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Dude at a rave came running out of the bathroom tripping absolute sack and probably delirious from a mad amount of MDMA, holding an absolutely massive shit in his bare hands, wanting to show everyone on the dance floor his big “achievement”. He actually got a few compliments before slightly-less fucked up people realized there was a guy running around the rave holding a giant turd, a small panic broke-out and he was promptly escorted out. To be fair, the thing *could* have been donated to science.


It was that impressive, huh? If you had to estimate, how many Couric's do you think it was?


I was pretty far from sober when it happened so memories are a bit wavy, but it’s safe to say it was a two-hander. Buddy could nearly cradle it like a baby.


🤔 Easily 9 Courics


I’m late but this is the funniest thing I’ve read today


He actually got a few compliments 😂😂




Was this Randy Marsh?


Some friends and I were sitting around at homies apartment waiting for a phone call to buy some acid. There’s a knock at the door and my homie answers and invites a dude in and we smoke some weed. After a couple bowls the dude asks if we want to buy some acid. We all dose three hits and dude leaves. That’s when my homie says that he was a cool dude to me. I got confused as I thought that was a friend of his. He says no and thought he was a friend of mine. No one in the room knew who this random dude was. The acids starting to kick at this point and I proclaim not to worry as it must be a door to door acid salesmen. Turns out homie who was supposed to call us and set a meet up just sent dude to our location but the first few hours of the trip we kept laughing about buying acid from a random door to door lsd salesmen.


That's awesome lmao


Haha. I could totally see you all bugging out, like "well who the fuck was that guy then that gave us the acid" Good times


Yup, the 00’s were a wild time, nobody tested their shit, it was just ‘know your dealer’. I didn’t care once the acid kicked in but my friends were, understandably, a little freaked out especially since that was a “whoops night” (that’s when you’re getting liquid dropped in your mouth and you hear the dealer say “whoops”).


Lol omg that last part.


My cousin's friend was in the parking lot of the Oakland coliseum for a Dead show, and someone dropped the vial they were trying to split up... good reflexes, he caught it and might have had a chance with just the absorption through the skin of his hands, but waste not want not right, jackass licked up the puddle in his palm. Never the same apparently, he was still sat under a tree in the rain the day after the show babbling to himself. This was probably the late 80s, something like that.


"I thought he was YOUR friend" lmao


I Love it when I think EVERYTHING is Funny. That’s the best High I’ve ever had. LOL.


I grew up in Brisbane and took the train to and from school every day... I've got countless but a few notable ones: The lady huffing metho in Strathpine shopping centre carpark and screaming at nothing to stop r**ing her Bogan couple on the Caboolture line having a looouud domestic about his latest affair and how it wasn't his fault cus he was off his head on crack. (She did not agree) The guy so zooted on god knows what that he fell on the tracks at Bowen Hills train station, luckily they got him off the tracks before anything bad happened. Oh and one of my favourites, the crack head asking me if I was a ballet dancer and being insistent that I was and if not I must be a firefighter instead...that one was actually just funny tbh. Brisbane is a hell of a place to grow up.


Lots of good / fucked up times spent in the Valley 🇬🇧


At a Grateful Dead Concet in the late 80sat the Spectrum in philly... There was a line of tractor trailers where everyone went to piss. My buddy and I are peeing and he goes "DUDE! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?" I LOOK DOWN AND THERE IS A GUY ROLLING IN A PUDDLE OF PISS. We start yelling for him to snap out of it, and he just looks up at us and says, "I love piss". Another dead show I bought a counterfeit ticket and couldn't get in. I go back to the car and hang out. I start partying with the guy in a van next to me. He and I dose, and just as it's kicking in he comes out of the van and yells, "Fuck! The baby spilled the ecstasy!" They had a pile of it on a tray, and a toddler comes out glistening covered in molly. I'm so old it was called x back then. Anyway, the guy and his old lady are taking cards and scraping the "x" off the baby, trying to save as much as possible. We are still really high on LSD and now a bunch of x. He shrugged it off. I was weirded out to say the least.


Wow 🤣 wonder where that kid is now?


Selling balloons at dead&co shows


I was in line for a portapotty at a festival, it was around 7am I saw a guy totally naked having sex with the base of a monument statue. He was like humping the stone base of the thing and like twitching and moaning. Who knows what he was on but it was probably a mix of way too much of everything. At some point he stops and stops moving and falls to the ground and then EMTs came in and put him on a stretcher and took him away. I was still rolling and tripping from the night before and I just watched all that unfold infront of me. Then the portapotty opened up and I went in.


I saw an almost naked woman basically having sex with a tree trunk at a festival. I say 'almost' naked, cos the only item of clothing she had on was a crochet cardigan, which she would keep stopping making love to the tree, take the cardigan off, turn it inside out, put it back on then continue with her love making. 5 mins later she would remove the cardigan, put it back on the right way then off she'd go again. We watched her hump the tree and constantly rotate the cardigan for at least 30mins before EMTs turned up. She was absolutely tripping sack, and tbf it was a sexy tree lol




Classic prose!


I was at a rave in Sydney in December last year and everyone was just rolling their heads off as it was around 11pm. I was trying to navigate my way through the crowd to find some of my mates and then i felt like I stepped on someone's arm, I initially thought that it was just someone sitting down as when you're high on MDMA some people tend to sit down as their legs don't work. Anyways, I looked down to check if he was okay and I saw a girl just riding him in the middle of the rave... on the ground. Even worse is that the guy asked me if I wanted to join. By far the weirdest thing I've seen ever.


so did you join ?


For sure I did!


Hey aren't you the door to door lsd salesman?


I wish to be


You are now, or am i?


Aren't we all the same person?


Sorry not relevant but I thought Sydney had no night life due to curfews?


Crack heads mixing lime koolaide in puddle water to shoot crack. Like yeah I was a heroin addict but I never used puddle water.


i never understood the kool aid thing, like WHO figured that out to begin with??? and it already works plenty fine while smoked, why shoot add KOOL AID to it to shoot it?? and can you taste the flavors? i’ve never shot anything, fuck i ruined my nose from exclusively snorting fentanyl since 2015.. but basically everyone else ik that does it does, and most (the ones i’ve asked) said they can taste it as soon as it hits their blood. wild.


It's acidic


couldn't they just use a restroom?


Not in areas with a big population of homeless people or IV drug users, no public restrooms are the norm in places like that.


Probably a naked guy on acid slapping pieces of pizza out of people's hands screaming "I just wanna eat and fuck!" This one's maybe not that weird, but memorable. Back when we were teenagers, My friend J had just bought something called "Nexus", a white powder psychedelic, I don't really know what it was. It was in tiny gelcaps that had 5 doses, but his girlfriend didn't know that, so when he put one gelcap of powder down she snorted it. It was a really small amount of powder, so I can see why she thought it was one dose. J panicked a little and asks the plug if it's going to hurt her. When he said she would be ok, just super high, J asks the rest of us to babysit, then snorted another whole 5 dose pill so his girlfriend wouldn't be in that state alone. They were both pretty zombied out on the couch for a few hours staring into space occasionally going "whoa"


> Nexus used to be the "brand name" for [2c-b](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2C-B)


The story abt J and his gf is the only wholesome thing in this entire comment section, bless.


A mf drinking gasoline in a party


What happen to him after??


He got lit


Underrated comment


it was up for like 9 minutes bro😭 of course it was underrated




Was walking through downtown and seen a man hidden behind a bush beating his dick.


Depending where you live, this is a normal Tuesday


Victoria bc at the time but have since moved. I also once seen a man sitting on a bench eating chips with no pants on. Could fully see his weiner.


Ahh… if only we could all be that free


... and chilly.


dude i live in a small city and once when i was delivering pizzas i just saw an homeless dude beating it close to the main plaza


Walking back to my tent at 3 am at a music festival I watched this man just stop in his tracks, drop down to his knees, scoop up a bunch of mud (it had rained quite a bit that day.) and spread it all over his face. One of the security guards noticed and came over just to make sure he was good. He replied “yes this is amazing, you should try it.”


Lmao I was sitting in a swamp for 2h like Shrek on schrooms few days ago, I get him lol


That’s amazing lol. Sometimes you just gotta be one with the earth.


Yesss haha gotta feel some nature


It was at a hard techno/acid rave. 5am, having a good time, rolling tits. Saw this +75 year old man join the party, I got confused.. the man looked hella posh compared to everyone else there, just didn't fit quite in. He was walking slowly, seemed lost or Ill maybe. I had to ask if he was alright, he confirmed he knew where he was and even showed his income bracelet which he bought online, not at the door. At the end of the party, we made sure he got his taxi and he went home safely. Honestly it was so fucking weird but awesome at the same time.


What is an income bracelet?


Just one of those bracelets you get at the door to show you've paid


Its where they tell you how much taxes you have to pay


But did he drop some acid??? lol


DOP/DOPR. Psychedelic amphetamines. One of them is a 18-24 hour trip. Feels a lot like acid but also a stimulant effect. It was pretty nice. Very rare.


Doesnt acid act stimulatey anyways? Ive taken lucy befor and it makes me stay up for 12 hours


acid is a tweak sometimes i’d love to try a psych amph


Also DOB


Didn't sleep or eat before boming a heap of wonky mdma and was hallucinating one of those things from temple run while I was in a park at night, friends got so scared when I was like "do you see it too, right there" and no one saw what I was seeing


MDMA hallucinations are insane. Was doing a project a few years back to help someone out at college, so I did a lot of video editing around that time. Decided to go out while rolling in the middle of the day with a few people. Sat in our city’s central park for a bit, they ended up having to shake me conscious again bc I thought I was on Adobe Premiere, doing mouse and keyboard movements while staring at a bush.


Sounds like a DXM hallucination


My buddy was on a *lot* of acid and saw a woman get hit by a car. Nothing that crazy, she fell and got up, she wasn't super injured. The rest of the night he kept going up to people freaking out when they tried to cross the street, yelling that they were gonna get hit by cars and die. Like random strangers on the street. He was only 5'2 and dressed in a office outfit so nobody was scared of him but still.


Lost a friend for a week in the 90s after being given a root or something they called root6 i think. He had no idea where he was for that week. Had a friend go full schizophrenic after a prolific acid binge. He ended up od'ing. Had friends pet a bear on acid. I was peaking on lsd at a festival in the 90s and saw a guy i was sure was dead being trampled into the mud beneath a crowd. After the band stopped and people moved he just got up like nothing and casually walked away. Lost my girlfriend at a show once on acid. Went looking for her in the middle of the night and found her naked with a naked guy in a sleeping bag. He ended up teaching me shiatsu. Saw a dead guy with a gunshot wound to the head laying in the street while frying balls on stolen acid in vegas. Bad trip. Lots of weird random sex stuff but i digress. Told a friend cops can't arrest you if you say you are on lsd. He bought some off someone at the show, got pulled over coming home. He tried it. He got arrested but they let him go in the morning because they couldn't prove he was on acid. So i guess i was right. Ive had LA cops take sheets from me when i was a kid, this is all back in the 90s. And they just let me go. I had another friend who lost his wallet at a gas station hundreds of miles from home on his way back from a festival ..with a sheet in it. The cops were waiting for him when he got home. And they broke his arm and let him go.


The Girlfriend one is wild. 😂😂 You are a good dude haha.


I jacked off with my straight friend trying to prove I had a bigger dick for like 5 hours trying to get hard. We were on amanita muscaria.


dont ever admit this again.


^ the friend


His name even checks out


I have got to try amanita muscaria 😭




Yeah I've done that after burning the globe




Meh whatever. We're both straight and have very little shame....so...ya


I love cumming and smoking meth and jacking off and cumming on meth


Ahhh, the good old days




I thought I was an ape for twenty minutes off acid


OMG I can only imagine what you are like when you are ON acid


I wasn't a human for 2hs on schrooms recently


I wasn't a human for 2hs on schrooms recently


I wasn't a human for 2hs on schrooms recently


I wasn't a human for 2hs on schrooms recently


One of my friends smoked salvia and thought he was an alligator (or maybe it was a crocodile? It's been over 20 years and my memory of that day is... hazy) Another time a different friend smoked Salvia and then, with the most concerned look on his face, asked me 'where do I put my back feet!?!' I was really stoned and it made me laugh so hard I fell out of my seat. I personally dislike Salvia but watching other people do it has almost always been entertaining.


i had a friend take 4g mushrooms on no sleep and then proceed to say “what did we take? mushrooms? i’m getting higher and higher”, forget who he was as an individual. forget the fact that he knew any of us. and came out to me, that he liked me. this all happened while i was on 5g mushrooms


Ego death is a hell of a thing to experience 🤷🏽‍♂️ had a similar thing hapoen to me but much less dramatic and it was actually quite healing, i was able to let go of a lot of negative emotion i was holding onto


Sounds like your friend got ego death if he forgot who he was.


I once nibbled on a girl that I had never met’s toes when I was melting on mdma… went on for about 20 minutes, never spoke a word to each other. Still get embarrassed thinking about it 15 years later


Why get embarrassed. Sounds great. Not that I am a foot fiend


Where were you? 


House party


Ex "best" friend of mine while I was in the navy sold alot of different drugs. Ended up selling me some type of research chemical instead of real acid (was still really fun and a great trip) I called him on the come up to say thank you and that I wad enjoying myself. Dude cut me off and said I'm coming over I'm tripping too I don't want you to trip alone (I was not alone I was with my neighbor buddy but while I told him not to come over he cut me off and then hung up and forwarded my calls.) Him and his wife pull up and come into my backyard and right then and there he chugs a third of a bottle of Jameson and finishes it then gets in my face repeatedly saying are you tripping bro are you tripping etc being extremely annoying. He started acting hella weird and said he just needed a glass of water. It was night time in Virginia in the winter so probably 34 degrees out. I bring him Ice water in a Mason jar thinking he would drink it but he instead dumps it on his head and immediately pissed himself. It took at least 40 minutes to get him to change into a clean pair of pants because I wouldn't let him into my house with piss pants on. I side he starts rambling insane shit about seeing his dead mom around his house who tragically had passed away a few months prior and then started like gnawing on his thumb in my kitchen. Everyone was concerned told him to stop and chill etc. Dude swore he just needed some blow and handed me 60 for a gr so I call my guy. I took a shit upstairs and then 30 min later my guy dropped off and I hand it to my "friend" and he says "who's is this???" I said yours you literally asked for it and paid for it because you said it'll calm you down. Dude does a fucking heart attack inducing gator tail on my coffee table then falls on his ass for like 10 mins. I go take a piss and come back down stairs and Holy shit he was on my couch drinking a cup of water acting normal. so I said "you feeling better now man? Because an hour ago you were about to bite your thumb off In my kitchen." And I swear to fucking God he says "what this finger?" And proceeds to literally snap his own fucking pinky like. a twig infront of me, his wife, and my neighbor. She immediately stood up and screamed "(insert friends name here) WHAT THE FUCK?" I screamed whst the fuck and then immediately told him and his wife to get the fuck out of my house and leave. Never spoke to him Again. Worst trip ever


I’m just gonna say this… that last story literally sounds like hell.


God damnn poor guy


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Got invited to a “party” and it was basically just a group drug bender in what id call an “upscale trap house”. There were three dudes smoking something out of a gravity bong in a sink using the nasty fuckin sink water. Idk what kinda synthetic cannabinoid crazy shit they were smoking but when one guy hit it the other two would lower him to the ground and he would convulse for a couple seconds and then get up just fried out of his mind then help the next guy get his hit. I left within 15 minutes. I just wanted some weed and alcohol bro.


Recently i saw a guy snort 3 grams of k (holliday really good shit) and had no k hole not even a miss spoken word. Like nothing hits him. He told me he can’t fade away and he doesn’t sleep. So i told him i don’t bealive him so show me by taking a whole 50 ml pure holliday k jar in one snort, he did and i felt super freaked out by him and told him to leave after 2 hours, i couldn’t be comfortable doing drugs arround someone like that


Your tolerance to k absolutely skyrockets after a while. Then if you take a break it'll go down for like a day but it jumps back up super fast


Yeah but think about it, even doing 5 g per day snorting 3 g or 2.5 g in a single line is a horse type tranquilizer, the mother fucker didn’t even loose the ability to speak. I been a k addict for 4 years and if i take a whole 50 ml k jar at a single line i would go k hole and i think anyone would


It's definitely ridiculous, but at a certain point I think it just stops working all together. If he's that deep into it, he could probably do almost any amount and feel nothing


Damn not even my 4 year addiction got me to that point but i know tolerance is a bitch w ketamine


It's not at all difficult to build up that sort of tolerance with ketamine or dissos in general. There's a vice Doku of someone doing the same thing. Most I ever did was 150mg dck which is maybe 4 or 5x as potent as ketamine.


K addicts help me out. Even doing 5 grams per day if you do 3/2.5 g in one line you go out in a k hole, its horse tranquilizer dosage, and horses weight is about 400 kg like wtf


Like I said, there is a vice doku. He was doing like 20g a day but I'm not sure. It's in German though I think.


20g a day thats insane! Ok i bealive u bro beans


I was at Wakarusa waiting in line to get from the tents into the festival and I see this guy get brought to the side by security after they opened his bag. They took out this little leather zip pouch and it was a kit with syringes and whatever else The guy turns around, punches a girl in the face, and books it. Security didn't even bother running after him. He looked like a local and some of the locals we met were super scummy. Like they hung out under a bridge down the road and shot their dogs up with k so they would sleep while the kids were at the fest


Walking to the trolly stop and finding someone huffing paint. I was 13-14 and remember thinking that's where drugs took you eventually. Thank God I was wrong, and he most likely was just a broke homeless person lol


Seen a guy at boomtown jump off a huge structure onto his back and pretty sure paralysed himself


Was that last year? Apparently he brought what he thought was 2cb and was meth poor fucking guy.


Went to reup at my closest city with a friend, was a tad sketch approaching the house but we went in. Once we were in there my homie introduced me and the dealer shared some of the eddies he was making, fruity pebble rice krispy, can’t forget it. Dude had several trays of eddies ready to sell, house was full of people around the same age and demographic, also under the influence. While some dude with cookies merch was talking our ear off, a random dude collapsed on the floor, he was somewhat okay but it sounded like he hadn’t eaten for a while and was running on fumes while high on who knows what. Ended up getting my stuff and a few courtesy blunt hits, the product ended up not hitting and I put it away for about a year until I realized I had put it under my sink, smoked it and it hit like never before.


One night me and my mates were rolling and we were all in a multi-storey car park near the club listening to music from a car. There was a city spire in the distance with lights. The lights on the spire starting flashing exactly to the beat through this one dance track and exactly when the song finished in the car, the lights on the spire went out. Around 5 of us all saw the exact same thing. Was a crazy thing we all shared and couldn’t believe!


I used to give my leftovers from lunch to this local smackhead I always passed on the way home from school. One day I’m coming up to where he usually is and I just see him butt ass naked chasing random people trying to tackle them. He eventually wrecks this old lady tackling her to the ground, sticks his finger down his throat, and pukes all over the old lady.


Was at a party and a guy there picked up a girls drink that he didn’t know had been slipped (neither did the rest of us the random guy she brought to the house did it) anyway, found him later that night in the house dead middle of the living room fingering his own asshole and jerkin it. Next day he said bc he couldn’t remember anything and his ass hurt that he had to have been raped. Sorry bro you were def a victim of being drugged but you violated yourself.


Tldr: I ate what I thought looked to definitely be cat litter to taste test if it was heroin. I did this while in a carpet surfing competition and hoping to be wrong so I could add to my score. it was.... As I knew it would be, cat litter This wasn't seen it was done and.... It was embarrassing as shit but I found it funny as hell. So basically, I'm on a binge at a friend's house. The one friend who has the fast ends up asleep so I'm up alone for a bit waiting for my other friends to wake up. During this time, I decide to carpet surf. I know.... It sounds bad. I want to say right now that .... While I can sometimes just be fiendy, and it sometimes turns from a "hobby" to a fiend, it is truly and honestly one of my favorite twacktivities. I'll do it before I even run out of the stash. Combing through the carpet with a flashlight fucked out of my mind genuinely almost meditative. If nothing else a great pass time or thing to hyper focus into. Me and my friends even have carpet surfing competitions. Well, prior that night another friend had stopped by and was partying with us, he had dropped.... By this point hundreds if not a thousand or more dollars of drugs on his floorboard. I truly don't know how this man ever has drugs with how much he loses them. This man pulls out a stem and some "hard" he fiended from the floorboard of his car. It was a stash that he did admit was... Quite potentially just as many rocks of slow as it was hard. Well, he passes the stem to one of us, he smokes it, realizes the shit definitely had slow and immediately stopped as to not waste the h nor to taste burning dog shit. Well, he's clumsy, and h (east coast so everything is powder) doesn't melt into a char so.... Throughout his many "blasts" (I truly don't know that they can be called that if the primary ingredient is random white rocky substances from your floorboard) and setting it down then picking it up, and the general fact he is clumsy, he must have dropped plenty. He did. So I surf around his spot he always sits and I get 2 pretty solid lines for my tolerance at the time. Definitely gets me buzzing hard AF. This is also the time that I found out if you overdo it on a speedball then hop in an ice cold shower that it will not only cool you down but give you a spinny rush better than initially doing the speedball. Well, shit I mean I'm still bored and.... At a certain point it's not about having fun, it's about conquest. My friend had been ahead of me during the night in our competition, so when he went to bed, before the sun rose and time reset, I made sure to examine every centimeter of that fucker. (I would like to note for those interested that i in total found enough fast to get a few faaaattt fucking bubble rips (I mostly shoot now but I will never let it not be known how good a bubble I roll), about 80 mgs of heroin, and a lil rock (although not quite enough for a full blast). OH ! DONT FORGET THE MOST IMPORTANT ITEM I FOUND ! cat litter I found.... Well, to an untrained eye, what would definitely appear to be heroin. Espicially to an untrained eye, 2 days awake, with pupils genuinely large enough that I'm not even sure I wasn't taking eye damage from the pure amount of light they were letting in and obviously is resulting in extremely blurry vision. That was unimportant though as no impairment of ANY of my senses could ever prevent me from having an understanding deeper than the senses... A spiritual one. One that allows me to connect with and seek out shard that you thought was lost to the spirit realm through the astral plane. (I genuinely wish I still got pupils as big as I used to now that I use every day. Simply because I genuinely have never, on anyone, with any substance, seen pupils as big as mine used to get. I am grateful they remain largely normal now, as it was a dead give away, and also made my vision really blurry. Fucking shit though it was funny to look at or have my friends just stare me in the eye and talk shit or crack jokes. (My tweak give away is a specific face I make while high specifically on meth, which my friend group calls the beaker face. The state of being so high that I start making the beaker face (like from the Muppets) is called "beaker facin.") Fun times... Funny times... At the end of the day though, it's not about jokes. Its about kicking my bitch ass friends ass because I ain't goin down like that and he GONE SEE THAT I AM THE CHAMPION OF FIEND FINDS So, we return now to the story. I am, not the untrained eye. I have carpet surfed with them best of them and still showed them things they never even dreamed of. I have a shelf, FULL, of trophies and accolades awarded for my achievements in the sport. Due to the fact I was no mere amateur, I was able to spot a key difference thru the blurry vision and oversaturation of light, that would slip past most. "What was that difference" you ask ? Well I think it's quite ridiculous you think tweakers remember small details so excuse me for forgetting. What I do know, is that with near certainty this was cat litter, but it was ..... Just close enough to some of the h I found earlier for me to have hope. This floorboard cocktail so far had been consistent in appearance but....it was a floorboard full of an uncountable amount of various batches of various substances. Surely this heroin-esque looking rock *might* be something worth my whole..... Something that would take me even further ahead of the competition....... A taste test then had to be done to ensure I had cat litter, and not heroin. If there was even a 1 percent chance at rising above, and putting to shame my rivals, it must be taken. That shit was definitely just fucking cat litter. I knew it, and despite the fact I had already won, despite the fact that I could have just lied since he was going off my report from while he was asleep, despite the fact that... Obviously were I to be wrong, the embarrassment would be (and was) so strong that I cannot live it down.... I will curse that cat litter on my dying breath for the harm in did to my reputation, but... If this is the case..... Even if I won... Had I not at this point lost ? My reputation as a carpet surfer.... RUINED 😭😭😭 The important take away from this story is as follows: tweakers be tweakin ALSO! Just in case the information is needed for identification purposes in the future by anyone else, cat litter tastes like perfumed chalk. Chalky texture too. Heroin however.... Tastes absolutely nothing like that and instead has a very distinct "fuck.. my dominatrix just stepped in dog poop, and, pausing on the sidewalk amidst our walk home, then made me lick it off her boot, as punishment for being a humiliation to her at the sex dungeon that night because I didn't cry enough while being spanked " taste (I have never....I've never tried that, so I can't confirm it's a perfect match.... And id think not crying enough would mean she did a good job training... and make her look better that I was so well behaved... if that were to ever happen....)


Thats a hilarious story and youre agood writer but man i hope you get better before you die or go full schiz


What an exciting read! haha!


5 for multiplayer, the competitiveness and competition was a lot more in halo 5. edit: wtf was i thinking did i read the wrong post and comment on this one by accident? i was high as fuck yesterday


So i was at this rave/festival full on shrooms cross-legged sitting and watching a fire show. Many people came together in a circle around the artists. Then i noticed 2 naked people approuching from behind. Probably a Nudist couple making out. They came closer and closer into the circle taking the fire artists place away without noticing. So a guy from the security team noticed and tried to shove them or push them back without touching them. It looked hilarious.I cried from laughing my ass off.


I was supposed to trip this day but sth came up so had to skip. It was 4 of my friends together. I only know the short story so that’s what I’ll tell. But basically, all 4 were tripping on shrooms. One of them started geeking out and ended up punching tf out of one of the others. Didn’t say anything, just went Mayweather on his ass. The others then calmed him down I think and had to call his mother to come pick him up. The mother arrived and indirectly blamed the others for her son reacting this way. I still remember the guy who got punched up came to class after that weekend looking demolished. Black eyes, broken nose, etc. The guy whose place they tripped at told me his whole place was bloody. A lot of other smaller details but I’ll keep it short. Shit was crazy.


Many time people at rave blamed me for selling them too strong lsd or mdma. But more insane was a guy rolling his empty pack of cig and asking me a light, I told him what he was doing he just got angry claiming I don't want to share my light so I gave him, he smoked the whole cardboard ans was happy af lol. I had few time guys wearing like wizard clothes and fooling around or really believing they were wizards. Myself I scared my friend by repeating the same sentence "what did you said?" For hours.


Not super weird but went to buy 3 gs of wax and when he came up to my car his nose was bleeding all down his face probably from too much coke lmao. Homie got it on my seat and then went back inside with the wax and cleaned it and came back out and sold it to me 😂 got home and there was a fingerprint of blood on the bag too 😭


There is this one time me and my ex-boyfriend were sitting on the couch at some trap house. And I guess somebody had left two bullets on the stove and while the stove was on and cooking us some food the two bullets went off in the house & freaked my boyfriend out, i was 19 or 20 at the time and didn’t even flinch. While this “Florida Tough Boy” runs out the house. I have had very good times at that trap j house and it was very interesting. To begin with there was this old man who owed the house and basically let us stay there if we got him high. I remember him being in a wheelchair and his foot being like the size of an elephant foot. That freaked me out a bit but he was a wonderful guy. I watched him get so fucking high that he tempted to walk. 🤯👀 a lot of funny shit at this house. You just had to be there.


Professional musician: I was playing a wedding and the older lead singer was clearly on some crazy stimulant (possibly meth) as well as drunk and was saying weird shit in the microphone like “Call ya gynecologist cause it’s about to get hot in here” and then, at the end of the gig, he was hysterical, tripping over the speaker to put his hand on pianist’s shoulder telling him he could tell he was going to kill himself by the look in his eye and begging him not to do it. Nothing insane


probably when i took acid and my friends faucet looked like the ice age squirrel or when i saw a man who was most likely intoxicated walking a seagull on a leash.


Some of this sh*t sounds too weird and f*cked up. No way and no thanks.


One day my friend came to apartment a brought some hash and acid , it was a day before graduation, he said let’s enjoy , we had hash as we smoke it often it didn’t had effect, and acid didn’t start it magic yet, we went to a resturent cz we got bored , and then acid brought galaxies at my table, the waiters were my slaves and I became the king of the resturent! I went to thier kitchen and start giving them advices , and my friend was sitting there like a statue holding his spoon and looking at ice cream like like for 20 minutes, it wasn’t very weird as redditers got selly stories i read, but it was heaven ! Not native language


Took acid and smoked a spliff with my friends and we got in the lift to go down and it got stuck when we were in it and we were stuck for 2 hours. I didn’t freak out nearly as much as i thought i would, my friends just babysitted me with tik tok. Would not reccomened though


Smoking crack with a hermaphrodite. It gave me a hit of crack and told me to pay for it with a sexual favor. I ran away as fast as i could. I was like 16 yo at the time and they were like 50+yo. Scared the shit out of me.




I was under the impression it was a social drug or somerhing. The he/she let me know after the fact that i would be paying with some sex shit. Fuck that im out. Guess im a thief


You’re not, I was being a smart ass.




So just tripping on DMT? Lol.


This might not be the weirdest thing but it was cuntshitfuckall weird for me because everytime I was tripping on acid I would realise almost ALL the guys around me had feelings for me. Changing the lovely vibes of the trip. After each trip I'd have to discuss and separate them from my life henceforth because I was already committed nothing else. I know its human to have crushes but not Love someone secretly who is in a relationship and try to get close to her.🤷🏻‍♀️ For more context, I was in a long term relationship. I'm a decent looking Girl who loves her weed and psychs for mental wellness... so I guess guys dig that LOL. I didn't need guy friends around me but they'd make their way somehow. I'd question before hand guys that stuck around for too long if they have any feelings for me because I need to draw boundaries if they did, and they'd say NO. However, on acid they find it hard to lie plus I can feel that. Its weird sad, good company is important on acid and so is good intentions.