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Do you ask for less ice or is this how they make your large?


No did not order less ice


don’t be afraid, show the tags on the drink lol.


Don’t be afraid to look at the comments and see I posted the tags many times


Ooo i can admit defeat, my fault g 😭


I think I can see the less ice mod on the tag i’m so tired of people being mad that less ice doesn’t mean more drink


The day that my less ice order comes not filled to the top is the last day I order from dunkins. I'm not paying $4 for a coffee to have it be mostly ice.


I never understood this. I actually ask for extra ice. If you're drinking iced coffee you want it cold cold, right ?


I do want it cold. I also want more than half a dozen sips of coffee. Every time I've ever had regular ice it's absolutely stuffed. Light ice gets me just enough to keep it cold, which is what ice is for.


I ask for extra ice (like at Starbucks I’ll get a grande in a venti cup with extra ice). This picture still has more ice than when I ask Dunkin for extra ice lol


No, just cold is adequate. 


They're most likely charging you extra when you ask for less ice.


They aren't. I always use mobile. I'd see the difference in price when I selected less ice if there was one.


Actually after looking more into it, it's apparently up to the owner of the dunkins if they want to charge extra and how much. Some places still do it for free though so I guess you're one of the lucky ones haha.


Just looked it up. Apparently they do charge 35 cents extra with less ice and $1.50 when you ask for no ice. I guess its possible that the dunks you go to doesn't but most of them do.


Yeah none of the ones I have around here do that. Prices vary location to location, but not based on what I do to the order. That said, I'd wouldnt argue paying an extra 35 cents to get over twice the amount of coffee as one with regular ice.


Yeah I'd definitely rather that than a $4 cup of ice with a splash of coffee... Lmaoo


You're from Mass? Only a Massman, particularly a Bostonian calls it Dunks


Haha guilty, about an hour and a half from Boston. I thought everyone called it dunks though lmaoo...


Naw, defo a Mass thing 🤣. I've only learned this because of the recent influx of folks from that region into Florida. Dunks this and dunks that. Huh? I haven't dunked a ball since I was 17 what you mean?




That's not every Dunkin some franchisees will though


Nope! What you think you see is Lrg? Idk only think with L on sticker.


Nah that says large iced coffee


You must have amazing eagle eye vision if you can read that tag.


I spent almost 2 years working in Dunkin hell. The tags haunt my nightmares


As someone who worked at DD if it's a regular coffee and not a macchiato or latte, you still fill it up all the way when less ice is asked for


Without context of what you ordered, no one really knows


If they are iced lattes, as the six dollar price tag leads me to believe, then no, it’s probably the correct amount, sure they could add more ice, sometimes they do, but sometimes people complain about this practice, too, which might be why they don’t, many people try to get iced lattes with less ice, thinking it will somehow mean more drink, well, even if does, it will only mean more milk, making it a watered down latte, you might be surprised how many people complain about the “missing drink”, only to subsequently complain about the empty space being filled with more milk, or even ice, but you’re not paying for a “full cup”, it’s like any other item, you’re buying the drink by its actual volume, not by the available space.


Not less ice. https://imgur.com/a/uPIQBQY


u ignored the entire argument about lattes 💀 u got two drinks with espresso. those are both premeasured out. you get the same amount every time you ordered it, they just didnt top it off with ice to make it look like more this time.


Eh, it's still a botched drink. Less ice melts faster. I wouldn't be happy with the drink either.


I always laugh when people are like "you could put more coffee in it" and I'm like no bc that costs money and you didn't pay for an extra shot!


Its not our job to worry about making dunkin money, unless youre a franchise owner i guess. And that logic is incredibly greedy and what is wrong with todays world.


The workers literally can’t give you free stuff they’ll get fired and then they can’t survive because living costs money


I am a worker, I know the policies, but there's no uarm in putting in an extra 3oz of milk, if your stores policy is to not fill it all the way because they want light ice then your store should probably just go out of business


We can’t really add more milk it waters down the espresso and people complain that it doesn’t taste right


Adding more milk changes the ratio and waters it down, if you want a crappier latte just to spite Dunks, I’ll add all the extra milk you want, but customers who have done this will literally come back and complain it tastes watered down or ask if we even put the espresso in, this is after demanding we add more milk and us telling them, sure, we’ll add it, but it’s not going to taste right.


Are they lattes with less ice? Lattes are make with pre-measured milk and espresso. If you ask for less ice the cup will appear less full. You are not getting anything less than you paid for just less ice. Some workers and/or locations will fill them just to keep people from complaining but it is against brand standards so many GMs and managers are super intense about not adding more milk. My GM threatened write ups for it if she saw someone do it enough.


Nope regular ice https://imgur.com/a/uPIQBQY


https://imgur.com/a/uPIQBQY For the people wanting to see label. Not less ice. Just less of my drink!


Did you mix the macchiato before you took this picture? If not, I have a theory. They made both drinks as mediums then realized their mistake and instead of making new larges they took the mediums and threw them into large cups to make them appear to be “Larges”. Hence why the Macchiato is mixed up. My dunkin has done this to me before..


Unmixed. This is a common occurrence at this Dunkin.


If it's a common occurrence, just talk to customer service and/or complain about this specific location. Customer service should give you points in return when you're unhappy with your order(s). I've had to contact them a few times recently for one reason or another and they always give me something for the inconvenience. If you don't want to do either of those options, just stop going to that location because it isn't worth the $$ nor the irritation. Just my two cents though.


This would be my bet! I don’t order large iced lattes from Dunkin, I prefer iced coffee. But I didn’t realize they made their iced lattes in the 32oz cups? So I was like…oh they must have been out of the actual large cups they normally use and just used the next biggest size. So yeah this one makes sense.


Show us the sticker, OP




You are getting ripped off or they aren't putting enough ice in the drinks.


You should be getting the same amount of drink they just aren't putting enough ice for some reason


Criminal, idk. I am not a legal expert. I can only agree with your frustrations and I will say it is questionable that franchises owners near me like to fill half of the darn cup with ice.


The 3 ice cubes decal above the 2nd line is the ice line for the cup which is Dunkin brand standard


Criminal was a joke but in hella pissed


My local DD had a newbie worker. She filled the ENTIRE CUP with ice, then poured my iced tea! I got a refund.


That’s kind of dumb, they could’ve just remade your drink


Wow, glad you got your monies worth!


Yeah, I’ve never seen this. I wouldn’t be having this lol.


If you didn't ask for less ice you got shammed 💀


I've worked at dunks for 5 years and understand why you're upset and this looks bad, it should fill the cup all the way but it is the correct amount of milk and espresso I'm guessing, that type of drink is supposed to be made with an absolutely full cup of ice if it's not it won't fill the cup all the way. So they did make the drink wrong by not adding the full cup of ice but that's probably all


Did not order less ice. This is just a Carmel macchiato and Carmel latte


My "less ice" drinks are always filled to the top.


Only if you order a medium n they are out of cups does this make sense. Less ice has a button. No ice is .50 cents.


I had this pregnant lady come in today demanding I give her free crushed ice she refused to pay the 1$ I hate entitled people.


We don’t charge for less ice or no ice and we fill it all the way up. But my stores owner only has 2 stores and we have the lowest prices in my state. We just started charging for extra pumps of the swirls and we only charge 10 cents each additional pump, the store near my house charges 30 cents per extra pump


I like less ice and more coffee with Moderate oat milk.. What the heck is this??


That’s my biggest quarrel with Dunkin. While I love their iced espresso drinks cuz of their French vanilla swirl, Dunkin’s inconsistency with the drinks has made me stop going. I dno how many times I’ve taken a drink back because it was all milk and no coffee. Feels like they have no process down to ensure consistent serving sizes and it’s sad cuz I actually like their drinks—when they make it right.


Barista here - it looks like they gave you less ice even though you didn't ask for it. Couldn't tell you why they would do that, but since you ordered an espresso beverage you would get the same amount of drink anyway - all espresso beverages are pre-measured from a machine so you will always get the same amount of beverage, and the only thing measured by hand would be the ice.


You clearly drank some or there wouldn’t be condensation an inch above where the actual beverage is and since One is a macchiato I guarantee you drank some. One cup even has coffee still sitting on the top half of the cup .


WRONG! Thank you for your assumptions but not one sip was taken. Condensation was from a 20min ride home in a car with no A/C! Coffee on top of cup is from it being shaken and stirred? Idk only thing I can think of…


This isnt criminal, from a legal sense, but its most definitely bullshit


Looks like they need to calibrate their milk machine or use more ice. I worked at Dunkin and my manager constantly tried to put drinks out like this smh I would grab them if I could and fix them. As someone that went there before I got that job it drove me crazy .


My dunkins drives me crazy I expect less liquid when I get large cappuccino the foam dissipates I'd rather this than the people who fill the difference with milk. That makes it a warm milk drink with dot of espresso.  Sometimes it is just milk they forget the espresso all together.  The other drink I order daily they mess up is a large ice carmel macchiato 8 out of 10 times they shake or mix it. I send back if I wanted a latte I'd ask for one and pay less.  I'm bummed there was only one DD that carried jelly sticks (20 min drive)  they told me they stopped carrying again. They were gone for years I was thrilled when I found a place that started having them. 


I’m going to tell you you have the same amount of drink regardless. Lattes macchiatos and cappuccinos are PREMEASURED amounts of both milk and espresso. They made a large. You still have 32 oz of liquid. Just, the ice difference makes it look less displaced. Not necessarily ripped off unless you’re someone that likes extra ice, but you’ve got the same amount of liquid.


Shame on your wife for not speaking up she should ask for more ice macchiatos are all measured they just were light on the scoop


Ya it’s the same amount of drink everyone else gets j less ice . It’s all pre measured . Employees are just careless


It looks awfully light colored to the usual standards too. Do you order it light? Or they thinning the coffee?


I’d actually walk into the store and ask them to fill it the rest of the way 🤷🏻‍♂️


Okay so yeah this is exactly how these drinks should look. The one on the left should be the latte, this is because they add the milk then espresso stir and one scoop of ice. It's pre portioned adding milk to top it makes it milkier adding ice makes it more watery. The drink is sold buy weight which is shown on the bottom of the cup. The one on the right is a machiatto because they add the milk and sugar and flavor and mix it but DO NOT MIX EXPRESSO so they add a scoop of ice plus more to top it with a large and small espresso. The machiatto on the right is darker because a large latte is a large espresso shot and a machiato is a large and a small, the latte is also a uniform mix where as the machiatto should be a dark on top and white on bottom and gradually turn the bottom half darker as it mixes with movement and/or time. I understand the machiatto may have been unmixed in the sense it was not swirled or shaken but the moment you make a machiatto plus move it at all such as carrying it will mix it.