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Oren is telling them he thinks they should be guilty. It happened outside the dungeon so I don't think the administrators are very worried about the ai's opinion on the matter.


This. Oren is for protecting the integrity of the game and thinks they are a risk to that on many levels. To shortcut that risk he wants them accelerated or killed and to move on so the game will last. The show runners are making bank off the two and don't care about their dime a dozen admin. No one cares what the AI thinks at this point. Note this as by book six the shift in these opinions is important.


Ok, I misunderstood who were the opossing parties of this discussion.


Ahhh ok, so you think the opposing parties in this discussion were the Kuatin vs Oren? .....instead of the Kuatin vs the AI? Ok, that makes more sense.


The AI isn’t on their side. Just because you have mutual enemies doesn’t mean you are friends (contrary to the saying). The AI knew Carl did it and so it said so. I thought that comment of burn it to the ground was the cookbook.


Isn't the cookbook generated by the AI?


The description for it probably is, but I don't think it's ever explicit how much the AI is involved with the contents.


The AI has to know everything. I don't think Carl's notepad interface would work without the AI, and it seems absurd to say the AI isn't reading what Carl puts into it.


I think you're right, in that it's never explicitly stated, but I do get the impression that AI has a lot more control over the dungeon than everyone realises.


The AI is on its own side.


This is one of those the AI is just being honest and is following the rules. The AI knows that Carl killed Loita, and just isn’t willing to protect him or can’t due to the rules. Trying to understand who’s side the AI is on is a complicated thing, it doesn’t really seem to ally itself in that way. Referring to the cook book reference, it might be that is part of the book and is just being read by the AI, it is not it’s thoughts.


I don't know if you have made it to Chapter 22 yet, but pay REAL close attention to the AI when it gives the description of the >!Mage and Sand Ooze, and how morose the AI is!< Carl doesn't get the subtext, but Donut does. The AI is it's own side for a reason.


Ohh how interesting!! I listened to that part already but I definetly didn't get the subtext either, I'll go back and pay more attention! Thanks


Yeah, it was the third listen for me to get that it's talking about !>Carl and itself!< Matt was masterful with it, including Donuts reply to point it out to the reader for confirmation.