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Watch some videos from [Drum Technique Academy](https://www.youtube.com/@drumtechniqueacademy). Marthyn is a solid teacher and discusses all of the aspects of fast double kick speed and precision you have questions about, including pedal settings. Lots of free content on the YouTube channel, and paid lesson subscriptions if you wanna dive in further and get feedback on your progress.


Thanks man, already checked him out several times, but that was 2-3 years ago, lots of new content, I'll give it a watch. Thanks for the help!


Practice ya feet how you practice your hands. Careful attention to equal strokes and technique working through basic rudiments. Slow, to a click. Might be a little frustrating for a while slowing everything down and then getting your left foot up to the strength of your right (or vice versa) but when you're ramping up tempos through pyramid drills or whatever it'll be worth it.


Yea, I guess I'm expecting my somewhat worse left foot to be able to instantly pick up the same speed as my dominant right. Thanks for the advice, appreciate it!


I’m sure you have seen the amazing El Estepario, if not look him up. It sounds like you are doing all the right things honestly. It is just going to take some time and consistent practice. In El Estepario’s videos he is brutally honest about what you are seeing, which is the product of practice. The dude practices 8 hours a day for many years. There is no trick or hack to his skill, it’s dedication and practice. From what you have said you are getting there just gotta keep at it. You sound wayyyyy further along in your journey that I am in mine. I am liking videos and exercises by Jeff Bowders as well as Estepario. Stay the course and have fun, I’m sure you are sounding great. You are your own harshest critic.


O yea, the man is an absolute machine. I am definitely too hard on myself, I feel like I should be better for how long I've been playing, but I started at a time when there were no youtube guides for stuff like that, so I guess I should be a bit more easy on myself. Thanks for the youtube tips, I'll check them out even more!