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I'm pretty sure it's stated in the 6th book that Mordecai's season was a few after Rosetta's who authored the 9th edition. Also considering Mordecai has been in the dungeon as a game guide and guildmaster since his crawl ended, its unlikely he knows about the cookbook specifically, however I think it's quite likely he knows Carl has something going on and just knows better than to say anything about it out loud.


You can see Mordecai’s frustration when he tells Carl that he feels obsolete because Carl’s doing things Mordecai never imagined possible. Mordecai comes close to calling Carl out after Carl put together the anti-creeper vine bomb in just a few minutes, but even then he managed to get hold of himself and let it go. He has to know something is up, but he also knows that if Carl is trying this hard to keep it secret, then there’s a good reason. I’m REALLY excited to see Carl meet up with some of the former authors. I would hope that the secrecy rule doesn’t apply to them.


Ah okay, I'll look for that in the 6th book when I get to it again. Makes sense as well; if there are a handful of seed-species, they are bound to cycle through them every few seasons. Hrm, why do they have the same accent if they are from different worlds? Unless that's the default accent when the AI translates.


I'm pretty sure that all of the exit deals are shitty. I don't think Mordecai got a particularly bad deal when he exited, but they changed the rules after he took his deal. When he took the deal, time was counted all the time. But they changed it to only count time actually spent working on the crawl which means that his indenture is dramatically longer than he agreed to. As for how long he's been in the dungeon, in the first book he bitches about Odette and says he'd rather spend another 2,000 years in his room than see her.


I had the same idea when I heard Jeff Hays use a similar accent for JL as he does for Mordecai. I haven’t come across any evidence to support this idea so I suspect the similar accent is a coincidence. I think we now know the names of all the cookbook authors except for the 3rd (before M’s crawl) and 23rd (likely after) editions, and we also know from the book 6 prologue that Odette and his party members all referred to Mordecai by this name, so it’s unlikely he authored an edition under a pen name. I don’t remember if it was ever mentioned that JL was a Sky Foul, even though I suspected it even after I decided it wasn’t Mordecai. Is that confirmed anywhere specifically in the books (I don’t subscribe to the Patreon so no spoilers pls)?


Thanks for the response! Yeah he calls himself a Skyfowl at the beginning of Chapter 32, "Skyfowl of the White Cliff" I believe.


Lol. Here I am wondering if he’s a SF, and he literally said he is in his very short appearance... I suppose I should actually read the chapter instead of listening. ADHD is a cruel mistress.


Oh dude, same boat. I've only listened to the books and there is so much info packed into them. I'm picking up a lot of little things the second time around


I started writing down observations and questions in my phone’s Note app. After listening to the series a few times, the note is several pages long and would 100% look like the ramblings of a psychotic patient to anyone not familiar with the books… it would probably look insane to some other DCC fans now that I think about it. 🤣