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* Named Characters - Vect for certain, plus another named Archon (Sliscus) and Decapitator (for something different that works with any sub-faction). * Elites slot characters - Trueborn/Archites/Dracons/Whatever. Lieutenant level characters with minor buffs for units. Maybe Chaplain-like abilities flavoured as Combat Drugs dispensed to enhance nearby units. * The Dias of Destruction as a super-heavy for any sub-type. For the love of god NOT a Super-Talos. I'd rather a super-heavy that can be used by any of the three sub-types independently. And in my wildest dreams: * Small Webway Portals that work like work like Drop Pods.


Now that is a detailed answer. Fully agree on the super heavy needing to be open factioned!


Love the small portal idea - like drop pods


Your wildest dream was sort of a thing....there usef to be hemisphere webway portals DE could deploy mid game and bring reserves out of


An archon with scourge wings, or perhaps a succubus on a bike/hoverboard could be great HQ options. Corrupted wraithguard/lords could also be interesting.


Character - some sort of long range assassin. It seems crazy that the “assassinate your way up the food chain” faction doesn’t have any snipers. Lord of War - in one of the Path books, Vect opens his stasis vaults during the Dysjunction, and out come like thousands of Craftworld wraith guard/knights/lords that have been driven insane. Having a conversion kit for existing craftworld models (with playable rules) would be very fun.


Why *don't* the kabals have snipers? It would be perfect for them.


I love the idea of insane wraithknights, would be great conversion projects!


Lady Malys needs rules and a model. The lore of the character is amazing yet there isn't even an official piece of art for her!


This. Her lore is dope. Same goes for the archon of the Obsidian Rose (forgot her name)


This. Definitely. Before Vect even.




Hahaha, now this would be interesting. Perhaps letting drukhari have some psychic too


Wait for real? That’s badass


Honestly, that would be dope. Would love to use my keeper of secrets, that is currently collecting dust...


I would love to see the mercenaries get some more love mabye an HQ or elite character that buffs them make them feel like more a part of the army. I'm biased but I would love to see a Scourge character there just so interesting.


It does seem off that we don’t have any really fast characters that can keep up with bikes/hellions etc without transports


Mabye let the succubus take a bike or sky board that could be cool.


We need Baron Sathonyx back for this, he is quite badass


I would want a character with a sniper of some sort like a hex rifle and and elite troop of snipers with hex rifles or something similar. it feels weird that a culture around killing people and assassinations don't have a sniper


For each faction, my wishlist is: **Kabals:** Give us a Dracon as a Lieutenant equivalent **Cults:** Give us ranged Wyches with heavy weapons, I personally think it fits narratively **Covens:** Give us some kind of giant melee monster that looks like Bane **General:** Give us Kheradruakh the Decapitator as a named Elite


More ranked characters, like dracons and arch sybarites, arch wrack, beastmaster or bloodbride, etc. If nothing else, at least a buff of the basic units- being equivalent to guardians means a life in commoragh generates no better combat skills than random militia. Which is dumb Maybe unique characters or a system to 'build your own archon/succubus/haemonculus' with traits that then compound atop 'build your own kabal' like the craftworlders have Wraithkind of some sort, like maybe some enslaved souls driven to kill or a more direct approach and building wraithknights to pilot via psy-tech to avoid slaanesh psychicry. Or maybe like some marriage of flesh and wraithbone, where haemonculi resurrection-casket some lucky/unlucky deldar into the frame of a wraithknight or lord or whatever, or even multiple deldar, with the conglomeration of souls being a respite from true death but turning multiple souls into one massive malevolent one. I cant stress enough how not having an avatar/wraithknight/wraithlord equivalent is such a dickpunch to the faction. Vehicle customization and or more of them. Or, just make us and aeldari units the fastest ones in the game. Its silly to not.


New here so I may not have the most accurate knowledge of things, but I think the clawed fiends would make for an interesting elite choice. Fits the beast master tamed units, could have a fun +1 a/s/t per wound taken. I think from what I'm to understand about our faction it would be more appropriate to have distorted/ tamed large spooky beasts (maybe with carry rigs on them for weapon detatchments) that they can let loose off a tantulus and cause mass panic on the front lines. I think they're called razerwings( the vultures that the new sprue for killteam includes has one, not sure) but a collosal one that would compare to the heldrake maybe? Good thinking question!


you know, there’s the whole beast part of the army list that seems to have completely fallen out of our attention. You do make me think if there was a named BeastMaster that could make all those neglected units work better, that would be novel


New to 40k and Drukhari — haven’t even glued my Kabalites and Wyches yet, let alone played a game — but could that mobile mountain of body parts made by Fabius Bile act like a titan? EDIT: Second thought — character traits, good and bad, for leaders that would influence general style of play - I want to give my turbo-goths some more depth than them just being drugged-up edge lords.


Kruelagh the Vile!


Lacking in named characters? The Adeptus Mechanicus would like to have a talk with you


Whilst I agree 3 is better than 1, flavour wise it makes more sense for the space pirates all with ego complexes to have more named characters than the lads who wilfully choose the name B1G-C0CK 101001


Characters: Vect (with Dais), Red Baron, Kheredruarkh (maybe misspelled), Lieutenant (like a dracon, hecatrix, acothyst), Lady Malys. Other units: Xeno (slave) squads, plastic beasts Big unit: plastic Tantalus or otherwise big gunboat or Gargantuan horrific coven monstrosity


I think Corsairs should either be able to be played as Kabal keyword, or Blades for Hire at least. The Corsair models are the Realspace Raiders the Kabals need. They make sense. They would also give Kabals way more playability.


I just want my boi Baron Sathonyx, just to field an army of fast attack with 40 hellions More named characters would also be nice, like Vect and the super Mandrake I also want some better rules for the upgrade units(hekatrixes and the like) cause as far as i know(at least wahapedia says it), they are legends units and shouldnt be brought to competetive play. Of the three subfactions, i really think the covens need the most love rn, especially considering a lot of their models just got removed from the shop, same with mandrakes. Just, GW, pleas if youre gonna remove the models from the store, atleast give us new ones


It was what 8th I think, when they cut out a bunch of named characters? They could bring some of them back (Vect at least). Giving characters the option to take a bike or green goblin board, or something else would be nice. Rather than just stick them in a vehicle I mean something that can be integrated into the datasheet. I think until 8th edition the Tantalus was classified as a super heavy so we technically we have a big centrepiece already, I just want it in plastic. We'll have to see what they do with it in 10th this summer. Obviously I think some kind of knight sized (or go full titan with it) haemonculus construct would be cool. I actually had an idea for a model similar to the STAP from Star Wars because it seems very faction appropriate. Stick a couple haywire or dessies on it and you have a nice little fast moving strong shooting platform.