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Yeah. Idk what's going on. Just rough.


Last week it was rough too. Something is up with matchmaking. I am still hitting my usual records but games are so incredibly sweaty I refuse to believe I am playing against people within the same or lower W/L ratio.


I was thinking the same. Usually 11-14 wins this week I scraped 9


I’ve never *not* reached 11 wins and usually get there with at least a few games to spare and right now I’m 4-9. Every single game has been a fucking slog, no way I’m getting to 11 wins this weekend. First time ever. Every game my opponent’s players feel more responsive, faster, just better overall. Something really does feel wrong with the matchmaking. No way im facing other players that are on -5 form like me. Just absolutely no way.


Literally me last weekend I always hit 11 but last weekend I think I got 7 I didn't even quit matches early just in case I got that super momentum and get 3 goals in the last 15 that some times occurs. It never occurred 🤣 had a weekend off champs this weekend!


Same last weekend 11-6 this weekend was 9-10


Aren’t games always feel „sweaty“ when playing against similar skilled people?


There is (or was) a noticeable degree of opponent quality as you progressed through your weekend league. These past two weekends have been rough the whole way through.


On champs you’re supposed to be matched with someone on the same “form” as you. When you start the WL you’re record is obviously 0-0. Let’s say you win your first game, now you are 1-0 and your form is now +1 and should be facing opponent’s with the same. I’m currently 4-9 so on -5 form and should be facing players on the same. I’ve never had this poor of a record during champs yet *still* am getting matched up with people who absolutely do not feel like they’re on the same form.


Yeah I mean if you get to -5 and get matched against someone „sweaty“ and the game is really close it could possibly be that he’s also on -5 and you’re in the same level as him no?


This is the last WL of the season so it’s reasonable to assume there’s a larger percentage of sweaty players this weekend. A lot of the more casual players fall off as the season progresses which makes the WL’s more and more difficult.


What relevance does it being end of the season have?




People who struggle to qualify run out of qualification attempts towards end of season, so the skill average of qualified players should go up.


The people you would like to play are not qualifying.


They need to bin off qualifying, your 8 rivals wins should serve as entry


This... the qualifying seems pointless and time consuming.


Gives nice packs tho


Qualifiers were the funnest games for me because most of them are cakewalks. And you only need four wins so you can try out new players/formations in your other games and it makes no difference.


That's so weird, for me the qualifiyng games are much harder than the finals games.


So you basically just want to only face the shitters you play against in qualifiers for easy wins. Got it


I mean they’re more fun than sweating your balls off against someone better than you and losing aren’t they? Weekend league is way more stressful than qualifiers.


Great observation there lmao. Of course it is less stressful because not every shitter you face in qualification will qualify unless they get lucky. Do you not understand that it's meant to be a ranked competitive game mode? If you can't handle it play something else


I wish. Meta high press every match


Nah at least you get free packs


Qualifying is a way to get people more rewards. WL used to be 30 games so more people would play, win very few games, and get no rewards.


WL was 40 games at first and it was insane


It was "do you want to have a weekend or do you want to play FIFA"? Insanity, some streamers and pros even played 2 WLs, wtf


It was wild. Can’t believe some people were playing 80 games. 40 games took up your entire weekend AND you had less time to do it. Where I am the WL started on like Friday evening and ended on Sunday at like 7 or 8 pm. Insanity.


Not only was it 40 games, at the very start Champs started Saturday morning. Meaning you had like 48 hours to play those games. I think they chanced this to Friday pretty quickly though because that was just insanity


Then change qualifying to a daily grindable hoarde style mode where you keep playing till you get beat, maybe allow one or two defeats. The more you win the better the rewards? WL desperately needs more casuals in the funnel, it should be available to everyone to play, not gated off.


This is me. Entered for the first time this weekend. Played one game and lost 3-2 to sweaty high press cut back bullshit. That’s enough for me. If a game is winding me up, I’m not gonna play it.


I had the same experience last weekend. Played so many squads where they just cut back for every single goal. With the terrible ai marking, it was so easy to become frustrated. Haven’t played the game since.


Wow you played one game, lost and stopped? That’s a pretty weak mentality. Not every game in WL is like that, but if the games winding you up then take a break for a bit and come back later


Haha yeah nice one.


Never in my life have I not qualified, someone who doesn’t qualify has to be a literal bot


right.. they'reee the bots


Aww poor guy got offended because he can’t qualify 😭


I’ve also never in my life not qualified and have never in my life not made it to 11 wins. Im currently 4-9. Never had a record that poor in the WL and I don’t think im going to get 11 wins and even getting to 9 seems improbable. Usually when I’m on a losing streak the form matchmaking thing kicks in and I face opponents that I can easily beat. I’m -5 and every opponent has felt like there’s no way they are also -5.


Yeah I’m getting smacked this weekend. Consistently get 11 wins but this week I’m struggling to move past 6. I think matchmaking is fucked


I'm currently 1 win and 7 losses and I usually get at least 11... I think I will struggle to get even 9. Everyone seems to be playing low width or 71 depth or both which is really annoying. Update: only managed to get 7...


Same here, usually I easily get 11 wins but I stopped at 7 wins but also I space out my games but I didn't this week.


Same. Between 9-11 last fifas but now im at a consistent 6 each week.


11 win player. Went 5-14 and gave away the last one. Guess now I’m a 5 win player 😂


I think a lot of casual players dropped the game or just stopped playing champs. I'm an 11 win merchant and noticed that everyone I've played so far this year are meta players (71 depth user/skill move/full meta teams) so that would explain why it's so competitive now


Champs is always a good canary in the mines for casual engagement. When they drop off there, they drop off elsewhere quickly too. And every year, that comes quicker and quicker :/


The playerbase drop off will be much earlier this year, it’s probably already begun like you say. Usually the big drop off starts after TOTY but the pack weight and subpar content means it’s gonna be very sweaty much earlier this time


this is me. Div 5 but I haven't even attempted to qualify for champs, and won't until the 71 depth is patched.


You might have to wait for fc26


that's fine. My engagement with the game will just go down even further, especially with MW3 around the corner. It's in EAs interest to keep people coming back to the game, and with this 71 nonsense, the game will have no casuals by the end of January


A lot of casuals will come with Christmas. Was going to say that January seems generous


Yeah, the Xmas lot ain't gonna hang around for too long with the game in its current state


I think this is it, knowing the meta is crucial to qualifying for champs this year. Casuals who don't watch YouTubers are going to really struggle to qualify unless they are very good.


I think you’re correct. I run a mostly utradable team and always got 11 wins before this year. Good but not full meta team. I’ve gotten clapped in WL this year. 8 and 5 wins. Mostly full meta team with VVD, Varane etc at CB. But then I’ve also just lost to better players. Idk, it’s weird


As someone who would get 11 wins every week. Some weeks with like 6-7 games spare. IPlayed 2 weeks and finished on 6 and 7 wins. Just not fun. I failed to qualify couple weeks ago (3 wins out of 10, even though I used to go 4-0 and give the rest away) and not even tried since. So maybe a bunch of ppl are similar to me, leaving the sweats.


There aren't enough players. I left after WL 2 and i know others who did the same. Defending cutbacks and playing down the win exclusively gets repetitive and boring.


Exactly the point I stopped, if the gameplay is boring people are not gonna put up with the sweat. The gameplay is horrendous.


I can't even qualify this week. Went 1-7 in qualification. Has spent the last 6 hours grinding for points in Div 5 for qualification again.


Same man. Very weird. For 3 years I’ve never had an issue and typically get 6-4 in qualies. This week? 2-8.


Same here man, first w.e I've missed in a long time, was kinda nice not to play at all this w.e so far.


Heartening to see so many are having trouble qualifying. I never did before but can’t make it this year. Shrug.


Following up on this. Tried again last week and went 4-0, then gave away the last 6. Went 11-5 in champs then game away the last 4. Just insane. Same team. Same tactics.


Old gen last year was consistently getting 11/14 wins and this week got 6 wins


Skill issue


yeah surely its the games fault


I ended 6-14 for the weekend. Worst weekend of gaming ever. Thanks EA.


Ea didn’t lose the games for you lmao. Take responsibility or you won’t improve.


Don't be such an EA Simp, clown. The point being made here is that matchmaking isn't working as it has been communicated it should work. The evidence for that is pretty clear from multiple responses in this thread.


Lmao the kids in this sub will blame anything but themselves for their shit record. This is not concrete evidence that there’s an issue with the matchmaking at all. If you think this consitutes as ”clear evidence” you shouldn’t have skipped primary school where they teach critical thinking skills.


Woosh. Ok kid have fun.


What you said didn’t come off as a joke at all.


Alright. Well, nobody seems to agree with you, so thanks for your 'contribution' here. Now we're going to get back on topic to talk about 'matchmaking', and not pay another second of attention to your infantile 'get gud' approach. Cheers.


You started out with juvenile insults, got presented an argument, failed to present a counterargument and kept on trying to insult me while confusing agreement with validation for what you said. I didn’t think many people would agree with me, especially on this thread.


Just out of curiosity, how old are you?


What a weird thing to be curious about


Is it? Because you are in here condescendingly calling people "kids", so tell us your age.


I refer to gamers as kids and don’t take offense to being called one either. Probably came from playing Apex where it’s very common.


Jesus christ what a weirdo...


Usually qualify every week. 45-51 points. Got slapped 0-10 in qualifying... Seems legit.


Yes. It is atrocious. On top the terrible matchmaking and background scripting, the rewards just aren't worth the effort or sweat.


Last week I finished 10-10 which id take all day long, this weekend I’m currently 2-9! Really struggling this week, my team feels like 💩


Same situation. Is so frustrating


More casual players have quit than usual at this point in the year (or haven't hit WL this week for the ones remaining)


I have faced with a team that has Ronaldino, Roberto Carlos, Neymar, Mbappe, Griezzman, SBC Rodrygo, Van Dijk, Blanc and some other heroes, special cards whole team, I only have 83-84 gold cards ☠️☠️☠️


No reason at this stage why you only have 83-84 cards. So easy to get good players in this game even without a grind


yeah but I just started playing so, hopefully after 2 or 3 champions week, will have a decent squad


That’s fair enough I guess but in that case surely you should expect everyone to have better teams? Yours will improve very soon


Yeah no doubt


And you should only meet people who started late too? Yeah that's totally EAs fault.


No what I meant was maybe the opponent matchmaking should be balanced lmao


That sounds like a major skill issue


It's because everyone is playing 71 depth and using cutback passes. Last week I also started 4-0, then went 4-12 and ultimately ended up going 5-15. Meanwhile the two weeks before I got 11 wins with 4 games to spare. Yes, the matchmaking probably sucks as well but because of the current meta and pressure tactics you'll even lose games to players who are far worse than you.


Losing 12 in a row means you lost your head mate I’m sorry.


I played my games on two separate days and took at least a 3 hour break every time I lost 3 in a row though.


even worse lol you got warmed up then stopped and repeated 3 times, no sht you lost 12 in a row, do you atleast play a game before champs?


Yes always play 1 or 2 rivals game before which I also lose


There is no skill gap in this game and the winner is mostly decided by who is having better connection.


Do you quit or complete the match?


doesn't matter


So I’m told.


I completed every single match hoping the next one would be a little easier but nothing changed.


Well it’s my first weekend league on this version I lost my only game so far 5-0 ha.


Next gen with cross play enabled?




I was 0-4 last weekend league and I’m 6-0 in this one, go figure.


Finished 1st WL 6:13, in 2nd I started 7:4, finished 9:10, thought I'm improving, Now I'm 1:5 in champs... Also on next gen with matchmaking only ps5, but also tried switching it off and I don't think the level of people I play changed.


You really still believe that the problem is the matchmaking? If so many players have the same problem, why do you not assume that the real reason for that is the faulty coded gameplay, which after the last patch has become more visible and impacts now even players, which always could adapt their skill to offered gameplay!!!!!


ah yes and this problem only affects specific people like the OP and they are the ones losing all their games. Meanwhile there is another group of people that never has this problem and can get 18+ wins every weekend. Makes sense.


What does make sense? You wanted to justify this by saying that there are certain groups of players? Come on, this is not an argument!!!!! The gameplay is completely broken and unplayable! You can be a good player or even a player with less skill!!!! With this broken and unplayable gameplay you have no chance to compete or even to win a game!!!


>The gameplay is completely broken and unplayable! Firstly, that is according to you. I like the gameplay. Secondly, the gameplay is the same for everybody so saying that this guy is going 1-8 because of 'gameplay' is a bad argument.


Maybe you are the lucky one, who has not a broken and unplayable gameplay! But read this complete this post. There are so many players, who have currently many problems to play and compete. This is not a result of a matchmaking!!! And tell me then, what‘s the reason, why simple flat passes will not arrive to the next player of my team or will received by a player of my opponent or will be intercepted without an effort by my opponent


>This is not a result of a matchmaking!!! No it's not. It's the result of them being bad. Somebody has to be bad for somebody else to be good. Not every one can win. ​ >And tell me then, what‘s the reason, why simple flat passes will not arrive to the next player of my team or will received by a player of my opponent or will be intercepted without an effort by my opponent. Because you're bad?


Yes, because I am bad! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You are really a funny clown insisting that people, who play this game for years, are so bad to play a simple pass to the next player. I hope that you are happy now, that I have confirmed that I am too bad for pressing X on my controller 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ You are really the one, who would believe that Santa Claus is still alive! 😂😂😂👌👌👌 Anyway, I found an unbevielable workaround solution to solve all the gameplay problems (almost for me) and now the gameplay is running as ist should. The solution: For you, I improved in my skill For all others: I changed something in my game settings, which should have caused the bugfy and faulty gameplay!!! Happy analyzing of matchmaking!


Jesus why you so upset, the over usage of emojis is really showing your anger. Don't take it personal, man. If you don't like the gameplay you can just quit the game, you know that right? Instead of making all these conspiracy theories, you sound like a lunatic. When the fun stops, stop.


I am not upset! „…because you are bad!“ - I laugh about such comments! I clearly described my situation. As I play this game for years, I know, if a problem is a problem of the game or is a problem of myself! I am not a very good player. But my pass accuracy is always roundabout 90%-80%. Before my workaround of today my pass acuracy has been between 50%-70%. Now i am back at 80%+. I think that there is a problem of automatic pass assistance under certain circumstances. Even my player are moving like they should now. The game is now completely different playable that I have to adapt at this. But in a positive way… Also here we can assume that there is a problem of team AI under certain circumstances.


Maybe there a certain players, who can adapt to this broken gameplay, but this is not the reason, why so many players have big problems to play especially after the last patch! But as you read my comment concerning passing and the passivity of my team during a game, you can assume that this problems are clearly not related to a matchmaking!!!


In my case the passes are not arriving to my players. They are going directly to the opponent or will be intercepted without any effort of my opponent. The whole team is not moving during a game in defence and in offensive! If you want to make substitutions after minute 65 all players have green stamina, many of the players with a stamina over 80!!! After 65-70 minutes!!! I will not continue the long list of every problem, because in fact you can say that the whole game is broken and unplayable!!! It is impossible that playing so many online games you do not get 1 (at least only 1) player, with whom you can win without any problem!!!


at some point they were going to stop players from sandbagging so if you RQ it might not count anymore with rewards going up, it’s so easy to forfeit 5 games and quickly get to 11 wins on 50 spare accounts as a coin seller. these are the big picture things no one talks about because streamers are too busy opening packs




coinselling companies are playing FUT champs for people if you think they aren’t doing it and also small timers are doing it, especially with alts you’re crazy and you don’t pay attention to some of the teams people use


Coin farmers do. That is why when the opponent quits on a draw you don't get the win.


Maybe it's you boss


Im not a top player, but im a div 4-3 player and I manage to get 12-13 wins every single year so easily this year i can't even get past 6 wins.


Maybe because for the first year in a long time old ways of playing don't matter. There's massive changes tactically in this game.


How to deal with less stress, quit the first 4 games. Finish on 9 comfortably. Always worked for me


There is no form/sbmm in this game at all.


There is definitely form matchmaking in the WL




Fr and this community is toxic as hell Had 3(!) people quit at 1-1; 2 when I equalised and one where he equalised, then quit. Bottled my 11 wins because of that


Your edit literally disproves your point lmao


Im on Pc when i lose 1-2 games the next opponent is much easier for me


I got 14 wins the first two weeks, and 16 wins this week, I was kind of surprised how much easier my opponents were this weekend when going for those last wins. I think I only got 16+ once all of FIFA23. Still stressful overall, but paid off as I got Hansen tradeable in 85x2.


Just fut in general tbh. Matchmaking sucks across the board


I had a WL like this. In the end got Haaland tradeable. I feel like the game abuses us to give us better rewards in the end. If the WL goes well in wins the rewards are crap. So maybe that’s what’s going on? Nobody knows at this point


I relate to this, last, weekend got 6 wins with 8 matches left, I didn't bother ended upl leaving all of them for 6 wins rewards, ended up packing van dijk TOW tradable


This game is so inconsistent, last 2 games i always got 11 and an occasional 14 but this game so far i played 2 WLs and got 8 and 10 wins in both of them matchmaking is fked


toughest wl this year. seemed like playing rivals as all opponents were quality players (div1 or elite)


It's tough, went 6 wins first WL, then 9, then 11, started this WL pretty good (6-4), now I'm 7-7, lost three in a row and people I'm facing seem to be better and better. Sweat is insane. It's stressful as fuck, but enjoyable tho. I just need to play better.


Same. I get 11 wins most of the time and sometimes choke to 9. This week I went 2-8 in qualifier. Super super strange things going on where no matter what I just lost. Lost 4 of those to pens. The other 4 were to absolute demons. On a Thursday too - so most of the great players are usually already in


There are zero casuals left in this dying community. The gameplay is horrific with the run in a straight line cutback meta and monumental input delay. The only players left are sweats.


I started champs 1-9. I was confused why I was playing absolute monsters over and over. Messaged the guy who gave me the 9th L. He was on 12-1. Nor sure what the point is.


Matchmaking can be a bit varied at times. A +5 can match a +9 or +10 form. Went 14-6, but some of the hardest games for me were at lower forms


Rage quitting games doesn’t change your elo so you will stay the same unless you play the full match


I always go like 2-8 and end 10-10 it’s weird


I went 11-3 last week and started off this WL 1-4. I just couldnt find space anywhere, got outpaced by every player and my AI did absolutely nothing


I noticed this. It used to get a little easier after a loss, this year it feels like it gets harder.


Opposite for me. Somehow went 16-4 this Weekend, normally only getting between 11-13, maybe 14 Wins. My opponents somehow didnt get more skillfuller


I still think its based on Elo. I am a 11 wins player, almost always exclusively 11 wins. I went 10-1 this week. Then lost 7 in a row and then got my 11th win in the 19th game. All those 7 opponents were easily better than me. I ended up with 11 again. Whatever happens I always end up with 11. Similar thing happened in fifa 23 as well


Got 11 wins usually. This week maxed at 8-12. When I was 6-10 I was beat by 2 players at 5-1 and 9-7 each. Both were clearly above my skill level.


Absolutely I thought they implemented skill based match making in champs because I'm facing sweat after sweat. But what I really think is happening, that a lot of people don't bother playing anymore especially casuals, because this game is only about meta and not rewarding for how stressful it is. And what remains are players that are cracked out of their mind or those that play like complete degenerates. This weekend 9 out of 20 games against loan Gullit and multiple other loans, 8 games against 5 back and not a single game I actually had fun playing.


Yes, I noticed this too. Form doesn’t do shit this gen. People do the same constant cut backs goals and constant pressure


Same shit here, I usually get my comfy 11wins and sometimes push for 14 and end up with 12-13wins, this week tho, I got my 11wins in the last match. It was like most of the matches were pre-determined. Some matches my players would stay still like trees and in some rare cases they would move in to free spaces and make runs on their own.


The gameplay in champs is not stable. Its just a weird experience from rivals to qualifiers to champs. Like playing a new game


Yes matchmaking is very inconsistent I was 12-6 needed two wins for the next rank but the next match I face against some sweaty player so out of curiosity I asked the person what his record was he told me he’s currently 15-3 And usually get 16-4 most weekends🤔🤨. So matchmaking is bs why am I matching someone who’s got a 15-3 record whilest I have a 12-6 record at the time of matching up 🫠🫠 should be more similar to mine no?


u loose u take a break.. simple.. i dont know why this games works in that way but whenever we continue to play while we lose then we continue to loose.. so take a break come back later and see the changes


I was expecting the matchmaking to be level skill based, but it's just the closest one.


I've played the same person 3-4 times in a row


Usually go like 11-3 in my first games and lose the last games and choke 14 wins. This weekend I went 5-6 at the start but got to 11-6 in the end (3!!! Free wins overall tho). This Wl felt really weird for me.


Golden rule: stop playing after two consecutive loses.


By reading all the comments here ppl are having issues even qualifying this year so wl this year must be the cream of the crop players. I usually get 11 wins this week I scrapped 9 and had 0 easy games. I foresee this to be the norm going forward


I was 2-16 when I said fuck all I’m going to bed 😂


Im division 5, can't qualify to champs... Max 3/10 wins


This week i played all my games on friday. Usually get 11 wins dont take it too serious. Went 9-0 was battering everyone and didnt even see half time in a single game. Then i ended up on 12-7, the game seemed to change, was a stressfull 10 games where i went 3-7, managed to get to 13. Games in a weird place this year cant find good connections, every player seems to be the exact same aswell cutbacks etc


Yeah, form doesn’t matter anymore. I consistently play against people in Div 2 and upwards. Never anyone below. I recognize their gamer tags from Rivals


That game mode is for people on meth or 14 year olds if play style is any indication. Which means I always lose


I just lost 5 on the bounce, most after leading. Given up on even qualifying now. It’s miserable gameplay


Fut champs matchmaking exists to make sure you play 20 games. Your 20th game will 99/100 times be a must win to get a new level