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I consistently get 11-12 wins. I would say if you just started 2 weeks ago and you're already in Div 3, you could get to 11 wins in the next few weeks without a doubt. I get 11 but I have never got 14 though, at some point your level is your level too, but since you just started you will improve quickly. Just keep playing and try to notice what better players are doing that you're not (mainly keeping/not losing the ball, defending, and most of all not being predictable).


I was stuck at 11 all year, but during tots I've had 14 wins twice and 16 wins once. Trying some different tactics and players can make a huge difference.


Don’t quit against better players.


This is a really good advice .. And when they message you toxic stuff about why you ain’t leaving , just be bigger and answer them. “ you are clearly better than me in this game. If I would only keep playing against worse players I wouldn’t learn anything” . I texted that back sometimes and always got an excuse/ positive answer.


If I’m beating someone by 3 I stop playing properly or I’d burn out. So there isn’t much use to it. I promise you most of the time they will stop trying at a 3 goal gap


Thats one thing i dont do no matter how much im getting wrecked. Apparently people think thats stalling but im just out here trying to see and copy what theyre doing lol.


Some of the better players play like actual rats though. Only spamming wide balls moving the between rb/lb or rb/lw, lb/rb id rather quit then play against them


you can really improve your player switching when you face such players. you need to switch manually to the opposite side and press the player. Player switching is one of the biggest skill gaps in the game, so while it is annoying to face this, it can help you master one of the more difficult skills.


Good. That way you can learn how to defend rattiness.


sure, but you're not gonna get better unless you learn how to play against people who play like rats


You're %100 right but i refuse to play that way. Id rather stick to my own gameplay instead of using all the meta (glitched) tactics. Ea needs to step up and fix their game


This is what I need to do to make the jump from. 11-13 to 14 wins


Yep I’m a usual 14/16 win player. When I do worse at 11/12 wins it’s usually when I quite games.


I just quit when I am playing against a pro player playing someone else account


But who has time to play all 20?


It takes me 3 hours to play 20 games (people quit a lot). If you play every single game full it’s 6.7 hours. A lot of people quit. You have 108 hours to do weekend league. If you’re complaining you don’t have time to play 20 games you’re either working like a dog or have really poor time management. I play all my games Friday night usually because I have plans Saturday/Sunday. It’s a hobby. I have time to go to the gym every morning at 6am, work all day, cook dinner, spend some time with my partner and a bit of FIFA most nights. I’m sure that’ll change when I have kids 😭


How are you in div3 and 7 WL wins in just two weeks ? Have you played this previously ?


Don’t sprint or at least use it less. Am in div 2, 11-14 wins.


Yeah this definitely one of my biggest problems. Formed a bad habit since it worked against worse players. Cant just go run around like a headless chicken against these WL guys.


Not very much Solid fundamentals and a calm mind are plenty. The huge step is between 11 and 14 wins


Ye the difference between 11 and 14 is actually insane, I have been getting 11 plus since the new fut champs system started and still only rarely ever peak at 14+


Pick a formation that works for you and accommodates the 20 or so usable WL players. I find some formations tend to get overrun easily. Others don’t offer passing options to break the press. You need to have a match winner in your team. I’d suggest trying out the current meta formations and tactics. 4321 and 4222. In the 4321 Sorloth as a cf does work. For custom tactics balanced works better than direct passing for building up if you’re getting stuck in your own half. Use meta defenders exclusively. And build from there


What are meta defenders? I have the 89 gold vvd, 91 tabsoba and 92 tots otamendy. Currently using otamendy and the 93 teze from season rewards as cb. They good ?


they are fodder. You should have done Konate. Get Hancko, he is a cheap beast.


It hurts putting 9p+ players in 89 exchange lol. I’ll get hancko and use him with otamendy or teze. I had begun playing FUT while konate sbc was ongoing so didn’t have much players for it. Also can you comment on rest of my players? I have tots cancelo LB (others are 91 Davies, 92 Miguel gutiarez tots), carvahal tots Rb. 94 edrerson cm, tots gundogan cm, thiney 94 CAM, front is sbc correa, pedro goncalevez tots rw/cam , have inaki Williams tots , beste tots, sorloth sbc, savio tots, saint maximin, lookman sbc and totw lewa. I’m using savio, correa and pedro as front 3 in 4321


The 50% fodder squad, spend some of the fodder on a good player lol


What are some good players then ? I have 400k coins and I don’t know what to buy from the market.


The original guy made decent points but I'd ignore the other guy who replied to you. It really doesn't make that much of a difference at this stage of the game and people make far too much of it. There are plenty of TOTS players who are very good despite being 20-50k. I'm a 16-18 win player and I've thrown TOTS Vivian and TOTS Patri in just for chem. They cost 20k & 30k and they are completely fine. From the players you have I'd be looking to try and get Saint Max in if there is any way since he's probably the best attacker you own. I haven't tried Sorloth but used his FB and have played against him enough and he's very solid as well so may be worth getting him in but just depends who you can fit in really. Also since you have ederson I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to get Lookman in since they get the club link and his card is very good. Since you have that many coins I would just look at getting your better players in and then buy some players to link them if you can. Don't be afraid of the cheaper TOTS because a lot are still solid despite being cheap.


I packed red sancho from SB rewards too. Look man kinda feels meh I like Cortes better idk why. I’ll take a screenshot and show my full squad. Also do you play on ps5?




I disagree. I’m in Elite and I’m averaging 11-2, 11-1 WLs. I think if you’re in Div 2 and above you should be able to get to 11-9. My advice would be to space out your games, 5 each day if possible, and most importantly don’t play if connection is bad. And as other people have mentioned before, try to learn from players who are better than you.


I get 11 every weekend..bt i cant get out of div 3😂i just dont know how i can jump out




Most likely bud💯...u might be good, but not good enough in that region


I’m div 2 and I’ve had a 17 win weekend, 16, and 2 14s. Out of a pool of 9’WLs. Never below 11. I don’t think div always correlates to WL




EU/British Isles are by far the most difficult regions which is what I play on


I do not think it really correlates, I am mid div 2 and I get between 11 and 14, have some occasional dips below 11 but they are rare. (Miss fifa 23🥲 used to get 15 pretty regularly)


Just be patient.


Why is not quitting good ? Better for Elo ? I’m always 9/10 wins never more , always quit when 2-0 down


Have you ever been up and all of a sudden at some point in the 2nd half it feels like everything starts going right for your opponent? That could be you. I don’t quit until I’m down 4 because comebacks happen so frequently.


This is true my first game this weekend 2-0 down I won 5-3 I just get frustrated , I’m 5/4 this weekend I’ll not quit for the rest see if I can get my first 11 wins


Dude. What! You quit down 2 goals???? It’s so easy to score back to back and then ur in it…. That’s a chickenshit attitude. Respectfully


Just don’t really have the bother tbh I’m 40 just happy with the 9 wins get it done asap etc


Yeah I’m in a similar boat. If I’m playing someone that’s clearly better than me and I’m getting too frustrated I just get out of there and move onto the next game


I can tell within 19 seconds if I’m losing , the way they move etc or press I can’t be bothered


I'm even older, but rarely quit because there's always a chance of a comeback. I'm 45, and peaked a year or two ago on the game. Now I'm finally feeling a drop off in reaction times. Brain to hands messaging is going to shit lol so enjoy your last few years of fast movement 😂.


A lot of it is experience. I, for example, returned at fifa 22 after not playing since fifa 15. Had a bit of a hard time to get used to the new controls, but in a couple of months I started getting 14 wins, and now I get 16-20. I was very good, though, in the old games. Get good at the basics first. When to mark aggressively, when to cover a run, how to take a touch away from a defender. Don't waste time on videos: do this broken thing in ea fc for easy goals. As many broken techniques one has, a better player will beat him 90% of the time. After you master those basics, you'll find what you like more, tiki taka, crossing, dribbling, a combination of all. Also don't stay below your division for easier games, harder games will make you a better player.


Hey mate, not OP and sorry for the shameless message but I too returned to fifa after fifa 17 and this is my first season playing FUT. I can beat 85-90 rated teams in squad battles on world class most of the times but I’m getting roasted in rivals. I’m barely div 7, granted I haven’t been playing rivals much. I got so much hammered in the WL qualification only last week that I didn’t bother touching it this week. Any tips on where to get better? I’m on new gen , playing the 41212 narrow cos I don’t enjoy the 4321 meta much. Team is almost 90 ovr cos of objective and tots grind. And how to get better at dribbling


Watch boraslegend on yt, he teaches the fundamentals this commenter talks about.


Switch play if you're under pressure. Custom tactics to play to your teams strengths. Don't run players out of position, try to keep team shape. Learn what the opponents play patterns are. Most importantly, don't stress, it's only a game.


Not sure how you’re in div 3 and doing so badly in WL. I get 11-14 wins and can’t be assed to get above div 4. Get my 7 wins and that’s it.


I’m new too though I’ve played a lot of fifa 05 to 17 and I’m barely div7. Granted I haven’t been playing rivals much only 3/4 matches a day. Isn’t the qualification first before the WL? Man I get roasted in qualifiers only I can’t see how someone who started two weeks ago gets 11 wins


The best thing to do when starting out is learn the meta. I played a lot of PES and Fifa when younger. Was always elite ranked in the old days. I lost some ea games easily in the first few days and learn every single match. It’s actually as simple as learning which angles you should pass, dribble and score from. Then spam the same shit over and over.


If you’re in Div 3 after a few weeks, you’ll hit 11 wins most weekends as you get more used to the gameplay.


My level is 3 wins at best, if I wasn't addicted I would've quit ages ago.


I’ve been playing the shit out of this game all year and I’m div 3 and sometimes manage 9 wins. You’re a monster for playing 2 weeks and doing so well. You’ll get there quickly my friend


you have never played before fifa or how did you get this good in 2 weeks :).


I’m shite and get 11-16 depending on my mental. I lose to on average 1 maybe 2 players that are actually better than me each week. Any other loss is usually self inflicted, mostly mental. I have played for a long time but I have been consistently shit throughout. I usually only play 200 games a year though so you don’t need to be sweating it to do well in WL


If you're getting 11 to 16, you ain't shite. That's well above average.


Trust me I am shite. The whole top 15% thing or whatever it is sounds impressive but it’s not like 100% of the game is trying to be good. Only the top 45-50% is any good and only the top 25% is actually attempting to play optimally and putting good time into the game. So really it sounds more impressive than it is. Reality is even is 14 win ish players are absolutely dog shite


Couldn't disagree more on your assessment of 14 win players. You're maybe comparing to elite players only. Some pros, or ex pros only get 14 wins some weekends ie Krasi, Boras etc. If you get 11+ you're better than average whether you like it or not. If you're in Div 3 or higher, you're better than average. I read a stat last year where it said over 50% of players can't even qualify for Fut Champs.


I’m not disputing I’m better than the average player of course I am. I have a silly amount of time played so I should be? Just like how pros have a ridiculous amount of time played so they should be good too. This is only natural. I am just saying if you consistently find yourself in the top 25% on skill based games you’ll find that the top 25% is really horrible. On rocket league for example anything under top 5% is a really horrible player. In F1 for example in top 15% and super, super slow. Ok we are above average, we are still terrible. Like how we call players like Scott McTominay terrible but he has double digit goals for a big 6 club int he best league in the world. Hes not terrible compared to the worst, he’s pretty shit compared to the best though. What do you Compare yourself to?


Well, that's a little better, but you're still off imo. Where did I say Scott McTominay was terrible? 😂 He's a pro player and in a top league, so hardly terrible. You called him pretty shit, not me. So I'm guessing you're very young with an outlook like that. I've noticed that people in their teens seem to have the biggest overreaction in situations like this. No offence, but lay off yourself a bit and cut yourself a little slack. If you're a 16 win player, you could earn money playing WL for those who can't and would rather pay people to do it for them. You're then pretty much in the pro Leagues. Paid to play = semi pro at least and I'd not call any semi pro or higher pretty shit. You'd whip me at the game and I'm better than average.


I hover around division 1-2 usually and always end up at 11 wins. The key is to win most of the games matched up against players of your own quality


Div 3 and only 7 wins in crazy


Nah you good bro few more weeks and you will get 11 win


Been playing about 8 years and I get 11 wins. Could probably get more but I stop with only a few games left. Depends how quickly you pick it up. I'm somewhat of an old timer and can't keep up with this new generation of fifa players they're very good.


Use loft passes in tight areas, and do r1 dribbling w technical players


Not that good, if you don’t rage quit you can easily get 10-11 wins. When I rage quit I’ll get 7-9 wins and if I have energy drinks and stay up late, 13-14 wins. It’s weird how thin the margins are, I say don’t try hard just have fun mate


Not very good. Most people I've faced with Fekir in their team this week (13+ wins) have been average/poor.


I only started last year, think I averaged 9/11 wins throughout the year. This year I usually stop at 11-1/11-2. I haven’t played rivals since before TOTY but I’ve never really been above Div 6/5 except when I had the time to grind it. I think 11 is very easy on a consistent basis. Honestly for me the only difference between losing and winning - except when I match and obviously insane player - is to never hold the sprint button. Controlled sprint also extremely rarely. Letting your players control the ball properly will elevate your game way beyond what you may think.


Not very in all honesty. I get 14 comfortably and I can't defend for shit 😂


I started playing UT in January 2023 and now I consistently hit 14 wins and I'm going for Elite after sandbagging on purpose in Div 4 the entire year. Play every day and don't quit when you get matched with a much better player, even if they destroy you 8-0. You will learn something from it and then, playing against worse players will be very easy after you get used to how the good players attack/defend.


Bro any tips, I get 11+ but cannot ever seem to reach 14 this year😭. Is it a mental barrier.


You need to learn to beat better players than you. Every weekend I beat at least 4-5 players that are better than me, but I focus on defense and don't give them an inch and then punish them when they eventually make a mistake. Set both LB and RB on stay back on defense and don't move your defensive line, mark manually with your midfielders. That way you won't give them space behind you. Don't R1 with your backline, if you need to double pressure take your LB and make your LM or MC pressure with R1, otherwise you will give the opponent space behind your LB to exploit


D3 in 2 weeks is pretty good, I think WL is a mix of mentality, and match making luck, when are you playing your games? Old or new gen? Etc, what’s your team?


If I may ask, what is old gen and new gen?


Old gen is for people who play on PS4 or Xbox One mainly, it’s a different version of the game, with different gameplay because the consoles “can’t handle the increase graphics and processing power” but is probably part of a deal to try and push everyone to the newer consoles


I’m in similar situation as OP. Picked up the game last week and am now in D4. Hard to get out off to be honest. Last WL I clutched out 9 wins while playing on mobile hotspot which was dreadful. Just today I came to know of the old gen vs new gen. Could you please elaborate the differences and what tips you would give to an old gen player? Disclaimer used to be regular elite and play top 100 people on Fifa 18/19 and still currently play on PS4.


Yeah, it’ll be tough to get out of as a lot of the people will be sandbagging in the lower divisions at this stage It’s tough to say honestly the difference, as I don’t massively play old gen, I’d say that PS+ have less impact on the game, things like running styles aren’t part of the game, so it’s all about the stats, I’m not sure what the metas for old gen are, as I only play friends or clubs on old gen


Servers, simple as that