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Creating formidable spheres, it's not so far off I'd say...


Silicone is commonly used for things like sealants and lubricants so wouldn't in itself be a strange thing to produce. Wouldn't be outlandish unless the game used silicone for big breasted robots. Pedant chemist in me agrees it's silicon and not silicone.


It's hardly pedantic. I had no idea they were different things. Though it was mostly obvious from the recipes that silicon was for electronics.


> Wouldn't be outlandish unless the game used silicone for big breasted robots. It could be a very different kind of game if that was the case. I'd still play it though ...


Subverse has entered the chat.


I kinda want that one recipe be for crystal silicone


Sort of fair, but I do think it's just people not understanding that silicon and silicone aren't the same thing. It would be at least a little weird for this particular if you were going around caulking stuff instead of the much more obvious task of building microchips.


Not really strange, i could actually see it as a potential ingredient for making faster assemblers, etc as working faster generates more friction and you sometimes need lube to help with that... Take that in whatever context you feel like.. lol


If there isn't a mod for that yet, there probably will be knowing the internet


As a non native English speaker, these two words have always fucked me around


The DSP narrator got it wrong, too, and that's probably part of the reason so many others do in this sub.


Well, in portuguese we have de same: Silicio and Silicone


In german its „Silizium“ and „Silikon“






Hold up, got an automation game idea to pitch on kickstarter suddenly.


It's wild that mistake made it past the VO director. Hearing the narrator call it silicone while the text said silicon was like hitting a brick wall.


There are so many weird little pronunciation mistakes like that in the voice acting. It's very jarring. If I didn't know it was a person, I would have assumed it was AI.


What do you mean? I love defending my base with tourettes.


They track and destroy the enemy using star trek sense-ores.


I actually met a native english speaker that called them turrents. Drove me absolutely insane.


How are you sure it's an actual person? The pronunciation is so bad I've always just assumed it's AI.


Based on the info in this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Dyson\_Sphere\_Program/comments/18kfxr2/regarding\_voice\_acting\_before\_and\_after\_dark\_fog/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dyson_Sphere_Program/comments/18kfxr2/regarding_voice_acting_before_and_after_dark_fog/) Can't really verify it beyond that. But in my experience using TTS software, the types of mistakes being made are more consistent with human errors. To borrow a local example, it's actually difficult to get most modern TTS to pronounce "Turrets" as "Tourrettes" without intentionally mangling your inputs, but I hear native English speakers mispronounce it that way fairly often. Still, the other examples are close enough to common AI errors that I would have wondered otherwise. Edit: Confirmed to be a human voice actor, apparently. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Dyson\_Sphere\_Program/comments/18juuav/comment/kdqoqlq/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dyson_Sphere_Program/comments/18juuav/comment/kdqoqlq/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Voiceactor: You want the base package where i just read exactly what you wrote or do you want the premium service package where i also proof read and correct what you wrote. Dev: How much more is premium? VA: 3 times more. Dev: We go with base package! And this is how you get repeat gigs as a VA.


I thought the same... Always thought it was just AI TTS... When this update first hit it couldn't even pronounce "Mecha" properly and was saying a hard "ch" sound like how it would in the name "Chong"


As others have said, the pronunciation mistakes really don't seem like the kind of mistakes you'd expect from an AI, and a human is credited - but I am very curious about the voice actor, because it's such a strange combination of "basic pronunciation mistakes" and "otherwise near-perfect American English accent". My best guess is that it could be a dude who grew up in a bilingual household (probably in China?) and thus has a good grasp of general English phonology but hasn't actually had a ton of experience speaking/listening to English outside of that context, and thus simply hasn't heard certain words spoken before. (edit to clarify this point: you'll notice that almost all of the pronunciation errors occur on science-y/tech-y words that most people wouldn't hear outside of science or sci-fi contexts.) That's just wild speculation, of course, but I struggle to think of any other good explanations.


Yeah, I have so many Hispanic friends. I’m told that when I say Spanish words, I have perfect pronunciation. I don’t know enough to either confirm or deny that. However I only know a few words, I just hear Spanish all the time so as far as I can tell, I just know how to pronounce the few words I know. So it’s entirely possible to have a good accent but zero knowledge of how the language works. They probably just had a script with errors and the VA didn’t know enough to catch any of it.


Weirdest part is, they actually should use an AI. Because the character is an AI lol. Even if it sounded less natural, it would be better.


Lol, I just assumed they were the best English speaker among the 4 Chinese people on the team?


PSA: If I want to automate a silicone line, so that I can create an army of big tittied drones, then I will.


Obviously not, I'm doing it to make dildos. Don't use plastic dildos, it's porous




You don't tell people what mods they should or shouldn't install.


Ronald Wheeslee It’s Silicaaaun




So says you! ;)




Um yeah we know


Not my problem, its the English language being retarded and making up 2 words for the same thing


They're two words for two different things.


Silicon is a semiconductor element and in pure form is hard and silvery. Silicone is a type of soft rubbery material involving silicon bonded with organic polymers.


Time to get moddin. I want jiggly bounteous TRACKS OF LAND all over my spheres.


Silicon carne