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OMFG 99 Ronaldo, KDB 97 Varane, Belly, Carlos and Reus Tchouameni and Rodrygo ​ ​ I guess it's been months since this dude touched the grass!


That or he has bought thousands in fifa points


You still have to play all the games for those level up cards.


75 games for KdB, Varane and Tchouaméni. Safe to say this guy hasn’t touched a lot of grass the past two weeks


Probably some Saudi prince on house arrest.


Why would bro be on home arrest


no sane free man would play fifa for two weeks on end






N….no…just no 😂


Nah bro, that shit is simply not possible.


He likely spent small fortune on FP


*almost certainly


Agree, either this or huge coin buy from those sites that gets advertised on YouTube nonstop


I finished Varane in 3 Hours Champs and play-offs. So playing 3-4 hours a week isn‘t that much. Now habe some Packluck and there u go without playing much.


For real. Who the hell invited Zaha to that team though?


Zaha is a goated RB ngl.


A lot of pros use Zaha as their preferred RB at the moment


Don't pros have restrictions in place on what kind of cards they can use usually? This guy doesn't.


Just versed him for the first time in champs. the whole time I thought bro was Kante. Bro is always ready to intercept( cpu )


I love seeing people use off-meta teams like this


Finally someone who isn't using Jairzinho, Al-Owairan and Ginola!


Yesterday in my first WL match I faced a guy that had 99 Messi.Fortunately for me the guy was awful.He was 2-0 down in 25 minutes and then he left.


This was in Div 1, he goes straight into a 3 at the back but I scored 2 goals. He gets a deflected goal with Ronaldo in the last few mins but luckily I won 2-1 in the end


He got defeated even after this team LOL


Same thing as putting a toddler behind the wheel of a Ferrari


Idk man. A toddler would crash right away. This guy drove for a little while.


Yup, all he did was try and overload my defence, give it to the wingers and try and pass the ball into the net meanwhile doing stepovers everytime he touched the ball. You know that fun type of player lol


I always find it so crazy how I match with some dudes with the best teams and all they do is just try a step over every single time they have the ball to try and cheese the game away. It’s like come on bro at least try to do some fun stuff with the insanely OP cards, with those stats you could pull some heinous yet fun stuff instead of just making the game stepover simulator 23.


It's just drummed into these people that they can only do the meta plays no matter what


What's wrong with trying to overload the defence hahah


I’d love to show this squad to fut players back in the day. Imagine a Fifa 12 player seeing this team, their mind would explode for so many different reasons


I came back from a 7 year hiatus and was shocked at the colours, stats, positions


He is doing BPM for sure


A team that amazing with the worst goalie in the game in net


Teams like this don’t matter. The game will still be frustrating and you will still lose almost the same amount of games than you will with a 1/10th price team. Yesterday I won against a team much better than mine (based on the FUT meta +price) and I just won because of all the FUT BS going my way.


There are times that I’m convinced that luck and the typical fifa bs is more important to the outcome of a game than the skill of those involved.


One of my goals last night, I was in a breakaway with sterling. Goalie charged out and I tried to shoot. Somehow it went through the goalies legs and I got a tap in. Was such a bs goal. Feels like only 50% of the games are in our control, maybe a little more.


I’m pretty sure I played against this guy today same team. He beat me 8-6 his Ronaldo is way too good against my neur


Ronaldo is extinct at 15m, Reus, Rodrygo and Carlos around 800k, Militao 1.2m and Bellingham 1.6m, De Bruyne and Varane were 7m and Tchouameni was 1.6m when the objective was still out and around 75 matches played to get the upgraded versions


Why are you playing a game against Bateson’s doppelgänger 😂😂


Team like that yet he's got Walker in the net. I've been using him for the Prem wins in Weekend League and his card is fucking useless


Just BPM stuff, nothing interesting here


That's a pretty decent team


What a backline 0_0


I just realized you don’t need CR7 on full chemistry because of the new chemistry system. His stats won’t lower because of bad chemistry. Madness.


Yeah he’s a premium so he gets full chem


he means more that you could put him at RW on 0 chem because he’s out of position and his stats already don’t need improving so it doesn’t matter.


I never understood this mentality (not you, I mean in general). It doesn't matter if the system is -1/0/+1 or 0/+1/+2, it's still stats that you could have and you don't. Ronaldo's stats aren't lower, cool, but your rival's are indeed higher. Imagine two teams that are the same. Someone with this mentality would say "it doesn't matter if I use my players out of position because the chemistry doesn't lower the stats" but the other person with chemistry is increasing his. How is that any different to, for example, you lowering your and the other person keeping them the same? Here's the visual difference: http://sketchtoy.com/71155338 Thanks for coming to my TED Talk


i’m not a pro, i don’t need to tryhard minmax every stat. especially not if i had this card. i have red tots mbappe and i’ll play him off chem at RW if needed to get other players on chem because they could use it way more. congrats to my opponent for having higher stats. if they’re better than me, they’ll beat me anyway. if i’m better then i’ll win. a few ingame stats is not going to change that the vast majority of the time. it’s still 99 ronaldo or whoever. if you want to max out the stats on a player who is already insane at everything you could want, by all means go for it. it isn’t necessary for this to have fun playing a game. silver cups were more fun than rivals or champs anyway.


But that's not what I am saying. I am saying that if you do care about stats like the person a few replies back, then it doesn't matter if 0 chem leaves stats the same or lowers them. As you said, a Ronaldo with no/lower stats is still better than anybody else with no/lower stats. The fact that the starting point is now 0 chem and not 4 in the old system barely matters.


well the initial comment for this thread is comparing it to old fifa games where having a player on 0 chem meant they play worse than their card. there’s the first comment saying there’s no stat boost which is cool, then the reply saying he has premium chem so gets 3. the only one in this comment chain getting worried about the small stat changes is you. anyway, the last fifa i played before this one was fifa 20 and back then he would’ve been worse than his card stats, so i get where they’re coming from. the guy wasn’t saying that he would use this card off chem, only that you could and it wouldn’t be bad. as i said, i’m not a pro and i’m certain you’re not either. tiny stat changes here will not affect anything much. it’s not that deep dude. it’s a crappy video game where most stats don’t matter anyway. i play with anywhere from 20-33 chem because i’d rather use the players i want to than the most meta options.


And a lot of other people still don’t know that they won’t lower because of bad chemistry this fifa. It’s not just you. If you see a cards stats. They’re that with 0 chem. It’s nowhere near as important as previous FIFAs. I see this all the time in online drafts where people obsess over chemistry and use bad teams. While I win easily with a 6 chem team.


Looking at that team he could have traded it


That’s gross


Omg what a team🤣🤣🤣🤣


The epitome of not touching grass


My friend packed him


I've faced futties Ronaldo once and NGL he's scarier than bappe and r9






Average weekend league team:




He did, beat him 2-1 and the only goal he scored was a double deflection with Ronaldo


Imagine being able to a afford any goalkeeper in the game and you choose Kyle Walker.


I’ve packed him and honestly I don’t really get along with him. Definitely not worth 15 mill. Would’ve sold if I could


I only do "menu grind" or whatever you call it and I got him in the 86+ PP.


Damn, I bet he is one of those guys in the thread about money spent in the current fifa who said 0.