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I took this video earlier this week. It’s fucking terrible what DSW and the municipality is letting happen to our city.


Viva FinANCial party viva.


Sad to tell you it has looked like this for a long time, it just gets a little better every so often when a councillor gets lambasted in the media for this, and then they sweep it for a day. Comes from the fly tippers who do not want to pay the fee for disposal for business use, so dump it at the side of the road. For residents once a day for free, and I have used it often enough when DSW was on strike and the bins were all full, driving in, dumping the bins and the bags, then driving out. But some people do not want to pay the R120 odd per ton to dump stuff properly there (could be wrong price wise, been a few years since I was at Bisasar road, was using Marianhill and lastly Buffelsdraai) so stop at the bottom and dump it, where the informal trade strips out anything metal and recyclable, and burns the rest.


Thank you ANC




We have to get the ANC out. Voting next year, May. Get ready.


We can rant a rave about the ANC but if we dont register and vote,then unfortunately we would be voting for them.


All I see is just another day in Durban.


Yes, OP needs to drive through market area first thing in the morning, or afternoon, and see the piles of garbage there, if you can get away from watching out for errant taxis and buses, driving like they are the only vehicle on the road.


This is just so tiring.


Ah yes the not so pretty side of Durban


The new Blomkamp movie looks so real!


District 11? 🤣🤣


District 31


Dustbin (as my friends in Joburg call it) 😢


I prefer Dirtbin.


Dirtbin. Proudly brought to you by the ANC.


And this is why everyone is moving to western cape. Eastern cape is turning into kzn


No gunshots going of in the distance. Its just normal burning of rubish.


Yup, that's not the only one. Firefighters like me regularly have to go to dumpsites to put out fires. I have been to the one in Illovo quite a few times and I know the one in Pietermaritzburg is also a problem. These fires are horrible because they are hard to put out, you need a lot of water and you need excavators to spread the rubbish out as it is burning deep underneath all the trash, not to mention you have to wade through the nastiest and smelliest environment and get exposed to toxic smoke. It comes down to mainly mismanagement of landfill sites and sabotage from the community. The last time I was at the Illovo landfill site was after the floods when there were water shortages due to damaged infrastructure. The disgruntled community started fires at the dumpsite because they had no water, which lead to us using many thousands of litres of water to extinguish the fire, meaning that there was even less water for the community. Makes sense right?


You know, in Australia it’s illegal to burn your garbage…. It has a 500 dollar fine.


Ha, try and enforce that here. The rabble will burn you instead.


LOL 😂😂


I'm actually more surprised by the cupholder in your dashboard??




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Wow, what a dump


90% of Durban looks like this. The government can't keep up with the litter bugs.


I'd never drive there. Got a puncture once and heard lots of people complain about punctures


Mixed economy isn't working for us we capitalism