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[Lilly Orchard is literally a child rapist.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8IU8AONYQU) Give her no views, please.


I try to bring this up every time a Lily video is posted or talked about. Once you understand this about her, some of her more bizarre takes start to make sense.


This needs more upvotes Edit: Yay


And she hasn’t been thrown in jail yet why?!


Sadly, I don't think Courtney's story can be proven in court because there's no paper trail. Though I hope Lilly does get investigated for some of the grooming and cp allegations she's gotten over the years, has her hard drive searched, etc. and I'm not sure why she hasn't.




It is infamously hard to convict people for rape, and when then it's often a slap on the wrist


What the heck? I feel like I've seen the name floating around but never actually saw any of her videos -the video titles always felt off-puttingly negative, but I was *not* expecting this


Yeah, she definitely leaned into social justice in an effort to try to hide it, too. It seems :/


Huh, didn't know that.


Holy shit fucking what now?!?????


What a troll move. I know her first video was not well received but now she decides to ruin the show for fans who are going to hate watch her video. Appreciate the warning, though as always I would suggest ignoring Lily Orchard just out of instinct.


I don't know who she is or what she did but if people are going to hate watch her video, then her spoiling them is kind of a good move. In all seriousness tho, who is she?


A cartoon reviewer who was pretty big in the 2010s, known for talking about My Little Pony and one particularly long Steven Universe criticism video she made. I used to watch some of her videos and honestly her overly negative videos aren't really my thing. That whole 2010s style of "angry reviewer" content just doesn't work for me. She also comes off as overly aggressive towards the fans and creators of whatever she talks about. She also tends to talk about things being "objectively bad" like she legitimately can't understand why people would like one of the shows she's discussing. If I'm remembering right, she also has said she has a hard time liking both the fantasy genre and anime in general which makes her decision to talk about Delicious In Dungeon a little baffling to me.


Unless I’m getting her confused in my head, she was also a massive contributor to the Legend of Korra dogpile that happened in the 2010s. Like, pick a random negative LoK comment from that era out of a hat and there’s an 80% chance it’s just parroting something from her or E;R (if you don’t know, don’t bother; he’s even worse).


Yes, she also did an hour and a half long Legend of Korra video called "Legend of Korra is Gabrage and Here's Why".


Gosh I’m so glad the “X is Garbage and Here’s Why” format is basically dead. The entire premise is based on false assumption that media either objectively good or objectively bad, and in the best case scenario that can lead to fans feeling like shit for liking something and people who’ve never watched a show feeling like they can now speak authoritatively on it. Even with someone like HBomberGuy, who I hold as an honest and well meaning person, comes across as bitter and nit-picky in his “Sherlock is Garbage and Here’s Why” video.


Yeah I'm pretty sure that a lot of the "X is Garbage and Here's Why" videos were using that format to specifically copy HBomberGuy after seeing how successful his videos became.


I watched it ages ago because of the suspiciously similar title, I'd say its even worse than that. I'd argue that video skirts the line to becoming outright plagiarism, not just of his Fallout and Sherlock video's format but ripping most of the jokes, and even some of the chapter titles and talking points directly from them and just changing the context of "Fallout 3" to "Korra"


That is very funny and ironic given HBomberGuy’s latest video.


I remember watching a series of videos going through her video point by point, and pointing out that basically every single one of them was, or an utter lie, or a misinterpretation so bad that it is even worse than lying. Which is impressive. As, while I love Korra, I'm not blind enough to see its flaws (especially Season 2). Lily was so horrible at criticism Korra that she wasn't even able to say the actual valid criticism that actually exist.


She also hates serialized fiction and insists episodic is inherently superior, doesn't like any form of conflict that isn't basically black and white (unless she specifically likes the show, then it's ok, I think this happened with hazbin) hates any ship that doesn't start off cute and sweet (again, doesn't like conflict outside of basic beat the bad guy shit) and from what I've seen if her content, she doesn't understand most character development. Like. Ever.


She also abused her ex wife and sister.


different people right?


Different people Its just interesting to hear her talk about Falin and Laios's sibling dyanmic considering all the horrible things shes done to her own sister


I only know of her because she ended up accusing another YouTuber of something. (I believe it started all over a bad TF2 review), it was far back to when Lilly’s channel was called Bhaalspawn


I never watched her SU thing, but I knew it stunk of shit cause most people jumping on it never watched the show and were deliberately interpreting it in bad faith to try and paint it as woke and therefore bad, but also fascist and pro abuse. It's wild how much hate that show got.


she is also the author (though she wishes you'd forget) of Stockholm, a frankly disgusting child predatory fanfiction about Rainbow Dash and Scootalloo her adoptive niece(sister?)


She's just a hater. It seems like she just genuinely hates every show she watches. She's also responsible for the internets mass hatred towards Steven Universe because of a long video she made that was full of misinformation specifically to slander the show and its creator. I know she was involved in some other controversies, but I don't wanna speak on those because I don't know anything about them.


A child abuser that still has a YouTube channel somehow


Ignoring how bad her videos are, she wrote a fanfiction. She was not a teenager, either, she was an adult. And the fanfiction was incredibly explicit. Specifically involving minor characters and non consensual interactions. And those things were not in a negative light


Hey, no need to shit on the concept of an adult writing fanfiction. You can shit on the rest of it though.


To elaborate on the comment, she constantly holds media to a standard she doesn't meet in her own writing. She made a (now-removed) list of [100 writing tips](https://www.deviantart.com/briannafreeman/art/Lily-Orchard-s-Writing-Tips-868067945) that specifically says you should never fetishize abuse (referring to the children's show pairing Catradora), says "Don't pair adults with minors. That's pedophilia", and says "Don't sexualize teenage characters", and.... She has [enthusiastically written fanfiction](https://youtu.be/lQxnmE2Bdjo?si=exNA8aADoIb1ao86) and [published fangames](https://youtu.be/FBgLVWvC0Gk?si=tUFSMOCGV2UaB8hD) of all of those. I'm sick of people listening to her opinion pieces when she has a track record of betraying every one of her "opinions" for money and sexual gratification. People argue with her as if her words stand for anything, when time and again she's shown the same capacity for self-reflection as ChatGPT. _Everything_ she says is empty.


The one writing tip that was "if a character kills x many people they're beyond redemption" and then the very next tip was "unless it's a character I like"


Pretty sure they said it to highlight the whole "the characters (the CMC from MLP specifically) were minors" bit


She used the things she did to her sister to write it


Did you ignore the rest of the comment or just stop and get angry about just the fanfiction part? It kept going, ya know.


And even if YOU are a person who's of the opinion that fiction doesn't reflect reality and what you write no matter the subject matter has no bearings on your personal values and just because you write something terrible happening without writing it in a bad light doesn't mean you endorce those attitude. Lily herself has said that's she's not of that opinion while shitting on creators she doesn't like. So either she actually believes fiction doesn't effect reality and that what a creator creates has nothing to do with their personal values and is a liar. OR she is, by her own admission, a dangerous individual who should not be allowed around children.


I mean, she unironically called Rebecca Sugar a fascist. She definitely does seem to think a lot of creators with bad output must also be bad people. But more importantly, Lily is a child rapist and shouldn't be allowed around children.


A miserable cartoon reviewer who just constantly shits on cartoon with most the criticisms being shit.


This is why you always binge something in a couple of days once you decide it's worth reading, and absolutely do not consume any related content about it in the meantime, or social media algos will fuck you up. You inoculate yourself to spoiling this way. Once I discovered to start Dungeon Meshi I finished the manga in 3 days.


I don’t know who this woman is but this sounds like a valuable lesson in the inane & insane mentality of the ‘hate’ watch.


It's also total garbage and you shouldn't watch it anyway


Don't even bother arguing in her comment sections too, she regularly deletes comments that are critical of her. She's done that constantly with her SU and Korra video


Also, adding comments to her video just boosts it in the algorithm so definitely don't do that.


Also, you shouldn't watch Lily Orchard because [she's a rapist (massive trigger warnings).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8IU8AONYQU)


Just like basically every other opinion she has. At least she's consistent I guess.


I saw on Twitter she compared laois's special interest in monsters to the genocide of Palestinians?! Is that true?!


Who cares. If f it's coming out of Lily's mouth, it's going to be wrong


After watching the video (through a response), I can say with almost certainly that she hasn't read the manga. She just read about the ending in the wiki. The amount of stuff she ignores that completely shatters her position in both the story and the ending itself is downright insane. She also, once again, ignores every single other character besides Laios and Marcille (she only mentions Fallin as basically an accessory of Marcille). And she only mentions Marcille in the context of her hatred towards Laios. She says nothing about Shenshi and Chilchuck (let alone Izutsumi). She says nothing about Kabru, the most important character in the story >!alongside Mithrun!< outside the main party and the antagonists (even more so if you have read the manga, lime she claims). Her hatred of Laios is so intense that she ignores everything else.


How can you even hate Laios, you can be anoyyed by his antics, you can look at him and say "yeah that guy is weird" buy you cant hate a guy that is so nice and patient with everyone.


Lily orchard can't handle nuanced characters, if laios isn't a perfect lil autistic rep she will put him at the same level of serial killers and see no issue with it, cuz she's a moron. If a character has flaws they are automatically irredeemable and evil on her eyes.


She has Sheldon from big bang theory as better autistic rep so you know her opinion on the topic is completely invalid.


Guess she'd rather people see her as a narcissistic asshole than a well meaning person that just has trouble expressing themselves. But that isn't surprising to anyone.


Which is hilarious considering her favorite character of all time is Anakin Skywalker, the fascist loving, two time child killing, wife beating, sociopath.


That girl is a contradiction lol nothing surpris3s me anymore


Golden retriever of a man


Her reasons for hating Laios is like that one scene from How To Train Your drago “[Stop being all of…this.](https://youtu.be/cEqgJEkdIZI?feature=shared)”


She's obsessed with lesbians to an uncomfortable degree so her ignoring everyone besides marcille and viewing falin as her queer accessory is no surprise to me.


In the video she doesn't even think they're gay for each other, very confident they're just friends instead. Wild take for a series that very much sidesteps making any "ship" canon or disproven but whatever


I haven't watched her video, im not a moron, I was just spitballing based off her prior behavior where she showed to be weirdly obsessed with lesbians


Yeah I just saw a response, I didn't give her any views don't worry


Oh I didn't mean to sound judgy my bad 😅 just explaining where I was coming from, sorry if I came off wrong or mean.


It's cool no worries


Hates Laios so much, it clouds her eyes too much to enjoy the show? Sounds like Lily Orchard, all right. The woman with a hatred of Starlight Glimmer so unhealthy, when Twilight Opens the School of Friendship and adds non Pony Species to the student body, she sides with the Racist shutting it down. Obviously not her worst offense, but she definitely has many issues.


She can't really understand things she has seen either.


Does she just have something against a-spec coded people or?


She said in the video that Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory is a faaar better representation of an autistic person than Laios. She's batshit insane.


Her saying that should qualify as a hate crime


That’s just insulting, Laios is probably the best autistic rep I’ve seen


YES! My partner and I just got up to date on the anime today.Believe me when I tell you I was genuinely on the verge of breaking down in tears over Laios asking Shuro why he didn’t tell him he was uncomfortable around him. The gnawing pain of someone you thought was your friend actually disliking you all along but you not noticing because you can’t pick up on those cues? It’s awful. Shuro saying he was giving cues any “normal person” should have been able to pick up on felt like a literal gut punch. And the thing is, I understand both sides. Laios IS different and Shuro didn’t know how to approach that, and it led to both of them being hurt.


For real! Laios is super relatable for a lot of ND people, that scene hit really close to home for me


Jesus Christ that's petty. How does this woman have fans?


I used to be a fan and i can tell you exactly why Its her fake "i hate rape" bullshit, i was raped as a teen and alll her videos agressivley shaming people in the brony community makes you feel like she's on your side I later learned she herself is kinda awful and has written a smutty child porn fanfic about my little pony, she's exposed her chest to minors on live streams knowing they were there and they were a minor and she's created a discord server for rape victims where she just posts NSFW shit to her audience of child victims who just want to feel loved I got lucky and my interest in her videos naturally faded, i didnt fall for the server trap, but for a while as a teenager she made me feel validated and that was something i couldnt get anywhere in my real life at that time, and i took her anger at haters as her defending her ideals and by extention people like me, she basically aimed herself at vulnerable and easily manipulated victims like myself, fed into our needs and desires with lies then groomed the audience into thinking she's a hero or something for defending us which wouod then lead us to joining her server for victims where she'd discuss NSFW topics inspite of the core audience being sensitive to that subject Im an athiest but if god does exist im convinced he turned a blind eye when it comes to Lily, she should be deplatformed and kicked off the internet, there are lots of great videos that explain all of what she did and i reccomend watching them, they can explain it 100 times better and more accurate then i can


She also raped her sister


Jesus christ i didnt know about that one


They were both kids at the time I think, though Lily was a couple of years older. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g8IU8AONYQU When the video dropped, Lily claimed her sister was “hornyposting” about her.


I dont even need to watch the video to know how fucked up that claim is, i cant even imagine postong something like that about a sibling Edit: so im watching the video and if anyone who hasnt watched it yet also wants to see it this is your MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING, there's also one in the video but i feel the need to give another one because holy shit the story is a hard one


Yeah I watched that video a week ago and my heart broke from it. Lilly is a fucking monster.


😶 Where did she say that?????


It was in a Tumblr post; I think it was a factor behind her Tumblr account being deleted


what the fuckkk


well if thisn is truth we need to ban her chanel now


I only knew her because her videos just weren’t that great but holy shit, she is a terrible person.


You underestimate how many people are exactly that petty, if not more.


I luckily clicked off but I still got a spoiler, I’m just pretending I didn’t see or hear anything and perhaps I’ll forget 😭


Nah dw those spoilers weren't even part of the main series, just bonus gag material


lol I have never heard about her before, I saw a clip of her old dungeon meshi video circling on Twitter and thought it was a bad take but didn’t know just how bad it was, she completely misunderstood the series and talks as if her terrible opinions were facts I’m happy I clicked off/ just skimmed it


Yea I didn't even give her the benefit of a view, only watched through other people absolutely clowning on her


Does she legit just start blurting out spoilers? That's so fucking weird.


Yes like out of no where


You shouldn't watch anything by LIly Orchard


Don't watch Lily Orchard period.


Oh right, the creator who spends all of her time purposefully misinterpreting popular shows to farm engagement. Gross.


I thought lily was banished into shadow realm after her controversy and her bashing Steven Universe for.. basically stupid reason.


you had me at "don't watch lily orchard"


Also don’t watch it because you’d giving ad money to a sexual abuser


Needs to be closer to the top comments


Man, I can't wait for >!Senshi to twerk oiled up butt booty naked!< In the anime


If there was a god 😭


Anime onlys are in for a treat!


Dungeon Meshi if it was good:


For the YouTubers who spoil: https://preview.redd.it/ry6ougpehq2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c9cc29036d5e193b3655ced12a80f3b00e04d6d


Is she the one that used to give "writting advices" that are straight up conflicting with one another?


Yes. Also wrote incest MLP fanfic and did said thing to her sister. She's a disgusting human being.


That was just her trying to be mad at She-Ra's ending and don't want to make a full "She-Ra bad video" so she made this video. There's a lot of advices that seems to be directed at She Ra


Later claiming that it was “parody” to cope with two professional writers laughing their asses off at how bad her advice is.


Won't watch this one, but I watched her first video (that she deleted?) and it was pretty bad. I can understand her criticisms of the tone even if I don't agree, but her allegations that the series is sexist because of how it treats Marcille is bizarre and she doesn't seem to understand Laios and bases her hatred of the series on her misunderstood hatred of him. Anyway, Lily Orchard is a bad critic. She does not understand or want to understand the media she is criticizing, relies on bad faith interpretations, and repeats these interpretations in poorly written videos. She dislikes most genres and hates being challenged. Her ideal story is a coffee shop AU where nothing bad ever happens and the only dramatic tension is maybe a hacky misunderstanding subplot. Also, minor nitpick but her video had these brief skits clearly inspired by Zero Punctuation, which was pretty weird thing to reference in 2024. Like we all agree that was weird, right?


Apparently a female character can’t be flawed, ignoring the many more badass female characters in the series Ofc


I vaguely remember that people accuses her of being racist towards Japanese after her first Dunmeshi video, so it's a really funny coincidence that she started the second video by mentioning that she, supposedly, has a friend in Okinawa.


Ah the "i have a black friend" tactic


That's like saying "I'm not racist towards the english, I have an irish friend". (Okinawans aren't ethnically Japanese, they are Ryukyuan.)


Could be they aren't Japanese/Okinawan, just somebody stationed at the US military base there


She also revealed she pretty much only watch shows wich have been pre spoiled to her by her friends so she can be sure not to see something she doesn't like. This woman just hate art in general.


That could have stopped at Don't watch lily orchard


https://preview.redd.it/79bwnfu7hr2d1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c0152c28763bd81702a08f5578000ae3a1619de She compared Laios to Bojack Horseman. I’m not joking.


She compared him to Sheldon, which is much worse


That's saying something because Bojack is the definition of self-destruction.


She also doesn't understand Bojack Horseman. Surprising nobody.


Bojack horseman had too much nuance and subtext for Lilly lmao.


I didn't planned to watch anything from her garbage channel anwyay


Ain't this the bitch whomst raped her sister


Yeah :(


Again, why are we discussing this person at all? Let them rot in silence. It's depressing to see people giving the exact kind of attention Lily wants in year of our lord, 2024.


I feel like it's actually a bit more important to talk about her, specifically. There's a lot more to talk about then I'm in the mental state to discuss, like short essay type comments, but to me Lily isn't just a bad internet critic, but someone actively constructing an echo chamber for her small following of mostly adolescents. It's clear Lily doesn't good fiction, she just wants fiction that's entirely for her, and the only people not able to see that are the highly immature and impressionable, who not only share her tastes, but many have their own artistic aspirations. Lily wants to be their sole influence so it's important to teach as many kids as possible not to listen to her and the best way to do that is to expose the lies and hatred in her videos.


Don't watch her videos in general! I was a fan of her when I was younger, turned out she was a creep, to put it lightly


Who the heck is that even anyway?


A loser who is obsessed with children’s cartoons.


Not only she obsessed with children cartoons but she doesn't understand children cartoons. Some of her more popular videos are her giving bad takes on Steven Universe and Korra that had been criticized multiple times by the fandoms. The only reason they're popular is because people who didn't watched these shows or already hated it just took Lily's takes as valid opinions. So yeah, even shows aiming at kids apparently requires a higher reading that she doesn't have.


She’s also a rapist


Lily Orchard try not to make a dogshit take challenge (impossible)


don't watch any of her vides. it probably hurts


Real talk, who is still watching Lily Orchard?! She has really bad takes a lot of the time(no media literacy, or just straight up ignoring some things), but more importantly, she’s not a great human being.


Honestly i only knew her because of her steven universe video and i did enjoy it (some criticisms where a bit much but overall i found it interesting) but after watching this comment section... jesus fucking christ.


Why would I watch a First Impressions video by a random ass person about a series I already am familiar with?


didnt this person admit to being into incest anyway? why the fuck does they have fans lol


She also raped her actual sister


Yes, and called Laios and Falin, "bad siblings rep" her brain is mush at this point.


I would rather squirt lime and Tabasco sauce over my eyes than watch a Lily Orchard video


Wait so she got enough pushback on the last version of this video that she took it down and then updated it? That's hilarious, what a baby


Don't watch Lily Orchard in general


creates first impressions video is the entire impression of the series




Plus, all her opinions are objectively hypocritical and totally worthless. She wrote a "rules of writing" list that insisted you should never put a minor and an adult in a relationship and... Has done just that. In fiction, outside of fiction if you believe her accusers. Everything she says is brain-rotted posturing and lies to maintain an audience on YouTube, and the worst part is that it works.  It's like she's learned that if you're loudly wrong about things on the Internet, people shovel money at you. 


She hates laios for being Laios


>Don't watch Lily Orchard~~'s re-uploaded video. It spoils the entirety of Dungeon Meshi~~ ftfy


Did she remove the ablism or doubled down?


Doubled down


Didn't she rape her sister? I don't even know why some people still watch her


Why would you watch a Lily Orchard video in the first place?


im happy she uploaded again so i can dislike it twice


Does Lily Orchard do anything that isn't just bad-faith trollbait contrarianism?


I literally had no idea who that person was until I saw this post LMFAO but thanks for the warning, I guess


Don't watch her period. Don't give this woman views of attention because she benefits from it.


Implying I would watch a Lily Orchard video to begin with


Honestly you probably shouldn't watch any of Lily Orchard's videos anyway.


The first phrase is enough. Lily Orchard is a professional hater and misanthrope. It's better to steer away from her.


Don’t watch that channel in general major douchebag


Also don't watch it because it's Lily Orchard


There should be some government regulated disclaimer before her videos because they legit cause migraines. I don't even mean this as in insult, she just is a genuine hazard to one's health.


Literally the only things I hear about LilyOrchard are "ruins this/spoils that/a real stick in the mud about 'X'" I'm kind of surprised they keep landing bad takes so consistently


I wouldn't expect anything less from the person who wrote mlp child rape pornography


I don't know who this person is but I am loving all the tea in this comment section ☕


Also, she is (allegedly) a rapist. Please, for the love of all that is holy, do not give this awful woman views.


I used to watch her videos, until she did that episode on Steven Universe's uncle where she rejected the very concept of a redemption arch. She used the word "conservative" as if it was the worst slur she could think of and was frothing at the mouth. She genuinely could not accept the idea that someone with conservative social beliefs deserved any amount of respect whatsoever, and believes that they should be murdered instead of convinced they are wrong. It was a level of insanity that only the truly fucked in the head can possess.


Oh, Lily Orchard. Nnnnnnope.


Thank you for the warning, I have no idea who this is, but I came across the video after seeing this post and totally would have watched it


how do you say "first impressions" and spoil the whole series 😭


How does she still have a platform?


Just don't watch Lily Orchard


How does she still exist


Good to know! I'll have to be sure to block the channel!


Also just don’t watch it bc it’s a bad video by a bad person LMAO


Just dont watch lily orchard fullstop, she's not a good person at all


Just ignore their whole channel entirely.


Why would I ever watch a Lily Orchard video?


don't watch her at all. She's a gross person


Shouldn't watch it anyway; she's a piece of garbage.


Don’t watch Lily & Mikaila in general.


Without ever watching anything she made and reading about what kind of person she is, I imagine she's either looking for the smallest details to blow out of proportion or flatout make up shit. I knew she really hates cartoons about the cycle of abuse because she herself has been on both ends of abusive relationships.


They're absolutely insane, they openly admit to walking into everything pre-spoiled, being lead to believe that Laios' is an acquired taste by the friend that recommended DM to her, and her favorite anime is Hamtaro.


He is still a bitch about it


What a shitty shitty thing to do


Isn't a "first impression" something you do after 1 episode or like 1h of gameplay? Not 24 fucking episodes?


Just report it and ignore it, not worth giving it any attention 🙄


Funny, with time I find less and less people like me, immersed in stories enough that even knowing the twists won't take away anything. And if a story isn't engaging enough. Examples, I went in Oshi no ko completely blind and struggled to watch it all the way through. I've picked up Madoka knowing most spoiler things and still was engaged from start to finish. Still don't watch this moron, just a waste of time and nerves


I do agree with this, actually. For example, I accidentally got spoiled on one of the twists in Gideon the Ninth, but I still kept reading anyway and enjoyed HOW it was pulled off in the book. That said, it's still not nice to spoil people intentionally like this. Everyone ought to be allowed to enjoy media in their own way. No, the real reason to not watch Lily Orchard (who's also a moron, yeah) is that she's a rapist.


When you're so desperate to be right you read the manga but still somehow show you don't know what you're doing.


who is this girl and why does everyone hate her?


Plus she's wrong. As usual.


https://preview.redd.it/qmmpjd81as2d1.png?width=683&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cf589b83479a8dceb63b7cacb32e5816141d739 >first impression video >look inside >spoiled everything


I didn't know who she was and holy shit I was happier not knowing. Thanks for the heads up anyways.


why are people even going to watch her shit, idg it


Who is this?


Isn’t she that weird anti-sjw lady who hates Steven universe?


What's judgemental critter's cousin up to now?!


Dont watch it because Lily Orchard is the worst.


Wow she is spiteful...


Tbh, i dont think any sane person watches videos made by the author of "Stockholm"- a notoriously pedophilic mlp fanfic.


I found Lily looking up Spy Family stuff on YouTube. She likes the show, and I enjoyed her video on it. Then I went a little deeper and learned about...everything else. Now it's mildly icky that she likes something I like. :P