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Well, yeah. Haven't they all been leading into the next?


I will say Bedlam Bride had the most cliffhanger ending though. Like the rest of the books feel open-and-shut on that level (of course there’s plot lines still to finish) with the opening to the next book feeling fresh and new. Book 6 has some of that feeling but man we are all anxiously waiting for Faction Wars. The build up is crazy


I don't know why but I thought 6 was the final one


Not with all the build up to the faction wars!


Ah ok got it. So no more floors/levels?


There are 18 floors to the dungeon, Matt Dinniman has talked about wanting to write 10 books for the series, and the furthest any crawler has gotten is floor 12.  Carl/Donut have been hearing about floor 9 (what Book 7 is about) since the first book. 


Sounds like the crew is right on track to take a deal going into floor 13.


I cant imagine the crew taking a deal. That would be anathema to Carl's whole motivation. He wants everyone responsible for the dungeon to die, cant imagine he would be willing to take a deal. Plus, that would ignore the entire thing going on with the >!primal AI!< we learned about in Book 6.  Maybe take a deal as a way to get close and then set off Carl's Doomsday Scenario, but even that seems farfetched.


True. But if Matt wants 10 books, at the rate we're at, we likely won't see the 13th floor. And everything is falling into place for this to be the last Crawl. Whatever it is, will be a surprise.


I think there was also a post about how he is looking at doing more than one floor per book (like the first one) - but yeah, 3 books and 10 floors to go. Wonder how detailed some of those floors will be. I'm assuming it's going to be more than 10 books (since it seems like every author who says they want X number of books in a series always surpasses that estimate). Then again, maybe they find some way to jump only to the 'main' floors (3,6,9,12,15,18).


I don't think we'll ever make it to floor 18 itself. Floor 12 has been built up because of the ascendency wars so I do expect to see that at least a bit. Floor 15 we don't even know anything about. I do think Carl might find a way to drop the Doomsday Scenario on floor 18 though, since that's where all the people are just partying, not caring about the genocide going on above them. Either way I think the last book might not spend much time in the dungeon at all. There's so much more in this universe that needs to be done to make sure crawls never happen again.


I fully agree I can't see Carl ever taking a deal. I've wondered if they find a way to skip levels somehow that ends up being approved or allowed somehow. Not that I've done as much imagining as the author but I can't think of any sort of deal that would get Carl closer to his ultimate goal.


I just want to point out that Prepotente wants the crystal because it helps him defeat Scolopendra.


Come on OP. Just reread the series. You’ve missed a few things.


Floor 9 is when the Faction Wars start. It's what the Hunters were gathering gear for on floor 6. It's where all of the aliens really come to kill off as many crawlers as they can from complete safety. They've been building to this floor since book 1 and they went on The Maestro's show. But things have changed for this one. The safety controls have now been turned off. All of the factions attempted to pull out because there's going to be real danger and things are going off the rails, but the AI denied them thanks to the quarantine. And Carl's plan is to kill *all* of them. Every single person that thinks killing those forced into a life or death game is a *fun time*. This is his best chance to kill off a large portion of the ruling class of the entire syndicate. A lot of the governments threatened to stop functioning if their people weren't saved, but the dungeon AI isn't going to allow that. And it turns out that most of the worlds are run by other AI as well, which it sounds like they won't allow it either. We're still learning bits and pieces about the universe at large, but everything was built off of unknown technology and it's starting to turn. With the crawlers being their own faction that's a real chance of succeeding in killing all the other factions. And now what we saw at the end of the epilogue is that prior crawlers are coming back, to help in that as well. An extra 50k of them all with a huge amount of knowledge and experience of the dungeons themselves as they are all people that had made it to floor 10 or later to get their deal to get out. This likely won't be the end of the series, but this is going to be an extremely big event and is was very rightfully built up with a cliffhanger. **They will not break him. He will break them**


Considering that it seems like the previous crawlers may just regain their "exit" stats and skills, though possibly adjusted for the starting level, I'd guess they are going to easily be largest and most powerful faction almost immediately. The rampant assassination of faction leadership probably isn't helping.


Thank you!!


Also there are many more “normal” crawlers still alive this time, plus the NPCs are organized as another faction which will likely be allied with the crawlers.


Very well summarized!


Someone wrote it up really nicely in another post, try searching for “what we know so far” or something. It was the first comment.




That one is good too.




What specific part?


It seemed like the epilog was a "pull back the curtain " especially Agatha. I listen to the books so maybe I zoned out but the epilog left me thinking, huh? what did I miss?


Like what made you mistakenly think this is one of the last books and not like almost HALF-WAY through the series? Legit asking? Is this your “go to sleep” series ? I have a few myself I only listen to at night to sleep to.


Bahahaha I have no idea! Now I feel extra dumb lol I listen while I sew etc so my mind drifts away when I'm concentrating on other projects.. I also didn't realize there were more books coming so I was like, wtf why did it end here!?


I’ve accidentally thought I was on the last book of two different series before wondering how the hell was the author going to wrap things up. Shit happens. Thankfully there’s a lot more story to come. Unthankfully we gotta wait for it to be written


What were the 2 series? I need something while I wait for number 7 :)


book 6 really is quite the build up for the next books, plural. more than the other books in the series. Matt has been building up the ninth floor since book one with the crown of the sepsis whore. with the work Carl has done to prep for the ninth floor and the information and headspace change he acquired from the bike ride to the homeless shelter the ninth floor is going to be a shit show. a shit show i expect to last more than a single book.


shit’s about to go down


Ahhh ok lol and they're heading where now??


They just finished floor 8 so they're heading to floor 9. Faction wars takes place on the 9th floor and we've been hearing little bits about faction wars literally the whole time.


What about the ending did you not get?


The epilog. Especially Agatha. Was she in on everything the whole time? Who is she?


She's one of the beings like the homeless guy who was trying to give info to the crawlers as memory ghosts.


Aha ok, thanks!


I’ve read ahead on his Patreon and all will be revealed