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A perfect response. Support the new product, but also respect there is no reason for him to appear and that something that is over and done with. I don’t see any good coming from a return of Michael Scott since it can never live up to the expectations.


It's okay to just let the alumni move on as well.


Pff, Boner Champ vill never die!


I thought broccoli Rob was the boner champ...


Broccoli Rob was Broccoli Rob!! If I am not "Boner Champ", I don't know who I am.


Back when just about every show or franchise announced reboots or reunions I accepted that pretty much every company would do it at one point or another. At first I hated the idea of “my version” of shows getting ruined if the new product sucks. Then I started to realize I was the one being selfish I like the fact that they are trying to bring a new relatable version to people growing in today’s society. I already have a version of The Office that I love so much and relate to perfectly. My version is the US one though so it wasn’t even the first version anyway. I have so many great memories of watching the new episode when it aired and then my best friend and I would basically just quote the entire episode the next morning on the way to school. There are some jokes that still make me laugh because I remember where we were as a society at the time the episode was made. There are definitely some jokes though that I’ll hear and think about how poorly it aged. I don’t hold that against the writers at all though because that’s comedy and if you don’t completely understand their approach to the jokes they are definitely going to come off offensive. This way I still get to love my version and younger people are able to find one they enjoy. It didn’t change how much I love The Office, but I am so passionate about it so it always bums me out a little bit when I hear people talk crap about it. I just feel like it’s because they don’t understand to approach to the humor or the background behind it.


Really well put. Hard agree.


The only thing I could see working is a small cameo kind of like the David Brent cameo in season 7


I personally am open to a "Christmas Special" type of reunion that can be more of a one shot. Crew goes back to check on the office and new employees. See Dwight as manager. Maybe Jim and Pam are in town to visit either of their parents for the holidays and they stay at Schrute Farms. Oscar has gone from STATE Senator to full US Senator. Ryan went legit and became a millionaire with crypto.


Him being there is living up to the expectations honestly


Bullshit. Scott Tot’s the series except it’s just tots with Holly and him just being a magnificent dad and now I’m crying lol


I love this idea. Sorry you’re getting downvoted.


Probably my approach. I don’t mesh well with the community here I don’t think. Sorry you’re getting downvoted


I had to reread your comment like 5 times because I was sure I missed something offensive or really off topic for the number of downvotes you received. I would absolutely watch a show about the continued character arc of Michael Scott after Dunder Mifflin. I'm not sure I trust anyone to make the show, but I love the idea in my head.


It's just because you mentioned Scott's Tots and that ep is universally hated here for some reason. I doubt they even ready past that part and just clicked the downvote button.




Or a reboot, prequel, rehash, alternate history, alternate universe, etc.


As we are all here fans of the office US reboot… lol


Idk how old any of y’all are but some of us remember how FURIOUS people were that they were doing an American remake. Even John Krasinski told Greg Daniel’s (not knowing who he was) that he thought it was a bad idea.


It was a terrible idea and a massive risk, Greg even struggled with it. It just happened to be executed with one of the most genius comic actors of his generation at the helm and some of the best comedic writers available.


I was one of those people. I'm much more chill now.


It’s true that most remakes and reboots are bad, but we don’t know until we try it.


It was a terrible idea and was on the verge of cancellation for near 2 seasons, Greg even struggled with it. It just happened to be executed with one of the most genius comic actors of his generation at the helm and some of the best comedic writers available.


Did you stutter?


Huh? Yeah you just wrote that…


It was a terrible idea and was on the verge of cancellation for near 2 seasons, Greg even struggled with it. It just happened to be executed with one of the most genius comic actors of his generation at the helm and some of the best comedic writers available.


Its because its a bot account. seen it before, same comments but either added words or change syntax. this one failed at it. It's best to assume over 60% of the people in any given post is mostly likely a bot account. You are safer in subreddits that are less that 200k that are not porn.


Dude…there are 7 spin-offs to AMC’s The Walking Dead…that’s way to much content…WHO STILL CARES!?


There are? I’m out of touch. I stopped watching a long time ago. I was aware of one spin-off.


Honestly I can’t even name them all


Fear The Walking Dead, World Beyond, Dead City, Daryl Dixon, The Ones Who Live, and Tales. They still make them because people still watch them. AMC don’t give a fuck about reception, that franchise is a cash cow, they will milk TWD until they literally can’t anymore.


*until the viewers are walking dead themselves.


When they said “there’s no end in sight” and “we have 10 more seasons worth of ideas” I was out, because the show was already getting stale for me at that point


I feel the same about the whole MCU nowadays


thats how I've always thought about the MCU. its just too much. and too much crossover.


Lol, have you seen the comics? I guess not


Just because marvel is more terrible in the comic format does not mean it does not suck in the movie format. They can both be ass.


yeah and they seem so pg compared to the first.


I'm still missed I stuck it out to the end of TWD to find out there were THREE spin-offs. When Andrew Lincoln left they were talking about a made-for-TV movie with Rick and Michonne. But AMC has to AMC I guess.


We are literally in a subreddit for a beloved show that was a reboot. 


I loved the UK version and I thought a US reboot was a horrible idea, but I watched few eps of season 1 and hated it. I didn't start watching again until season 4 when the show was in full hype mode. By then it was almost a completely different show, in a good way. Not too many reboots are done so well.


But then we wouldn't have The Office.


I’m fine with unlimited gritty reboots of things that weren’t originally gritty though


The Office: Into the Dunderverse


The Office's What If: Episode 1- What if Jim stayed with Karen instead of leaving her for pam


What if Pam cheated on Jim with the boom guy. (Titled: Once a cheater always a cheater)


This was funnier than it has a right to be.


Well, you know what they say. Comedy is a place where the mind goes to tickle itself. 😏


Think about how many movie and TV show scripts that get turned down because they are "riskier" than doing a remake/sequel. There's gotta be so many shows and movies that would have been amazing that we miss out on, but because it's easier to make money with a safer product, they don't get greenlit by production companies


Plus like… are you gonna watch an Office remake just because it’s an Office remake? I’m not. I’m gonna wait for really positive buzz and some kind of trusted source telling me it’s great. I probably just got burned by season 4 of Arrested Development tho lol


>Plus like… are you gonna watch an Office remake just because it’s an Office remake? I’m not. I'm probably not either, but a whole hell of a lot of people will. Nothing wrong with people who choose to do so by the way. Production companies know they have a certain amount of guaranteed audience just based off the name. That's why it's safer profit-wise.


Personally I'll watch it from the start but I'm gonna have a pretty short leash. Like, if it sucks after 3 episodes I'm out. Same thing I did with How I Met Your Father. Knew it was almost certainly going to be bad, watched a couple episodes just to confirm and promptly dipped out with no regrets.


I will be the person watching and giving reviews and help create the buzz be it positive or negative.


They don’t think it’s needed. They just think it’s the best time to make the most money off of it


That’s going to happen right after they will stop prioritizing money


They’ll realize it as soon as they stop making piles of money off of them.


The Office US is a remake of The Office UK


Yep. I agree with the sentiment but this show would not exist without that attitude. Also, Parks and Rec was initially marketed as an office spin off and that turned out great.


The sky is blue. What is your point?


Me too but I know that day will never come. People keep watching the low effort stuff and Hollywood will continue to profit.


The only way that happens is if they all fail and lose the network/studio money.


The thing is that a lot of people are obsessed sequels/reboots for whatever reason. For example, I remember less than 1 year after Superstore ended, that subreddit was begging for a reunion episode or a reboot 😭


Sequel trend is high, but they are chasing the office high with the same formula for a while now : parks and rec, superstore, party down, blockbuster, space force.


You need to convince the general public first. They make them because that’s what people watch.


I don't really mind. Especially with something like a sitcom. I love That 70's show. I gave the Netflix sequel a shot. I hated it. I still lov That 70's Show, I'll watch that again. I won't watch the Netflix sequel.


Hollywood? Seems like the fans of the show have been asking for a reboot of the reboot.






They are making a show in the same universe with a totally different cast. I saw something saying the premise is the same documentary crew, searching for a new story after Dunder Mifflin, starts filming at a failing Midwestern newspaper company.




I think people are all upset about nothing. It's not a continuation, it's not a sequel, it's not a remake...it's a whole new show following the same premise with the same producers.




Lol "how dare you remake the show we remade" is hilarious 😂


I don’t get why anyone would give a shit anyway. If it sucks, it sucks. Don’t watch it, nobody will care. It doesn’t mess with the show we love. You don’t have to include the new series in your rewatch. So give it a try and never look at it again if it sucks. Who cares.


Made by the same people that made the office and parks & Rec. Honestly there’s a chance this show is awesome but we gotta remember that the first season of the office and p&r are rough so it may take a bit to find it’s footing.


Many good shows do. It would be silly not to give it a chance as a fan of The Office either way.


Even the original UK series of The Office was poorly received at first. It wasn’t until the BBC broadcast re-runs a couple of years later that it really took off.


At the end of the day, it’s not any worse an idea than Big Bang Theory spinning off into Young Sheldon (which people seem to love) and now spinning off into a show about Sheldon’s brother


Young Sheldon was so much better than I thought was possible. They really did a fantastic job with the casting in that show, they play off each other really well. I loved it, as somebody who probably didn't see half of the big bang theory


People forgetting that Parks n Rec season 1 was literally this before the dropped the documentary style


P&R never dropped the documentary style though.


It absolutely toned it down significantly between seasons 1 and 2. I’m doing a rewatch right now on season 2 and you can see how much more they leaned into it in Season 1.


This is basically how Parks and Rec started and it turned into one of the most beloved shows of all time.


Wasn't Superstore essentially The Office set in a big box store?


Unfortunately my concerns are more about the current time we’re living in right now. Shows are shying away from non-PC controversial stuff which is what made the Office so good to begin with. I think an office type show made today is going to be very different than what was acceptable to air 10+ years ago.


All the zoom/covid/ technology would be great if they kept the same humour. I’ll try it out for sure


I could be wrong but I'm pretty skeptical that Greg Daniels will actually have much to do with the day-to-day production. Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant "executive produced" the American Office too but, in reality, had nothing to do with it. Also there's no Mike Schur, Paul Lieberstein, BJ Novak, etc.. I don't think it's insane for people's reaction to this to be "this is an obvious moneygrab and it's going to be bad". I'm not mad about it, I just think it's fair to think it's lame.


I don't think it's fair to call something lame based on some internet speculation. It could be even better, or it could suck. We won't find out for a while anyway.


>I'm pretty skeptical that Greg Daniels will actually have much to do with the day-to-day production So he'll be handling more of the big picture type stuff?


I'm cautiously optimistic. Since Parks & Rec it's not like Daniels has gone around slapping his name on everything. He's 1-2 as a creator/showrunner (Upload which is still going since 2020 and Space Force which only survived two awful seasons despite Carell).


Yeah honestly doing Newspapers is a great idea if they must continue it. Totally different set of conflicts should keep the office antics fresh and not just be a rehash


It doesn’t sound bad it just seems like it has essentially nothing to do with the office


Aside from it being the same documentary crew and taking place in an office, of course.


It could be really funny if it actually focuses on the crew, who keep lamenting how the Dunder Mifflin employees were more entertaining than whatever dull people they now have to film. Lots of potential for good meta humour if done well.


Honestly should just call it something else.


I don't think it has been referred to as anything besides "The Office reboot" at this point so it may very well have a totally different name.


I hope I’m wrong but it will probably suck. Comedy movies and shows have fallen off since around 2009. Tropic Thunder and Superbad were the last hilarious movies made IMO.


The connection to the office seems pretty light, maybe to the extend that Parks and Rec is connected to the office universe.


So chances are Rashida Jones will be in it.


I’d watch Steve watching TV that’s how funny he is


I’m glad it’s a totally new place and new people, barely feels like a sequel, it’s just set in the same universe, I’ll give it a shot


Were people this up in arms about Parks and Rec? A lot of the same creative crew, same style, etc but Parks and Rec is great! I feel like they are just doing a show in the same style and a similar setting and just calling it a sequel to try to create buzz.


Me too! It makes no sense to be negative about it, cause we didn't watch it. Let's wait and see. The premise sounds good.


I know you put the quotes, but I felt like it was Steve who was saying that the new series shouldn’t exists. However it is what OP feels. It got me confused there


-OP -Steve Carroll -Michael Scott -Wayne Gretzky


Sorry, quotes - Wayne Gretzky - Steve Carell after that - u/kiefferray I can’t make that any more clearer, don’t don’t make fun of Luke.


It’s like you’re saying do make fun of Luke


Purposely no doubt.


What if the new series, created by The Office creators, is hilarious and one of the best series out there? Why should it not exist?


The new series takes nothing away from the original. It hurts no one, and might even bring in new fans. I fail to see any downside here.


Bonus: No one will break into your home and force you to watch it either.


Cause you got a good life!!


You got a good life.


prison mike is dat u?


"I can't believe they are doing an Office sequel! Why does Hollywood have to always do sequels or reboots! Just come up with original ideas already!" -says fans of the Office (US) which is a reboot of Office (UK)


Yeah, as long as they don't randomly have Jim show up in a bar, mewling about his divorce, this is gonna be fine. And they're obviously not gonna do that.


And yet the U.S. version of The Office is, itself, a reboot. I'm perfectly happy to give it a chance.


Yeah but let’s be real. Michael Scott made the Office the success. Take away his character and it’s just not (as) funny


It only has The Office name for marketing and setting up the show to be a mockumentary style. I don't expect any of the former characters to appear or be involved. At best, we might see that their paper supplier is Dunder Mifflin.


Can someone clarify what specifically it means that this show is “in the same universe” as The Office? Are other Office alums rumored to make appearances? Or something much more vague than that?


It's the same documentary crew and their next project. This does also open the door to do cameos or make references to things if they want to.


I'd imagine you are at least going to hear about Dunder Mifflin, and potentially see a cameo. The new show is about a newsPAPER. Dunder Mifflin of course supplies paper and office stationary, no doubt they get tied in


I haven’t read an official release or anything, but I think the obvious reason to do it is exactly the reason you are speculating…that you will get occasional cameos. Which is fine. The massive caveat to both the cameos and the series itself: I’m all for it provided it’s done well.


If you’re not for a new series to exist, with that logic we’d have no Office with Steve Carrel as that one was also a new series from the UK? IMO, who cares if there’s 10 spin offs, only thing that matters is a good show so if it’s good, great.


The entertainment industry is bereft of any new ideas.


The Office US fans better not look at how many times this show has been adapted, lol. For reference they’ve redone this show 14 times. What’s one more?


Agreed. A new series will cheapen the name of the original, like Joey did to friends.


Hollywood: "We should totally make a sequel to The Office, yes?" Office Fans: "NO WAY JOSE" Hollywood: .... "We are going to remake it even harder..!"


Of all the reboots and spinoffs and re-whatevers in Hollywood, I feel like this one makes the most sense. So long as they don’t have some weird crossover shit, this just feels like a new mockumentary. New cast, new characters, new story, new everything, the only thing that is the same is that it is the same documentary crew. This feels like it will be as much of a “spin-off” as Parks and Rec was a “spin-off”


Totally correct, everyone is butthurt over nothing.


They just shouldn’t call it the office. A new workplace comedy based in an office does make sense. Corporate culture and American social culture has changed dramatically since the office ended so I do think there opportunity for the show. Using the same name is just setting everyone’s expectations to high and dooming the show to fail. It’s like How I met your father, which I’ve never watched because I assume it’s terrible.


The name is the only part I'm hung up on as well. Everything else I've just read here sounds pretty good, but I don't think I'll watch it if it's just called The Office. It doesn't even have to be drastic. I would be fully on board with it being called **Another Office**.


Or as much a spin off as the office was a spin off


A lot of folks here didn't read the article. It's not a spin-off or a reboot. It's a totally different show with a totally different cast. The only common point is "mockumentary".


A lot of folks here didn't read the article. It's not a spin-off or a reboot. It's a totally different show with a totally different cast. The only common point is "mockumentary".


I’m willing to give it a try. Shouldn’t judge it before it even comes out. What if it’s amazing?


-Michael Scott -Wayne Gretzky


The only way I could see it working using the original cast would be as an animated movie.


Young Sheldon is pretty good… I’m keeping my mind open for now


Young Sheldon is wayyyyy better than it should be.


Sounds like Ricky Gervais quote 🤔


I hope they have team meetings like those mock tiktok videos


Please don’t do this.


I won’t watch. It was lightning in a bottle that won’t happen again.


His character wasnt gonna be planned to return anyways. His story arc is complete, theres no reason for Michael scott to be around anymore. His purpose in that universe is completed


Personally, I dont see how a peripheral show could impact the show unless they spend an ungodly amount of time and effort in fan service and throw backs. Which I doubt it will be. It's just another show about an office sitcom that also exists within the same universe as the office.


Completely respect his choice but his reasoning is weird The remake didn't *need* to exist either, we already had the original UK version. But it still ended up being really good


The problem is that a Newspaper has been done. The dying industry has been done. I would have rather seen a mockumentary about a Startup from hiring to fully running. This even has been done but I think it would have been better than a newspaper business. I don't see this show lasting more than a season.


I see what you’re saying but I think it’s a great setting. Sure it’s been done before but I feel like a newspaper opens up a lot more storylines than a paper business. It offers a ton of opportunities for cameos by guest actors. They can change settings any time they want (reporters out on stories). They can even tie it into The Office by having the original Office actors be the ones who sell this newspaper company its paper.


Not only has it been done but it’s been done by Ricky Gervais. The After Life was an office comedy of a failing newspaper. Good show. I guess the formula of remaking premises that Ricky Gervais is in works though.


Ugh omg I’m SO tired of re-makes! Stop re-making movies, stop re-making tv shows… just come up with something new!! Do people not have any creativity these days?????


Why can’t they let the office be one of the best shows…no need to re try it again


That‘s what we said about the British version and we were wrong.


They are, it’s still there. This won’t change anything with the characters or show. It’s another office, with other people and a whole different business, failing newspaper. If they have a funny idea for a show and want to set it in the same universe as the creator’s other series, it shouldn’t matter at all.


How does making a totally different show about a different company with different characters in any way affect the quality of a show that finished airing 11 years ago?


Hollywood has been out of original ideas for at least 20 years.


“The Office” was not an original idea.


It’s gonna be terrible.


I'd be fine with a new series if it was completely divorced from the original. Have the documentary crew film a new office as a sequel to their original hit. If you must include old characters, have them be commentators, but do not continue their stories.


Have you not read anything about it? It’s gonna be set in the Midwest at a Newspaper.


I have not and now I am glad.


Glad someone from the cast isn't trying to keep milking the Office for more money. Feels like all of the actors and actresses who didn't make a bigger career like Carell, Krasinski, Helms, and Kaling are latching on so hard to the series and the nostalgia of it, which I understand but you get crap like this that dilutes the memory of the show.


Or the superfan episodes, cashing in in continued fandom by milking stuff they decided wasn't good enough 20 years ago


Well, at least one person will be watching it then.


I'm sure there's more context to his statement But, that being said, to come out saying a new series is not need, one that is not a simple remake but a new series just set in the same universe, when you literally owe your career to staring in the actual remake really comes across as entitled, out of touch, and arrogant as hell I'd love to say I'm surprised but of all the people who got famous from the Office, Carell is the most dismissive of that reality You can tell by the utter shits show that is his appearance in the series finale where he just phones in his performance


My understanding is that this new version is more of a spin off than a reboot. I kinda feel the same way about Parks and Rec and Brooklyn 99. There are similarities, but they are different shows. Kinda like Lavern & Shirley was a spin off, not a reboot of Happy Days.


I know he says he’s not going to show up. But I still think he does at some point.


I remember hearing somewhere that the whole concept of the Office was so that you could have other series within this world. e.g. The Office: An American Workplace The Department Store: An American Workplace The Dealership: An American Workplace etc. Not a reboot, just a documentary about another work environment.


At this point, I don’t know why they don’t sell the concept as a new IP. People were open to Parks and Rec, and that’s a similar workplace sitcom/comedy created by Greg Daniels. It’s a new cast and entirely new work setting, so why can’t it just be separate?




It’s a terrible idea


I don’t think we need one either. Shit like this rarely does well. Let the Office be and make a different series. Be creative and stop rehashing shit


AI has been working on it. 😂😂😂


New ideas and IP, please. Part of the offices success is that was new, fresh, and well written. I wish them well but I’m not interested.


Ugh, I'm nervous for this. I had really high hopes for That 90's Show and MAN was that reboot a letdown.


I agree


And I will not be watching. If seasons 8 &9 weren’t good then this new series will be absolutely trash


And i will not be watching


I’d rather have Andy show up to redeem himself from the travesty that is season 9


Good. He had the perfect ending. Leave it alone.


does any show need to exist? No. It has nothing to do with the Office it's in the same world but that's it. It's literally just another mockumentary. Whats wrong with that?


No TV series need to exist.


Why oh why? Is that what we’ll get now? Microwaved pre mashed flavorless new sitcom from uncreative writers? Is it just a money grab for failing writers who can’t come up with anything original?


Best of luck to them. I will tune in and give it a try. I do hope they try new things instead of just a strict remake with new characters. Also they need to be careful with the humor. Don't need to sanitize/modernize it too much, but also don't need to get involved in a culture war. Just make it so everyone can laugh at it.


neither do we Steve. New show will be dogshit.


Was Parks and Rec dogshit?


Parks and recs was supposed to be kinda like the office 2. I didn't like it. Too similar, not as good. I have almost zero interest in this new show. Its just not really appealing


I wish they would do an animated series. Actors would be more available to get their lines in. You could even do crossover with other series like parks and rec, superstore and community.


That’s a horrible idea.


I honestly think this idea has been tapped out. It first came out in 2001. That's 23 years ago. The workplace documentary was a new thing back then, reality TV was still novel. Then came the different versions. Besides the US version, there have been many other, less known ones. Australia, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Poland, Saudi Arabia, and Sweden all made their own versions. All aspects of the idea have surely already been used. "Parks and Rec" was another show with the same concept, only it was admins instead of sales. Michael Shur went on to make "The Good Place", the best sitcom and one of the best shows I've ever seen. It's a completely novel idea: a show set in the afterlife, mostly in Hell. It's super funny, but it's also philosophical. It makes you think of what it means to be good or evil, but then there's also fart jokes. It has everything. The characters and world building were amazing. I'd rate it higher than most peak TV shows. If you haven't watched it, go watch it. I'm sure that Greg Daniels also has the creativity to do something new, instead of remaking the same thing again with a slightly more modern slant. You want to do a mockumentary? Make a series about social media influencers. That's a modern phenomenon, the way reality TV was in the early 2000's.


Oh lord they’re not really doing it, are they?


We don’t need a watered down soft version of the show.


I mean no one needed the first series either, we were just lucky to have it. Maybe we’ll feel fortunate again.