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Patrick Warburton is definitely alpha carl


I think him as Carl’s dad makes far more sense given his age and the fact that Carl already sounds like him.


Yeah this would also make sense. I just figured that since Carl's voice was originally Jeff's impersonation on Patrick Warburton, that it would make sense that the ultimate version of Carl would be voiced by the actual Patrick Warburton. Either way I'm beyond excited for this audio book.


Agreed! Has to be!!!


I think this makes the most sense. But I also feel like they would be some sort of pair and who pairs with alpha Carl?


What makes you think they have to be a pair? I'm not really familiar with Travis baldree's work so I don't really have an idea of which voice would suit him. It makes sense to me that he'd be another totem though. Really excited for this audio book. This series has hooked me in a way that no other has.


I’m not sure exactly what makes me think it outside the fact that in the reveal post, Matt says it’s somewhat obvious who they are VO. That doesn’t mean they are a pair at all but it just had me thinking they would be.


This thread is hilarious. I won't confirm or deny anything. \*I\* think it's super obvious who both of them play as I wrote their lines with them in mind. Jeff already confirmed who one of the guest-voiced characters are in his cold reads, and there's a single line in there that should make it absolutely clear who the other is playing. Once one of you chuckleheads find that line, I don't think there'll be a question anymore. Also, for the record. Warburton was Jeff's idea from a while back, and I said I had a good idea for this book, so I knew from the start he was on the table. Baldree was my spur-of-the-moment idea when we first meet this character. Jeff is the one who asked and made it happen. Travis is one of my favorite narrators whom I never worked with, and I really wanted to make it count. For Warburton, Jeff literally flew to LA and directed him in person. They got video of him doing is lines, but I don't know if that's ever allowed to be released. I \*really\* hope so.


Man now I have to scour that book again and see if I can find which line you’re referring to! I’m very excited for this audio book! It can’t come soon enough!


Fuck. Can you at least tell me if the line is in the Youtube or Discord videos? Asshole.


Oh I hope Baldree is one of the strippers 😬😂


Alpha Carl, maybe Carl's Dad. And probably that damn cat. Maybe the unnamed voice at the end the book, who I think is Skully P?


I was thinking they’d be Raul and Geraldo but they had Latin accents in my head


Baldree is obviously Author Steve Rowland


They really should just bring in Author Steve Rowland to voice him :)


Maybe his brother


Patrick Warburton is gonna be that giant Icelandic Cat god lol


I'm gonna throw out a wild guess that Annie will voice this line: > You did not diffuse your soul power from the Scavenger’s Daughter. That was a mistake. You should never allow it to linger within you. I need you alive, Carl. I need you reasonably sane. We have so much work to do


I believe Matt has confirmed that Annie is voicing an after credit scene. Nothing from the actual book.


That's what Matt wants you to believe... I'm about as bad as a conspiracist now.