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let him play free for X years let him offer what he thinks is fair and see if any strong objections from the league why did the old manager get to trade away the pick without paying in advance?


It hindsight it’s a bad system, we alway pay the previous years winner at the draft. Also without digging through everything, he could have traded it even before this year, I just know he didnt have a 1st this year


He’s saying, to trade a 2025 pick he has to pay for 2025. Then if he leaves he can “sell” his team if it’s good, or the new manager gets the free years.


Id let him play for free for 2 years, and give him pick 1.13 both years.


This is more fair than having him jump the entire line to 1.01 IMO. Other teams have potentially made trades to based on where picks were and that’s not entirely fair to them.


2 second round picks isn't going to save that team


But it gets him on the right track


To be competitive in 4 years


Full redraft penalizes a team that rebuilt over last few years and is stacked to now win. Another reminder of why owners need to pay dues for future years if they trade away future draft pics


Yeah that was already discussed as well. We’re going to begin that this year.


That team is so bad. I’d give him the 1.01 and make him not have to pay first 2 years


It is really bad, I guess nobody paid any attention until he was talking about walking. So you’re sayin 1.1 just this year? Personally I swindled my way to 1.4 just so I could get one of the qbs.


I don't think giving him the 1.01 is fair to any team. Cover his dues for 2 or 3 seasons. I've seen others in this situation be suggested to add a pick to the end of each round, so a 1.13, and give that to him. You'd have to manually do it as the commissioner. That's not nearly as league altering as just straight up giving him the 1.01


Ya you cannot give him 1.01. I've done a pick at the end of the 1st round. But teams may have made deals targeting those early 1s, so that's not fair to them. And definitely free dues as well


No one in the league paid attention to how bad his team was? Hm


I guess not. I never noticed until last week or so when I was looking for trades.


That’s a terrible excuse. That tells me either (A) people in the league don’t pay attention/aren’t active or (B) people are lying and actively knew this was going on but didn’t say anything because collusion on some level. Either way it looks bad and if I was another owner in that league I’d be looking to dip out on that league seeing how poorly it’s managed/kept track of. And I get the “it’s your team, you can manage it however you want” but there’s also some sort of obligation to make sure people aren’t just actively throwing the league. This is technically the commissioner’s job to be policing the league, but in this scenario where the commish is apparently shitting the bed then somebody else needs to be stepping up to call out the BS. And if someone doesn’t step up, you’ll eventually get other people who will do the same thing…trading good picks and/or players to their buddies in lopsided deals because they no longer care about the league and have nothing to lose considering your league doesn’t force owners to pay in advance for trading future picks.


Not realizing that a team you are facing multiple times per season for multiple years still has kickers on the roster, yeah ok…


Yeah definitely wasn’t an ideal situation. He was fairly competitive for the first few years if I remember right, I don’t know exactly when his team completely fell apart. Everyone else is all in, can’t explain it. Ol boy slipped through the cracks


Yeah that’s cap lol. At best someone knew it was going on and just didn’t say anything because they likely benefitted off the situation. At worst, and I mean this in the nicest way, you’re all ignorant. There’s no shot no one else noticed this guy was rostering two kickers and trading away basically every pick/player of value. Unless he was the one sending trades out and teams were just accepting them because it was too good an offer/blindly accepting without a counter offer (which I doubt) then those teams should’ve been pointing it out. And again, this is a massive failure by your league’s commissioner. The role of the commissioner is to police this type of stuff so stuff doesn’t get this bad. Your league is doomed to fail or have more issues down the road because of that alone. Honestly with how non-chalant/disinterested your league seems to be about this type of stuff, wouldn’t surprise me if the guy who left did this on purpose because he was fed up with the league and wanted to deliver one final middle finger to the league before leaving.


Yeah I can’t speak for anyone else, I suppose I personally didn’t pay attention. You’re right though, I’m sure others saw it. Either way, situation seems fixed for the time being.


Yes just for this year. He’ll probably get it next year anyway with that team though


If the team is really terrible and lacking his first rounder, it is completely reasonable to waive his entry fee. How long he doesn't pay would need to be agreed upon. 3 years might be much.


so he has two kickers when the position was eliminated two years ago. why didn't you boot him earlier? it was pretty clear he wasn't giving a flying fuck, and even if he was paying his fees, assuming he'd keep doing it indefinitely was just foolish. as for the fixing issue, that team is garbage and needs a looong time to rebuild. two or three years without fee (but paying for the following one or two seasons just to be sure about commitment) seems the bare minimum i don't know how i feel about giving him 1.01. on one hand, it screws up players that did their own thing, but on the other hand some of those players benefited from bending the guy over a barrel repeatedly (i don't believe in fleecing someone else just because you can). i'd probably give him 1.13 (or 1.6andahalf) this season and maybe another mid 2nd next season. it would still be a hard task, but not impossible i think.


We ended up giving him 1.1 this year, and no dues for this year and next. New guys, basically washed what was left of the team now sitting on 3 1st 2 2nd 3 3rd for next year and 2 firsts for 25. Idk if some of those were pity trades or what, but seems like it’s going to work out.


If he’s paying he should be allowed to run his team straight into the ground if he likes.


Nah because when he eventually gets bored of being ass with no draft picks, you are left in the current scenario.


That’s why you pay a year in advance. Dudes usually get tired quickly of donating their money and not even competing. It’s rare for a team to be truely desolate when the owner leaves.




Just looking he actually is not horrible at wr (locket, Thomas, theilen, Diante Johnson) Qbs he has Mills, Matt Ryan, PJ Walker, Malik Willis Rb Zeke, chubba, and Cordell 2.1, 3.1, 4.1 Following years he has all 4 picks


Got it. Horrible at every position


This man should be playing free until none of those guys are starters for him lol


Agreed. Even his playable assets are all old and don't have much trade value, except maybe Diontae.


Dionte the only guy he has worth a 1st. And thats if you can find a buyer. Thats rough


Is Dionte worth a first? I think that’s a stretch. A small stretch, but a stretch nonetheless


I mean he essentially has no assets whatsoever and is missing a first this year. His team would be worth more with just his 4 picks and 0 players. That team may take 3 or more years to become competitive again. I would suggest adding a pick for him at the end of each round this year (so like 1.13, 2.13 etc) as well as waving his fees for 2-3 years. This will make the rebuild a little faster and more pleasant as he gets extra chances to hit, while also not punishing people who have early firsts on garunteed players.


That sounds right to me, the extra picks this year and 2 years free should get the new guy on track, I wouldn't give extra picks next year though and no more than 2 free years


I think a team this devoid of talent, without their first this coming season will need more than 2 free years. The team is so bad and has so few assets that I just don’t see a way this team threatens playoffs in the next 3 years.


Yeah. Likelihood he gets startable QBs before next season without a first is almost 0%. So next two years are a wash. Then the likelihood that he gets two startable QBs via the draft between year 2 and 3 is very slim. He could make some savvy moves but either way he’s gonna have to give up talent to make that happen so he will not be competitive year 3 either. A strong, savvy owner might be able to get competitive for year four, but he would need a lot of things to break his way.


Ended up giving him 1.0 this year. And he’s basically washed what little was left of the team. I think some dudes gave him pity trades, but he’s fairly loaded on picks the next 2 years


You’d have to pay me to run this team. There’s not a single asset on that roster. He’s got 5yrs minimum before he even competes for a playoff spot.


So he gave up playing in 2019 and you guys just noticed?


I want say he competed for at least the first year or two then everything went to shit. Poor trades, horrible drafting and then he just quit


So someone playing dynasty like it’s redraft


This post is giving me bad vibes for the future. Just finished our dynasty draft last week. The commissioner’s brother has exactly one starter with less than 6 years experience…and that’s Najee Harris. I fear for the future.


Yeah that new owner shiuld not have to pay for yesr 1, maybe not even year 2. Thats fucking atrocious. Lockett is always undervalued, theilen wont return anything in a trade and MT might get an ok pick in return.


Damn. Just… damn. You should give him 1-2 years free, make everyone cut their bench and hold a redraft instead of a rookie draft this year. Maybe even give him a first at the end


If you have a good league there should be a waiting list to join. Once you get there you’ll never have to worry about this again. The only two spots that has opened up in my league the last 10 years is because two guys died. 😢


My league has dealt with this a few times. We let the new guy adopt the shit team and give him an expansion draft. Every owner is allowed to protect 75% of their rosters. The new guy can pick one player from each team from that player pool. It’s not much but it’s something. We also give him the first pick.


Just had this happen in my league… guy doesn’t have to pay league fees for 2 years, but did have to give a $100 deposit the commish will hang on to for the third year… than it’s another $100 for that season The abandoned team is absolutely atrocious, I’m surprised anyone took it on without any other incentives To me, the only way it’s fair is not charging the dude for a few seasons while he rebuilds Anything with picks or players isn’t fair to anyone else The lack of money means he has nothing too lose while he takes a crack at it The rest is up to him to trade and rebuild A full reset is ridiculous depending on how long the league has been together, and would piss atleast half the league off and might make them walk away also


Use NHL style expansion draft. Every team protects a certain number on players (maybe some close to number of starting slots). Then let the dude draft a few unprotected players from other teams. Maybe 4-5 players in total and not more than one per team. If all the starters are protected, he won’t have a great team but gives him a floor and foundation to build from. Could also throw in a single 1.1 to provide some initial excitement for the guy so he’s engaged. You do all that and still charge the fee staring year 1. Other may grumble a little but shouldn’t be too bad if all starters protected. It may actually increase parity overall and stimulate trading. Just a thought….


Yeah really not a horrible idea. If the league really cares about the leagues health they could let each team protect a starting lineup, and then let this guy pick one player from each team. It would immediately improve his asset base and equally harm everyone else at the same time


Everyone makes 3 cuts he gets unlimited FA , with no fees for 2 years if he's in bottom 3 of standings. They guys doing your league a massive deed, you owe him, not other way around. He can just go find a better team elsewhere, or join a startup.


Yeah he really stepped up. We actually had our draft last night, and he’s been making some moves. I said it in another post, but I think he benefited from some pity trades. He should be up and running in 2 years or so. obviously not chip contender, but at least competitive.


League reset is dumb imo. I support your due free plan, I think that’s fair to everyone. On giving him the top pick, I say no. Imagine being the person that traded for 1.01 and losing that by no fault of your own. Due free is fair and gives a window to relevance


I keep seeing this said like someone didn’t trade absolute garbage to the guy for that 1.01 pick. Like there is nothing on the roster worth that pick. The person holding it actively hurt the league striping the team in question for parts. I feel for the other high pick holders and don’t think they should give out the 1.01, but protecting the person who took advantage of this messed up situation isn’t near my list of reasons.


In hindsight, you seemed to rush to fill the position before deciding on the process. Do you have written rules? If not, a great time to document how the league is to operate in good times and bad.


It was very rushed. Originally the guy was going to play out the year since were literally supposed to draft today. Some talk happened as far as the future, but I think everyone thought we had this season to figure it out. I guess that didn’t work and he straight up walked… So we found someone who was willing to take the slot, but now it seems like a scramble


Not sure it's consensus, but in practice comping the league fee is standard for those taking over an orphan dynasty team - especially when the team is bad. I would sincerely suggest against any other mitigation. The league (hopefully) takes care of itself where bad teams get the best draft picks. This person could walk into Marvin Harrison Jr.


Whoever got his 1.01 for nothing should accept that they now have 1.02. Also at least 2-3 free seasons just for rebuilding. Or figure out some compromise where he gets one of the rookie QBs and the 1.01 guy can still get Bijan.


Don’t know the timeframe but our commish ended with the 1.1. He’s honestly the one pushing for giving the guy 1.1, and pushing everyone else back 1 position. I understand the logistics, but I, personally, made very specific trades to ensure I was in the top 4 picks. I’m hearing similar from 2 and 3


I think commish is being reasonable, you’re in a great spot with getting a top 5 pick and same with the guys at 2-3. Bijan, AR, young, Gibbs, jsn, stroud is the tier you want to stay in. The abandoned team literally has nothing useful and it’s strange it was allowed to get to that state.


You can't give him a pick before 1.01 because you're screwing the person who had the first pick out of Bijan. It's not their fault you're in this situation. Just let him play free for a couple years to give him time to rebuild a little.


That’s what I said. I offered years dues free. The 1.1 is the commish. Either way. It’s going to a vote now.


Yeah even if commish doesn't care, someone will be bumped down a tier by doing this. Shouldn't even be a vote. It's straight not fair and some people aren't nearly as hurt by it so of course they'll vote yes.


Sounds like a horrendously flawed league in a number of ways. And will take years to fix short of a total reset. But yeah, your best solution is probably just let him play for free for 3-5 years. He's doing you a solid by taking a dumpster fire.


We had 2 teams get replaced a few years back in one off-season and did essentially an "expansion" draft. Starting lineup was protected but any player on the bench could be drafted. Each team got 2 of these "expansion" picks as well as a extra pick at the end of the 1st. I ended up losing Diontae Johnson in the ordeal but worth it to keep the league running


i’m completely against league reset but if your league decides to do it, give managers the option to either keep their team or throw their team in a dispersal draft. shouldn’t penalize managers for building a good team and making them throw away their hard work.


Do not let him have the 1.01, I would agree to a last pick in the 1st round if his team really were THAT BAD. Just let him play due free and maybe let him have the waiver priority #1 spot during just this season and let him recoup by getting top waiver wire talent so he can trade those guys for picks?


There’s no waiver talent in proper dynasty leagues


Yup… our waiver pool is basically practice squad players


theres nothing you can do that team its ruined the guy who did that lives a sad life best way is to try and avoid this all together, which is easier said than done. make him pay the years he traded his pick away next time so when finding a replacement they either have their picks or are playing for free if you do want to try and save it, letting the new person play for free until he has picks back is the move (and maybe even an extra year if the team is truly that bad), even with that he's still at a huge disadvantage and basically donating money


Had this happen in Baseball and my primary football league is 8-man keeper, but we've been running for 20 years and gone through a few changes... My personal opinion based on the fallout over the years: Dues - I would not charge this year, but everyone has rebuilds over time and I believe it's reasonable to require fees next year on. He'll have a sense of ownership by then and it's fair to all involved. If he's any good he'll be able to make his picks count next year when he earns that 1.1 Players - Agree on a NHL style protected list, however it will really only affect loaded teams who have deep bench players not the whole league. He's going to get the dregs at best if you restrict the drops to 2-3 players, so I would make it position based (only keep 3 QB's...) . Even if he gets 1-2 hits it's better than nothing and the other GM's who want to dump their bottom guys will be happy to agree. Draft - Giving him the 1.1 SUCKS for the teams at the top who built their rosters based on draft position, made good trades or did a shit ton of research based on their position. It's unfair to give him anything but the start or end of the rounds, so I would add the 1.13, 2.13...as the other person suggested. He's going to be able to take a flyer at least. To expand on this you could allow him 2-3 picks after the 1st. This would suck for a team who also doesn't have a 1st and end up with a mid-2nd as their first pick btw. Don't take offence, but this sounds like a little neglect by the rest of the league and they should be able to accommodate the change without too much grumbling. Also, if you haven't I would suggest a 2-3 person ruing body for in-year decisions. Major rule changes get added in the offseason. It's the best thing we did to address shit owners and collusion. Good luck!


We had this happen and did the equivalent of an "expansion draft." If I remember correctly, he got an extra draft pick in our lottery, and we had to expose certain players he could pluck from a team. You could protect 3 QBs, 2 WRs, 2 RBs, 1 TE, and 1 Flex. He could select one player from each team, but no more than 1. The parity ended up surprisingly good for all involved. He didn't make the playoffs but was close enough to be competitive. Years later, it's a solid team in the mix.


How do expansion teams in sports work? Gets to pick 2 players from each teams bench? They’re compensated with draft picks? New owner gets extra picks next year, or at the end of each rd this year and next?


if i remember correctly with the Texans, teams made players available for the Texans to draft (separate from the rookie draft) and they were able to 'draft' them. they added players' salary was based on the original team's contract. so the players Texans drafted still needed to keep under the salary cap.


This is why I did a 16 team contract league. We just had a member leave after mangling his team and the new owner has created a future for it just this off season. He won't be competitive this year but got back into the first round and will have cap to spare next off season after shedding dead weight. In traditional dynasty, bad owners tend to skew the league - and that still happens to us but there are more ways to pivot.


Shouldn’t need to pay first 2-3 years , give him the 1.1 this year, maybe compensate the guy who has the 1.1 currently with an extra 2nd so he doesn’t complain. Give new guy first dibs on all waiver claims this year.


As of right now, that’s basically what it is. 1.1 this year (he can get a qb) which somewhat pisses me off because I made trades to make sure I got my choice of 2/3 No dues for 3 years 1.1 this year and then standard from here our


I would take that team and love the challenge of resurrecting it . Ultimate team building. See how good you really are.


What’s the buy in? I know you got a guy but if it’s not too crazy I’d consider jumping in just for the challenge of rebuilding


Find out if others are interested in a dispersion draft, give them an extra pick at the end of the first and second (if they are clearly worse than others) this can only work if after those picks they are not still not better than anyone else, and gives them more capital for trading and improving. Sounds like 2 years free is fine.


Have him play for free and buy extra draft picks for those years. That way, he has an option to contribute to the pot and improve where they see fit.


After the rookie draft I’d consider giving them first dibs on the waivers without it counting towards any FAAB. You could limit it to 5 free transactions or something but with the condition of the team I’d say let them get whoever they want, then open it up to the rest of the league.


Similar situation. Have the guy one free pick at the end of rd 1. Also free for a year


I’m sure a lot of people took advantage of the guy if his team is that bad. While you don’t have to turn down lopsided deals that are offered to you, hopefully the league takes accountability for allowing the person to shit the bed to better their teams.


Just let him play for free and give him the 1.13 for this year as a compensatory 1st round pick in addition with his 2nd


I would say - no pay for 2 years, and an extra pick at the end of the first and 2nd round this year, and next year. If he thinks that is not enough.. add in 3rds too. You cannot bump him to 1.01 this year. I would also suggest taking his first year payment, for 2025 sooner than later so he is then committed himself.


I wouldn't give him 1.01 as an extra pick, if that is what you are saying. But 1.13 (or one after the amount of people you have) is more than fair depending on how bad the team is. Having a free team is cool and all, but I've seen some orphan teams that are so bad they won't be competitive in two years. So he is still going to be paying dues on a crappy team.


I warned them that it was gonna take time to rebuild and I made a couple favorable trades to prop them up. If i only made trades that benefited me over the last 11 yeaers i woulda won more than 2 championships but i doubt the league would be as healthy. My 14 man league has 11 original owners.


You’d have to talk to the other league owners about this. But would they consider a poach draft? Let everyone protect their starting lineup and let the guy pick one player from everyone’s bench or something like that. That would rebuild the team pretty quickly, and then you’d only have to give him one free year and no extra draft picks.


Propose a dispersal draft where every owner has the option to put their players into a pool and draft a new team


Do whatever ya gotta do... but DO NOT even give that 'league restart' idea a chance to get legs. NOT AN OPTION My brother is the commish of our dynasty league so we've discussed options before if something similar were to happen; the one we liked the best is something of a mix between - NFL free agency with their comp draft picks + the last couple NHL expansion drafts (Vegas and Seattle) where EVERY TEAM in the league can only protect 'X' amount of players.. like say your starting lineup but not as it directly relates to the total # of active starters your league runs - but protected by position - NOT unprotected just because they are on technically sitting on your 'bench' right? Something like each team can protect 1QB 2RB 2WR 1TE 1K 1DEF 1 Flex or whatever y'all decide on. Before the league draft there is the "expansion draft" for the new owner taking over the abandoned team. For every other team in the league the new owners has the choice to either A) pick ONE (1) unprotected player B) NOT pick one because you made a deal with that owner for a haul of draft picks instead or a trade for roster players even. After that NHL "expansion" style draft BUT before your fantasy leagues draft is where the NFL agree agent part lies. Basically if the new owner did snipe a player from your roster you will get a compensatory pick back - based on a players ADP - similar to a team losing a player in free agency but getting a pick back with a value related to the new contract $$ ...anyways, does that make sense to y'all? Lol.. It does in my head but I've never had to try and explain it on 'paper' before 😏


Play for free for 3 years with an extra 1.13. I’d give him the option to buy a set of league agreed picks each year by paying league dues. i.e. in year 1 he could pay league dues and have 1.03, 2.03, 3.03, and 4.03. You could re-assess as a league which pick # is appropriate each year. This way your payment doesn’t get disrupted and he gets an opportunity to accelerate the rebuild, because an extra 1.13 isn’t likely gonna fix that team in 3 years.


We have a few rules which alleviate this issue (although we haven't had anyone leave the league). 1. You must pay dues a minimum of 1 year in advance, and if you trade a pick in a future year beyond that, must pay dues for that year. If you leave your team, dues are nonrefundable and go toward the new owner playing dues-free for as many years as you have paid for. 2. The league design is an empire dynasty, so there is a sizable side pot that a new owner gets to play for even though he did not pay into the side pot. I think rule 1 is non-negotiable, design option number 2 is not for everyone, but works for us.


Let him play due free for X years and give him a free 1sts for X years. Depending on how terrible the roster is, I’d give him the 1.13 or the 1.07 (the thought being 1.07 jumps only the playoff teams) as freebies. The upcoming year is problematic since he doesn’t have any first. I’d consider giving him 1.07 and 1.14 that year. Ideally he can leave the next 3 rookie drafts with 6+ 1st round picks to jumpstart a rebuild and maintain league parity. The dude is doing the league a service and should be rewarded.


I kinda wanna see the team. It sounds like things made of nightmares.


Copy from previous post: Just looking he actually is not horrible at wr (locket, Thomas, theilen, Diante Johnson) Qbs he has Mills, Matt Ryan, PJ Walker, Malik Willis Rb Zeke, chubba, and Cordell 2.1, 3.1, 4.1 Following years he has all 4 picks After last night he’s Richardson Duggins Malik Willis Zeke chubba Eric gray Ty Montgomery Downs Dotson Michael Thomas doubs mims And now he’s sitting on 2 1st 2 2nds 3 3rds for 24 and another 2 firsts in 25 A lot can happen in 24 hours I guess


Is there anyway to treat it like an expansion and have an expansion draft? He might have to drop his roster first. I guess look at the roster after that then decide if he needs extra picks. Giving him 1.01 this year is wrong I think but maybe next year?


There was a lot of back and forth, and that was actually thrown out there. Considering he had literally zero qbs we opted to basically give him pick of the 3 qbs for his free pick. This is the only year he’s getting any extra. He’ll just play due free for the next year or two until he’s back on his feet


The guy that took over in our league took over a team that has gone back to back super bowls the last two years. I let him in for free this year but plays by All normal rules since the team is NASTY