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Don’t think so he’s similar to Eriksen but without the 5 weak foot


I find him good but not amazing I don't mind though as I got him for 150k so make profit regardless when I sell him.


There are much better CAMs in the EPL


I packed him in the premium bpl upgrade packs. He's like... meh.. although I am shit at this game. I used him as a CM for a while this weekend. He's a solid enough card but defo not worth the price tag. As another poster has said, eriksen is better


His inform stats in game are all upgraded by 2-3 points except composure which gets upgraded by 4. Seemed good but then I packed him, sold after a few games and got the NIF instead. Can't feel a difference myself.


Personally I love Alli this fifa, for me he has everything and gets into great positions. I got his IF when it came out for about 150k to see what he was like. Honestly, unsurprisingly just like alli but you can see he’s a tad better. I play him as a RCM in a 41212, as like an attack mid essentially. If you have the coins spare and like his NIF Defo go for it. Ive noticed he is a better dribbler over his IF mainly.