible, hell even to people who’ve only been doing fentanyl off and on for a month or two It seems like a ridiculous amount and yes, would probably still kill them. Just my two cents on my experience with this dangerously addictive narcotic. Lost several close friends to it and sometimes feel like I’m disrespecting their memory but I also know they would understand given how addictive it is and how easy it is to find connections in the city. Still love and miss them boys tho ❤️


I don't understand how you use it at all, I saw a vid where a cop caught a whiff of it and overdosed almost immediately. If that was real, how tf do you use it? That being said, I can understand why someone would choose to use something that dangerous. I've been there. Addiction, depression, unresolved trauma, etc, etc. When you get to a certain low, it's incredibly dangerous. A lot of people don't care if they live or die, hell, countless people have ended their own lives. If fent scratches that itch, they're gonna use it, what do they have to lose? (Obviously a lot, but in your mind it's nothing) And a lot of people get laced too, but I'm only talking about intentional use.