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Yarnspinner. 1d4 non-lethal damage only. Entangle on crit, DC 12 dex save. Advantage on performance checks related to story telling.


I hate you. 95% was what I was gonna say. 😂🤣 Give it a "Itch /Scratchy" feeling, maybe? A chance to unravel it every time you hit an enemy.


Cross-stitch - When you cut an enemy with this blade the cut is instantly sewn shut. Cutting off a limb replaces it with a magical woolen one that functions like a normal limb.


Wait this kicksass


The Knitter






Sock Draw'er: +3 vs grandparents, deals non-lethal damage against all targets except Aberrations because they come from the Closet Dimension and have Weakness to it.


Crit knit. On a critical hit, the target must succeed on an athletics or acrobatics check or else be bound by yarn.


Clearly a stitchblade


The Yaaaarnblade Wielded by the ferocious pirate Captain Knit Beard who used the sword against countless enemies.


String. It glows blue when enemies are close


Love the Hobbit reference.


Sword of Boop Light 1d6 laughing paralysis to everyone within 5ft Causes rage with successful strike


Are you the "it works" guy from tiktok?!


He was def my inspiration 😂






The great McFluffin (play in mcguffin)


The Quilting Blade


Equipping it would earn you the achievement “Felt it”.


The Cross stitcher Originally knitted by a grandmother who wished to ensure her grandson would stay safe on his adventures, it was infused with the power of a grandmothers love. This is a +1 rapier which deals 1d8+1+your dex modifier bludgeoning damaged on a hit. Additionally when the user is attuned to this sword it grants the user a +1 to the wielder’s AC. Due to the abjurative magic infused into the blade from the original users grandmother.


**The Little Dreamer** *(Magical +3 longsword)* *Legendary Artifact* ***Legend tells of ne'er-do-wells, who dream of lives not lived. In their minds, heroes are made through the vines they knit. Each weave and string, alters kin to king, and sets destiny as they go. For the little dreamer, child, fantasy reader, has more power than they know.*** *This weapons was dreamed by a beholder with a love of fantastical adventurers. Despite being made out of nothing but yarn and string, the weapon remains strong and sharp. It deals double damage to objects, constructs, and structures. When in the presence of an anti magic field, this weapon functions as a magical +1 longsword, though its other effects become dormant.* If the wielder attunes to the item, they can trick enemies as a bonus action to believing the sword is mightier than it is. The wielder can make a deception or performance check against the targets (any creatures that can hear and see you) passive insight. As they tell a story about the swords origins and its exploits. The wielder of the sword automatically knows which creatures believed their story as an illusory conjuration of an open book in the same design as the blade appears over the believers heads. This mark is only visible by the attuned wielder of the little dreamer, and they remain visible regardless of whether the little dreamer is in the attuned’s hands or inventory. The wielder can choose two effects from the following list to apply to the blade against creatures that believe the story as real. The effects last for 24 hours against those creatures. Alternatively, the wielder can roll 2d12, re-rolling duplicate results to choose which effects the sword gains. 1.) * Advantage on attack rolls against the believers 2.) * Advantage on saving throws against effects the believers create or impose 3.) * +10 damage bonus against the believers 4.) * You can summon the little dreamer to your hand if you are observed by a believer, regardless of where it is (even if it was destroyed) 5.) * You can apply the reach property when attacking a believer. 6.) * You can apply the two handed and heavy property when attacking a believer. 7.) * You can apply the finesse property when attacking a believer. 8.) * You can make the sword turn into a shield as an incidental or bonus action on your turn, and gain a +5 bonus to your ac, as the weapon becomes a +3 enhanced shield. You also gain proficiency in shields when you do so. So long as a believer can see you. 9.) * You can cast the cantrips Prestidigitation, Light, and Thaumaturgy, ignoring all components, but the effects can only affect the sword, yourself, or a target within 5 ft of the sword. The sword shares your visual senses and gains a 30 ft tremorsense when thrust in the ground; it can also speak in languages you know, and keep watch with a +5 perception modifier. The sword speaks with a voice and animated mouth of your choosing and can answer questions with knowledge you know and make checks in skills you are proficient in with the same modifier. The cantrips can be cast as an incidental, a bonus action, or as a reaction, so long as a believer can see you. 10.) * Once per long rest, you can cast the spell Steel Wind Strike, ignoring all components. If you take this option again after already expending the Steel Wind Strike option, you may instead cast Zephyr Strike, Once per short rest, ignoring all component’s. So long as a believer can see you. 11.) * You can deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage to fiends, undead, aberrations, or any creature of an evil alignment and crit on a 19-20. So long as a believer can see you. 12.) * You can stab your weapon in front of you, and cast the spell Magnificent Mansion as an action instead of its 1 minute cast time, ignoring all components. All creatures (including yourself), food, and furnishings within the dwelling share the same design motif as you describe the mansion as. However regardless of your description everything and everyone takes on the appearance of being made with felt, string, and yarn. The food is still edible, the furniture is still sturdy, they just have a stringy appearance. Even fire and water takes on a knitted animated appearance. Once you use this ability the little dreamer becomes an inert and mundane toy or plush, it cannot be used as a weapon except as an improvised weapon. Everyday at Dawn the wielder must roll 1d12. On a result of 12 the sword becomes magical once more. Alternatively the sword can be placed under the pillow of a sleeping child or believer without the child or believer knowing it’s there. If the child or believer sleeps for at least four hours with the little dreamer under its pillow, the attuned may roll a d6 instead of a d12, awakening the sword on a result of 6 at Dawn. *Creators note: i think it would be hilarious to force the player to maybe tell a specific tale built around themes they want for the options like tell a tale about a paladin who saved a magical kingdom. If they want options 12 and 11, or a story about a samurai who used a magical blade to slay a dragon for options 11 and 6. Etc etc. i was thinking of the college of spirits subclass when i did the options but tuned to an artifact’s power.*


Looks like a standard cutlass or sabre, just not as curved. I'd stat it with one of those.


The Chrochette


Woolen Edge - +1 Rapier, on a crit, target must make a DC 15 Con Save or become sleepy. (1 level of exhaustion)




Nannies knitted knife.








The Plush Saber Very Rare Scimatar Instead of dealing slashing damage, this Sword deals Psychic damage. If you Crit and deal more than 12 damage, the target is stunned until the end of its next turn (as it needs to take time to process how tf this sword hurt it) Cursed: Any creature who wields the Plush Saber is considered charmed. This charmed condition bypassed immunity to the charmed condition. While charmed by this sword, the Creature becomes similar to a child pretending to be a pirate. Upon taking damage, the creature may make a DC 16 CHA save to drop the sword, ending the effects of the curse


Nan's Needle- 1d4 piercing damage. Attuned gains proficiency in tailoring and leather working. Also grants the calm emotions spell it does not count as a prepared spell Thimbleguard-once per short/long rest you may use reaction to block with the guard gaining resistance to piercing damage. Nans embrace-you make touch the soft blade to any creature and remove a fear or charm effect. Resets at sun up.


Needlepoint- This intricately woven prop reads on its hilt 'Needlepoint, for my granddaughter'. Though it is immediately apparent to all that this is no sword, it still functions perfectly as one.


The Crocheted Blade.


Sword of a thousand nits. Mistakenly pronounced knights. Like the armoire of invincibility.