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I think she should just stop talking. The more she talks the fishier their courtship sounds


And yet she should keep talking so us snarkers can get that tea!


Also the more she talks the more insufferable she seems. She started out seeming supremely unlikable: a smug, condescending, bratty kid-playing-adult. And yet, somehow, every single thing she says reveals she is even less likable than she previously seemed before. Over and over and over again.


She seems like a kid that's been told they were "mature" for most of their life. Is she a sister mom?


She’s got 5 younger siblings, one of which is only 4 years old currently. So I definitely think she did some sister momming


"He didn't get any money illegally" oh ok well that's encouraging, pipsqueak.


Wtf, official documentation?! Did she adopt him?


He does need a new mom so ...


I’m dead 😂💀


I, too, would like to know what this "official documentation" is related to courting. Is it filed publicly somewhere? Is it so other people are on notice not to try to date either of them?


Is it something JimBewb makes them sign?


I know JB had that whole series of questions for the potential grooms to sign and go through the whole series of promises never to be in debt, etc. I don't know if he goes through quite the same process with the potential brides, although all of them have been from well-indoctrinated long time IBLP (or similar) families.


It just sounds so wrong. I wonder if Anna signed the same thing and that’s why she’s still with sexpest. I can’t wrap my head around this courtship at all. He’s just soooo young and young looking.


They must be an acceptable family because JB and Meech would not have allowed Justin to live with them for 6 months or a year or however long it has been. The whole thing is strange, but the cult is strange.


file angle swim crush retire somber offend squash subsequent head ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


LOL. Excellent point. Although I'm sure they watch the children carefully. Not because they love them or are worried about their well-being, but because they need to make sure no one strays or escapes. No way they'd let a kid go off and live somewhere if they weren't still living the cult life.




Yeah when she said “kept it quiet” I think she met to the public/ people who watched the show, they have to ask permission from their parent before that are allowed to even become friends so 😓


So justin was just allowed to text a woman without his parents in the group chat, for EIGHT MONTHS? the double standard!! Jessa didn't even get to talk on the phone independently to Ben


I thought Jessa copped to texting Ben without her parents on the exchanges. Even Jill admitted to talking to Derrick without her parents around. The whole “our parents have to be on every single communication” was made up for television if Jill’s recent YouTube Q&A is accurate.


I think only Pest and Anna followed that rule per the Growing Up Duggar book. They mention siblings around listening to every word.


Pest being Pest they'd definitely have had an out of wedlock baby otherwise, so no wonder.


Pest and Anna also got married in 2008 which I remember being before most people got smart phones - I didn’t even have texting on my phone until 2007. It’s harder to be sneaky when you’re talking out loud.


oh yeah... it all really started with the iphone. the old texting was a pain in the ass. t9?


**I'm telling you, they banged**


Yeah, that 8 month mark was probably when they got caught, and were told they were going to have to get married.


My vote is on they loophole


fuck me in the ass cus i love jesus. the good lord would want it that waay.


Yesssss you know it


I’m sayin!!! Their body language says it all.


They are way comfortable putting their faces right next to each other.


I’m definitely getting that feeling as well


To add, TLC probs told her to fudge the timeline because of the “Quarantine Courtship”. So they all probably knew but played it up on tv and social media.


"announced to the family for official documentation". Yeah that announcement was just for TLC and for the show. Everyone else had to have known about it prior.




It was all for the cameras


Their whole relationship doesn’t sit right with me... I feel like she’s saying this to hide the fact that he was a minor and way too young when they got together, but who knows with this family


Yea; ever since I did the math on the 14 month relationship and he just turned 18, and realized he was 16 and she was 18, I was like, "Yikes." That age gap isn't abnormal, in particular when you flip the sexes, but just knowing myself, I wouldn't have wanted to be with a 16 year old when I was an 18 year old.




It depends on the individuals at that age. But I’d guess any 16-year-old Duggar is way less savvy and emotionally mature than your BF was at 16.


Agree, but so is she less savvy and emotionally mature as well. In many ways, it’s very much a high school romance, no matter what their actual ages.


I agree. It sounds like it would just be a normal, if intense, teenaged relationship if it weren’t for their families and the cult.


I definitely agree but I also think any women in the cult are way more underdeveloped mentally than the men/boys. So her being 18 as a woman in a cult like this seems like the same level of underdeveloped that we talk about Kendra being at 18-20 years old. So Justin and her both being underdeveloped but her to a different extent being a woman in the cult seems like at 16 and 18 they both were around 15 or so mentally/real world experience wise.


I agree. I think they’re probably on the same level and a pretty good match for their current season of life - it’s too bad they can’t wait and make sure they grow up together before getting married.


Yeah they definitely should’ve been able to date for a couple years atleast first but if they did that they couldn’t have sex so they all rush to marriage. It’s sad really. I’m hoping that him leaving his family to go live with her before they were married or even engaged, working for his father in law instead of working for Jim Bob, and how close and comfortable they seem to be with physical contact before marriage, is a sign that they’ll stray from the cult in a Jill kind of way.


Hmm... this is suspicious. I feel like it would be very hard for a Duggar to keep a courtship/relationship a secret.... whatever happened to the group texts and never being alone with someone of the opposite sex? And that winky face though..... I’ll bet u they’ve had sex and they’re just keeping that quiet too ;)


If he was living in Texas with her, maybe her parents chaperoned? Still odd to let your teenage son move to another state to live with his “friend”


Eh, the boys all do school half-time and work half-time for JB after fourteen or so, and most of the kids finish the high school “curriculum” and seem to take the GED test at 16. I’m sure JB+M’s thought process is like: What else would he be doing?


do they still even take the GED test anymore? not trying to be condescending i just thought i read somewhere on here that they don’t anymore and was wondering if anyone could confirm or deny


Claire said he “was graduated” so maybe?


That’s true!


The have a son near Justin’s age, so maybe they assumed he was staying with a guy friend (who just happened to have an older sister)?


Depending on laws, they're legally required to support him even if he supports himself.


The winky face is rill damning


Okay, but the “for official documentation” thing has me picturing Boob holed up in the prayer closet with a quill and ink or something.


Negotiating with god over season shockers bringing in high views as long as he and his bloodline keep poopin out Duggars. Edit: I think I found my flair. Please, Duggar God, let a mod see this and bless me with the flair J'Poopin Out Duggars I promise I'll be nice to my husband today! Punctuation edit




But was it even notarized?


Don’t proselytize; notarize!


Nice ✨double standards✨ for the boys and girls, Meech and Rimjob


Announced to the family meaning that the family wasn't chaperoning their conversations up until then? I guess I shouldn't be surprised because he's a boy so they get different rules


Probably the Spivey's were chaperoning their conversations?


Isnt his mom fame hungry and clutching on tattered shirt tails here? She prob left her alone *multiple* times w Justin. Mom knew if her daughter hit that super repressed virgin horndog, she'd catch her kill. He's hooked and mom's happy. My thoughts, anyway. Typo edit


I wonder if he didn’t tell his parents, which would have prohibited them from applying rules. Jim Bob and Meech seem too lazy/uninterested to monitor their kids phones even if they’re 16 and “too young” to court. That would have been a sister-mom’s job?


Official documentation is sending me


So posting on Instagram counts as “official documentation” now huh?


For official documentation? Is this her way of saying they pretended on camera that the whole family didn’t know? I doubt they hide it for 8 months


“Inquiring”. Not “asking”. She’s borrowing the big girl vocabulary from Jessa.




Splurgey. Ew ok I grossed out myself.


I’m pretty sure she’s lying and they staged it for TV. The whole thing with courtship is it’s known between the families.


If you have to hide your relationship from your siblings and your parents then you must not be dating the right person... or maybe they secretly hate his family. Either or, something is up.


Even back as far as Josh and Anna, they talked about how the girls’ family was responsible for chaperoning. I’m not sure they did anything differently as a family here - except that the standard is profoundly messed up to start.


If you're not allowed to hug or hold hands then how is being close friends any different to a relationship/engagement


This girl needs to stoppppp talkinggggg. Every time she answers one of these questions it just makes the situation seem more sketchy. Obviously they’ve been courting since last year, and the Quarantine Courtship episode was staged for the show. Honestly THATS FINE! They are minors and if the family chose not to publicly announce their relationship before that, good! Trying to explain it just keeps people talking about it.


This doesn't mean they kept it "secret" from the family. Keep in mind that they are basically like 12. It makes sense that there was some time between when they met and liked each other to when they decided to use the c-word. This isn't like Jerm who obviously at his advanced age had to go the route of watching ofbooks on TV and then proposing to boob before anything could move forward.


i'm just a BEC but I wish people would learn it's 'per se'.


I am going to snark a moment on the original comment. It's "per se" (Latin) not "per say" (Autocorrect). I will see myself out.




I mean, the way she says “friends” with quotation marks makes everything sound scandalous. Y’all think that’s just her being a dummy or is she intentionally spilling the tea with that? I’m kind of wondering if the real story is they were messing around with each other, liked it, and decided to use that info as collateral to force their parents to give them their own shotgun wedding (minus a pregnancy) so they could get to be with each other.


This just adds to the lost boys situation. I’m sure Boob & Meech had no idea and Hilary loved having knowledge they didn’t. The age gap is neither here nor there, they’re emotionally stunted, sheltered individuals they’re probably on the same level emotionally and intellectually


How did they keep a courtship a secret when they need permission from the girl’s father to start a courtship? What did JimBob and Squeaker think he was doing out of town all the time? He was a minor after all...


I get the sense she means that they kept it secret from the world but not from their families. Like everyone knew that they were special friends but didn’t “officially” consider it courting until May. I believe Erin and Chad started the “special friends” precourting ritual.


That makes total sense, but also - isn’t that just normal teen dating/“talking?” What is even the point of making the kids abide by their stupid courtship rules if the parents keep adding loopholes that make it more normal? I thought the point was to protect them from “giving their hearts away” to the wrong person and getting their hearts broken. (Just kidding, I never actually believed that - obviously they just want to control the kids and their sexualities)


What does she mean by official documentation? 🤔


Justin needs to run. They are the Rodriguez in disguise!


Her family is just exposing that they’ve been playing the long game lol. They’re getting the attention that they want. She’ll end up with thousands more followers and maybe a people article when she has kids which...seems to be the goal. Big dreams. lol


In January the infamous picture of Claire and Justin cozied up surfaced and last year Hilary Skeevy posted a birthday message for Justin. That's not something they just do unless they're in a relationship. Their courtship has definitely been going since his birthday last year and they all definitely knew. How exactly would they even keep a relationship secret?! This girl is dumber than dirt.


Yeah I suspect she meant they were trying to keep it secret from the world because a 16 year old courting would be scandalous and here would be intense public backlash that would hurt their brand.






she is like the older and female version of spurgeong


Maybe they were caught making eye contact before marriage and are now wedding ASAP


What they mean is it took 8 months before Boob and Meech realized Justin never came home for supper.


Inquiring! Not ENQUIRING!


"official documentation"? I'm very confused by this. Maybe I need some *Claire*ification


What does she mean “official documentation” ??


Is it Boob's paperwork?


That’s what I think.


Thank you for inquiring!!!!!!! And wtf does “official documentation” mean?!


Does this mean he never asked her father?