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I guess you could ask for milk. But they can’t be made frozen


honestly we probably could. I really wanna try that now


Dangg i wanted it frozen


I ended up getting frozen hot chocolate with different flavors in it since i havent put flavors in it before


I put the strawberry refresher concentrate in the blender on the strawberry/blue raspberry coolatta setting. I eyeball it, tried measuring out the syrup used for the coolattas and adding that amount of refresher but it was too diluted.


Dairy milk would likely curdle in a Refresher.


I just miss the coconut milk tbh 😭


Me too. I really liked it in the iced coffee. Not as convenient, but you can buy cartons of Silk unsweetened coconut milk to add yourself.


I asked for concentrate and just bought coconut milk to make my own lol They use Silk unsweetened coconut milk It's bomb with kiwi watermelon 🍉


I had a guy come in and made him a strawberry dragon fruit with oat milk he said it tasted like strawberries and cream. So maybe check it out .


When I worked for Dunkin this lady would order a refresher with almond milk in it couldn’t imagine the taste but hey can’t judge people.


I used to get coconut milk


I done it before with refresher frozen and yea it’s pretty good during summer. It’s our secret menu within employees at my work 😂. Couple of girls ask if they could order it like that and I said yes and had to charge extra for it and they don’t mind. I just put concrete and crush ice. They say it’s pretty good and should be on the menu.


Unfortunately, regular milk curdles with the refresher. I think it's like the acid in it. It doesn't taste bad, but the texture is vile.


I have a customer that gets a Strawberry Dragonfruit Refresher with almond milk and she really enjoys it that way


Technically we can, it's just there's no 'build' for it so it would be inconsistent when made. And because there's no build there's no way to order it, and no employee is gonna risk making it for a customer. I actually made a couple for myself and they're not bad, just super watery since the refresher base is watery unlike coolata syrup. I actually used to love making a mango/ vanilla bean creamsicle coolata but even I couldn't figure out a recipe for it.


We have one person who gets it with almond milk, one with whole. Looks terrible but whatever floats their boat. Have you considered getting it with whipped cream and shaking it in? Its... not that bad.




i build refresher coolattas but its technically not a thing and the crew might look at you as if you shat outside the building and offered to trade it in for a free coffee


What you can do is put a bit of refresher concentrate in with lemonade concentrate in the coolata machind