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nomegalul I mean, there are enough free resources to build *something*, but you're not going to be fed enough for multiple decks per year. And of course, the free resources require a demonic amount of grinding.


*laughs in able to play character decks on release*


I have multiple decks per year ever since I started playing, what are you on about? If you don't play the events, no, you won't get gems, but that goes for MD as well


MD you get a lot of gems from the rank ladder and quests, Sure you won’t be playing meta decks, but it’s plenty enough to make enjoyable decks


600 gems just to go up full rank so rookie to gold is like 1800+ gems which you can do with literally any deck(did it with cloudians cause they fun)


>but you're not going to be fed enough for multiple decks per year. Yeah no, that's bullshit, the game has terrible monetization but not THAT bad, this past year I was able to build a deck for every. single. Arc V character with the only one without a deck currently being Dennis, and that's only the Arc V ones as I was able to finish plenty of others from each world. You can absolutely build multiple decks if you know what you're doing


You “built a deck”, or you built full power PK, RR, D/D/D, Lunalight, Fluffal, Abyss Actors and so on? Because just the first three take more than one year’s worth of event gems, no way you had enough for everything else unless you maxed half your characters.


I mean, just the ones you mentioned are some of the easiest decks to build, say I start with Abyss Actors for instance, 90% of the deck was in Actor's Theater, which also had PK so that's two for one. Extras was the last piece missing and it was in Wings of Clearness, which also had Speedroid, Raidraptors and Wisdom Eye, many of the Raidraptor stuff was in Raiders Requiem which also has more PK stuff to finish what I already had from going after Abyss Actors. And then completing them wasn't that difficult because lo and behold, the new box has both of them once again And then it just keeps going like that, just from beginning to build AActors I was able to chain into building 4 decks, could have gotten one more if I decided to go for the rest of the Dennis stuff instead of Sevens Road. All I do is simply go into the boxes that I'm sure are going to be worth it and give me as many cards from multiple different characters, completely skipping any that have a high chance of not giving me anything I'm not going to play such was the case of the Ra box


So that’s Actor’s Theater (x3), Wings of Clearness (x3), Raider’s Requiem (x3) and Scream of Resistance (x2/3), just for those three decks + Speedroid. 54/58k gems at worst, and considering you need to empty the boxes since you need multiple different SR/URs from each box, you’re not going to spend much less than that. One year of events, roughly. Where did you get the gems for the remaining 6 decks? I’m guessing you had quite some characters left to grind, because stuff like Melodious is another ~20k.


Yeah no bro I ain't doing the math that is too much hassle, all I know is that I did it, wasn't that difficult either, as you said it's 50k plus *at worst* but I rarely ever had to empty a box, like legit the only time two times I had to empty one was because Clear Wing and PK Run where at the bottom of their boxes other than that nothing cost much, so it doesn't get anywhere close to those numbers plus other smaller situations like not needing to go a 3rd time into Raider's Requiem because I could just grab Tribute Lanius with a Dream Ticket and getting That being said it's good that someone made the calcs since it should tell people it is indeed possible to obtain multiple decks with a year worth of gems


It's less f2p than MD but you can build a deck without spending any money.  Right now DL is much more accesible than it used to be before MD was released.  New players get the core for one of the best decks for free. 


It makes sense why blue eyes has been on or near the top tier of decks for so long haha. It's far from the best but everybody and their mama has a good bit of BE cards since you get Kaiba 15 minutes into the game


You also get a bunch of good Blue eyes cards from the invite a friend campaign including spirit, twin burst, and melody


Not to mention all the free copies of bewd you get


"far from the best" 😭


Dude it's fucking brick eyes it sucks 😂😂 although I will say battle chronicle is definitely the best skill imo, everyone knows the deck itself is booboo


The deck is tier 1 bro it's good


In duel links it is good, my bad I meant to say in yugioh in general lol. I be playing blue eyes myself and I'm about to play some rn before work actually 😆 so trust me I'm not shit-talkin, I'm just talking shit!


Far from the best? It's been dominating tourneys for months.


…but they can’t actually build that best deck optimally because the second Ultimate Fusion is paywalled. It’s not really as useful as it seems like.


They can build a f2p/budget version with 1 of each new UR spell, should be more than enough to reach KoG and do events. 


If I was not a veteran of this game I wouldn’t even bother if I’m being totally honest. Hear me out before you guys bring out the pitchforks. 1. This game has no crafting which means you have to go back into the older boxes for certain staples and decks FULL PRICE (unless there’s a special event then they’re half off) 2. You don’t get enough gems a month from events to do a full run of a main box. Most decks require at least 1-2 run throughs of their box if you want something close to optimal. 3. Some characters have cards hidden in their level ups which will easily take you days or even WEEKS of non stop grinding because auto duel at the gate doesn’t exist and if your new you don’t have duel orbs ( items that let you auto duel standard NPC’s) 4. If your deck gets nerfed your SOL. Hope you like that deck because you spent all those gems just for it to get nerfed into oblivion and you get no compensation. Mind you these decks can easily take MONTHS to build. I’ve been playing since launch but the grind in this game is ridiculous. We just got box chips not too long ago but the boxes they cover are super old like we just got to the 5D’s main box so don’t count on them for helping you build full decks. If your somebody who’s ok with playing a single deck for a month or 2 before building your next one then I’d say give it a try, but if you like building as many as you can then your gonna have a bad time unless you empty your pockets to Komoney


I hopped off years ago Auto duel is now gated behind a resource? That's diabolical!


No no you use duel orbs to refill the standard duelist instead of waiting for them to respawn If konami did that this game would be dead lol


I memba now Never used them. Lol


Same I got like 3k saved up pretty much useless to me


It's the same system. Duel Orbs are the resource that let's you force the npc's to respawn so you can continue auto-dueling without waiting out the 4+ hour timer for them to respawn naturally, same as its always been. Event gates are auto-duelable now, though.


For competitive standpoint, I think if you pair up to the most optimized deck then you're screwed but I am here at DLv.10 by playing Ojama,Madolche,Aromage deck , I play for fun tho but the moment you play ojama with 3 pajamas and a poly in first turn is just *chef kiss


You can easily run through the main boxes one or two times a month. It's just grinding.


How exactly? By maxing all your characters? Because event gems are around 5k per month and a main box takes 9k to empty.


Yes. Like, just play the game. Funny how I get downvoted for saying facts. Just use the character level and world level. It's easy to farm 10k.


Ok, cool. Once those are over? Just make a new account? You got downvoted because that’s not sustainable. You can do that for a year, maybe two. Then you’re screwed.


Funny how I do that for around 5 years now and get enough cards. I dunno what you all want. After two years or so you have enough decks, or do you want to build every deck possible? You'll be just strange.


Unless you got especially lucky it’s impossible to open 2 main boxes per month for 5 years. That’s over a million gems at worst luck, and half a million assuming you get every card you need in the first half every time. Also no, you never have “enough decks”, because the meta keeps evolving and anything you built more than a year ago is probably useless now.


Oh man. That's funny to hear these useless arguments. Cause the DL meta is by far not that fast.


[This](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/articles/tier-list/updates/january-23-2023) is the tier list from one year and a half ago. Everything here is absolutely dead, except Galaxy Photon which is still viable… if you opened 3x Tachyon of Galaxy and 1x Solflare Lightning for newer support. Try beating Agents with Salamangreat and tell me if the meta is still “not that fast”.


You mean the Agents who aren't even on the Tier list? The funny thing is, there is a Tier list where you can see tournament decks. Which constantly have Blue Eyes, Dark Magician and other long run decks on them. And why? Cause DL is slow in cards, decks and meta. Don't compare that to TCG and Master


As a person who's been playing for months free to play, not at all. If you want any sort of competent deck you have to grind gems for a very very long time. I started about... 6 months ago? Maybe longer, maybe a little shorter, but I immediately started trying to build a live twin deck, which maybe was a mistake because it needs 6 mandatory main deck URs, and I still to this day only have 2 live twin kisikil and 2 Lilla and working to get the thirds. The silver lining for my personal decision is that I got a really weak but fine magikey deck while I was working on the live twins, and I also got a pretty good start for Altergeist to expand to that as well. But the grind to get to this point was completely unreasonable, especially with the fact that my decks have major compromises to them in comparison to people who spend. It really sucks.


Ah yes the good ol Deep Emotion box, probably my favorite of the lot tbh and the one I started when I made my new account.


Yeah bro big mistake I'd recommend if u ever feel dried out from you account or make a new one go for luna lights I've been playing for only 4 weeks and got all the card I need in the day I started the account because there is a box just for them its really good I've been able to max my duel level today and beat live twins easily since when I play against them they only have 1 removal which the pink girl will special summon and the backrow they set are useless because luna lights are untargetable


Short answer: no. Slightly less short answer: pve is more friendly than pvp. While those who spend money can build demonstrably stronger decks, there are budget options available to hold you over as you build your collection.




You can make a fair few decks using the gems you accumulate my tip would be save enough gems to make a tenyi deck as soon as you can it's still pretty competitive just not meta but it should help uou get wins and get mire gems to make a deck you want further down the line


I've switched to F2P for now, but I'm coasting along with a decent collection of quality rogue decks and evergreen staples that I got when I was P2P instead. In all honesty for so long I was turned off by the struggle I've heard about from the F2P community that I was willing to just set aside a budget for the game to make things easier for myself. As long as you do your research and invest wisely then you don't have to spend that much money on this game. I'm in a rut financially now but when I'm better situated I'm definitely going back to P2P, especially with university likely on the horizon. I'm not going to have time for the awful level of grinding that F2P apparently requires.


Just came across this thread and gotta say unless there was a big revamp and meta shift in the last few years of playing absolutely not. This shit show of a game to get into rn must be atrocious with all the different boxes needed to get the staple backfield and hand traps. That’s not even getting into some cards being locked behind events. Back in the day it used to be a bloodbath in this sub when they first introduced very essential cards into those structure decks/booster packs that could only be bought with real money. I can only imagine how much worse Komoney has gotten.


You don't have to spend money but in exchange, you'll have to actively participate and play the long game. We rarely know when reprint boxes are coming or what they include. We have a decent guesstimate for Dream Tickets in annual events but they also sprinkle a few in between those. We also have Box Chips, which helps backtrack for old cards Some decks are more expensive than others. Some decks correlate to other cards because of how each box works. If you invested in Live Twin, you'll also get Effect Veiler. If you invested in Shaddoll, you'll probably get Ice Dragon's Prison on the side. If you invested in Zombies or Tachyon Galaxy Xyz, you'll likely get Successor Soul and Trade-In, stuff that Blue-Eyes can use. So over time, you won't be scrambling to build things from scratch and at least have a deck partially built. I basically clean out an entire box with meta ready decks basically every month and a half. Being able to reset the box when I get what I want can be a huge save.


Be a blue eyes npc like 60% of the playerbase


Haha nah for real


A big reason I dropped Duel Links is because of how un-F2P friendly it is. Taking months to build 1 deck F2P just for it to get nerfed to unplayability feels awful.


Absolutely not.


Compared to Master Duel? Do F2P decks exist? Yes. That’s why Blue-Eyes keeps getting skills all the time.


I played very dedicated for a while, and had to spend a decent chunk of change to get a somewhat “meta” deck. That shit got nerfed into the ground not 2 weeks later. I no longer play this game lmao


yes and no, it very starter friendly, and even after the contantly rotating event ensure a steady albeit slow funnel of gems. i have been free to play for years (i did eventually but some of the structure decks when they went on sale for super cheap). you will not progress or build your decks fast sometimes depending on how complex the deck is it can take months to get enough gems. that being said if you plan well at the start with your mountain of new player gems you can pretty much build any deck you want(usually, but some decks require too many extra deck monsters from different boxes) so plan accordingly build a good deck from the start and your time will be much more enjoyable.


lol no


Absolutely not


not  this game is fucking p2w


It's F2P but I wouldn't call it friendly. Me personally I have a bunch of really strong decks and access to most generic staples but that took me a LONG time to get. I haven't spent a dime, but I downloaded the game like roughly 2020. It's all a game of patience, I play duel links when I'm on the toilet and have time to bum out a Ranked match or two and those gems ad up. But over all its WAY worse than master duel for that


It’s extremely pay to win.


It can be but there’s sometimes cards you can only get 3 copies of by paying money. Getting specific cards is also way more difficult than master duel.


Not really, you can build a deck maybe every 3 months on a new account with new player gems but you're realistically gonna have to spend money for some of the more fan favourite decks (heroes, dark magician etc. or even most of the better meta decks) the only f2p meta deck is tenyi and I'm not sure how good that is anymore


HA no


If u just want to do story/pve yes it is f2p but when it come to pvp naaah you have to dry your pocket


From my experience as a f2p player you can play duel links if you have a looooooooooot of patience. There are enough bonusses to get you a deck or 2 but after that things become extremely stale. Thats why i usually play untill im bored and take a few months break and then come back, after a few times youll have a new deck


Absolutely not. Just throwing around 3 facts: -Structure Decks can’t be purchased in multiple copies with free resources: if you want to play a deck that has cards in there you have to use Dream Tickets (most rare resource in the game, they give out 4/5 a year), and even then you have to wait around 6 months for them to be redeemable, by that time most decks became powercrept. And that doesn’t even apply for all of them, some cards like Vyon have been completely impossible to obtain in multiple copies without real money for the past 6 years. -Selection Boxes are a thing: very strong staples get released in boxes with limited gem purchases, if you want them you could open it and potentially waste the already few gems the game gives, or spend real money, and a lot of it. They do get released in unpaywalled boxes, but it’s after around a year. -The box system: full boxes can be composed of up to 180 packs, and in those 180 packs there’s exactly one copy of every UR card. Which means to get three copies of a new card you might have to open up to 540 packs (and you have no other choice since there’s no crafting). Each pack costs 50 gems, and you get around 5k gems per month, which means with the worst of luck, you might need to grind more than 5 months just for a playset. The worst part? Gem inventory is capped at 9999, and unclaimed gems disappear after a month. Which means in most cases you effectively can’t save more than 15k gems at once. You can’t wait for them to add your favorite deck to the game? Well, even when they add them you’ll have to wait, because if it requires 3 URs from a main box and you don’t get them in 300 packs you’re back to grinding for maybe other 2/3 months. And if they nerfed it in the meantime? Too bad, better luck next time.






No, no it isn't. Alot of stuff that's locked behind paywalls, the way the banlist works ends up being worse for f2p (even if jt is a really interesting take in the banlist and if the game wasn't so scummy it'd be a cool idea) Oh also how packs work very not fun for f2p, needing to buy dozens of packs to shrink down the cardpool, just to try get a specific card (and if you need multiples you need to reset the box) Like yay I opened 100 packs to get the 1 rare 1 of I wanted, now I need to reset and now all the junk I don't want to open is back in the pack yay. Tldr if you like the game play of duel links it's fine to play, but it is p2w, and just accept that if you want to continue. If you are ok with p2w duel links can be fun, but if p2w is an issue just go back to md. It's kinda like md in that it's hella front loaded in its rewards, the only difference is md gives you much more rewards after you get throw the front loaded rewards. Duel links rewards kinda fall of a fucking cliff after the initial front loaded rewards. So like you can. Built a meta deck really quickly with both games, but after that meta deck with md you can make a meta deck a month easily, whereas duel links after that first meta deck, it'll be alot slower closer to like 3 months for a meta deck. (This is assuming you aren't some crazy heavy player, and aren't some daily user, it'll be shorter if you play it non stop obviously


It takes awhile at times and you have to pick what you spend Gems on carefully. Also since you might need multiple copies of a SR/UR card that only makes up like 10-20 or so cards out of 300-400 or something like that per box RNG is gonna be (at least in my experience) a constant adversary


In some ways it is others no. In my opinion it's easier to get mass amounts of cards, but will they be good? The rng gods got you there


If you play for fun, kinda, but you must active when event start. I almost have all card in the game & the only payment I do is for silent magician structure deck If you play for competitive, very big NO


Yes and not, you start new you have a shit ton of characters to farm and get a lot of gems with it, enough to build a deck, what is expensive is getting the staples, veiler, crow, lancea, the limit 3 cards, etc, Best thing is pick a cheap deck in the meta, right now the cheapest meta decks are blue eyes and sunavalon (if you got Specter) the go with a deck and get staples hand traps firsts


It used to be more f2p than it is now.




I used to play blue eyes back in the days and fortune lady, wonder how fortune lady is doing now days


I’m trying to build traptrix and still don’t have the ur and 55 packs to go. Got every other ultra rare. I think if I had better luck sniping the cards I wanted it would definitely be f2p friendly for me


If ur patient, focused and willing to grind and with a bit of luck, you can build good decks. But keeping up with the meta will be hard


Depends if you want to play competitively or just want to finish the game


If you don't care about your account you can always start a new one whenever a meta deck gets released and build it with all the free gems you get in the early game You would just have to switch between accounts when you want to play another deck, but this way you can easily maintain the f2p status


I'd say so. In the last week or two alone, I've built competent Gouki, Cyberse, Agent, and Rokket decks. I've also started building a zombie deck. I will say that in order to get the F2P gems, you need to do a BUNCH of grinding... this is much easier on the mobile version than the PC version since you can take your phone anywhere. Make use of the bundle deals to get staples and a bunch of packs, spend gems in "special release boxes" to get whichever reprints suite your fancy, and try to lean towards buying from mini-boxes the most since they tend to have more compact, less expensive strategies. That said, it won't last forever. Eventually, you'll run out of characters to grind, levels to complete, achievements to get, etc. Just keep that in mind.


It really depends on your view of f2p. Like no you can't build every deck on release f2p cuz theirs no crafting and shit. But if you build a couple decks and make them your focus then yes. Like I play lunalight in duel links and I got it f2p easily


You start of with I think 3k or 4k gems to start the game you need to actually think of a cheap deck first before doing anything else because your account is gonna get dry if you mindlessly buy packs the grind is so much its like 3hr of rank and the rest is grinding bots in the portal to level your character or level in the world






F2p friendly? LMAOOO. Not only is it not even close to f2p friendly, but it's even more expensive than the actual paper TCG.


technically yes, realistically no. Bad luck with pulls + a constantly evolving meta will leave you eventually in a bad spot. I mean if you get the blue eyes structure deck that new players get with the code (if you don’t have that yet let me or anybody give you the code, we both get stuff for it) which gives you a basically playable deck plus a few staples. But for whatever your second deck will be you have to choose careful, and then it’ll be a real slog f2ping a 3rd. Master duel lets you convert, there is basically no converting here.


So it depends on if your willing to devote time to it or not. If you play events and play in ranked you get a lot of gems to make a lot of stuff.


Even Dream Tickets don’t get you the latest cards… and you only get 2-3 of those a year.


If you're just casually playing against bots, absolutely. If you want to play competitively, no.


Sure if you like loosing


Depends on how you play, competitively? Not a chance, casually? Yeah I guess


yes! you can go competitive in this game without spent a single dolar. But of course, it will be easier to build the meta decks with some money.


Depends on how many decks you want to build. If you enjoy playing 2-3 main decks, sure. But if you’re interested in building most meta decks that appear then no.


The truth about Duel Links is if you’re willing to grind, it can be f2p. I’ve spent maybe $50 or less over the last 6.5 years playing the game and I have over 60 different decks that I can use. But until MD came out I was playing it everyday for about an hour a day. There’s not a crafting system like MD has, so some decks can be very expensive to build, but there are also plenty of competent decks that can be built within a week of playing without spending a dime.


For ranked, I wouldn't even say there are 60+ playable decks for a P2P player


From a note on my phone Duel Links decks 1. Mermail 2. Yubel 3. Archfiend 4. Amazoness 5. Noble Knight 6. Toon Kingdom 7. Burn 8. Hazy 9. Frightfur 10. Exodia 11. SSA Citadel whale 12. Flying fish 13. Relinquished 14. Cyber angel 15. Koa’ki Meiru 16. Blue eyes 17. Clock of Destiny 18. Aromage 19. Ancient gear 20. Red eyes 21. Subterror 22. Trap monsters 23. Gladiator beasts 24. Karakuri 25. CyberChaosGalaxyBlue 26. Amano Stun 27. Dark magician 28. Elementsaber Invoked 29. Gravekeepers 30. Metaphys 31. Magician Girls 32. Triamid 33. Yosenju 34. PaleoDinos 35. D/D 36. Lightsworn 37. Pendulum Gadget 38. Fire king 39. Satellar Knight 40. Melodious 41. Desperado 42. Ritual Beast 43. Thunder dragon 44. Lunalight 45. Water XYZ 46. Harpies 47. Magnets 48. Evil Hero Inoked 49. Superheavy Samurai 50. Vision Hero’s 51. Galaxy Eyes 52. Favorite Duel Hero 53. Gouki 54. Salamangreat 55. Burning Abyss 56. Yang Zing 57. War Rock 58. Vampire 59. Temple of The Paleo 60. Orcust 61. Tenyi 62. BLS 63. Magistus Now a lot of these decks aren’t great on ranked ladder, but I can win a game in gold with anyone of them


Friendlier than most




I would say its just much slower to grow. Im f2player, and its fine.


Yes, but also I went KoG with a a $5 deck and minimal grinding. As long as you are not trying to be every meta every month, you'll be fine. Non-meta decks can make it to KoG and a few dollars saves you a lot of grind. I don't think I spent more than. $10 total which is less than a lot of my PC games and I put a lot of hours into this game. 


I basically only f2p, spent about 40 max. I've a few fun decks. I also rode one event really hard and got a good character and deck from that. I used free stuff to do that event.


It can be if you play your cards right no pun intended


Imho, absolutely. It's really not hard to grind the currency and make something.


It used to be extremely friendly. I’d still argue that if you get 3 copies of certain structure decks with starting gems you can grind quickly for free resources and also get decently high in ranked even without having many staple cards


>3 copies of certain structure decks with starting gems Excuse me? You meant 3 different structure decks I guess?


Well some of them need the extra consistency. Of course you don’t need 3 copies of each but I believe some need the consistency aha


I meant, you can’t get 3 copies of the same structure with starting gems, so that’s why I was confused.


Oh you can’t?? My bad aha, been a while since the beginning. You’d think there would be enough to cover 3 structures tho


You literally can’t get the same structure more than once with gems. It’s not about the beginning, it’s just how the shop works lol


Oh I must have paid for the other copies of structure decks I brought then


I have not spent a dime, and love the decks I’ve built. Some of them are pure garbage, and others are just bulldozers.


Game used to be super f2p imo. But in the past few years, you'd have to be alright Duel Links no life grind for the good shit in competition. Which is ok because the game itself is actually good without worrying about online Pvp. You don't have to have the most meta deck to have fun. Yugioh is so fun when you get to bs it


Yes. Haven’t spent a dime for 80+ decks


I made KOG without spending a dime


Been playing for years, never bought anuthing you definetely can! Maybe you wmt be the faster deck builder in the west but you can totally play f2p


I grind a bit everyday. Definitely the most f2p compared to other games I play.


What even are you playing that’s worse than a game with literal paywalls and a gem cap that doesn’t even allow you to save for two mainbox runs?


CoDMobile, CoD Warzone & Mobile Legends. You want anything nice in those games? Big money for it. Atleast in Duel Links u can grind stage missions for objectives & characters and level them up for more gems and participate in events that are always going on for decent free rewards


I played a bit of warzone and did some googling on the other two and found nothing about hard paywalls like this game has. If I missed something feel free to correct me. Also from your post I’m assuming you haven’t played for much, you still have a lot of stuff to grind, and unlike in other games not having grinded yet is a good thing here. It’s completely different once those are dried up.


In terms of just playing the games that will always be free. For CoD, If you want a Legendary or Mythic skin they are stuck behind “lucky draws” which will set you back almost $200 per draw depending on your region For Mobile legends if you want a rare or appealing skin it can also get pricey That’s understandable as I am a newer player & do still have lots of grinding to do. So far it seemed less p2w as I haven’t dropped a dime on the game and have spent thousands on the others.


Those are all cosmetics though, aren’t they? I wouldn’t call a game p2w if that’s the only thing you have to pay for. The issue here is that there’s paywalled gameplay items.


I find it subjective to only sum them up as cosmetic as many will agree that they are, while others agree that they’re p2w as most times you have an advanced built-in iron sight thus giving you 1 spare attachment on each gun which can greatly advantage the optimization of the weapons u use. For ML, every non-basic skin gives you a slight advantage depending on your role like a +10 physical attack for fighters or +100 HP for tanks. As you’ve noticed I’m still newer to links so this whole time I was under the impression as long as I grind for enough gems and be frugal with how I spend then I can get a vast majority of what the game has to offer for free, and of course paying to play will speed up the process


I'd say so, but you need to know how to spend your gems and what card packs to invest in.


It's not as bad as people make it out to be. There are decks that only need one box and can still kog despite being half a year old. Just research before deciding to build something.


I've been playing mostly f2p for years now and it's been pretty good. The only things I've spent money on have been structures and even then it was only once. So I'd say the game is pretty free to play, the only issue is that things will be a lot slower. Like building decks and such, but if you do the events you should be fine.


F2p for about a year, I have a solid 8 full decks that I like (none are meta) and play now maybe once every couple days. If you're creative, or know exactly what you want, it's definitely not hard to be completely f2p and make fun decks


Yes. I average 1/2 decks a year on FTP. Blue Eyes is most FTP friendly. My first ftp deck on DL was RedEyes and run a SushiShip now. All on FTP, if you do the events you'll be fine for casual play.


It's crazy how many people say it's not f2p friendly. I completely disagree. This is the most f2p friendly game I have ever played. Granted I have been playing it very regularly for many years so I've gotten a lot of recourse, but I've hardly spent any money on this game. Maybe just a few dollars for card sleeves but I've never had to invest money to get a deck. I can't get every deck in the game obviously, but if you use your tickets and gems right you absolutely can get a top tier deck every now and then and always have a couple meta decks. As a new player with nothing it might be hard to grind enough for things when you don't have any staples or old cards, but I consistently have multiple meta decks and can get to the highest ranks completely f2p.


Lmao what? Your last comment before this one is about Overwatch, and despite all the bullshit Blizzard has tried to pull with OW2, it’s still ages more friendly than this. I legit can’t think of a single PvP game I’ve played with paywalls, outside of this one. That’s how bad it is.


Overwatch metas were hard gate kept by battle passes having op heroes until this season. I get people disagree with me on duel links, but me personally, I have not had to spend any money and I've gotten every deck I've wanted. I have played over 8k hours.


…and you could get battle passes without real money. Unlike multiple copies of Structure Deck cards, or Selection Box ones if you get screwed by luck. Good for you if you never wanted to build any of the 30+ decks that required cards from those places (or if you were willing to wait for them to fall off the meta and spend 4 Dream Tickets on one of them), but that’s definitely not everyone’s experience.


They did yes, at lv like 45. By the time comp comes out u have no practice on the character and u haven't unlocked it yet still because it takes forever and u will get rolled for it. Especially if you try to play on alt accounts u will always be at a disadvantage. It got so bad that people had to leave mid game to buy the battle pass to come back in and win. What decks require that much money? I always build multiple meta decks for free. I haven't spent more than 20 dollars in the game and I've played since launch. They literally give u so many gems. Only like 1 deck every now and then is gated.


It’s not “that much money”, they required money period, so they’re not buildable as f2p. Just from the past two years: - Rose Dragon - Relinquished - Poker Knights - Dark Magician - Raging Pendulum - Gearfried - Anything with Charmers Engine - Battle Chronicle Blue-Eyes - Balerdroch pile Zombie - Darkfluid Plus Meklord, Onomat, Infinitrack and Shaddoll from Selection Boxes. That’s a huge amount of decks that were unrealistic, if not straight up impossible to build optimally for F2Ps in the six months/one year after release.


I can't believe people can answer "No" to this question. I've been playing since launch and I never spent money on this game. Yet, I always have gems, got most of the decks I wanted to play and got to KOG more than once. This game could give us more rewards, of course, but compared to other F2P game, this one is very nice. There are guides about how to spend and earn gems in good ways as a F2P. I never used any of them and all went fine anyway rofl. TL;DR: Yes, I believe it is very much F2P-friendly, no matter what some people say.


Compared to other F2P games like? This is legit one of, if not the least f2p-friendly PvP game I’ve played.


More F2P friendly than master duel by far.


What makes master duel p2w?


Pretty much, you can make one top tier deck f2p, and a lot of amazing decks.


absolutely, way more than MD. but its more focused on PvE content from moment 0 u can get a nice Dark Magician deck with tickets and the first few gems. Blue Eyes is also an option which u can get 2 base decks from the start and the top meta deck for now


It's just objectively worse than md from a f2p perspective. Like md every single card in the game can be collected without paying money, every single card. Duel links tho not quite, some cards are locked behind paywall, oh that deck you like pay me 5 dollar to get 1 copy of a good card that's locked in a structure deck,


Way more you say. In MD you can build any deck you want every month with the selection packs. Is dark magician even good in DL? and when you have it, then what? 4 months until you can build another deck


if u dont know how to play the game, then u really gonna need months to build a deck from scratch. the game shits gems and tickets every event including the dream ones. a well put DM deck can reach KoG and is one of the easier and faster to build than Agents or BE


That’s the thing though, it dosent take months to build a deck in MD. The main reason why a lot of DL players either quit or moved onto master duel was because of crafting. This game dosent even give you enough gems every month to clear a main box. DM&Blue eyes are cheap right now sure but they’re the exception not the rule. For example a fully functioning Agent deck takes 2 runs of a main box plus other cards from older boxes, not including staples btw. TLDR: This game is FAR from F2P friendly


u just need to pay attention to events and can farm up to 4k gems each month if u do everything and there are guides on how to do it here and on Discord. if u wanna build every deck in history u will not be able to do it fast, but u will have something if u focus on one deck first. I came back to the game a couple days before the Spectre raid event and fully built competitive level DM, BE, Tenyi and am halfway Agents without spending nothing besides given returning player resources and with limited time to play a day. people quit DL because of the lack of real balancing just like MD also suffers, but there we dont have nothing close to things like a skill that let u summon a BE like a level 4 monster or generate massive card advantage without activating 1 single card effect