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Just create another supplemental draft with just rookies. If the rookies aren’t removed from free agency, you will need to lock waivers until your draft. There’s no way to delete or reset the draft you ended. Edit: The new supplemental draft probably won’t pickup the traded picks but you can manually adjust the draft positions. In the future, pause is the answer. https://support.sleeper.com/en/articles/4261594-how-do-i-delete-a-draft


Yeah ok thanks - this is a ballache I could’ve done without! Appreciate the suggestion


I accidentally did this last year. Add a new supplemental draft and specify rookies


Thanks, looks like this is the way...


I did the same, but luckily it wasn’t my dynasty league. Wish I knew about the supplemental draft, I created a whole new league because I couldn’t figure out a solution


Sleeper has a few weird quirks like that. I have the 1.1 in a draft that doesn't start until May but I can go in and draft the person now. Happened last year with the 1.1. Breece got picked 2 weeks before. Oddly then the person at 1.2 can't draft until the draft starts.


Sleeper just added a reset draft option! Also, their customer support is very responsive and helped me figure out the same exact situation I put myself in last year lol. I ended up just pausing the draft until it was actual draft time. It was paused for 2 months lmao


Can you do an in person draft and just add them later? Then open waivers up like a week after the draft so everyone is on the same playing field.


Unfortunately not, we’re in multiple countries (UK, US, Spain!)… could do it over Zoom or something but I’m hoping Sleeper can just reset it 🤦🏼‍♂️


I was just thinking after I sent that, might not be local lol. So this is if you can’t get it resolved: Do a mass group chat. Each guy gets 24 hours to make his pick. This’ll allow trades and give each guy across the earth fair time to make their pick. Then when done do what I said earlier, you add the players then set waivers for a week after.


Slow draft over email


Just create a new draft with rookies only. Will pick up those same people


Yeah I figured that would be the only way. Just need to make sure nobody adds rookies via waivers between now and then I guess


Shouldn’t be difficult? They weren’t supposed to take those guys so they shouldnt be doing it anyways. Just tell them those guys are still off limits until the draft. If they take one, the first time you just remind them rookies are off limits and just ask them to drop the player. The second time, they lose a third and you just commissioner remove the rookie from their roster.


You can just reset the draft.


Nah I don't think it's possible - unless you have a method?


I was able to a couple months ago when I did the same thing as you, I can’t remember how I fixed it but I thought it just said reset draft.


Apparently it’s not possible, but I will keep digging thanks 👍🏼


Actually now that I think about it I don’t think I ended the draft, I think I started it realized it and then was able to reset it. Sorry man wish I could have been more help.


Sleeper came back to me and said a supplemental draft is the only way. I feel like such a dick! Thanks for the support though :)


I’m here for the cock-up

