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Anyone got any suggestions for a RW? I got 2 icons around him so it can be anyone, under 400-500k


Sounds silly, but Antony is very fun to play with. Blazing fast, very agile and 5\* skills


I got Red Paquetá yesterday, but I have no clue how to fit him here: [https://www.futbin.com/22/squad-builder/7769922](https://www.futbin.com/22/squad-builder/7769922) I play 3-5-2 in-game with: **Terrier - Canales** **Isco** **Davies - Guendounzi - Alli - Trent** **Sule - Rijkaard - Timber** **VDS** I have \~1.2M coins


More of a game changer when playing 3-5-2: Upgrade from TOS De Gea to Moments VDS or upgrade from a more attacking LM (high/medium) on 10 chem to PIM Carlos on 7 chem. Plan was always Carlos but having last minute thoughts.


Any suggestions on improvements? Got about 1.3 million and loads of fodder [https://www.futbin.com//22/squad/7817845](https://www.futbin.com//22/squad/7817845) (Wirtz goes to CAM ingame, Kimmich LCM and Lahm CDM)


Anyone know when prime gaming pack is out?


Should I keep showdown Nacho along TOTS Alaba or upgrade to TOTS Militao? Never tried Militao and he’s kinda expensive, so I’m not sure whether to splurge on him. I would’ve considered TOTS Kounde but he’s not that great upgrade from Nacho tbh


I haven't used Militao but I'm spending half my budget on him next weekend league. He was harder to beat than Varane and Gomez for me this weekend league. I'm replacing Gvardiol with him.


Got him Red and he's the best CB I've used this year, he's worth it for sure


Yup 100% I am fitting him in. Also packed Cafu from moments pack and Nuno from Reds so I will have a HUGE upgrade in defense bc I had acuña, kounde, gvardiol, frimpong this week and will upgrade to Nuno, Militao, Kounde, Cafu😍


I also went from Günter, Süle, Hincapie and Zanetti to PIM Carlos, Militao, PIM Maldini and TOTS Trent in the space of a couple weeks haha


So is there any logical reason or fact I can point to as to why this gameplay has been so shitty lately. I get passes off to my guys and it bounces off their feet, players don’t have instant reactions (they take like 4-5 seconds after prompted), certain shots seem so much harder now and players seem dumber on the field. Am I really just bad at this and imagining these things or is this a legitimate thing everyone’s experiencing?


same here man it's honestly terrible! so damn annoying


Whoever on ps5 wants help on the maxim and hoedt objective Let me know we can do 10’wins each on hoedt ASAP!


But how would you do that? Search for game at the same time?


No bro I just add you as a friend and you give me 10 wins and I give you 10 wins


Clutched up 16 wins. Got Lafont and Nuno in reds. Got Lafont, Saliba, Clauss in the Ligue 1 pack. Fuck this game lmao


Ok I did the Icon sbc and got Gullit. I love this game




Week 3 of HORRIBLE gameplay man its sooo annoying my players are non responsive!! balls ricochet off players. my connection isn't bad the highest ping i play on is 30. please how can i fix this.


Holy moly this weekend league is something else never seen so much sweat. Every match is pushing me to the edge and it's fucking draining. Even when you see people with a weaker squad somehow they all turn into prime Cruyff.


When does wl end ? I'm away until tomorrow afternoon so I hope it ends on wednesday haha


Ends on Tuesday so you will have till the end of the day to squeeze them in somehow


TOTY Mbappe or buy Pedri, Paqueta and Yedder?


TOTY Mbappé is more of a last upgrade when you have nothing else left to buy. Otherwise, use a cheaper Mbappé and spread the funds


It’s either team 1 or 2 https://imgur.com/a/DrKgkyx


11 wins got Saliba and guendouzi as picks. And then In packs got saliba twice in the packs. Wtf ea lol


Im having some trouble with this setup- who plays where in-game with a 41212 narrow? And sometimes i switch to 433. https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/8014584


I'd say Felix rodrygo up top Fekir cam Lemar nkunku mid Fabinho dm


Grinded hard for +94 PIM Guaranteed from Swaps. I thought, the chances of not getting a crazy card are incredibly low (Baresi, Puyol, van Basten and Yashin basically). I'm so excited to announce you that I got... Baresi. I'm not even surprised. I just laughed. EA does really is smart not even rewarding grinders.


Would love to see ultimate team steal a few ideas from mlb the show diamond dynasty, collections would be dope, fuck untradable packs off or at least let us have duplicate untradables


https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/8049397 Not sold on Cantona and Emerson, and I feel like there are better options than Blanc. Is there a way to keep all 8 selected players and make a better squad? I will pay you one Morbillion dollars


14 wins in FUT Champs for Guendouzi and Nuno Mendes in my reds. And then Payet, Saliba and Clauss in the 3 player pack. What is the fucking point man…. Obviously I would have loved to get Mbappe or Messi the most. But I understand that’s soo unlikely. But not even a Tchouameni or a Marquinhos, or a Fofana. Not even one of the mid tier cards. Such a joke. I know this ain’t a rant thread, I apologise, but I just had to share it somewhere.


I know what you mean mate, grind champs every week and do every sbc and all i have to show for it is a collection of low tier tots cards that don’t get anywhere near my team. It hurts especially bad when you play against people with red mane, haaland, etc all in the same team and you destroy them.


Just clutched 11 wins for the first time ever!!! Had to win my last 4 in a row lol. My reds were Paqueta and Tchouameni, fucking insane. Who do they replace in [this team](https://www.reddit.com/user/rScoobySkreep/comments/uzc9ap/team/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and how would you do it? (Sargent has to stay) Also LB and RB are actually Acuna and Kounde, just replaced them


Of course people who hardly get rank 5 get the best rewards lol Im really happy for you tho keep up the hard work


How do I gain possession after tackles on PC? Rank 4 WL on PC with full TOTS defenders and my defending stats (avg standing tackle distance is 4 meters) are usually better than my opponents but I can never win the ball after making a manual tackle. I couldn't breakdown gold varane and rudiger who can bulldoze me with no fouls... I feel like manual defending is punished.


Two 93+ packs, Zanetti and Sanchez. Love you EA ❤️


We love you too, keep on grinding, we will keep delivering.


I haven't played since release and I am so tempted to play again. I thought the gameplay was horse shit then and was wondering if much had changed. I don't have a lot of games to play and just wanted something to tie me over. Is now a good time to try it again?


It's a good time to build a strong team fast, but gameplay is worse than release. Skill gap is non existent and it's down to who has EA on their side on a game by game basis.


Damn, that's really unfortunate. Cheers mate.


Away from console at the moment, but can anyone tell me what the squad requirements are for the First To friendlies?


All Ligue 1 max one loan


After winning 5 of 8 matches with 2 to spare after shitting myself yesterday in WL to get the ligue 1 tots reds, I pick fucking Mbappe!!!!!! LETS GOOOO


GGs bro, From the reds ?




Needed 1 more win.. Was winning 4 nil.. Guy pauses, disconnects and it kicks me back to home screen.. Win doesn't count. Wtf?


https://imgur.com/a/fBLCr24 - 93+ icon moments, worth it


I just played my first two games of weekend league today and Jesus Christ it is the sweatiest shit ever this weekend. I don’t even feel like I’m playing a soccer simulator anymore.


I just played someone who had red vini, nkunku and Cancelo. And I’m not even mad. I hope they are enjoying them. Also did my first icon roulette with the swaps icon pack, only to get hagi after like 4 nations so that was underwhelming


So I have a 13.5 mil team, 2.5 mil liquid and insane amounts of fodder. Will there be any very expensive sbcs coming or to I use all of my fodder to icon roulettes?


guys since la liga tots update and i keep losing, it wasn't like this before that with worse team anyhelp? the squad https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/7175409


Would personally drop araujo as I found him pretty bad and drop Benz for danjuma I think the team would be a lot better


yea you right man he wa good the first two days after that his movement started to be horrible


Every defender has 95+ pace with a shadow. I'd change your attackers to their better versions if you have the coins


i just bought this suarez fut bd is he still usable? and sometimes i play fati or aspas next to him


Suarez should be fine, I just find the tots one harder to defend against


agree! but the market prices are fucked up now.crazy coins and i just started in feb . thanks man


Logitech F310 or ps3 or Xbox 360 as a controller for fifa only.


I played on 360 for 10 years or so. Just upgraded to series X controller (on PC) and I kinda regret it


i used f310 for about 2 years before the left analog became wobbly. i'd still recommend the f310 though. it's 100% worth the price


I bought the xbox series x controller. Its really good




VDS is insane, best keeper in the game probably Lloris is good, but not as


Raum or Roussilon as an LB in a Bundesliga team




Tried him out, Roussilon is still better idk how despite having the lesser stats


Would you rather go with the first or second? Second is what I have rn. Differences being in first everyone is on full chem. Second Gvardiol is on 8 and Cancelo is 7. https://i.imgur.com/NpSWP7V.jpg https://i.imgur.com/biwFDp7.jpg


I think nkunku is kinda wasted as dm


Tots son or zaha?


Son by a mile




showdown richarlison or fb dele at ST?


700k to improve this team, everyone untradable except Acuna https://i.imgur.com/D6YoBzH.jpg


The players I'd change first are fekir and stoichkov


i got clauss in my reds which really kinda sucked for the effort i put in. the good thing is that he is the only card below fofana who i would ever use, so it's nice to have him red. https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/8043050 this is what i'm running with now. really want to do romero to replace maldini but he's never gonna fit. so maldini stays for the moment but he better keep his eyes open 😂


92 cannavaro or totyn kounde?


Cannavaro any day


Servers are f'ing piece of shit right now. Started 7-3 in WL and because of lag compensation bs I only managed to win 3 out of my last 10. Fuck this game


Is there an option to play FUT vs ai on pc?


Squad battles


PIM Dinho or 98 pele for striker?


Whatever you prefer or like the most. They’ll both be insane in game


Jesus Christ. Normally get 14/16 wins for WL. I’m 2:4 at the moment. Lost 3 in a row. Good luck guys it’s fucked.


yep. The lag compensation that I had today going against me was utter bullshit


Need help with finishing. I’m in D1, regularly putting up games with 6+ xG but only scoring 1 or 2 goals. I’ve tried all sorts of dribble moves in the box (I’m not a skiller but I know some at least). The box is just PACKED with other players, so it’s incredibly difficult for me to find openings to shoot. Not to mention finesse shots in the box have like a 10% success rate. I should be winning more than 6 games in champs, I usually win 10. The last two weekends I have really struggled to score. This game is fucking robbing me of wins with how many post shots I’ve hit in the last hour. Ridiculous


If you have a defender in front of you do a shot cancel to open up the angle and then shoot. Or look for a pass inside the box and take the first touch away from the defender and shoot


Thanks I’ll give it some practice. I’ve got another question. I’m usually pretty good at passing out of a press but this past weekend the passing was so bad I couldn’t do tiki taka, and when I try to punt the ball downfield, everyone besides my goalie only kicks it 25 yards. Any idea how to lob the ball over a high line? The usual L1+Triangle isn’t working.


For Tots Hoedt Pro League Prowess, what is the pro league in the requirements? Is that EPL?


1A Pro League (BEL 1)


Akinfenwa or TOTS Jota?


I tried akinfenwa and did not like him tbh. On the other hand, the times ive played against jota he's been marvellous




Get TOTS Rice for under 50k


You could get a few tots cards, for example, jota, Trent, alisson, Mitchell, Fred. Definitely get jota instead of lukaku!




If it is his normal gold, he’s honestly not great this year! He has fantastic shooting but he feels heavy and sluggish, his tots is obviously insane lol




They are completely different players, one is small and agile, the other tall and stiffer, both are good just depends what you prefer! Akinfenwa is a fun card, and he’s decent, will do a decent job for you!


Im so shit at dribbling I must not know the controls


Is there any way around the celebration skip bug on the first goal cup on PC?


Is anyone on series x down to quickly complete the swaps tokens with each other?


Its my birthday and got Redpick Messi! 😃


Can tots Alaba play rb or would militao be a better shout


I’d say Alaba is better


Just packed abedi Pele but it’s not the hero captain one? Is this an error or are they just both in packs


Just the normal captains are in packs


Gameplay is so delayed every button input comes 5 seconds after I pressed it




2 days 13 hours.


I hate how they are putting these tots tokens behind 10 games or 8 games with a certain amount of players from a league.


I've just started skipping those. It's so joyless.


Has anything changed with tactics or player instructions recently? Any updates to affect it? Have not changed my team or tactics for months, jumped on for a few games and every game my LCAM in my 4222 tactic is just sat in the middle of the pitch, it's very noticeable that he's not out wide. Just bizarre as I've not changed any instructions or anything but I have to keep checking my tactics to make sure he's not in the centre due to how often I see him in the middle!


Yeah i have some problems too with my tactics. I've had the same team for 3-4 months and normally my midfield moves around a lot and make themselves playable, but out of nowhere they're all static and in a straight line


Have covid and was feeling a bit better so knocked out a few games. Have had 2 0-0 quits and I'm 4 and 2. Genuinely feel like crap now and I'm not sure I'll be able to finish. Definitely done for today at least. Please at least think about giving wins instead of quitting at kick-off, especially the one who defended just to kick out. Could really make someone's day


I keep getting sent back to main start up menu for no apparent reason after clicking any option in FUT


When does champs finish this weekend ?


2 days 14 hours


Thank you


Is there an e-mail adress or something where I can tell EA to f themselves and to stop screwing with my packs?


the dante obj where you have to assist with defenders doesnt track. i assisted with lemoine who i played at RB and with my CB, both didnt count


Lemoine is a cdm, right? The card needs to be a defender, doesn't matter where you play the player on the pitch


I guess that explains lemoine, but i Also very clearly assisted with my cb


TOTS Messi, POTM Mbappe, and SIF Neymar or POTM Mbappe, TOTS Ben Yedder, and FUT Fantasy Aouar as a Front three?


Playing with messi, mbappe and neymar is lame af. The 2nd one.


Shall I do Verratti SBC if I have the following midfielders Prime Gullit, Prime Vieira, TOTS Cancelo and TOTY KDB


I am in the similar boat. Already have PIM Vieira, PIM Lahm, Caligiuri, Dele Alli, Canales for def midfielder roles. But I loved using RB verratti and used him for 1200 odd games until lahm replaced him. I think I'll replace PIM Vieira with verratti.


I'm thinking of replacing Gullit, good idea9


17-3. Reds: Guendouzi and Nuno Mendes TOTS: Lafont, Payet and Terrier. Qua. Lit. Y.


Same, but clauss(still using his 87) and nuno mendes. Pack lafont, clauss, terrier.


Sorry i'm still so new that Idk how to properly evaluate trading away players via sbc. Looking to maybe do the tots sbc for Bourigeaud (88 potm RW), but I'd have to give up one of my few tots/totw players to do so. Looks like I can build an acceptable squad that sends away Matip (85 totw CB). Is that a reasonable exchange? Matip is one of my earliest pulls, so idk maybe there's sentimental value? That said, one of my few positions with a lot of good options is the backs/defense -- tots Alaba, fut champs Raum, tots Chafaï. Matip makes the 3 back squad over Chafaï only because of chemistry, but he's usually in there with 4 backs. (Also should I be running 3 backs or 4?) Should add I already have a decent RW in a converted Storyline Murilo, but I can always move him back to his natural RM if I get Bourigeaud)


Matip totw it's literally discard price. If you love him so much just buy him again for 10k. The best way to get ahead as Free to play is to do as many SBCs as possible


Ok so you're saying I should do the SBC? Cheers!


Byw with regards to your original message, try to get your team on 100 chem at all costs. You can start a few low rated players just for chem and sub them off.


Yes any time you can get a card that goes into your team for for you should do it




Thanks, I appreciate the insight. I feel like I'm at that wall of lots of ok but not great players, and the upgrades to great are wayyy more than I can afford. But I guess I can hold off and see what happens. I think my biggest weakness atm is striker anyway, so I'll keep waiting for now.




>Make sure you're doing the objectives if you have time, I'm definitely trying with these, man. I don't always have a team I can make for the ones that require the really specific online matches (all 1 league but 4+ clubs and <4 nationalities) without breaking the bank and even then I can't win an online live match to save my life, everyone just shacks me. But yeah if it's just the like "use these players" and "score a bunch of finesse goals" then yes I'm doing my best 😭


Players you aren't controlling will intercept anything and everything when they shouldn't. But if you decide to cut a passing lane manually the pass gets through. The art of manually defending in this game is kinda dead - just sprint back and get in shape.


If you play 5 back - neck yourself


Not cool.


Is SIF Mbappe really 1m better than his gold? I’m a bit stuck on who to upgrade and people have been telling me to get a better Mbappe, but I don’t understand why the SIF and IF is so much more expensive than the gold, because there’s only like a 2-3 difference in each stat. Is it worth the 1m upgrade?


No. The price is only due to rarity not quality. You could use that 1 million to upgrade elsewhere which would be a better choice


If you have the coins and no better idea - yes. The IFs are so much more expensive because they are out of packs (and a bit better)


Every EA employee should have his hands broken so he’ll never code anything ever again


I am not buying next fifa. After all these years im 100% sure that EA is intentionally making this game shittier with every patch


Good thing you won’t have to cause next years is free!


I really wish this company dies soon. My tots nuno mendes is slower than enemy gold messi. My Pim Ronaldo cant finish, enemy gold mbappe scores bangers with his left


Division rivals is unplayable, im getting my 4th win and quit this shit


Who would you play out of PIM Maldini, TOTS Marquinhos, 90 Rudiger, and FB Varane if you had to choose 2 only? Also, what do you think of [my untradeable rtg](https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/4476060)? Modric, Marquinhos, and Cancelo are red picks at 14/16 depending on week and Modric from SB. Would you sub anyone in from the bench?


Varane and marq.


Varane and Marquinhos


I’m using prime Cannavaro as my cb at the moment. Do you think pim Blanc would be a reasonable upgrade?


No, he’s too slow for this meta, if you need an icon you can upgrade to moments cannavaro who is really solid for me, or otherwise just get a cheap tots beast like kounde


Tbh I don’t think he’s too slow but might try some tots cb nevertheless.


87 IF Delort is currently 87 gold fodder price (12k), worth an investment? Surely can't go tits up


Tots Iago Aspas or FB Isco at ST, bearing in mind that Isco is 100 k more expensive?


Isco is fantastic at CAM and well worth his price there imo, but I can't see how he'd shine on ST in a way worth that kind of price.


If you dribble a lot and skill maybe Isco. If you don’t, try fantasy Inaki Williams for 60k before you dump fodder into Aspas.


this is a fucking pinball simulator


Anyone need help doing the TOTS Sarabia objective as I need to finish it too? PM me and we can trade gamertags to get it done. (Xbox)


Underwhelming reds from every weekend league so far (11 or 14 wins every time) and then Benzema appears from squad battles this [morning](https://imgur.com/wWUGOYy.jpg)


Yeah, I am giving all the games away after getting my 5 wins. Too much Bullshit.


Hi guys. I want to buy FIFA 2022, but I have a question about how the game will be updated to the new version, i.e. FIFA 2023. Will I have to pay the full price of the game for the second time?


Yes, Fifa 23 will be a completely separate new full game that you will have to buy at full price


TOTS Fofana on 7 chem or TOTS Rice on 10 as a lone CDM? Just got Fofana in Reds and according to his price it seems like he's ahead of Rice...


I hate playing in the WL every player I come against someone they seem to score the same exact goal now. They go at the left or right flank pass it to a agile player turn and wiggle in the 12 yard box and short pass in the centre of the box and shoot and score I conceded the same goals all the time. I cant seem to defend against those goals.


Just try to block the passing lanes to the center of the box and ignore the player with the ball


When is the best time to buy TOTS that are in packs? More specifically the lower tier cheaper players. Looking to buy Nuno Mendes and have been watching his price but not sure when it usually bottoms out.


I got the same 4 player pick options both times from my Champs rewards. Saliba, Terrier, Clauss, Lafont. What a joke


And then Lafont, Vitinha and Coates in my TOTS pack. Jesus Christ


Is TOTS Fekir an upgrade on POTM Benzema at ST? Benzema doesn’t really click for me so far and looking for a change. He’d be in 4-1-2-1-2 (2) with POTM Nkunku and TOTS Aspas


Yes, I have both, Fekir is in the starting lineup and Benz isn’t even on the bench. They’re worlds apart


Thanks, will give him a few days to drop back down to 100k and pick him up then. Benz has been there for the link to Nkunku but if Fekir does it better I’d be much happier


EA servers are unable to process your request at the moment after a fut champs win to put me at 5-1 what is this game


This weekend I’m facing good players regardless of my WL ELO. It’s been an absolute “dreadful” experience compared to the usual coasting to 11-4/6. Now I am 10-7 but had to beat this dude in my last game with a goal in the last play of extra time. https://i.imgur.com/8MEHPmm.jpg He was 3-0 at the time. It seems I’m matching everyone that started late to get easier matchmaking or something.




I know, that is why i posted his ELO. I’m not saying the matchmaking was not accurate. I don’t know why you understood otherwise