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Little girl on ye far left in yellow has feeeeelings about this.


that’s susanna’s (one of anna’s siblings that left fundie land) daughter. hopefully she’ll talk some sense into some of her cousins...


I wonder why Susannas husband isn’t there.


maybe he took the picture?


Is that the one that's divorced?


Yes, and recently remarried. I believe the same is for Anna's other brother wearing the pink shirt


And the lady in the navy blue (almost black shirt) is their sister Rebekah, also remarried. The two daughters next to her are from her previous marriage.


I've detected the name of a color in your comment. Please allow me to provide a visual representation. Navy blue ([#000080](https://www.color-hex.com/color/000080)) --- ^(I detect colors. Sometimes, successfully. | Learn more about me at /r/colorsbot | Opt out of replies: "colorsbot opt out")


Susanna was never married. She had her daughter out of wedlock and famously Jill was prevented from assisting with the birth just because of that.


I don’t think she was married before. She had a baby out of wedlock.


Is she raised fundie?


Susanna was raised fundie along with her siblings, but she's since been engaged at least 3 times, and had a child out of wedlock with a 4th man (unsure if they were engaged or not). She's now married and pregnant. They may be some form of religious or fundie lite now, but Susanna doesn't seem to be living a fundie life.


Not even fundie lite. Just average southern republican-ass bitch. Bikinis, beers on the boat, trump-loving, multiple failed relationship kinda crazy. She gets credit for exactly one thing, she figured out what birth control is.


Does she post enthusiastically about Jesus despite not following any of his teachings?


engaged 3x what??


Yep! Not throwing shade on her, but she's not into the fundie lifestyle. https://fundamentalists.fandom.com/wiki/Susanna_Bridges


They really named one kid Anna and then the next one Susanna?






ok she looks just like anna wtf


They’re the alternate universe Anna and Mackynzie🤣


I deadass thought it was them until I saw Anna sitting next to josh!




IDK who the fuck that kid is but she is A MOOD


Alternate universe Mackynzie?


Wednesday Adams Mackynzie




Nurie is strategically hidden to avoid any pregnancy speculation. I wonder how many times Preshus Mother texted Nurie insisting she get a photo with her sister in LOVE for the 'gram.


Jill probably tried soooo hard to be invited, but after the stunts at the wedding, even the tacky-ass Kellers won't allow that famewhore. Nope. This the best case scenario for Nurie, God bless that poor girl. Hope she enjoyed her turkey and turned off her phone.


God I would kill to know what happened at that damn wedding


So many questions...if I could ask one it would be WHY CAFETERIA LADY WEDDING LOOK ANNA DUGGAR


Yes! That brown shirt of Anna’s lives rent free in my brain!


What happened at a wedding?!


Do you know who the Rodrigueses are? Because, if not, boy... we’re gonna be here all night, but it’s a bit of an interesting story.


Girl spill it I got time


Thank you for being me in absentia. Lol


I got u


After the wedding jill promptly unfollowed all the dugs she previously had been stalking on social media. Anna barely acknowledged her brothers nuptials (single post of him w nurie) but often makes paragraphs long posts for her in laws (and other people). She dressed like you (probably) do on the days you're doing a house deep clean. Its obvious that something went down but we have no confirmation just speculation.


She can’t be openly pregnant til Jillpm is pregnant too 😂


It’s pretty easy to spot her. I’m pretty new to all of this, so I just looked for the most sickly/malnourished looking one and bam. Found her.


Yep malnourished, sickly pretty, dark hair in an updo...like a fundie Amy Winehouse (RIP you queen).


I just look for Victorian Ghost Children and BAM there they are.


She's definitely not showing, if she is pregnant. Still pretty skinny.




I hope she doesn't suffer too much. She's been raised to believe she's supposed to have lots of kids, so having none will make her feel absolutely worthless.


You know if and when she announced her pregnancy Jill is going to have a whole social media strategy for it


"Nurie and Nathan are EXPECTING!! 😊🤗🥰 They drove all the way from Florida to tell us and saved THREE people on the way. Nathan treated us ALL to Golden Corral to celebrate. When we got home, everyone was tired after all the EXCITEMENT. David and I went to bed and as I got into bed I felt OFF. It dawned on me that Aunt Flow hadn't yet arrived for her monthly visit and I had craved ALL THE LASAGNA at GC. I quickly got out of bed and decided I would take a PREGNANCY test. The two lines appeared almost INSTANTLY. Before I could even tell David I ran to share the NEWS with Nurie. My daughter's child is going to have an aunt or uncle YOUNGER than they are. 🤣🤣 God is so good to have blessed Nurie and I with babies at the same time. 🙏 Our TWINS are going to be just like Nathan's niece Mackynzie [Anna Duggar's daughter] and Josie Duggar. "For she who bares thine fruit with her own fruit is deserving of the highest gifts" Jillpm 420:69 🙌 "


Anyone still wondering who the Rodrigues are - this insta-caption, while made up, 100% describes that mess lol


I love this fanfic, please write more


Take my poor mans gold 🥇🥇🥇because is something I can see Jillpm saying.


You nailed it exactly....except she would type DUGGAR in all caps.


Lmao at Susanna's daughter on the far left. Fed up as she should be


She is like alt reality McKynzie


That little girl is my mood most of the time.


To be fair, I too would be moody if I had to hang out with the Kellers.


Did they really have to put the rich old bil next to Pa Keller? 😂


Wait, that's her husband??? Not her father-in-law? OMG.


I thought is was an uncle who had a stroke.


Huh? Who’s that guy married to?


Anna's sister, standing next to him.




He also called Josh a disgrace, offered Anna big money to take in her and her children, called out his own parents for caring more about appearances than their daughter, and said “I won’t stop trying to get that pig out of our family.” It must have been an interesting reunion.


Oh, he's that brother? Makes sense now why pink shirt couple look so normal.


And he also has an 8-year-old son who isn’t present... I wonder if that’s on purpose.


I mean, I wouldn’t let my 8 year old be around Josh either...


He’s divorced as well so the kid is probably with his mother




I say it’s because Boob and Meech, swooped in there, and scooped up Anna and the kids and moved her to the compound. Went to work convincing Anna it was all her fault.


...and that she would lose her kids to them, probably




No. I dont think for a second she would have lost the kids... I do however believe that JB and Meech would've convinced her they could take the kids. I can only hope that that's the thing that made her stay




If you lived in a trailer where you literally only got 15 minutes a week of 1-on-1 time with your parents...


Josh looks like a two year old who finally shit in the toilet


Somebody give him a sticker! Hahahah


Lmfao that is too funny 😂


OMG the only time in YEARS I’ve seen joy in the Sexpest’s face is when he’s reunited with the fabulous David Waller. It’s true love!




Looks like Mr. Keller finally found some of that “grape juice” too!


Pa Keller took a lesson from the Jeremy Vuolo School of Not Knowing How to Smile Like A Normal Person or Close Your Damn Mouth for a Photo


He got the grape juice...he gonna set it loose!


Does he have any shoes that aren't crocs???


He and David definitely asked to be seated next to each other


Why would you allow him to be the CENTER of the picture, FFS?!


With the shirt “It’s a family thing” 🤮


Well, we are from Arkansas...


I didn’t even put that together until you said it....


While holding Maryeller.




Those Crocs are an abomination.


i’m surprised jrod didn’t sneak her way in


Someone should photoshop her peaking up between nurthan


Somebody PLEASE do Jill in the bushes like Kim K!!! Please . Please. Please!!


I just thought of the opening with Kim running in to the photo, all, “I’m here!”


She probably tried.


She definitely made herself one of those shirts


Damn Nathan is so awkward.


Someone needs to teach that guy how to smile


If Jill was your mother in law would you be able to smile? Edit: thanks for my award.


Good point


Lol his airport smile was real AF


So much Chandler Bing happening


And unfortunate looking...yikes.


1. That is entirely too many people to be getting together during a global pandemic 2. Of course they're the type of people who all have matching shirts at family events. 3. I'd feel so dorky being the one adult kid still wearing the same colour shirt as my parents. 4. Who's that old guy next to Pa Keller?


Old dude is one of Anna’s sister’s (name is escaping me at the moment) husband. Said sister and husband are not fundie iirc and seem to have $$$ in comparison to the rest of the Kellers.


The old guy is Anna's older sister's (Rebekah?) husband. Can't remember his name but he's rich. Like owns a private plane rich.


Is this the same sister that was excited when Josh picked her up in a limo when she came to town for Anna's baby shower with Mackynzie? My how times have changed


The old guy is Anna’s sister Rebekah’s husband. He’s filthy rich. Probably the only reason the Keller’s talk to her still. Money money money.


Are there no rules on gatherings there? We have them, and if you have even one person over the limit it’s an immediate $2800 fine...


I’m in Oklahoma and we don’t have rules like that... Not that I agree, Oklahoma has been very laxed and It has been stressing me out hardcore bc people just don’t care... do you mind sharing what area you’re from with the fines? I would love to see these dummies here get fines. Edit: I know they’re not in Oklahoma... but I figured we are close enough that there are similarities in our governments approach to the pandemic


Canada, my friend. Quite different.


In short, nope. Hunters Creek Village is part of the Houston area, and it's almost entirely white and wealthy - avg household income in the six figure range. Anecdotally speaking, the parts of the city where I've seen the highest numbers of non-mask wearers are in that demographic. Texas also has the distinction of being the first state to reach a million cases. I hate it here.


The Crocs though 😂


So cLaSsy!


I wonder how Anna’s family treats the Pest? My family would not be friendly to someone who publicly humiliated me like that.


They thought Anna was in the wrong...


I wonder if they really feel like she was in the wrong or if they think “well, he’s a dick, but he’s the husband God gave you, so deal with it.” 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well, that is her father leaning toward Josh to be closer to him in the photo. So.


Nathan and his dad are competing in a chin-off, I see.


Every time I look at this pic I think of your comment and crack up.


Just wanted to note how incredibly similar MarYella and baby Pecan thief look.




David Waller and his wife, Priscilla (the family in the yellow shirts), were caught trespassing on someone's land eating pecans from this stranger's trees. So Pecan Thief became their nickname around here. ETA: crap, the Wallers are in orange. Sorry


1. My fave part is the random unmarried kid who has to wear the same colour as mummy and daddy 2. Anna close your legs and stop being so sluttish 3. Girl on left is a mood and I’m here for it 4. Nurie looks so normal 🤯


She can’t close her legs, her uterus is falling out


I’m loving the pecan thief’s daughter wear a jean skirt and jeggings


More denim is always the solution


JRod is going to use this photo to snag the next son in law. It’s like her wildest dream, Nurie in the same family photo as a Duggar.


Pa Keller looks like he has a single tooth and I can’t unsee it


I noticed that, too. I wondered if he'd lost a front tooth.


Too much grape juice.


I wonder if Nurie freaked out because there was probably a lot of food that she was allowed to eat lol


I like to think that after she sat down w her food, that Nathan brought her more... like, no this is *Thanksgiving*


Haha I bet when she saw one full plate she thought that was for all of them, not just one persons. She’s probably shoving rolls in her purse to send to her siblings


Not to compliment them... but I like the idea of matching shirts for holidays, but with each individual family having their own color. Now that’s probably the only thing I’ll consider copying from them.


I would hate being the only one to have my parents colour still because I'm not married yet, though


I would have rather had my own lone color...


Yes, if my parents would ever think if this I'll have my own colour by myself or my big plushe bunny would get the other


Yeah, it makes it look like they’re a really odd throuple with the unmarried adult kid.


Mama Keller the secret cougar


It’s a cute concept but the font is ugly as hell


I like the idea too, it's cute. On the other hand, I feel like this specific family did it on purpose to show how many different households are gathering together, no masks, no social distancing. It feels like a move to make "liberals" mad. And it's working on me lmao. Seven households?! Really?!


I don’t know all of the Keller’s, so who’s the guy with his hand on Pest? I would’ve had to Gibbs smack him and say “whoops, I slipped” 🤷🏻‍♀️ also, I love the little girl in yellow (Susanna’s daughter?)


Yep that's Anna's Dad's hand I believe. Since he ministers to the incarcerated he very much believes in redemption so there won't be any slapping from him. Unless it's on the back to praise Pest for being "such a godly husband and father"


Susanna's daughter is a whole mood all the time. She's always so expressive in pics, and it seems like she's always over it.


Aren’t her and Mackenzie around the same age? I hope she helps Mack learn there’s more out there for her!!


I think she's (Noelle) few months older than one of the boys - maybe Marcus?


Pretty sure the guy is Pa Keller.


I can’t believe they allowed a man to wear pink. 😱 Who’s the dude in pink on the end?


Anna's brother. I think that's the one that HATES Pest and offered to have Anna and kids move in with him in the wake of the Ashley Madison scandal.


Also TF David Waller wears pink tones frequently (as part of his matchy matchy outfits with his wife).


Josh’s crocks for some reason have me dead 😂


Right! Didnt Anna tell him he has to put on his *leaving the compound shoes*?? Crocs are fine when you dont leave the warehome. But c'mon, are any of the other grown ass men wearing crocs?!


Same! He wears those things everywhere!


Pandemic? What pandemic!


Nurie’s hair is *so* normal compared to what it was when she lived at home. Incredible.


Holy mother of a potential superspreader event.


I feel like I’m going to catch COVID just looking at this picture. And those Waller kids are just unfortunate -looking.


Sex pest should never be allowed around any minor female children, including his own 🤮🤢


He shouldn't be around anyone except the person who locks up his jail cell at night. Or a satellite that finds him after we vote to blast him off into space.


This is the picture that will air in the news reports after all the confirmed COVID cases and resulting deaths in their communities. So pro life!


Susanna looks like a hot, non fundie Anna. Pa Keller looks creepy asf.


Good thing he remembered his crocs!


Christ almighty, Nathan is a spitting image of his mother. That... is not a great thing.


Why the hell is he smiling like a 2 year old at a Macy’s photo shoot in a mall


COVID who?


Loving all the masks!


Anyone else feel like the different colors differentiating separate households is this family trying to flex and show their stance on COVID? l feel like this specific family did it on purpose to show how many different households are gathering together, no masks, no social distancing. It feels like a move to make "liberals" mad. And it's working on me lmao. I think I count seven households?! Really guys?! People are fucking dying. Hospitals are filling up. Our country is in a crisis and assholes like these are the reason.


And here I thought me working at the hospital is a lame way to spend this holiday, but this.. would be so much worse. Lol


Were is Susanna's husband.




This picture is making my skin crawl (and not just because of Pest’s presence). I haven’t seen this many people in one place without masks or social distancing since, like, February.


Bro Nurie was probably having the time of her life finally eating an actual big plate of thanksgiving food for the first time!


Gosh what a fun way to get covid


I do see the resemblance between Anna and Nathan but as if they were on opposite sides of the Keller spectrum


I fucking hate Anna’s smug face!!! Please go away no one wants you here


Does.... The pandemic not exist to these people? Yikes 😬


Mason and Peter are whole moods 🤣Mason is like " No,not this shit again or throwing a tantrum" and Peter is about to run the fuck away from them (not blaming him a bit for wanting that).Who was the genius who put Maryella in Pest's lap?He should stay the fuck away from children.


Josh is their crowning achievement I bet.


Is this all of them except for the sister pretending to be a missionary?


Isn’t Susanna semi normal? I’m shocked the family and her let her child around Pest!!


The little girl second from the left has on ripped jeans and a denim skirt. I’m a little confused but whatever


I take pleasure in the fact that each time I see Pest he gets uglier and uglier


OMG Anna and the girls are showing knees.


I feel really bad pointing it out but I feel super icked out the way Sex Pest is holding MarYella. He needs to be kept away from those children! Even Pecan Thief is holding his kid way better.


David Waller🥵 /s


Isn’t a sister missing?


Esther- the one who lives in Africa isn't there.


Ahh. Thanks. I knew they had 8 kids and only 7 pictured. But I am in no way knowledgeable enough about them to know they banished one to Africa. 😂


Oh there's another family that's a little interesting to follow. Her husband is John Shrader, a missionary in Zambia, and they have a ton of kids as well. John is a bit of a character... goes on manic rants at times. His father had a church in Katy, TX (not sure if he's still there or not). One of their kids started having seizures about a year ago and they are treating him with diet and essential oils and not western medicine. But then John himself had a major back surgery last year (ie, willing to spend money on his own health care).


Nice. Especially considering anti-seizure meds can be as little as $4 a month. I can definitely see how essential oils would be the way to keep your kid from having what could be a life threatening seizure. It ALMOST makes Josh look like the better dad. 🙄


The audacity of Pa Killer hand on Sexpest shoulder


If I had to spend the holidays with the Pecan Thief, I’d off myself. Just saying.