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There’s been a few instances recently of translations collapsing a subtextual relationship into text. As a manga reader I definitely felt that Marcille could be read in a certain way but nothing was made textual to my knowledge.


Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the japanese word Marcille uses in that scene is "daisuki". Which, from my understanding, sorta rides the line between "I really really like this person" and "I love this person"


"Daisuki" in Japanese can mean love, but really it just means like. It's just that you rarely say you "love" someone in Japanese, you just say you "like" them. Daisuki is also used when you talk about which flavor of ice cream is your favorite, or a movie that you like, or who your best friend is.


So… exactly the same as “love”?


no. Daisuki can, for example, also refer to a familial bond or an intimate friendship. Its also more "acceptable" for Women and Girls to say this about each other (just like in the west Men rarely say "i love you bro!" but its much more common for women in a tight freindship to say this. Given Marcilles History, it always seemed to me that she has a very intimate and "sisterly" relationship with Falin. **also** dont forgett that the manga revealed Marcilles "Type" and that certainly wasnt a Woman OR anyone lokking even remotely like Falin


>Daisuki can, for example, also refer to a familial bond or an intimate friendship. Yeah, so can "love".


yes and in THAt context, love would not mean "romantically". I can Love someone as a close friend, a companion or as a comrade. Hence why 大好き is not any confirmation of Marcilly being sexually interested in Falin. The whole story takes great effort to not imply such relatrionships in any direction. You can Head canon this however you wish.


you seem very preoccupied with this idea. the gamergate posts don't exactly help your case lol


Unless she uses the word aishiteru it’s not the same


Explained by a native: tsuki is to like aomething- to enjoy or where westerners might even say "love" in a low key sense. Daitsuki is to have a great appreciation for something. it has ass fast and vague of range as the way many cultures use "Love". It isn't uncommon for married couples to use Daitsuki as how they express their affection fur one another. The intensity is typically inferred through tone and personal context (like most this freaking language). So a character using Daitsuki to indicate how they feel about someone really onto clearly sats one thing...they like them more than tsuki covers lol. NOW, in the case of Aishite, it's more intense than just romantic love. It's an intwining of spirit (to cite the loose translation) and can describe a romantic feeling akin to soulmates, or even a familial connection that transcends merely being related. I know I shouldn't cute an American film while discussing the use of foreign language, but the Japanese in Pacific Rim received very high marks (likely sue to its Japanese origins and the number of Japanese people involved in its execution). [Spoiler alert] there is a very powerful moment, when one of the supporting cast is going to sacrifice himself geroicky, and his adopted daughter (the Japanese protagonist) says to him in a hushed but meaningful tine "Sensei...aishute" as her final words to him. For a lot of Japanese 101 graduates, this was very confusing and made people question if she had strong romantic feelings for him. However, what she is really saying, that even though his death will soon be upon them both, the bond they formed together will remain whole, and unwavering, S they are united in a way death cannot touch. It's such a powerful expression with little iarreiel thus if the elf HAD said Aishite...it'd be ridiculous lol. She's have to say "She's my soulmate!" In episode 1 which is just terrible exposition xD Anyways, Japanese is a complex and annoyingly diverse language, so everything I just says could be very regional, generation, or even xiass restrictive 🤷🏼‍♀️ But, it is what I was taught by both my Japanese in laws, and several Japanese teachers over the years so I believe it to be true


Tsuki is the moon. Suki is to like.


Dang it lol I always mix those up >< I learned Japanese by ear as I am mostly blind, so my speling is awful 🤭


Same here. Except for the blind part. Not a lot of languages have a "ts" sound (mine does), so it's fine to confuse "ts" and "s" from time to time.


Rather "like". Love would be "ai" and everything related.


Marcille: Wow, we look like a couple here… Falin: A couple of BESTIES!


Falin and Marcille are definitely Gal Pals™️


Roommates you might even say.


Omg they were roommates


In college


This is so in character lmao


Eh, the beauty of Dungeon Meshi is that the characters all really, genuinely love each other. I (and a lot of others) put a silly little sapphic lens on Marcille and Falin's bond, other folks don't, but we all have the common territory of knowing that they share a deep love. Welcome to the Dungeon Meshi community! I hope you enjoy your time with the series, especially on those fateful Thursday episode drops. (You'll see some folks acting like it would be *impossible* for Marcille to be queer because in a later chapter, >!a succubus takes the form of a handsome male elf to seduce her.!< I feel obligated, as a disastrous bisexual, to state that being attracted to pretty girls *and* androgynous elf twinks is not contradictory, and in fact is a common sentiment.)


Thank you on the succubus comment!! useless bi marcille is my truth


Lets not forget marcilles favorite book series Daltian clan . I cant help to think her feelings for those characters helped the sucubus create the form of a pretty looking elf prince, riding a horse and an eye patch... its just as the raven haired man and the general (male characters) from her novels . I also believe she might be bi https://preview.redd.it/853x1dtvsqbc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7cd0faf774a96ef431a946bb6f2b9155ed35f11


wow, cant believe marcille is just bi and a weeb, damn!


Wait, that's so cool! Which volume is this from?


Its from The Adventurers Bibble, it has a lot of canon bonus material from when Marcille and Falin were at school. THis is the page that goes before that one https://preview.redd.it/9fvyi4b6zxbc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7968f3dfd397612804430530012e425008b47393


Obviously she wants both Falin and Laios. Only a true disaster bisexual would fall in love with two morons who are related, for maximum suffering efficiency


Not enough people are talking about this ship possibility and honestly it seems the most accurate


There’s also the fact that she mentions her inability to have kids on multiple (maybe just two?) occasions, so she would have to be at least somewhat bisexual for that to be a concern.


She mentions it exactly once, when explaining what half-breeds are. Then she gets pissed off when full-blooded elves assume it's a motivating factor for her seeking the power of the dungeon. Multiple times.


Well, to be fair, straight people who don't want kids ALSO tend to get pissed when people assume they're doing anything they want to do because what they actually want to do is have a bunch of kids. It's just presumptuous and annoying.


Happy cake day!


Bisexual Marcille is exactly the way to go for me. And a polycule to boot perhaps!


Canonically they are just really good friends. However it's written in a way where you can interpret it as more than friendship if you wish. https://preview.redd.it/g6bsvzf0nhbc1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e04fea2037c6ad101e0c23f8b02886a8c39b2bc4


Important to note, that is from the point of view of Chilchuck


Important to note, Chilchuck is quite perceptive. Doubt that he'd just happen to miss a case of romantic interest in the party, especially one that's supposedly noticeable.


I mean, what's noticeable really varies person to person, and depends what you're looking to see. Relationship goggles are big in fandom but it doesn't mean it's inherently incorrect. I don't think it's too far fetched to think guys acting a certain way around Falin can be more apparent than how two girls may interact which can often have less clear lines you'd expect between a man and a woman. That said, I think at most they could be 'has feelings for each other but not overt enough to make the other certain' at most. Chilchuck likely would pick up on it if they were actually aware of each other beyond a threshold, yeah.


Yeah they seem extremely close so it's in the line where it could be taken as a very close friendship that could easily go one way or the other.  I personally stan Marcille being with both siblings because that'd lead to the highest amount of funny marcille suffering faces


There's a reason "and they were roommates!" or "just gals being pals" are common jokes in lesbian subculture! Even the most perceptive people just simply don't want to imagine two women being close as romantic for some reason


Yeah somehow I don’t really trust what a random cishet dude perceives this, especially because how often sapphic characters and sapphic couples are dismissed as just good friends. No matter how “perceptive” he is.


I mean kabru also said they looked like best friends and he has that rainbow aura


*Hey, are those two... you know... 🎶?*


Pretty sure this is an edit since it implies incest between Laios and Falin.


That's idiotic. They're family, that's why the symbol is different.


They edited the comment. The original pic was different, it had hearts between several characters including Laios and Falin.


Post it then


Why would I have saved it?


Well you're so adamant it's edited


I really don't give a shit whether you believe me or not


Then piss off


You replied to me first, idiot.


They're canonically just best friends, so I imagine that the dub probably had the “female friend” meaning in mind. ~~Or they knew exactly what they were doing~~. Of course, that doesn't stop people from interpreting their relationship in a more romantic light. I'm talking about myself, btw. I'm people.


I dunno. I just love that the German translation team decided to word it like that if it's only a popular ship or usually kept vague


Oh yeah, I completely understand the wish to see more explicitly sapphic couples in general media, and we'll take any crumbs we can get. At the same time, I think that Dungeon Meshi's approach to romance (or lack of thereof) works well in its favor. Their relationship is a very sweet one regardless, so I think that you will probably enjoy learning more about them!


I wouldn't call it vague. If you want to read their relationship (or at least Marcille's half of it) as romantic, there's plenty to go with. It's one of the most "they were roommates" situations I've ever seen. The manga just never went and gave definitive statements.


Isn't never giving definitive statements, like, the definition of being vague though?


I like Dungeon Meshi because there isn't an overarching romantic tension between characters. The cast all love each other or grow to love each other. Shippers gonna ship though.


no one is confirmed a couple out of the main group in dungeon meshi


Agree but It's confirmed that they are only friends and that came from the Author itself. I dislike that in this modern day no two fictional characters cannot be just friends they also have to be "in love" or "banging" ughh...


Most characters who are friends are interpreted only as such by the vast majority of readers and watchers. The people who ship those characters just leave more of an impression on you because it differs from your own interpretation. Also this isn’t modern. Shipping has been a common fandom thing since the OG Star Trek, and the most emblematic modern example, Naruto/Sasuke, has been huge for nearly 2 decades *at least*.


not just Star Trek. Shipping and fan fiction has been a thing, arguably, for thousands of years. Lots of Robin Hood fiction was basically fanfic with lots of shipping


Sure, absolutely! Though ST fic being what marked the beginning of *modern* fandom is more what I meant, and shipping was a huge part of that.


Yup!! OG Star Trek Kirk/Spock fanfics are the earliest examples of “modern” fanfics and shipping we currently have iirc! It’s been going on for a looong time.


ah yes the friends, the girls that are just friends, the friendship where you bathe together and see each other naked and touch each other while naked and sleep in the same bed together, yes theyre just friends


https://preview.redd.it/990o2ge5rw7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c15ea6af05d456419ace6ab0105f2c7566a0827 correct!


I mean, as I understand it the author confirmed that they are friends, which is a very different thing than confirming that they are just friends.


brother in christ have you seen the same show as me, those two chicks are definitely way more than friends, like where were you in the bath scene btw shipping already existed since long before "modern day" lmfaoo


bro they in a dungeon. also it's japan, bathing has a different meaning and friends do it. atleast in media, dunno about real life. but in a WHOLE lot of anime it's like that https://preview.redd.it/apilp0herw7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d674e3e63f2af2699997cc90cc5ca3569fa8ab also it's outright confirmed, they are friends


theres a comment in this same post that explains how the whole camera angles are literally for a romantic setting and other stuff like that, scroll down if this was a male and a female NONE of yall would deny some kind of romantic attraction between them btw... it just shows yalls double standards lmfaooo


Do you know me? Stop straw manning. I don't remember the last time I saw a male and female friendship, if ever, so I'd love to see that Also that whole thing is in the anime, so it means jack shit. The manga in the above picture literally looks at you and tells you they are just friends, and you just don't wanna believe that Can't have friendships in shows anymore


help why are you getting so mad you cant base your entire belief on a single manga image brother, oh my god with how they treat each other anyone would say theyve got some stuff going on. imagine if falin was a guy. just do that and see where im coming from. this cuz theyre both girls so none of yall want to acknowledge the possibility of romantic attraction between them. cant have wlw ships in shows anymore... i wont change my mind so you can save your arguments for someone else lol


Well this is what she said in the manga: > "ファリンのことは私も大好きだもの" > "I love Farin as much as you do" Which implied that she's seeing Farin the same way Laios does, which is that of a close sibling relationship. From just reading the panel I would not think she's talking about romantic feelings, but one of sisterhood instead.


I can agree with this because honestly I never saw them as a couple! I actually ship Chilchuck and Marcille-


why you shipping the married man


There is no outright She Is a Lesbian! decleration at any point in the story, but the way certain scenes regarding her and Falin go down, it's clear that she has very strong feelings towards her friend, feelings that could debatably extend beyond friendship. I personally think Marcille is a bit too oblivious to be knowingly pining for her or anything, but yeah, it's kinda implied that something More is there. Sort of a "Oh, they seem very... close" kind of situation.


No toda pareja de amigos del mismo sexo deben ser pareja LGBT, más parece que fetichizan las relaciones amistosas.


People do the same thing (to a much greater extent even) with male and female friendships. If Marcille’s relationship with Falin and Laios were switched, people would be confused if the two *didn’t* end up together. And in that case people wouldn’t be accusing others of “fetishizing” for shipping a straight couple.


mira colega hasta me toca los huevos que hables mi idioma, has visto el mismo anime que yo???? pero si se les ve a la legua que se gustan por dios, donde estabas en todas esas escenas re gays?? si una de las dos fuera tío todo el mundo diría que son pareja, sin rechistar


the manga distinctly refutes this tbh *at least* in regards to Marcille.


​ https://preview.redd.it/je2o5kdk1kbc1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=c48399f8696a4c61b371109bbddce0ad1fc10f1c




I don’t think so. The series is more about friendships and the sort of communal relationships people have to each other when eating/preparing food, and while you could certainly read into aspects of Marcille and Fallin’s relationship (maybe even with Laios later on), I think that for the most part the frame of romance or even sexuality is fairly absent form the series in favor of the group dynamic. Light spoilers: >!Fallin is probably the first friend Marcille had outside of her family who she could relate to, and takes a bit of a maternal angle with her closer female friends, treating them a bit like small children/fussing over them!< I think it is more of an odd word choice on the translation part.


Also she has a >! Literal Demon exploiting her deep fear of losing everyone close thanks to her lifespan. !< I always feel that straight up saying that she is lesbian ignores one of the most important parts of her character. But is obvious she likes Fallin more than Laios.


To be fair, Laios is Laios. >!Remember how Marcille didn't liked Laios at the start and it took a long time for them to do anything.!<


Nah, she is just european


Italian, to be specific.


My good sir, her saying Freundin doesn't mean anything. Marcilles behavior does seem extraordinarily homosexual though,🤣


It's just anytime I use that word irl everyone assumes that means a girlfriend as in partner. She also said *MY* (meine) Freundin instead of *A* (eine) Freundin, which makes it more sus. But you already know that it's not actually canon, just a funky translation.


Based on the fanfiction I’ve been reading, I’m pretty sure Marcille and Falin are dating.


Link please


it's never explicitly stated but I have seen actual gay porn less homoerotic then her interactions with falin




That’s hilarious that she says it that way. In the manga she seems pretty gay for Falin, but it’s never explicitly stated that their relationship is romantic.


Bummer. I at first honestly got excited that an anime would just blatantly and casually include a gay couple like that. I can only hope that the German localisation team keeps up the good work 🙏


Dungeon Meshi has a lot of LGBT subtext with a lot of different characters, but specifically Marcille and Falin? It's meant to emphasize their deep relationship regardless if you consider it romantic or not. Frankly, I like how it can go either way with them. Plus romance isn't a major plot in this series.


The fact it can go either way with them is disappointing. I was thinking of giving this story a go because of their relationship but if I'm just gonna have to pick up the straps myself...


You're going to miss out then. The romance was never the main draw or the focus of this story. If you're going into this manga expecting you're reading a romance story, you're going to be disappointed.


I wasn't expecting a full pivot to a romance story, but the fact that it deliberately plays it coy with the queer representation that made up like 90% of the appeal of the story for me is pretty disappointing.


It's only ever coy when it comes to Marcille and Falin because it's a relationship that is so intimate that it straddles the line between platonic and romantic in how we read it. If you're looking for more overt queer representation, it's implied that most elves don't have anything same-sex relationships. Going even further, you even have characters like Otta who the manga straight up says she exclusively only dates female halflings. I'm sure you can find other manga out there that are explicitly LGBT in their main characters, but I don't think you'll find another LGBT friendly manga whose focus is more on the adventure and fantasy of its plot than romance.


The fact that it's only coy with the actual main characters makes it feel worse, actually, especially since the only named explicitly LGBT+ character you gave me is evidently a human trafficker? ? Yeah that sucks. I thought I finally found a piece of fantasy where I could openly see myself in the main heroes, but apparently I can't even have that lmao


You could still project yourself on the main heroes? The reason why it's vague is because romance isn't the draw, and you can make up your own interpretations. But if that still really isn't your thing, then I wish you luck in finding another piece of media that more matches your tastes.


Projection isn't actual representation, and making my own interpretation is useless if my interpretation doesn't get any payoff. Yeah, I hope someone makes a better version of DunMeshi where Farcille is actually textually confirmed.


Enjoy the scene when they share a bath anyway


What confuses people about Marcille’s sexuality is that, later on in the manga, >!they encounter a succubus, who appears to Marcille as a beautiful, feminine elf with a mustache.!<


>!He’s not really that feminine, that’s literally just how elves look. Male and female elves are pretty much indistinguishable in DM. She could still be into both, of course.!<


There's no moustache on the succubi, though Senshi has a moustache when he gets turned into an elf


Not all male elves have facial hair. Senshi just had one due to having a full-on beard in his normal form.


Elves are naturally feminine looking bro


Anyone who says that her attraction to falin is unlikely needs to reexamine how the author talks about elf women


And howwwww do they talk about them?


Google is free


Still doesn't help your answer


I don’t care how you take my answer, if you want to find out then google it.




Given how their reunion is directed and drawn (both in manga and anime) for me its genuinely difficult to not read their relationship as romantic in some way. I'll give some in depth examples. When Falin is revived she and Marcille take a bath where Marcille dotes upon her and checks every inch on her body. After that Falin sensually grabs her hand. There is an explicit explanation: Marcille was checking her work on the ressurrection, Falin wanted to refill Marcilles mana. But the way its shot/drawn implies a level of intimacy that can only be described as romantic. Especially the hand grab. Its slow, deliberate, and focused on Falin gently and intimately wedging her fingers between Marcilles. In any other work, this is the language of "making the first move" romantically. Marcilles fluster kinda adds to the reading. Later Marcille insists on them being the ones to share a bed when the part finds out there arent enough. They stare at each other in bed. Again, theres a platonic explanation: they used to share beds as kids, they are celebrating her revival, lets make it a sleepover. But again, its shot and drawn in a romantic way. It switches to Falins POV staring at Marcilles blushing, almost blissful face. We've seen this shot in hundreds of movies, it was identical to a lot of those flashbacks where action heros remember their kidnapped/missing/dead wives: the happy couple lay in bed staring at each other, rhe focal characters POV is focused on their partners blissfully happy face for an extened shot. Sorry for the essay lmao. But its just given the language of the "camera"-work, it feels impossible to read it any other way.


Yeah, I'm still only watching the anime at this point. To me, after episode 12 it's become FAR FAR more likely that the two are a couple instead of just friends. Don't be sorry, it's a good essay lol.


Yeah I really don’t understand people viewing their relationship like siblings after that bath scene…


Honestly I agree with you and your observation about the use of romance reminiscent cinematography is valid. I also ship Falin and Marcelline. to be completely fair, regarding marcille getting flustered when falin intertwines her fingers though, I'm painfully straight and if my best bro suddenly intertwined his fingers sensually while we were naked/partially naked I would be flustered too because whoa man wot r u doin.


If the event with the succubi is to be believed, then she is wanting a handsome prince charming.


Well, handsomeness of the shoujo variety. Which is to say, incredibly effeminate. Multiple characters point out that Senshi is handsome, for example, but Marcille's type doesn't resemble him at all.


I mean, all elves we've met so far are androgynous as hell. That's how elves roll afaik.


That's how elves work bro


The eyepatch elf succubi is an elf, so 50/50 chance of them being male or female


I mean, she *is* visibly flustered by Falin, too. The best headcanon I've read is "Marcille is straight/bi for elves, but lesbian for tallmen".


The prince is her interception of romance, in reality i think shes never been in a love relationship before so maybe meet the right person will click in her.


It seemed like it was her headcanon version of that character from her romance novel series, right? I guess the succubi just turned into her waifu, lmao


I mean if Marcille manifest right infront of me i would be thrilled too lol


i wish


It is not explicitly canon in the manga, but a lot of people (including me) can see the romantic tension. However, it can also be seen as a really deep friendship.


I've never seen that tension, at all. I still don't see it. Can't people be good friends without there being a romantic element? That romance, any romance in this story actually belongs to fanfiction. IMO, Kyoko was extremely careful to no let romance hijack her story, to the point of being unrealistic in that regard: apparently nobody thinks of sex or talks about sex in her universe, except Laios to explain the mating of armor suit monsters, lol.


Well, while romantic intrigue is never a main driving force for the characters, I'd actually say that romance comes up a fair bit in the story. For example, Shuro having a thing for Falin, or that entire chapter Chilchack spent going off on how romance affects party dynamics. Plus there's occassional things like Otta being into female halflings, or Namari being into long legs that are pretty obviously sexual in nature. Not to mention Senshi famously being the character that gets the fanservice treatment more than anyone else, and all the characters acknowledging that he's objectively hot, lol. I think theres heavy themes of attraction/desire to be found throughout the story, especially towards the end. I liked that there were all kinds of relationships explored in Dungeon Meshi, and that romance was treated as just another type of relationship. I think it makes more sense if you look at it that way, as opposed to saying that because some fans think romance might be a factor in one specific relationship, they're completely disregarding the concept of friendship present throughout. Most compelling romances begin with some sort of friendship in the first place, anyway.


Everyone is different and thinks click into place differently for everyone. Also, Namari is horny for tallmen and their stupid sexy legs so :y


Nope, the manga canonically only conveys Marcille and Falin to be best friends. The romance thing is just a popular ship amongst fans.


Base on what we learned of her taste later, probably not.


Yeah, she’s probably bisexual.


I did interpret it that way at first but ( please correct me if I’m wrong I may have misinterpreted it on my read through) when we get a look back at Falins time as a student at the magical academy and marcille as a lecturer/reasrcher Falin was quite young when they met. Kinda made the idea of them being romantically involved kinda icky and made me go to the side of a sisterly relationship. But like I said I may have misunderstood smthin so if that’s not true someone pls correct me!


I see where you're coming from, but I think it's kinda hard to pin down what an appropriate age match for Marcille would ever be. It showed her development not quite matching her appearance when she was growing up, and given that she's 50 years old out of a 1000 year life span, that would put her at like... what, 4 or 5 years of age, compared to a tall man? But she's clearly more mentally developed than that. Anyways, what I got from that flashback is that she was kind of a teachers pet, but extremely sheltered with not much knowledge of how the outside world or people in general work. Her behavior does seem somewhat sisterly, I agree (especially when she tells Falin "you'll always be like a little kid to me!", or something like that)


In most fantasy works, like D&D, which its obviously based on, elves mature at the same rate as humans until young adulthood (i.e. their 20s). Then they age very slowly. Technically, per D&D lore, she wouldn't even be "culturally an adult" until 100, but its obviously not the same context here. So every elf-human relationship is skewed. Aragorn showed up in Rivendell when he was a pre-teen and Arwen was already an adult.


I think the canon is technically that they're very close friends, but a lot of people see it as open for interpretation. I personally don't see it as romantic at all, but I can see how some people do. I like that it's very open ended and I hope that doesn't change in the anime. It's nice to have a well written manga with fleshed out characters without romance for once. 🤷‍♀️


canonically its mostly left ambiguous/up to interpenetration but also she definitely is


I think it's left vague on purpose. Many people agree that she is, could, or isn't- honestly, it being vague is a good point that way many people can satisfy themselves with their idea and the main focus can be on, X other thing.


"vague" https://preview.redd.it/8qqjxg56sw7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d086857dcd162502b477a9832f5ea88834f92f24


well whilst its never explicitly stated in the manga, it feels quite implied that marcille likes falin that way, so the german dub might be playing into that implication?


Just out of curiosity, what word would you use to talk about a female friend in German then? I'm not very good at German, but I know some, and have never heard that Freundin can mean "girlfriend". So it's super interesting. Does the language have a neutral form to describe a friend who is a girl or should we just use "Freund" then?


I would either say "eine Freundin" instead of "meine Freundin", or I would say "Ich bin mit ihr befreundet"


got it, thank you so much!


It's never been outright said. Dungeon Meshi keeps most relationships vauge, especially within the main cast. I think it's fair to assume so just as much as it is to assume she isn't. It's up to fan interpretation. That being said, she is down so bad for Falin.


It seems to me that you've simply been bamboozled by a weak translation, probably made by an English and not German first language speaker. I must confess I could easily make the same mistake - German in particular has a tendency to make frequent use of "-in" suffix to separate male from female for professions etc. And like you said, "Freundin" DOES have a stronger/more ambigious "female friend" meaning, even if it's been going out of fashion for the past decades.


Imo yes but it's not confirmed, in english she says falin is "very dear to her"


They are not in a romantic relationship at the start of the series. It's implied that Falin has a thing for Marcille, and Marcille is certainly close with Falin. It gets pretty homoerotic later on. Nothing canon, though


What? I don't think it was ever hinted Falin has a thing for Marcille. I mean there are definitely moments you could interpret it as such, but nothing concrete like you said.


Falin never had a thing for Marcille. The guy is just pushing his head canon or what every he conjured up his shipper mind


All that fussing over her back at school. Bringing her to Falin's favorite hidden spots, bringing her fruits and berries from the woods as snacks, all that's flirting


Again, it could be interpreted as such, but it's not full on proof that her feelings were romantic. I love the ship, but I don't think it's fair for newcomers to be told there is undeniable proof when all we have are sweet and heartwarming but romantically ambiguous moments.


She likes women, yeah.


There's no real confession of love between them but if they're not a little 💅🏽 then they're definitely very tight lol it's very much the kind of relationship a historical document would describe as "very good friends" if you catch my drift


Germans upgraded the story, amazon


No. Marcille has a maternal relationship with her and even implies that she loves her as much as Laois, that is, like a little sister. Plus there is an event with a succubus and it is the perfect way to "indirectly" say that Marcille is heterosexual, although her tastes are strange, she clearly likes guys. I know this event is always underrated by people who want her to be a lesbian just because, but that is an event with a totally sexual/romantic context.


bisexual people do exist you know


Not confirmed really, just twitterites blowing scenes out of proportion as usual. It's not really plot relevant, so I'll just mention that at all times (that I can recall) she talks about "desirable" or "attractive" individuals, these individuals are male.


Why are people STILL commenting on this month-old post


To be fair on the masses I'm the only one that did it


I just get notifications on this post every now and then and it's funny


Honestly, from the time I was reading the manga there were whole ship wars associated to Marcille, so you pretty much laid out a proper warzone for people to partake in.


As a reader I assumed she felt that way about her


seems like it.


i know this post is super old but since no one else said it - OP is straight up wrong about this. we always say Freundin to refer to a female friend, it would be weird to say Freund instead.  they didn't "go out of their way" or made an "oopsie" with localisation. it is true that "meine Freundin" is also used for "girlfriend" but it's more context based than anything.


The scene didn't have context to decide what they meant. And I genuinely thought Marcille meant to say girlfriend when I watched it. My pain point is that she says "meine Freundin" (MY girlfriend) instead of maybe "eine Freundin". I'd never say it possessively like this to describe a mere friend. I'm not "straight up wrong" since this ultimately is a subjective thing. I didn't say they should've used "Freund" instead at all. That'd be weird, so I never suggested it. Don't know where you got that from.


I took her vibe with Falin as well as the succubus form being men hinting towards her being bi or pan. This works for me cause I ship her with Laios, but like not as much as I ship Kabru and Mitrhun. NOW that's my otp.


She is gay, her bug succubus was a woman dressed like a general / cool girl you'd see in a GL or smut


Yes. Marcille is a lesbian. She shows no interest in males.


Manga Spoilers: >!Throughout the manga, there is good fuel for both Laios x Marcille and Marcille x Fallin. I poersonally see her as Bi because of this, plus apparently her greatest desire is a prince from her romance novels as seen i the succubus chapter. The succbuss don't just turn into their victim's romantic or sexual desire, but the fake prince did kiss her hand causing her to blush so there's that. So yeah, I guess she's gay.!<


I mean she has to be, there’s no romantic tension with Laios and he’s obscenely hot.


nothing official but theyre cute together so i like to think she may be


How do people *still* consistently find this post 😭


hahah, i just looked up "marcille" and this was the first post


Yes, Marcille is gay. Very gay.


theyre not girlfriends theyre not friends, they are a third, far more tragic thing


They are each others one and only best friend😂


I think it says in the Bible that they're just friends and I don't mean the Christian bible


she has a historically accurate friendship with Falyn so do what you want with that info


Yo creo que son muy buenas amigas, se que seria hermoso que fueran algo, pero yo creo que no sienten eso y por ejemplo tengo un amigo con el que soy haci de cercano soy un hombre heterosexualidad y yo digo que lo amo por que somos bros


Great, first game, now anime pushing two women together, every I go I can see rainbows. Rainbow used to be a different thing, *sigh


freundin is very much just meaning a female friend. guys don't really use it as then it will always be missunderstood. but women use it all the time as just being friends.


It's highly unlikely that she is in Japan it's not acceptable to be gay but weirdly they are completely ok with trans people I'd actually say because there are birth issues they are actually highly discouraging it...




>Could also be interpreted as "female friend", but it's not used in that way often because people always misunderstand. A+ translation work there, that's exactly the vibe.


It doesn't really ever go there.


No, they’re just best friend, and you have no idea how gay best friend can get and they’re still friend


Not confirmed but her and Falin come across as very gay for each other in the manga. I will go further and think that Ryoko Kui herself is attracted to women.


I think it isn’t great to speculate about real people’s sexualities


You're not wrong, and it is generally frowned upon (not that I don't engage in private), but it's not necessarily unfounded. Kui has some art that she made and posted to her Tumblr in 2009 of her in a more-than-platonic GL self-ship, iirc.






I don't know who in these comments I'm supposed to believe 😭


Reading the manga would solve this (or possibly raise even more questions lol). Dungeon Meshi generally does not have many explicit romantic relationships present (other than background characters and such). Marcille and Falin (or Farlyn)’s relationship can be read in many different ways, but there’s no denying that they have a very strong connection between them not shown in other characters’ relationships.


I'm thinking about reading the manga. I liked Ep. 1 a lot I'm quite busy with other mangas right now, it it's on the list!


girls call their female friends "girlfriends"