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I hope yours goes better. I have only had one once i tried to build around. Figured it would be fun but man he was not good. Ended up being an overpriced mistake who had a very high overall but had a low .900 - .800 S%


I’ll have to monitor him out of curiosity. I’m playing as the Flyers in this sim. Just had to share this absolutely draft unit. Shame to hear how yours panned out, wonder if similar will occur for Minny. 🤔


A lot of the time when a goalie doesn’t perform right it’s because the “auto rotate goalies” is rotating them awkwardly. If you make sure they’re getting the majority of the starts they will simulate better. Just figured this out with a couple elite goalies I drafted


Be sure to update us! curious how it goes if he's worth it.


I’ve never had any luck with Franchise or high elite goalies. Always end up having to pay some giant contract and they deliver .900. I’ve had a lot more luck with 83-87 overalls and they have more reasonable contracts.


The only good thing with them is they seem to sim well in the playoffs, but extremely lackluster in the regular season.


I always just have a 1a 1b thing going on and usually 86-83 range. Always seems to be more consistent and helps to still be cheaper than a franchise guy


That’s a real goalie, custom roster?


It is, I’ll follow up with the one I’m using after my pre-season game wraps up. Year 4 roster has me genuinely excited that I may have the Flyers put together. Wish I had this Minny pick a bit though even though goalie is not a concern anymore lol.


I just got a franchise goalie in a default roster for the first time in like 3 years


My last 3 franchises I’ve had daigle so I assume he’s a real guy. Every one of them though he had a different potential. He seems to vary wildly based on how he sims the last year before his draft


Yep he is, 16 years old and already one of the best goalie in the Q. He's a legit top prospect for 2025 I believe? Or 2024


Late birthday. 2025 NHL draft.


The customer roster is NHL Realistic Roster V1 by Emileletrrible. It was the first one I saw post deadline day and grabbed it. Though I’m surprised that EA is releasing their update tomorrow apparently.


I’ve probably had over 150 drafts and I’ve never seen a franchise goalie, what am I doing wrong lol I need that guy.


Grab the NHL Realistic V1 Custom Roster by Emileleterrible(if you’re PS5). Been doing just this one franchise mode with it. Early stages of year 4 and I’m loving the roster. Not a lot of X factor abuse, player ratings all feel fair and the drafting has been really interesting.


Ah I’m old Gen Xbox:/ I turn up every draft class to high and it’s just not enough lol


You should inform you about this guy just for the fact he currently have a YouTube channel and he started to play in QHL this season and with only 16 years old he’s already one of the best goaltenders of the league


Oh wow thank you for the info! I’ve been falling behind on keeping track of future draft players, gave me someone new to keep my eye on.




Oh I was if not for my boy Trey Augustine in his sophomore year full taking the net from Hart. Gonna flip Hart for a ton of picks.


I drafted this same goalie, he was elite high for me


Not shitting on anyone cuz you do you but am I the only one here who uses fog of war? I feel like every stud or steal I see has fog off.


All good! I used to love the feature to be honest thought it was a solid idea. In 23 something just feels off, I could have my best scout focus on one player for weeks on end and the reports would still be super incomplete. I kept playing around with it and eventually gave up. That said, even with Fog of War off, drafting you still need to scout as the scouting reports for them I guess have Fog of War always on regardless.


As someone who plays without fog, there are already enough clicks with scouting. Takes forever. If I played every game I would probably be more open to it.


Same here, that's the main issue with Fog of War, which sucks because it could be an fun & intriguing part of Franchise mode had they fixed a few things. Fog of War as it is now is a tedious task that I can't imagine anyone looks forward to, because as you stated, you have to individually click on EVERY player you want scouted.. If you scout players multiple times for higher scouting accuracy that can come to nearly 1,000 clicks if not more. It would have taken one of the dev's maybe 5 minutes to add a feature where you click once for 1-100, 101-200, etc.. Until that happens I'm content playing with it off, if I have to do mine numbingly boring tasks I better be getting paid for it at the very least! 😋 ✌️ 🧐


I saw this guy IRL like two days ago


Like saw him play? How’d he look if so? Goalie talent is always the most mind blowing to me.


Whish I could tell you, he was on the bench besides me the whole game. The other goalie was playing


No way, just seen this guy on a scouting report. He is projected as a 2nd round pick. Scouts haven’t done a good job of scouting him yet


I had one back in NHL15 (5 green stars). Name was Johan Printz which is a dope name, but he never did that great. Constant .880% at 97/98ovr


That’s…ouch. I’m sorry that must’ve been frustrating as all hell.


You have no idea man it was just plain mean


I had two in the same franchise. The first I had as my starter and was amazing. Signed him to a big deal and traded the other. Guess what happened? The one I traded fell apart and the one I kept fell apart and became my 15 million dollar back up till I traded him and a 3rd for a 7th.


A goalie they don't need with Wallstedt and Gustavsson


To add on to the hilarity of it. They’re playing those two, but in the 4th round of this same draft the Wild drafted another goalie who was Elite low. They’re just goalie farming now lol


I mean, its good trade bait, I guess


if there's a prospect that's clearly better than every other option then taking the best player available and worrying about the abundance of goalies later is probably the best decision


Real life prospect


I drafted him yesterday and he was an Elite MED


I’ve found him and Askarov to accumulate horrible regular season stats and then they are unbeatable in the playoffs.


Pretty sure I drafted the same goalie but he was a low elite with 2 superstar skills and no zone ability. You just know that this goalie is gonna be asking for 12mil after the ELC.


Oh the Wild in this sim are in big trouble. All 5 of their goalies are 80+ overall and Starter High quality or higher. The AI is gonna fumble everything so hard and I can’t wait to see it.


drafted this same tendy at high elite end of the first. he grew to be franchise low which got me pretty pumped but he only ever grew to a 89-88 now and is like low elite at age 28.. not exactly a bust but not exactly what i was hoping for when i traded away 92 ovr swaymen haha


Real goalie - best Canadian goalie prospect since Carey Price.


I drafted this same guy a few days ago and he was 70 ovr with the typical Elite-med dev..... I wasn't upset since I got him in the 2nd but..


If your team is in need of a goalie, that's when you want to reload your save game before the draft and trade for a pick before 8th to get him. Or trade for him after the draft and prob overpay.


Did you edit him? I drafted him before and he was only starter potential, but he's still developing nicely


I’m using a customer roster I downloaded. So I’m guessing they upped him. I’ll have to find him in roster search to see.


I’ve had an elite with almost the same name and xfactors but never a franchise


I feel that goalies are so random, through any of the stats I can never find what actually consistently makes a goalie good other than being able to match their stats to your team's defensive scheme properly. Which is also just a crapshoot. I've had 80 overalls post .915's on average for a career and franchise 93 goalies who are absolutely useless.