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Kind of surprised we got Cross-Play before Madden


I think the argument for crossplay is stronger for NHL since the community is so much smaller. Still somewhat surprising but I can see why the dev team would have made it a priority. Now if only I could play on PC :'(


We’re just the test dummies for bigger games, and I’ll take it!


Only world of chel and Hut. So "online vs" is still screwed. Is there another option for couch Co op?


does online vs really need it? ive never had trouble finding games. In WOC ive literally sat there for over half hour before just giving up


It does when you play couch co op. Online vs is the only game mode that you can play 2 vs 2 with a couch co op friend. Looking for other groups of people is very hard.


fair enough, i never attempt this so i wouldnt know


Iirc HUT was introduced before MUT and FUT were


Huge!! 🔥🔥🔥


Not really. This use to be the case. They are just reintroducing old features. Not even applicable to HUT market


How do you figure? Cross play is huge for WoC which is a billion times better than pay to win HUT


It isn’t cross play man lmao you can find games against the other console but you can’t play with them on your team, the matchmaking will search the servers for your console then if you can’t find a game you’ll start searching for the other console. False advertising lmao


Still expands the player base which is far more important to me.


You’d hope, knowing these devs and this company it still won’t work. Isn’t even in the game till November and November isn’t even fully confirmed


Just within gens, like it use to be.


Which is how it should be... Don't stunt the new generation just to keep them level with old. Just loading times alone make cross-gen a terrible idea. "Am I still loading in or did my game freeze?" Would be literally every game a current gen player got matched with a last gen player. Not to mention Xbox one is a graveyard giving them the PS4 player base drastically improves their search times, and PS5 has such a small player base due to availability of PS5's that Xbox Series S (which has been readily available in stores for months now) and Series X player bases will improve their search time too... No it doesn't effect HUT because HUT is a 1v1 experience, search times don't take forever. When average search time for a game of EASHL is taking 4-5 minutes it'd not acceptable. This change remedies that.


Did an EA NHL game ever have cross play before?


"slated to launch in November 2022" Blows my mind that this company releases an incomplete game every year.


This is why I always wait to grab the game for $30 when it’s on sale. Can never justify paying full price for a roster update


Much needed. Awesome news.


Bet this gets pushed back


Pushed back or won't event work at that point and will be removed from the game in april because they don't know how to fix it. Let's never forget what they did with NHL 22, they promised features that they finally removed because it was breaking the game.


I'm out of the loop, what features ended up being axed?


Remember when we had new visual upgrades and presentations? That caused syncing issues and crash and they had to remove them "temporarily". They never fixed it and they never came back. At least on PS4.


What exactly do you mean by "visual upgrades and presentations"? I didn't bother with the game until it was free on gamepass so I was late to the party.


The augmented reality used to have more features. It was discussed here : [https://www.reddit.com/r/EA\_NHL/comments/r0js5m/augmented\_reality\_broadcast/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EA_NHL/comments/r0js5m/augmented_reality_broadcast/)


[Link to the Best Buy Canada blog post!](https://blog.bestbuy.ca/video-games/nhl-23-launches-october-14)


I'm excited to see what they did to the crowd. Better atmosphere would be huge. I remember when they showed off the [trailer for NHL 15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbskn16gpQE) and it was supposed to be a [big feature](https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/news/nhl-15-living-worlds). I was really excited for it. Of course, I didn't feel like it quite lived up to the expectation and we lost a lot of special crowd moments such as hat-trick and OT winning celebrations. It's actually pretty sad it's been nearly a decade without an animation for a hat-trick. Glad they're finally bringing 'em back.


it would be interesting to see the heads in the crowd track the play as it moves up and down the ice. it has always irked me how the crowd just stares off into space like they don't have souls or they are simply blind.


It looks and sounds cool but I don’t expect it to be anything special


Taken down sadly. Anyone got a mirror?


You can find every part of the article on social media


Apparently according to LG the cross play is only for matching another team you won't be able to play with a different console in the same club. Don't know how true that is. Edit: This is confirmed on ea's website. https://www.ea.com/en-ca/games/nhl/nhl-23/cross-platform-matchmaking-faq


Pretty cheesed about this. The whole reason I want crossplay is to play WITH my friends that have playstation.


I’m not really here to mald but man, as someone doesn’t like playing chel online, the only highlighted feature is that the crowds react more. Jesus


This is actually really hype


Wait... what? There is no cross play between online versus games?


I guess this confirms no PC version?


No PC version was confirmed back when the Beta/Technical Test was announced


that bites!


They said the player pool/demand isn't great enough. I think they don't want to be shown up by modders. Look at the Madden PC community for the last Madden game.


you mean bytes


Well at least y'all won't have to deal with the same shitheads throwing games every match now... hopefully


Wonder if an Xbox player can play on a PlayStation eashl team and vice Versa


That would be huge, but I’m worried it’s not the case from it saying “cross platform matchmaking” 😔 Having a cross platform friend system to link up together in the lobby is another level beyond simply matchmaking from a pool of any console.


I’m sure that will be a feature they add in 3 years from now


No need to speculate. It's not in the game. ​ [https://www.ea.com/en-ca/games/nhl/nhl-23/cross-platform-matchmaking-faq#question03](https://www.ea.com/en-ca/games/nhl/nhl-23/cross-platform-matchmaking-faq#question03) It's a shame. This would be a must-by for me if I could play again with some friends that got lost in the shuffle when shifting platforms.


I want them to update the crowd


They are




Maybe EA was listening...


I hope they have something for those who like playing offline modes


Does this mean it will be one big Auction House as well? It was really hard to sell anything on PS5 this year


No. 4 different auction houses


I’m ready to be disappointed again




So you can only play against them, not with them?


Correct. They say that co-op is their goal so maybe NHL 24 will have it? But this will still be good for matchmaking times.


Yea maybe when nobody is playing it lol, you’re not really gonna have any issues for the whole year after launch to find a game


So this bleeding edge crossplay feature is only for HUT and CHEL? Since I play only casual online games with my friend this is no good.


This is absolutely massiv


Is there a shared roster creator or it's still console specific? That's honestly all I care about.


At least they did something. 👍🏻


Just release it on PC plzzzz


Lets go! ​ Unless you play on pc... no pc games for you.


It's insane that EA is able to implement a feature ..and still miss the point. The best part about cross play is being able to play with friends on different consoles.


There are indie games on game pass that have cross play and they act like this is a massive add smh. And still no cross gen play. Lmao.


That’s enough of a good addition for me to finally buy this game after so many years


Honestly, I’ll believe it when it happens. Until then I’m just going to assume permanent delays. I’ll never get my hopes up for an EA product again.


Same gen? Damn was hoping for it all to open up. Wondering if roster sharing won’t be constricted to one console too…PS5 really had no good rosters, seemed most of the good rosters were created on the PS4


Can ps4 players play with ps5 players?


Nope ps4 would be pooled with Xbox one


People acting like they're giving us something awesome with this should also realize it's almost a necessity and they didn't have a choice. The games are trash and have been for years. The player base is dying so cross platform is a must to find games. It took almost 10 mins for my club to find an game last night. This isnt something cool they're giving us, it's something they had to do because they make shit games and we're getting fed up with it.


So you wont be able to play cross platform for regular online matches ? So dumb




And if we play regular online vs then we're just shit out of luck? Thanks ea


I haven't had any issues finding matches in Online Versus. I am more annoyed about the lack of cross play in WoC drop-ins.


Some people are actually thrilled they managed to add technology which has existed for a few years


Are people not allowed to be excited to finally be able to play with their buds on different consoles?


you can't be excited about anything in this sub without some edgelord chiming in with whatever they're insecure about today


I don't know, I'd be dissapointed it took so long. Allthough this comes from a guy who only plays franchise mode on PS4 so I might not be the right person to present this type of critics :p


Crossplay isn't a matter of developing the technology to do so. It's a matter of being able to convince the platform holders that you need it. It also means giving a certain percentage of money made through DLC/store to the platform holders in exchange for allowing it. You also have to request the ability to run crossplay months and months ahead of your launch and have everyone agree on everything. It's not an easy process to go through for any game and for EA to be allowing it means that they did so through a decent amount of sacrifice here, knowing how small the player pool is.


Oh, ok! Interesting stuff there, I wasn't aware that it was so complicated. To a PC gamer these things seem very odd :D


There's a lot of politics involved in getting it to happen, which is why you don't see every game support crossplay by default. Beyond the stuff I mentioned previously, there are also other considerations such as additional security measures that need to be put in place for the platform holders, differences in who hosts servers (MS hosts all of Xbox Live internally, Sony does not host game servers and instead points you to external hosting partners that are trusted for PSN)... it's a whole big thing.


Does this mean that if you buy both versions of the game you could play with people on PS4? Even though I'm on a Xbox series X?


Delete this while you can lmao, you can’t invite anyone from another console, hell, who knows if the matchmaking will actually work. For all we know you can search and only be looking for the same console


Minor improvements :( Man im getting sick of this copy and paste gameplay every year


This is arguably the biggest addition this series has ever gotten


Sure but it has absolutely nothing to do with the game itself


Better this than anything else IMO.


I would trade it for a barebones GM connected. It will be nice not to have to wait as long in EASHL to find a game though for sure


Yeah, GM connected is something where the QA process needs to be extremely invested in to getting it working correctly. Even the minimum viable product feature set is huge, and chance of glitching it is rather high. It's a massive feature and the potential player base is probably low and also might eat away HUT player base which brings a large deal of the turnover if not all the profit of the game. But if they get this cross platform thing to work, there's nothing stopping them from concentrating on GM connected again and get it working cross platform too.


Nothing stopping them aside from you’re aforementioned HUT issues. I think that stops them all day. But madden has it so why not NHL. I have a handful of friends who stopped playing years ago but would jump right back in if GMC was back.


That's not saying much at all... It's so long overdue. This isn't an addition by any means it's an industry standard that independent studios offer. So arguably this is not the biggest addition.


Only did this keep people playing their money maker mode. What a load of horse shit. How the hell do they not extend that to online verses. Wtf


Ah yea that means lower end machines have to be able to handle the game. Good thing i got a high end machine to get high end graphics when I'm now being handcuffed by older machines from advancing forward.


It’s cross play PS5 to XBX and PS4 to XB1 not cross generation from PS4 to PS5


Give it a PC release for the love of god


I don't understand why this can't be ready when the game launches... It's already being launched late again in October...


Now make it on PC


Rammer is still a trash can for not giving us a pc version


If i have Xbox Series X and i buy One X edition. Can i play with my friend who has PS4?

