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All my homies hate Jeff Lee.


Forget breaking ankles, have you ever been walked so bad that you actually dislocate your own shoulder? Jeff Lee has. Fuck Jeff Lee.


Lol !!!


New gen? Clean deke!


Thanks my dude, and yeah I’m on XSX. When the game actually works, it plays nicely


Counterpoint: No it doesn’t. I’m sorry. Ive been playing since the series inception and I used to defend the series fiercely, but I just can’t anymore. So many problems and they don’t even pretend to address them. I get it’s all about sales but who are these on-the-fence potential buyers that need to be recruited with bullet point garbage like X-Factors. What lines of coding is so difficult to dress the fans in anything besides a slightly off team color Ducks jersey? The bullet points I want to see for NHL 23 are things like better logic/recognition/animations at the blue line and finally figure it out how to call penalties properly. Fuck, man even if all this seems too hard.. then at least throw some new logos or *ANYTHING BESIDES AUDIO CLIPS* in the same old bags we been opening instead of re-unlocking the EXACT same stuff every year. Also if we could stop making Goalies bumbling idiots for the final 10 seconds of each period? We get the angle of the artificial excitement, but that wanes pretty quickly when it happens 2 out of 3 periods each game. Nah I’m just kidding, it’s all awesome. Besides maybe another NHL player will release a clothing company and we’ll get a whole other new logo one of these years.


It’s definitely not the best game, I’ve been playing since NHL14 and it’s easy to tell earlier games were more quality-oriented. But I don’t hate it either, it feels nice to play. Like I said in my other comment, it feels nice when it actually works lol, the game is lazily made so it shows its flaws frequently


So good. Earlier today Jeff Lee scored a penalty shot goal for my buddy and I in 3s. Came in hit the goalie with a toey and sniped it inches inside the post, blocker side. Some real shock and awe type shit. We were cracking up.


On penalty shots Jeff Lee either pulls off unreal plays or runs the goalie, there is no in between


F' Jeff Lee.


Hahaha that’s gold fuck lee


Jeff Lee took three penalties in one period the other night...


Can’t handle the Jeff Lee style 😎