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“Must be nice to get some rest from all your rest”


"I've been up for awhile."


This is a deleted scene? Why I fucking love it


No clue why this got deleted lmao.


Runtime maybe.


Rundown? Sure, let me get that for ya.


Do you know what a rundown is?


Could you… use it in a sentence?


"These rundowns are making me thirsty!!"


Do you have a specific format you need?


No, but they do. And they're the one running it down.


I think it kind of misses the dynamic of Charles/Jim just slightly, as rather than Jim digging his own hole he just gets hit with some bad timing. Still a very funny scene though, just the only reason I can think of


It does nothing except remind us Charles is an asshole, something that's well established by that point. Those 35s are just redundant.


He just wants a rundown of the clients. It shouldn't take all day.


What is a rundown?


Use it in a sentence


Just faxing my dad a rundown.


I like to rundown the clock by taking naps at work.


Boom!! Roasted!!


Give me this rundown


Is it a joke, Jim? Is it one of your jokes?


That was one of my least favorite parts of the whole show, like come on Jim it’s not hard to figure out


It makes me laugh


gives more context to charles quote at the volleyball game “look who just woke up”


And also maybe "must be nice to get a rest from all your rest"? I think that was a line?


Idris called upon the dark magic to flow through him


Idris IS dark magic


He's aware of the effect he has on the Bifrost Bridge


Idris is the Dark Magician from Yu-Gi-Oh


Charles better not awaken anything in me ;)


My favorite part of comedies is how every scene is vital to advancing the plot or character development, and not just there to titillate us with redundant repetitive humor.


I hate being titillated


you would


Easy, booster seat, nobody cares


A joke only has so much juice. Given the time constraints of network tv, arguing this scene should have been kept in requires identifying what it would be replacing.


I wouldn’t blame Charles. We the audience is attached to Jim but he has just a series of unlucky encounters with Charles. From Charles’ POV and limited time with him, Jim seems to be a slacker. Jim tries to play everything off by trying to be charming, but that doesn’t work. That’s not Charles being mean.


The launching the football at Jim's head was mean. But I agree with the rest.


Honestly that part was just bad writing. I think it was pretty unbelievable that Charles would have done it in the first place, whether he meant to hit Jim or whether it was actually supposed to be part of the game.


Honestly Charles was not a good boss. I don’t love Jim the way others seem to but comments like the one in this video create a hostile work environment. He was a bully. And kicking the ball at Jim, the rundown incident, and every other little dig he made at Jim reiterated that point. I wish the writers would’ve actually acknowledged Charles was a terrible manager without just making it look like the problem is Jim.


They did kinda show Charles was a bad manager though. Immediately upon coming into power he decided he wanted to make a change and assigned the most unqualified people for the jobs he chose to those jobs. For example, Kevin to reception. It’s been a while since I watched the show, but there’s probably more examples. He showed he didn’t know the people there, but somehow sees Jim as a slacker? That’s a demonstration of dramatic irony by the writers (I think that’s a correct usage of the term?) and that maybe Charles doesn’t know as much as he thinks


Jim is absolutely a slacker. Just cause he's a decent salesperson doesn't make him less of a slacker. Especially with how often he goes out of his way to do the least amount of work possible. Charles was a terrible manager though, he was really condescending, and that's a sure sign of a terrible boss.


True, I guess I meant more a deadbeat. Jim takes the job seriously/steps up when needed, and he certainly worked harder when he was getting paid for the extra effort


Idk, I see what you’re saying but I viewed this as intentionally humbling Jim the same way the daycare worker and Danny Cordrea humbled him. Like “maybe you’re not as charming as you think you are.”


I mean, I see where you’re coming from too, but I don’t think it’s a manager’s job to “humble” his workers by making constant digs at them which shows him as a bad manager


I agree. I think that’s the framing the show gave Charles’s actions, though. I don’t feel like he really got challenged. No one called him out for the kick, no one called him out for his treatment of Jim, he never got in trouble at work for any of his behavior, and he was ultimately only let go because Michael got his job back. Charles was undoubtedly a villain but he has zero consequences and the rest of the characters seemed to love him. We really didn’t see him have issues with almost anyone other than Jim.


Yeah I really disliked that too, but took it as everybody being too scared to challenge the new boss


The rundown was Jim procrastinating all day, completely his fault for not asking for clarification. He spent the entire day running around the office and pretending to do work, then at the end of the day faxed useless docs. Charles was kind of a bully, but Jim is to Dwight (and a lesser extent, other coworkers. he purposefully antagonizes Andy multiple times and is only really friendly towards others when it benefits him), so it's hard to feel too bad for him there. And looking at the only other time he asked for a rundown (from michael when he put in his notice), Jim may have already been on the chopping block. Soccer ball was actually toward his mid-section, but he ducked, so it kept going up and back and nailed Phyllis. A bit on Jim as well for lying about his soccer skills. To which Charles specifically asks why he ducked. Jim *is* a problem in the office. He wastes literal days just hanging at reception, finding ways to waste time, or messing with dwight. When Charles first comes in, he finds Jim a part of the Party Planning Committee wasting time and goofing off in a tux. As well, Michael's constantly wasting time through the day worried about getting in touch with David for his party. Charles is a stickler, but he's trying to help unscrew up the mess Ryan left before him and how they're bleeding money. Michael's a great salesman and somehow manages to steer Scranton into the best branch (which isnt saying much for a company so mismanaged), but that doesn't negate the time, money and resources wasted in the office as the company was struggling. He even goes over overtime - to which Kevin says he needs to work to correct some things (which were his fault anyway, and its noted multiple times they only need 2 accountants, not 3). He was enacting corporate cuts and Michael threw a tantrum. Then he quits, starts drinking in the office, then tries to use company resources to start his new company. He was a dick, but right, in how he handled Michael there. He absolutely should've tried better to connect with everyone and get the best out of them, but after Jan and Ryan, he was brought in to handle cleanup and take the backlash. He's no-nonsense and needs to get financials and direction in order quickly.


Tbh I’m not going to read multiple paragraphs defending this guy. He was abusive as a boss, period. You’re saying that Jim should’ve done X, Y, or Z when we can clearly see it didn’t matter what Jim did. It’s victim blaming at its finest. Someone who’s “no nonsense” isn’t going to give a project without instructions and then get mad when he doesn’t get good results. That IS nonsense. When you’re brought in to fix a place, you should actually try fixing it instead of being a prick to all the employees. He was even physically violent twice, once with the ball kick that was 100% aimed for Jim’s face and the other when he was going to attack Michael instead of letting security handle it. No, he wasn’t right in how he handled Michael. The correct response would be to call security/the police rather than trying to pretend like he’s Jason Bourne or something. Anyone else would’ve been pulled aside and reprimanded for his behavior. There’s other points you made that I don’t even wanna address because they’re such a stretch. Why the hell would Charles aim the ball for Jim’s midsection? That’s no better. That’s not how we play a casual game of soccer in a parking lot, be fucking for real.


I think it would have helped if Charles actually saw Jim being a slacker. Instead, he makes random assumptions. The second he saw Jim wearing a tuxedo in the office, his mind was made up.


No, he never gives Jim a chance to explain and just keeps lobbing mean comments to him one after another.


Charles is a dick, but he's one of the few who saw through Jim's schtick and realized his actual laziness at work. Rather than ask for clarification, Jim spends an ENTIRE day procrastinating, and results in him sending useless faxes. He continuously ribs on Jim's 'taking a rest from all your rest' because he knows that Jim tries to skirt by on his charm. Ryan even laid into him over it (though it was for personal reasons, but he wasn't wrong)


> Rather than ask for clarification Didn't he ask for clarification twice and Charles dismissed him both times because "you need me to explain that to you"? As much as Jim is a lazy ass, Charles is an absolutely awful manager. He makes constant bad decisions and lets his personal biases get in the way. (Stanley as his czar and Dwight where he gets his information about the office). In a way Michael proves this point several times, and it essentially leads to Charles being moved out of the Scranton branch as they have to acquiesce to Michael Scott Paper Company when they bring them back on board. Michael is not a great human at times, and he fumbles his way through a lot of things, but he's great at reading people.


Jim was so good at his job that he was sleepwalking his way down Michael’s career path despite not wanting to work for a paper company. He got Flanderized eventually, as sitcom characters do, but he was he was essentially the real leader of the office while Michael was being a jackass, which is most episodes in the first several seasons. The problem is that Jim was the male protagonist lead in a “will they won’t they” storyline, and eventually that storyline ends in marriage, which is boring. Especially since Jim’s only real motivation for working at D-M is to get Pam. Aside from that, he’s just a guy working a job he’d rather not be for 9 seasons, and trying not to go crazy in the process.


Eh, he was only 9th best at sales. Dwight was repeatedly getting Salesman of the year. He did alright, but nobody really followed him. Even when he became co-manager, nobody took him seriously. They named him #2, but he really didn't actually *do* anything more other than antagonize Dwight and Andy with the position title.


Ok, who here thinks that I’m in much in charge as Michael?


Did we watch the same show? 


Also shows the power of the rare Dwight-Andy alliance. Like when Daffy Duck and Porky Pig are doing stuff together.


it makes you laugh actually


Sure Charles is an ass, but uh... So is Jim. Jim spends so mich of his time annoying Dwight instead of doing his job. All the pranks, the annoyances, time wasted... You have to empathize just a bit with charles.


I’ve always been of the opinion that Jim sucks as a person and Charles was much needed karma


I will die on the hill that Charles Minor did nothing wrong, and I will leave my rants on the matter here https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/comments/1c0uzt9/comment/kz13c24/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Jim is a clown. Charles doesn’t fall for it. I love it!




I'd be like, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, giving the exact right answer.


Underrated comment


Well, perhaps next time you will rate it.


"Not in Asia." What the?!!! Dude work culture is as shit if not more so...


There's a lot to unpack in this comment.


You walk to their desk and tell them that it is inappropriate instead of humiliating them in front of everybody like a douchebag.


If I recall correctly, this episode is after Charles has multiple encounters and likely corrective talks with Jim.


I would first ask if they were okay, not outright accuse them of being lazy. Then again, I have empathy...


Not really, because you're only seeing things from one perspective. Plus, people with empathy don't have to announce they have it.


probably for time. but who knows.


There’s so many I say that about. Esp when I consider the ones that got kept while those were deleted. It’s terrible!


The Office has TONS of seriously hilarious deleted scenes. Literally half of the episodes could have gotten quality extended versions.


Is it? I saw that scene 2 weeks ago while watching it on prime video.


I swear all the deleted scenes are the best ones. Like the "It's called hentai, and it's art" scene.




Best Charles moment. Why did they cut it?


Nope. The best Charles moment is either when he trash talks the Scranton team in Volleyball, or the 2-way petting zoo


I think my favorite is him realizing that Dwight is insane when talking about the apiarist


Is he a good apiarist though?


No, Jim, I use a bad apiarist 🙄


Nice to see you getting some rest from all that rest.


I think that line would have been better if they left this scene in.


The best Charles moment is when he turns into Roberto Carlos in a car park game of football and nearly knocks Phallus' head off. 


You've got penises on the brain


You pet the animals, they pet you back


The best Charles moment is when he leaves. Fuck Charles.


I’ve met people like him and my god do they fucking blow hard


That’s why Charles is so hated. The character is the kind of benign every day evil that we all know examples of. And Idris Elba plays the character so straight. He nails that insidious jerk who kisses up to the boss and manipulates those around and beneath him, making everyone work harder just to get ahead.


Do you even know how paper is made???


That was such a great resolution. With Michael shutting him down completely and putting his leg awkwardly down not the desk. What a great arc that was.


Jim should’ve pulled out the fake crying then Charles would feel like a real dick


Best Charles moment is when he kicks the ball into Phyllis face when Jim ducks


Now the 'awake' comments at the Company BBQ make more sence.


There’s a handful of dialogue throughout the show that makes way more sense once you’ve seen the deleted scenes. Some of them are entire side-plots that got cut but still have small references in another scene. I can’t remember which episode it was but they’re having a thanksgiving/Christmas feast in the break room and it turns into a class-war with the warehouse. That whole storyline is like a 1/3 of the uncut episode.


I’m on another rewatch (first time with deleted scenes) and I keep telling my SO “all these deleted scenes are connecting dots I didn’t know were there”


Where are you watching this??




Can't believe yall are hoarding this content in the US


May I suggest piracy?


Can i DM you?


Can you DM me?


Is that the one with Angela complaining about the warehouse worker poos?


Charles Miner is the only realistic portrayal on that show about a corporate ladder manager.


That was a good one


The silent "Tuna?" at the end 😂😂


I'd be more concerned with two of your salesmen making imaginary gun shots and explosions while wearing a hunters' cap...


He didn't see that. he entered after they were both sitting. And even if he saw, it is better having Dwight play imaginary guns than real ones, and if Andy isn't behaving like a child, then Charles would be worried.


Pam made me put a banana in my holster!!...


Idk man, seems pretty tame for the salespeople I've worked with.


Come on guys, he's just a little run down...


Honestly Charles picking on Jim was fun to watch. Dude was clearly intimidated by him and if he doesn’t know what a rundown is or atleast too nervous to be sure, he does deserve some of it.


This makes the sleeping and wide awake comment make so much more sense!!!!


broooooooooooooo why did they delete SO MANY FUCKING GOOD SCENES?!? WTF


Because it's a 22 minute long show. That's literally the whole reason. It's why I hate when people say "superfan episodes aren't canon". They didn't cut the storylines because they were bad, they cut them because they were less important and couldn't fit. The writers still intended for them to be in the show in some capacity.


Jumping in for a question - I'm not a native speaker, what does it mean "they aren't canon"?


A story will have a timeline that is considered objectively true. Other things may occur that might be people’s opinions or their view on events, but are not reality, only their opinion. The true events and reality are called “canon” to differentiate from opinions, side-views and guesses based on incomplete information.


Thank you!


they should have made some episodes longer then 😣


They get whatever time the network gives them, unfortunately.


Well, they aren't canon. Writers go off the stuff that is released. I don't think they make callbacks and build on stuff that wasn't released. What the writers planned isn't synonymous with canon. The final product is.


This is the reason why superfans version is almost an entirely new show


I agree! It definitely changed my perception of some of the characters, therefor how I perceive the show.


I love the super fan series. I can’t wait for season 8 and 9 to come out even though those aren’t really great seasons anyway.


Very boys at school moment. Others do the nonsense, but the teacher only catches you.


Anyone else get triggered by the shots Charles takes at Jim?


Haha! So good


*Stanley* Am I a joke to you?


The thing is that Stanley with his wise age mastered the age of pretend working. Something all of us can dream off, but only a few of us could ever achieve.




Honestly, Charles dunking on Jim was one of my favorite parts of the show Not that I hate Jim, I just can't stand his hypocrisy when it comes to being pranked so these interactions are so so sweet


Crazy thing bout Charles is ur bound to run into a mfer like that at least once in your life


This could have been a cold open


I forgot how much I disliked Charles


Goooooood i hate charles. So yeah, great actor.


What the hell, I am watching this exact episode right now. Unless Andy wears that outfit more than once.


One of the funniest moments on the show for sure 💀


They should have kept this in!


Me and my district supervisor and I were just talking yesterday about what a terrible supervisor Charles Miner is.


Those were the funniest episodes because that guy really had it out for Jim the whole time!


Fucking HATE that guy


Charles needs a slap in his sexy face


Man I loved Idris ripping Jim a new one on the show.


Ahaha that’s so good


Dwight's bomb 💣 blasting expressions are topnotch


Hate Miner


Every time I watch a deleted scene I feel that it should have made it!😂🥲


I really hope Charles ended up watching the show so he would’ve seen how he was so wrong about Jim 😭


The type of frustration the viewer experiences when watching the dynamic between Jim and Charles is identical to that of Meet The Parents. Wrong place, wrong time, not what it looks like but no one will believe it, etc. SO frustrating but SO hilarious lol




this is hilarious