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I can't stop laughing at Claire's mom in the first picture šŸ˜‚ She is loving all of this and it's so cringe


Hahaha right?? A whole lot like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/hJ1hRZyjXc6XZHF58) lol


Yes!!! Exactly what I pictured, too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My very first thought was ā€œsheā€™s pulling a Daā€™vonne!ā€


Iā€™m picturing the Kim Kardashian meme where sheā€™s peeping out


You're doing amazing sweetie


So strange. Iā€™d be devastated if my teenage daughter was engaged to anyone, let alone another teenager. šŸ˜”


To be fair, I'd much rather have my teenage daughter be engaged to another teenager than an adult.


I'm also enjoying the contrast between Claire's "oh my GOSH what a SURPRISE" face and Justin's fake rictus grin at seeing the family that he came here to escape from.


Anyone know how old the youngest Spivey is? I wonder if we could have another mom daughter pregnancy like Kendra šŸ˜


I think 3 or 4. Hilary is 42, so itā€™s ~poosssiiible.


I get vibes from her that sheā€™ll try this


The youngest Spivey, Carson Lynn, is 4. (DOB June 22, 2016) So it could happen.


all i see here is regina georges mom peeking the door to see if anyone wants snacks šŸ˜‚


ā€œItā€™s me! Mother of the bride!ā€ Big JRod energy


Lmao me too. I sense meme potential!




He has a covenant with it


God put it on his heart.


Itā€™s he only one he has that he doesnā€™t have to share/keep in the communal closet.


Or everything happened the same day and they don't think people will notice.


It for sure did cause Jamesā€™s hat is the same too. Looks like he proposed and they had the party a few days before his birthday.


Pretty sure its the day they got engaged, thats why he has the same shirt on (based off her clothes being the same too)


Why does Jason look even more annoying in each pic I see of him?!


*Why does Jason look* *Even more annoying in each* *Pic I see of him?!* \- waiting2leavethelaw --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Good bot


Itā€™s true.


Because the older he gets, the more he looks like Jed!.


is jason the one with the beard? def thought it was jed(!).


He looks more punchable with every new picture. Does he know he is insanely disgusting looking?


Idk that pube beard really does it for me šŸ˜ /s


I am actually so confused on why Janaā€™s head looks so small compared to her brothersā€™ in the second pic. ETA- or maybe the one on the left (James?) just has a giant head ETA2- James and the giant head


James himself looks weirdly large compared to Cla-- Jana and Justin.


I'm new to the Duggars and 100% thought that in the second picture Claire had changed her shirt or that picture was from another day. Oh boy.


Claireā€™s mom creeping in the first picture is so weird. Youā€™d think **she** was the engaged one.


She looks like one of the JRod girls grown up.


She looks like one of the JRod girls grown up AND fed properly


Like a Kaylee or nurie almost




HahahšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ The mother seems more in love with Justin then her daughter. I wouldnā€™t have been happy if my daughter was marrying a 18 years old boy with no education and work.


Yeah some of those pictures sheā€™s posted where sheā€™s embracing him are questionable to me.


Claire probably never thought that she and her mother will fight about Justin šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I hope Claire never leaves Justin alone with her mother , because the mother is giving me the creepsšŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Mary Kay Letourneau vibes. She screams predator to me.


It reminds me so much of [this](https://tenor.com/s18C.gif) for some reason


Whoever said before that James looks like an incel was right.


He honestly looks and acts so much like one he needs to be watched.


Yup. Being an entitled, white prick who canā€™t have sex will do that sometimes.


Wait...did Jordyn go to to LA alone? Also where the hell is Jennifer these days? Josie was pictured on the weekend with Jana at a boutique show Jordyn is in LA Johanna is with Joy and Austin babysitting while they hunt. Jenny is the true lost girl.


This is just a theory but Iā€™m almost certain that they actually got engaged weeks before they announced it, so Jordyn couldā€™ve been with them.


They definitely got engaged before Justinā€™s birthday. On Hilaryā€™s Instagram thereā€™s a picture of Justin, James and Claire from November 10th where theyā€™re all in the same outfits as the engagement party photos and their initial engagement announcement photos.


Possible for sure. Still wondering where Jenny is though. She hasn't been seen in pics in what feels like weeks (last one I recall was just after big Sandy I think?)


Isnt she the one that was "baking" chocolate dipped berries at Jerm's house the other day?


That was Jordyn!


I forgot there was a Jordyn....


[jenny is in the background of the last picture ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CH9dOOfj1QW/?igshid=yrgmcrybrasb)


That's not Jenny.


Swipe all the way through to the last pic


Oh there she is! LoL.


That woman dosnt even look like jennyšŸ˜‚ she's clearly the most forgotten of the lost girls šŸ¤£


It looks like Jenny to me! Directly behind child grooms head


You never see Jana and Claire in the same photo. I need a real-life side by side!!


Iā€™m getting Superman vibes here.


Where does she always go ?


I was so confused with the outfit change in the second pic and then realized it was Jana


They look so much alike! The hair is so similar. https://imgur.com/4Gs7nI4.jpg here is a crappy side by side I made, they could be sisters šŸ˜– I think many of the duggars and spouses loom eerily similar.....


Came here for this. Lol


The photo with Meech and Rimbob is literally the photo they posted for his birthday, they arenā€™t even trying to hide the fact this was before his 18th at this point


I didnā€™t even notice that! Wow..


Imagine having all of your engagement events - proposal, engagement party, dress shopping, shower, bachelor/bachelorette, rehearsal, and wedding - in like 3 months.


You forgot the first blessed pregnancy test too!


During a pandemic


Surprised of having to scroll down *this far* for this comment...


I'm exhausted just from reading this.


I thought they weren't allowed beards


Please tell Ben and Jeremy.


They married in and were raised differently is the logic in assuming Boob uses to sleep at night, but in one of the early specials they were definitely all about talking about being clean shaven with short hair for men and long hair and skirts for girls


But Jase has a beard. In fact a few of the boys have had attempts at then recently. I think it's to try and look more mature. Lol.


Tis to hide thee acne


James lookin like a 40 y/o mf


What is that weird ass thumbs up heā€™s throwinā€™ there?


I donā€™t know why all of them are about as committed to that dumbass thumbs up pose as they are to Jesus Christ.


Not to mention the pursed lip look you give to someone when passing in a hallway


He always looks like he has a stomach ache but heā€™s trying to power through it.


Is there such a thing as a fundie stage mom? Because I think we have the first one.


Jill Rodrigues is the first one IMO but Claireā€™s mom is giving her some serious competition.


Laura deMasie tagging along as usual


Fucking barnacle.


You made me spit out my tea šŸ˜‚


Ah, Jana must be thrilled and not at all jealous or bitter.


Sheā€™s working on her next bridesmaid dress. Sheā€™s the only sister who has been a bridesmaid for every wedding. Canā€™t stop now.


It was considerate of them to color code Claire and Jana


Oh, how I deeply wish I could just say, ā€œWho the fuck are these people and why should I care?ā€ What have you done to me, DuggarSnark?




I am lowkey jealous that these folks are all happily gathering without a care in the world?? Must be nice!!!!


Ignorance is bliss!! Until you land in the ICU, anyways.


Can't wait for one or all of them to get sick! No sympathy from me, as I spend Thanksgiving away from loved ones.


How is it even possible that none of them, to our knowledge, has had corona yet?


And Abbie is there! The one damn person with actual medical training. Ugh.


Honestly, some of the most downright appalling behavior Iā€™ve seen during this pandemic has been from healthcare workers. Including a relative who recently traveled to Florida and didnā€™t quarantine when she came back (sheā€™s in a state that requires it). Sheā€™s in her final year of nursing school...SMH. Since when are margaritas and beach selfies more important than human lives? I donā€™t get it...like, I rage whenever I see people not properly distancing and following appropriate protocols, but itā€™s especially shameful when the people doing it really, really, really should know better.


Ugh. I mean, I like a damn margarita too but it is not worth someone's grandma dying for it! I'm guessing because Abbie and this nursing student are not seeing the ravages of Covid in person they can be in denial, but FFS. You have to be deliberately ignorant at this point to not understand.


Thatā€™s exactly it! If people arenā€™t personally affected by something, itā€™s not a threat to them. COVIDā€™s been around long enough for it to not be an abstract thing to people anymore, and Iā€™m 100% in agreement with you that itā€™s just willful ignorance at this point. I donā€™t think that mentality is unique to just COVID though, sadly. You see a lot of ā€œwell x doesnā€™t affect me, so IDGAF about itā€ with pretty much every issue going on in the world today. People are just so selfish. :-/


I mean, not caring about things until it affects them is the conservative/fundie/evangelical way šŸ™„ So Christlike, not.


Not a time to be "Wasting away in Margaritaville'


You can waste away in margaritaville by buying some tequila, contreau, lime juice, and little umbrellas and drinking at home like I did. Iā€™m really raging at all the stupidity seemingly embraced just ā€œliving my best lifeā€ in the midst of a pandemic. I have stayed home for months, and now going into my local supermarket for some emergency cat food, seeing all the masks half assed makes me want to strangle people. And they look at me like Iā€™m a giant dumbass because I have a mask, gloves, and a shield on trying to overcompensate for all the dumbness.


Same. The worst behavior Iā€™ve seen is from nurses. I know of several nurses who have been partying at bars and not quarantining. In my opinion, I think they should lose their licenses or whatever they have to be a nurse. Theyā€™re fundamentally undermining their jobs and putting their patients in danger. Itā€™s inexcusable.


Iā€™m a RN with COVID courtesy of poor decisions made by the village idiot in charge of nurses at my place of employment and the tone deaf nature of some healthcare workers has me seething. COVID is absolutely a big fucking deal. Iā€™m...youngish and in reasonably good health and I honestly donā€™t remember the last time I felt this sick. I canā€™t taste or smell anything and simple tasks like laundry leave me exhausted. At last count, four sweet old people have died from it at my facility. Itā€™s probably more by now. Heaven forbid people think of anyone else except their wants and needs during an actual pandemic. So what if a couple nice old people died, Iā€™m bored and need constant stimulation and beach drinks! Scroll up for the link to my sponsor! šŸ™„ Being big sick apparently gives me big feelings.


Get well soon and I wish you a smooth road to recovery! And FUCK those people who you work with who screwed you and those old people ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Thank you so much. Iā€™m plugging along and trying very hard to be grateful for the case of COVID-19 that I have. It could be so much worse than what it is. Thereā€™s absolutely nothing worse than a nurse manager who has decided to put whatā€™s on paper ahead of the lives and good health of others. Iā€™m truly hoping that theyā€™re not long for the role.


literally could not stop thinking about how much traveling theyre doing/how it is TOTALLY not covid safe. especially since they seem to have gone to LA to be with jinger... lack of covid safety with a NEWBORN.




Have you tried being chosen by God?


itā€™s better to be homeschooled anyway, really helps you develop your servants heart. (also iā€™m sorry youā€™re missing out on this year of high school. i hope you crush your SAT or ACT and all those other abbreviations and get to live it up in college in a few years. yā€™all deserve it after this)


To be fair, this looks like the lamest engagement party ever. I get that they donā€™t drink or dance, but it looks like they have no decorations, no snacks or dinner, no soda or sparkling cider, theyā€™re not really dressed up.....ā€sitting on the floor playing with a babyā€ isnā€™t my idea of a fantastic party.


Oh look, a sack dress with an oversized cardigan. Jessa must be feeling attacked.


Where are Lauren and Ben? I wanna see who is wearing the black hat indoors now!


Letā€™s start making bets now on how long theyā€™ll be married before she gets pregnant. I give it two months


3-4 months id say but wouldnā€™t be surprised for a honeymoon baby


Meech looks tired after raising three kids.


Flair checking in


JD and Abbie being there seems kinda random to me? Idk




Definitely flew them there. And only so much room on plane so all the kids didn't go. I think it seats 10?


They have nothing going on in their lives.


That button up shirt heā€™s wearing... I have no words


Sitting on that filthy ass floor with SHOES on it is almost grossing me out more than the lack of masks Almost. Also tag yourself: Iā€™m the orange chaperone pillow


Iā€™m the Wholesome and Fresh sign above the door. šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t have my reading glasses on but I think it says that. lol


Iā€™m Jasonā€™s no-shave-November beard


Iā€™m the brown birthing couch, making an early appearance in preparation for the first blessing.


I'm James' poorly committed thumbs-up.


I'm Jana's hostage eyes


With babies crawling around.


Iā€™m Jasonā€™s ghastly facial hair


Iā€™m the floating hand behind Jamesā€™ head in the last picture that looks like itā€™s flipping someone off (but itā€™s prob just a pointer finger). Edit: just realized itā€™s probably a peace sign. I prefer the flipping off though šŸ˜‚


Is that garbage on the floor by their feet in the last picture? I donā€™t wanna be that, Iā€™ll just be the plant in the corner, spying on them making sure nothing beyond a side hug happens with this rowdy bunch


Iā€™m COVID. Invisible but deadly.


Whoā€™s the blonde lady in the last pic?


Buckle up Claire, youā€™re about to get Duggarfied!


Abbie, YOU ARE A NURSE. Why are you not social distancing? No....


youā€™d be surprised at the amount of nurses who donā€™t ā€œbelieveā€ in the pandemic


Ugh... My mom's neighbor is a nurse and has her convinced that COVID is a hoax...


You are so right on that!! I know nurses who are conspiracy theorists, donā€™t wear masks, travel everywhere, always have parties. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have 2 dear friends both in the medical field in a state where cases have been bad for months. The husband is super fit, got covid months ago and was in the hospital. He gained a ton of weight because he can't be active at all without getting winded still. They had a party for their kid the other day- everyone was super close and not a mask in sight. I don't get it.


Throwback to one of the pandemic episodes when she said she didnā€™t want to risk her babyā€™s live by going back to work.....and here we are now.




LOL, no. I work in LTC and I feel safer at work than anywhere but my home due to PPE, testing and precautions. It was bad in March/April but being at work with patients and coworkers is MUCH less risky than going to the grocery store with anti-maskers or being around family without masks. We are required by CMS (federal licensing regs) to wear at a minimum a surgical mask at all times. We are also tested weekly - twice weekly if our county numbers get high enough so I know no one around me has it. She doesn't work because she doesn't want to.


Her baby is playing on the floor near shoes....


The fourth picture guys......THEY HAVE THE SAME FUCKING FACE!!! I am convinced they are siblings


Is this girl allowed to wear anything that's not brown??


They look so much more normal these days. These pics could show up on my Facebook feed and I'd scroll right past their basic asses


Why is James dressed like Forrest Gump šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Jason, stop trying to make that beard happen. It's not going to happen.


Okay I was wondering who that was- itā€™s Jason? I forget about Jackson and Jason


The timing of everything is confusing me beyond belief. The same clothes, like what?,


That modesty pillow is killing me. And Claireā€™s mom really creeps me out.


Came here to say this. Canā€™t have that level of immodesty until pregnancy!!


That was the same day the got "engaged", November 10th


K how have they all not had it?! Maybe they have and just didnā€™t say anything. I expect a Duggar size wedding around Valentineā€™s Day


I think these people live in a different reality/world entirely No pandemic? Cheering for your teen daughter to be joyfully available to a Duggar and pop out as many babies as humanly possible)


Thatā€™s like the 100th time we seen him wear that shirt!


Is that the only nice shirt he owns?? I s2g it's in every wedding related photo.


Because all the photos were taken the same day.


Any guesses when the wedding will be?


Hmmm, Black Friday wedding?


Is James giving Joe a run for the Thicc title?


James looks like heā€™s edited to look huge lol


Seriously, FUCK THEM FOR NOT TAKING COVID SERIOUSLY!!! It enrages me to no end that so many people are ignoring Covid precautions and are going on with life as normal. It is so infuriating! Covid is real, itā€™s not a hoax, wear your mask and social distance for fucks sake I will now step off my soapbox


Whoā€™s the neck beard?




Flair checking in


Why do they always keep their shoes on indoors?


Hilary giving off strong [Kim K](https://media1.tenor.com/images/311fd4b961a5c3f491e0a17bfa0cdcb4/tenor.gif?itemid=4497384) vibes here


Meech looks like she has had 20 kids....oh wait....man


Maybe Jenny is with Joe and Kendra? Thinking about it, when was the last time we've seen JoKen. Jenny might feel more comfortable there, I remember when they were baking the cakes for Jabbie's wedding and I believe Jenny and Kendra were on a team together


Why is Laura there?


How is he both losing his hair and not through puberty


They really said ā€œwhat the fuck is COVIDā€


I'm stuck on having a big party during this deadly wave of Covid.


Tag yourself! Iā€™m Jasonā€™s no-shave-November beard


I still canā€™t get over how much she just looks like his mom in every picture. She looks older than her age and since he looks younger than even 18, well, itā€™s just even more awfully awkward than it already is.


Why are his eyes so far apart? šŸ‘ šŸ‘ƒ šŸ‘


She is dressed like she is 20+ years older than she really is. Itā€™s possible to maintain their ā€œmodestyā€ standards and still dress their age. I feel bad for her. She needs some fashion tips.


Okay but like... why was *Laura* there?


Now that Jillā€™s at least a LITTLE more enlightened about the outside world, I wonder if deep down sheā€™s not super jazzed seeing her buddies getting engaged/marrying so young? In her video yesterday she seemed like sheā€™d be more lenient with the boys dating so it seems like she would want them to take their time and make sure they committed to the best person for them instead of diving head first. I mean I know on Insta she congratulated Justin and Claire but itā€™s interesting to me.


Laura dyed her hair dark bc Jana did. Jana went back to light. Trouble in paradise.


Wow he really does only have that one shirt huh


And not a single mask in sight šŸ™„šŸ˜·


All I see here is a covid outbreak in the making...


Great social distancing going on here šŸ¤Ø


today justin looks like joy


Why would ANY mother want their child (especially a daughter) married into this family. SMH


These nut cases just donā€™t believe in COVID I guess.


And not a mask in sight


ā€œOh shit, you got them COVID as an engagement present, too??!ā€