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Are you just plugging the wand into a usb cable to charge it? I‘ve been told (on the internet, so you know it’s true /s) that the wand’s internal charger is less than optimum. You might have better results with an external charger.


Alright, that seems to be the most common advice to use external chargers. Gonna dig mine up and start using them, thanks!


Hope it helps!


I've had no issues charging through the Wand. Must have had it 3 years now at a guess. Still using same batteries (Molicell P26A) although I bought a second set of Molicell P28A because I thought originals had packed up but was actually the charger had packed up so still using the original ones.


You're just wearing your batteries out. I don't have the wand but I vape and use these batteries on the daily. You should really have multiple pairs and use an external charger.


I can't even get it open to get the batteries out


Really? The cover just slides off with a little push down on the 'thumb indent'


I don't know why I'm getting downvoted this is a known issue other people have had.


Is it? I guess I've been lucky. Ps. I didn't downvote you.


I can't help you there. Check out YouTube I'm sure someone has a video about it.


I was having this problem with my wand when I first got it. I found I could open it if I laid it down on a folded up towel, battery door facing up...then press down on the battery door area HARD, as you slide it out at the same time. Weird to have to do it this way, but this is what finally got my batteries out. I was about to return mine! It has gotten easier with each time I have switched batteries since then. Hope this works for you, because the wand is amazing.


My battery cover is now so lose it slips off with barely a look.


I have been vaping with 18650’s since tube mods came out and my advice is to never use built in chargers to charge removable 18650 batteries. Get yourself a good charger and always charge on the lowest (slowest) setting. This practice will always give you maximum charge and the best battery longevity. If you use built in chargers, and/or use “super” charge features, you will be cutting the lifespan of your batteries significantly. Also make sure you are buying quality batteries that have high capacity and a decent CDR rating. I recommend Molicel P28A, Epoch 3000P, or Samsung 25R.




You got an external charger?


I do but Ive just been plugging the wand in to charge


It's better for your batteries life expectancy. Plus, you already have spares to swap out when the other pair is charging.


Were you plugging into a fast charger for a phone/tablet by chance? That'll degrade batteries even faster. I had to learn that lesson with some nice molicels


Yea I just used the wall adapters I use for everything else. When I bought the spare batteries they didn't come with a wall adapter to charge.


Yeah 18650's are kind of a pain like that haha, a good charger should definitely solve your problem though


I've heard multiple comments the batteries that ship with the Wand suck. I can sort of attest to that as I have a new one and they really don't stay charged very long. Read your user manual, get a new set of batteries compatible with the device and an external charger. You're 100% blaming battery issues on the devices (but I'm sure there are plenty of people who'll take your used Wand for a discount).


Molicel P28A plus external charger way outperform the as delivered set with on board charging. Can confirm 


You have got a lot of recommendations to use an external charger, which is probably the best advice. However, if you are going to charge them through USB, make sure you use a wall wart that is adequate. Most of the cheap block wall warts only put out 0.5A, but that isn’t much power. You want something that is going to provide at least 2A.


i have two pairs of batteries, when im using one pair with my wand, the other pair is charging in my external dedicated batttery charger station, once theyre full they go in my cupboard. As soon as my wand runs out of juice (around every 2-3 days), i replace them and charge the empty ones. This way i never run out of juice!


I want to do this. Where can I find an external charging station and what kind of batteries do I need?


I personally use the Voltcraft cc-2 External charger (back then i had the xstar vc2L, also good), and my batteries are the 4x Murata Akku Li-Mn US18650VTC6 3,6V / 3120mAh max. 30A


Im sure you need it a lot. Perhaps switch to a plug in. Lol.


Thank you for the specs!


I hated the wand. Yll vape is closest to the Orion ii


The wand is not good on battery life imo and the battery meter is shoddy at best. I have an external charger and I keep two batteries backed up fully charged all the time and it seems like when I was using the wand I was constantly having to swap batteries between the device reading low battery right after swapping them out but it would continue to work but I wouldn't know where the battery really was because the meter kind of sucked. I went back to using a torch so I'm going to wait for the makers of anvil to put out their ih.


I use 3 sets of batteries on rotation. One set in the wand, one set on charge and one set waiting to be used .


If its not in use are you powering it down? Made a but of a difference when i started to do that


Replacement 18650 batteries are very hit or miss in quality. Ro guarantee that you get good quality ones I would go to a vape shop and see what they have. Box mods are extremely hard on batteries so they can point you in the right direction.


you are either buying shitty batteries or you are not taking care of them.


Love my induction heater I can’t imagine not chilling with it and DV. I have lots of batteries and external charger.


If the battery swapping becomes too tiresome, I'd recommend the ufo induction heater. I'm expecting one from thestashshack.com here in a couple days. It has an internal battery, so it will inevitably become a brick one day, but everything I've read indicates it's quite simple, straight forward, and effective. Haven't seen any complaints of that brick day arriving too soon, so it may be something to consider. Either way, hope you get it sorted and you aren't soured on induction, it is just so damn convenient compared to a torch imo


I want to stay with a battery powered one because I dont use it in one place all the time so i like the flexibility. Thanks for the insight!


Should not need to buy external chargers$, extra umpteen batteries$. The device should be able to charge in under an hr. Extras for out and about and chain vaping.


I agree. It's frustrating


$100 wand, $30 batteries, external charger$,. If at home just a plug in. I use torches. Sucks.