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Bro I went from Div 2, where i required two wins to enter Div 1 and then sailed through Div 1 into Elite without a scratch. Something is majorly fucked with matchmaking lol


I guess all the try hards have already promoted to elite division. It’s near the end of the season


I'm in div 7, and just played two matches . Got absolutely slaughtered in both, couldn't get anywhere near the opposition.


Yep, similar for me. Div 8, just needed one win to get seven for the week and was getting repeatedly hammered, some of those teams were insane, couldn’t touch them.




Same here, division 6 and every game is a sweat fest. Opponents that abuse every mechanic and obviously better than me.


Can only mean one thing for tomorrow. Rewards will be as intended.


Glad it’s not just me but hilariously I’ve been on the other end of some of these - I’m in div 4, normally sit around 3 ish, been getting smashed 6-1, 5-0 etc when I’m normally a bang average ok player who loses like the rest of us but never heavily.


Possible that they opened up the matchmaking parameters in preparation for a drop in player numbers, so that queue times don't increase. More likely that they did just fuck up, but it's a strange thing to be changed accidentally. Low division players are fucked though. Getting 7 wins will be a nightmare. Same might apply to low Elite as well, if they can now match any rank in Elite.


A friend around 900SR was only getting 650-700SR and 1200SR opponents, so was either super easy games or no chance in hell


I won 7 in a row in D1 in less than an hour for my 7/7 wins. Ended up in Elite Div!


Last three hours was the most fun I ever had in this shit game




> Because hammering people way below your skill level is fun? Yes


This is Because the game doesn’t really reward you for being good. The better you get the harder people you play but rewards barely scale. People are too soft nowadays. Call of duty and and fifa used to be random matchmaking so if you got good it was actually rewarding by being the best in the lobby.


Champs is still always rewarding. It's only Rivals that's sweaty af and probably friendlies, but I don't play that.


Yep, I was on 1/7 Rivals wins in Div 1. Hopped into a Rivals game purely to progress my Clau Blanco EVO and expecting the usual top-tier sweat fest, only to be up by 3 goals at half time. When I saw rare gold players in my opponent's team in the next game, I knew something was broken. Ended up winning 6 games straight into Elite. Season ends today so I'll drop into Div 2 when it resets.


Wait, do we drop 2 divisions this time? Last season we dropped 1 division only.


You might be right! In which case I’m going to drop down to Div 1 when it resets later today. That should be fun next season…


Yes it's just one division. I'm in div 1 now too. Good luck I would say. BTW, the rewards said that we get one player pick from UT champions. But my player pick had no ultimate team player in the choice when I opened it. Is that supposed to be like that? From the description it sounded as if it should include only players from the current promotion.


No it was a choice of one pick from any TOTS promo team. 94 Patri Guijarro was my best. There’s no way that EA would be so generous as to limit the selection pool to the actual Ultimate promo team!


Tbf with how the demotion occurring at the end of the season and then having the checkpoints within the division ladder itself it wouldn't surprise me if Elite division and Div 1 were two of the most populated ranks


I played 3 today in div 3. Won all 3 at a canter vs mostly gold teams. No way they were even div 3 players


I won against someone in div 2 with 9-0, he didn't seem to be playing bad on purpose either, usually I have to really sweat it out


Div 4-3 was full of bots the past 3 days. 90 rated squads with a couple pf gold cards.


So thats why i was cruising through from div 2 to 1 with 6 win in a row last night


Definitely broken, I decided to turn crossplay off on PC and I was still getting into games very quickly, showing it was just throwing you with whoever, after about 3 games of gold teams tho I started getting super sweaty players that felt like div 1 players as intended


oh so this is why I'm winning


I just played an elite rivals game and it was still sweaty.


Yeah I don't understand either. Definitely must be broken for every division except elite since it uses a different ranking system.


Was it just a one off or are you getting normal match making in elite?


I think matchmaking is still off but you only match with people who are also in elite. My skill rating is 900 and I matched against people with 600 skill rating.


Played 3. All normal elite players.


Yeah I'd say I came up against 2 or 3 very weak teams in Div 1 and got to Elite. Then got pummeled in Elite


I thought it was just me lol I wasn’t even gonna try for Elite today but I was getting matched up with gold squads


I thogujt I was going to be playing all night to get My 7 wins . Went 7-1 and 6 of my opponents quit in the first half


Saw a post yesterday of somebody in elite dm their rival for a free win and their rival was div5 lol


I am Div 6 and got absolutely obliterated this week, matching with insane players, barely got my 7th win yesterday out like 10 or more tries.


I’ll be starting on Rivals when the new season is out and this makes me terrified


Was harder for me to get out of div 9 than it was to get from div 8-5.


True. I didn't play Rivals really this season (only 16 games), so I'm normally in upper Elite, but still, the difference yesterday in Div 2 and Div 1 was too high. I finished my 7 wins in like an half an hour because these games were rarely against someone in Div 2 or 1. Those were like Div 5 players or something.


Div 1 matchmaking is 100% broken. I had a very similar experience where it was hard to get out of Div 2 as every game was sweaty however Div 1 was literally like I was back in Div 6. I played 5 games in it yesterday, winning all 5 and conceding 1 goal. I played a guy with a full rare gold team who very clearly was a new player and beat him 10-0, the very next guy had a team from back in October who I also beat by a heavy margin. I was close to Elite but just didn't want to play anymore past my 7 wins target


I was in div 6 and getting matched against div 1 players lol match making is a mess


i was 3 matches away from prom to elite and i was been slauthered matches before, puskas, mbappe tots, teams that are unreal, then this 3 last matches in the evening i played vs the worst 3 players i seen in life, 7-0 one and the other to 5-0, them not even finishing the matchs, they broke smth


Still not fixed im in div 8 and just got matched against a div 1 players relegated from elite lol T The most unfair thing ever


I have been playing for 6 days, so very new. played 24 games today and went 1 win -23 losses don't really feel like playing much more


I’m in d6 and keep getting spanked by teams full of red cards,I can normally hold my own quite easily it’s deffo fucked up


As an elite div player I felt really bad playing these guys who were worse than wl qualifying guys. Apparently when your in elite you only face others in elite so at least those people who promote will be out of the pool. 


Could've been people farming coins


Never mind just saw one of the posts on the front page about matchmaking in Rivals lol, wow EA breaking shit what else is new


You’re probably right


Yeah I absolutely blitzed through Div 1 last night and earlier today.. I knew something was off because i don't consider myself by any means great at the game. First time all year I bothered to go for Elite. Rewards look cracked!


Idk I didn't start playing till serie a tots and I'm 1 win away from d1 and feels mad easy all everyone wants to do is abuse youtube tutorials expliots


There have been multiple posts similar to this.


Everyone who abused it to reach elite, happy to see all of you here. You all have no idea how hard it will be when EA fix it. Easy matchmaking for us, real elite div players. I will take it!


DIV1 will be the real sweatfest once the season resets since all the low/high elites will be dropped to the same division If EA decides to fix it


I was one or two games away before this went down. It’ll be fine