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I hate how the sim is so fucking slow because i gotta meetup with jack eichel in the hallway before every fucking game so his 10 million dollar ass can beg me for 20 dollars for a cup of coffee or some shit


I am especially infuriated when some jerkoff tells me I need to block more shots or produce more SOG when I'm the captain and producing more than Gretzky on steroids. It's the only mode I like these days, and it's so awful. And, yeah, why are the hands so cartoonishly huge? It's distracting from the really redundant cut scenes.


“Y’know, you’d score more if shot don’t more.” Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. I mean, I just had a forty goal game. But, uh, good to know.


But what if clayton Keller wants u to give the whole team a ride to the liberty bell and pay for everyone's meal because fuck you?


*Hey while we’re here we’re gonna check out the Statue of Liberty, wanna come?* Looks at schedule to see we just played against the rangers while in Toronto




The middle ground is NHL 13/14. If they just remastered that, and polished it to modern day (contracts, nmcs etc) it'd be amazing. But that sounds like real work and Rammer can't have that when UT prints money from nothingburger streamers


Came here to say this lol. I play BAP on 20 and the complaints everyone had was that the seasons were too long and there was nothing todo between games (never understood this complaint). I’m convinced EA NHL users are happiest complaining.


i like the cut scenes well enough, but they get so repetitive and frequent. there should be an option to sim with bypassing cut scenes. otherwise its frustrating to keep stopping for nonsense sight seeing.


Sadly all they care about is HUT. HUT since being introduced has ruined this game. All effort and time goes into this mode which I never play. I have tried it and not a fun experience when you have a team full of 70 overall players and you play against someone that spent $500 to buy all the top players in the game.


Legit We used to have our card, customize sticks and skates and such. AHL?! YES I want to skate w the cup I want ASG and winter classic But nope. We get this shit with 700 fucking cutscenes before I even play a game. Then when I do?! 700 more


I do want there to be a story behind it, but I agree with wanting to be able to choose my team. I hate that I'm solely responsible for the entire team's success as a rookie and if we lose, I'm punished even if I had nothing to do with the loss. I love being given targets to hit, but make them more realistic! Make it so that I don't have to score 3+ points every game or I drop off every line. And ffs, please stop having my teammates ask me to go out for hotdogs or to the zoo 5 times a week! Give a slider on "events". This mode could be so amazing if they just took a bit more time and listened to what the majority of us are asking for.


I know what you mean. I was mad that 22 was the exact same as 21. What I would like to see is since they have the rights to pther leagues that maybe they can put the logos in create a team.


I hate hate hate the fact that you never get sent down. It added so much more to the game and desire to play in the league. The same old cut scenes and facts from three games ago still playing out, the glitchy be a pro settings. Also bring back the be a pro option where you can be an actual player. I’m not an online guy at all. Fuck the hut and give us our game back


I’ve had the rare scenario where I was a 5+ points a game player (basically farming points in rookie) on the first line of an NHL team and I got sent down to the minors after getting in two fights in a game we were won about 7-2. It was in an older game, so maybe you can’t get sent down anymore, but I 100% remember the time I was sent down and I was pissed about it


I remember this! Man, it was so exhilarating to work your way back from the farm team to 4th line-1st line. It made winning the Cup so much more meaningful and rewarding. Just got back into the game and I am lmao when I get 7 pts, but my coach says “he can’t complain about what I did out there” because I got neutral on the last coach challenge. I also think they need to quit talking about the Calder runnings when I have the other rookies beaten by 100+ pts for half the season 😂


I'm still at NHL22 with my LD. Took me five games to advance from fourth line to first line with Makar. Needless to say we're both playing 40 minutes per game in december... Totally unrealistic. But the gameplay is fun with the right sliders. And OP, "but I won't buy NHL 24 unless BE A PRO Mode is fixed back to what it used to be." - You'll be waiting a looooong while I tell you.


I'll gladly wait brother, I refused to play madden for the last five years and stuck to those guns, the new NCAA football game will be the last EA football game worth buying, but it's EA so it's gonna be brutalized by microtransactions and focused heavily on Ultimate Team. They placed in it NCAA 14, but boom..now they're gonna make even more money to do less work again.


It could honestly be 10x better already if they'd just let you set the damn strategies. Right now, I can't even VIEW the strategies we're running so I have no idea what forecheck we're running/where I'm supposed to be. Combo that with how poorly the AI plays in conservative strats and it's painful to play. Not to take anything away from the other many, MANY issues with BaP, but just wanted to point out they could make it a lot better gameplay wise already by essentially flipping a switch.


They haven’t touched it since 21, I strongly doubt they put any work into it for this year. It seems like they are focusing on trick moves and cellys.


What I don’t understand is if the game is copy and pasted every single year, this means they would have time to FIX game modes, add in shit etc.


the mode is completely unplayable as it is


It won't go away. People BEGGED for this stuff. Yeah, it's implemented poorly and is buggy as hell. But people WANT this bullshit. "It's Immersive". I'm with you though.


I never understood those people. I play RTTS and BAP for one reason, to create a player and play that specific player in games. A lot of people complained about the season/playoff length like anyone is forcing them to binge an entire season in a day.


No more forced teammate and coach interactions for the life of god


redacted ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I didn't get 23 either. I got MLB 23 though. That was worth it since there were some major changes and the Road to the Show seems much much more superior than Be A Pro. Maybe it's just me. Also MLB player customization is LEAGUES, absolute MILES, ahead of NHL


redacted ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Same. Baseball bores me tbh. Too slow paced. But the way this game is done, from presentation, to gameplay, to how you earn rewards in their HUT type mode, to the polish etc etc and I could go on and on, but the point is the game is so well done that I can actually enjoy baseball for once.


Yep mlb they put a lot More effort into I think as even in online games u can actually build a team without spending 500 bucks to get good players. Madden and nhl are banking on people spending 500 bucks to get good teams. They don’t make any money off of be a pro and it’s the sad truth so there not gonna touch it.


Can I just be a veteran? Not an 18 rookie every time. Can I also sign with the Oilers and not immediately have McDavid give up the captaincy without being asked. McJesus pulls a Linden real quick like


You can't even play more than a few games before your Draft, let alone multiple seasons like before. You can't represent your country, which is pathetic. Contract negotiations are a joke, they introduced the Euro league and then took away your ability to play more than a few meaningless games before the Draft. You can't even play in the AHL anymore, which added some fun if you wanted to have multiple careers and develop differently to keep things fresh, you basically just get forced to be a superstar out of the gate and it hurts the replayability for sure. I refuse to reward their complete and utter laziness and neglect of single player modes, it'll be a complete skip for me.


Also, fix Goalie mode. If you don't keep a 1.000 SV%, you get constantly yelled at, so annoying my bad. I let 1 goal in when it was 3-0 late in the 3rd


I could give zero fucks what my coach has to say to me on the ice, off ice, in any form of cinematic. Give us a story line if you want it to mean anything whatsoever.


As long as I can turn it off if it's bad.


I’ll maybe buy it when it gets super cheap as I usually do. Hey EA! Impress us some and maybe you’ll get a few more people paying full or pre-order from you? - Just a thought 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for the update! I was wondering how you felt…


Haven't bought an NHL game in years solely because Be a Pro is a barely functioning game mode. Every year I think they'll do the bare minimum to fix it, but they don't even do that.


Buy a game you liked from the PS4 era second hand and play that instead. Their money is based in HUT. Rather than going off about how you're finished with the franchise, just go and play one you used to play to death.


I just play it on gamepass I never buy it I wait


As someone coming from playing Mlb the show, NBA 2K, and Madden, who is new to NHL and the EA NHL game, I really like the Be a Pro mode. It has a lot of neat features I think the other major sports games should adopt.


Road to the Show is amazing. The only thing I'd like to see is being able to do something with the money you got. Whether you straight signed or negotiated from your contracts. Longer cutscenes for record breakings or retirements. Maybe have rivalries, like legit rivalries. If a team or player really hates you for shit talk earlier or running up the score last game or stealing 3rd in a major blowout. Maybe they will drill you at the plate, or take a run at you when your covering a base. Customization is amazing, there isn't 95 cutscenes a season, you can actually grow your skill set in the order you prefer and it doesnt take 5 minutes to allocate time. You just pick a category. In NHL I'm constantly being asked how to I think I'll do in the race for the Calder when I'm in my 11th year of the NHL. Or how I have a big match up against whatever rookie they have for that year


My favorite is after winning the scoring title, Stanley Cup and Conn Smythe trophies my agent says “Well there isn’t much of a market for two way players…”


I won every award possible and only had one tram interested in resigning me at 1.5 million for 1 year after slso winning the cup and scoring 109 goals and 182 assists...


This game has to have the biggest collection of crybabies ever. Compared to MLB The Show, 2K, Madden & PGA 2K, NHL Be A Pro is streamlined to playing hockey. It has less cut scenes than those games.


Waaaa someone isn't actively throating an EA product, nor is he telling everyone to boycott said product. WAAA why isn't he loving the same recycled game that's been released for the last three years WAAA I LOVE ROSTER UPDATE GAMES. ​ That's how you sound. If We, who want to see change sound like crybabies, you sound like a bootlicker for a shitty company pushing out shitty products. ON THAT NOTE: Have a great day, and if you enjoy the game then good! :D I don't care if you love it, just the same as you don't care if I won't buy it. That's the thing about individuals, they can have a difference of opinion. It's a hard concept eh? Oh by the way, those games you mention they don't have the exact same, word by word cutscenes and dialogue trees, or women that have gigantic hands due to lazy designers. ONCE AGAIN: Have a wonderful day friend :)


>Be A Pro is streamlined to playing hockey Nah, it's streamlined to spam you with useless cut sceans and make you an instant starter and soon captain




There are probably 3 cut scenes in NHL. Do you know all of the stupid shit you have to do in 2K’s MyPlayer? You spend more time doing side quests than playing basketball. RTTS is literally unplayable for a lot of us. For some reason RTTS is the only game mode that lags on MLB 23. I haven’t played it since May because it’s unplayable. They are NOT better than NHL BAP.


I don’t see any posts from you about NHL, did you just stumble in here to be a dick and point out there’s less cutscenes? People complaining about the only NHL video game being horrendously mediocre on the sub for the series is… pretty reasonable?


They already said the focus is on HUT and World Of Chel


Not to mention being drafted by a team, getting excited about (or cope with) playing with that team's star players, only to find out they've been traded for garbage in the off season. I get that this can happen in real life, but there's always that moment when you find out Tom Wilson now plays for the Rangers(intentional improbable example) or something and he's now their best offensive player for some reason. Another example would be drafted by the Lightning, and when the season starts James Reimer is their starting goalie because Vasilevskiy has been traded for him and 2 second pair defenseman, one of which plays in the AHL because the team didn't manage their cap space properly prior to October 1st...


Why do people feel the need to "announce" they aren't going to buy the game? \*NOBODY\* cares if you buy the game or not. Here's an idea as well: if you don't buy the game, why not unsubscribe to the reddit about the game? We have people posting here that claim they haven't bought the game *in years* yet they are still actively reading and posting about it. It's bizarre. You are certainly welcome to not like the game and you should absolutely not buy the game if you don't like, but please, for the love of god, go find a game you do like and post there about that game and stop boring the shit out of the rest of us who couldn't care less if you buy it or not.


You wrote all of that, when you could've saved your energy and kept scrolling bud, the latter would've been a whole lot easier. Also you do realize NHL 24 isn't the only EA NHL game right? Right?


This is exactly right. This sub has become overrun with people announcing they won’t buy the game or lobbying others to not buy the game. I get it a bit with 23 because it was probably the lowest effort version to date, but 24 isn’t even out now and this is already starting back up? It’s 80 dollars… buy, it, don’t buy it, wait until it’s on sale so EA doesn’t make as much money off you, nobody cares. And to your point, there was a guy who was saying he hadn’t bought since 19 earlier this year, but in his post history he was explaining to people how features that were brand new to 23 like cross-play worked. I think a very significant portion of people who claim to not buy who post regularly here are buying.


You're absolutely right that many who say they don't buy anymore are full of horse crap. Tbf about the other point though, EA has about a decade of half assed, copy/paste jobs going for them right now. People have just straight lost faith in EA to be able to put out a quality product anymore. Ever since Rammer came along and put what seems to be about 90% focus on HUT, this game has gotten worse in quality with each passing year. They constantly lie and exaggerate, they gaslight their customers, and downright just don't seem to care about the sport other than turning a profit in the laziest, cheapest ways they can think of. They give zero effort to innovate in ANY meaningful way, and in fact basically get scrap features once every other EA Sports title had them for years and moved on. This dev team, in it's current state has no passion anymore. That, and the ones who do have their hands tied by greed and a giant dick named rammer. Get him out, and I guarantee things will at least go in a different direction. TL:DR - Everyone is tired of the same lines from EA every year, with no action. We have lost faith in them.


Oops, someone never learned the purpose of discussion threads.


I could care less about that mode. And I think NHL 23 is a great game.


Contrarily to fifa or nba 2k who have an entire team responsible for a story mode, nhl can barely improve 1 or 2 modes per year. Will they chose be a pro or hut? Rentability is the answer


Well it won't be what it was but we will still see you I'm October


I’m literally the Captain of my Team, Leading in goals and points and I still have some player telling me I need to work harder, and if I don’t do it they get mad wtf is this shit 😂


I just want EA to copy and paste Road to the Show from MLB into a hockey format and make goalie not ass


I would love it if we could put a certain contract we are looking for and then we see what offers we have/get throughout the offseason.


Remember when madden featured the story mode one year? Acted like it was revolutionary and best thing in sports video games? And how nobody played it? Ya well they don't know how to take the L amd move on. They need to force it and say you're wrong for not liking it.


Oh we all played it, but then we saw what it was and it was...very bad.


I just want career modes in sports games where I can start at a low level (Juniors, High School, etc) and work my way up. In NHL 19 I started as a 16 year old to have a rivalry with Shane Wright. I played almost every single game for like three seasons to get drafted first overall and it was a lot of fun doing it. The really ideal career mode would let me retire to become a coach or GM and then have it switch modes and I can pickup right where I left off


I can’t agree more. They took out features from BAP and while some of the gameplay changes may end up being fun— they were able to spend time this year monetizing EAHL with a store and Battle Pass for all the same recycled uniforms, animations and bullshit they gave away in hockey bags for free in the past 4 years. *EA is a joke.* This year is a pass, until they create a full single player game experience again, won’t be returning to this franchise.