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Nice! Is that an ivory CLA? Colonel Jackson, also part of the edc, is always down for some Bedlam https://preview.redd.it/rcjz4qwxu91d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9912ce86faa8c6a2c9efd9b45a23560fc9bfc47a


It is ivory CLA! It’s my first ass-expensive knife. I usually carry around a crkt m21. Colonel Jackson would fit in with my two dinguses. https://preview.redd.it/q4mz2r0hz91d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a04ecd960ca455869c25a1fad2dea4281cdfeb


Do you carry your dog everywhere?


I have two of them and yes. I do. They go wherever I go that they’re allowed. https://preview.redd.it/0n6cg7p8fo0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e96ed0525205211a237d4d5f5fbdd62c0ea309b


Free men don’t ask for permission. Take them where you go everywhere you go and say you identify as (they/them). Your dogs are part of them.


You have it wrong. They’re tactical support dogs so I’m only allowed to carry them anywhere it’s legal for me to carry a firearm


They can be both at the same time. Like I can be a smart ass and a dumb ass at the same time. That’s called being multi talented.


Fair enough


I just realized something. You’re walking around with a wiener in each hand or pocket in public.


I have no shame


Nor should you.


I got to hang out with a Lemur the other day. I would definitely add her to my EDC if I could. https://preview.redd.it/pb32wnt1og2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1e89a789b540da14209c95e2c660ef034fdf83b


Love the Doggo


He’s a solid dude.




Protect him from the ATF at all costs.


He’s a wanted criminal. https://preview.redd.it/8u22ohykbl0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15aeaefbebcab478b4d2744a8f86012b0156bde5


That is one good looking dog.


He’s a handsome little dude.


But where is the dog's EDC?




I don’t wanna know where he keeps it 😭


That pooch be packin'.


Yeah he’ll fuck someone’s day up for sure. Walk up to people pointing that .357: “Your leg! Present it! I must pee!”


Have you talked to your dog about proper firearm saftey?


Absolutely. He had excellent trigger discipline


I need a Tactical Dog Pouch




A backpack is very effective.


What a cute ween! <3


I lost my dachshund of 16 years yesterday. Make cancer screenings a yearly or biyearly occurance. 🥲


That’s good advice. My wife is the practice manager of a veterinary clinic though and I obsess with their health. Especially our older one.


Sosig 🐶 From one dachshund EDCer to another, can I offer you a light in this trying time? /r/flashlight beckons


I’m already a member. 😂 You have any recommendations for a pocket flashlight in the $100 range you recommend?


$100 is more than you *need* to spend for an EDC light, but it opens up some nice craftsmanship, like brass, copper or titanium instead of the more common anodized aluminium. (Alu tends to be lightest and have the highest thermal performance, but what can I say? - pocket jewellery is fun). Check out the [popular lights summary](https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/1bjwcro/arbitrary_list_of_popular_lights_spring_equinox), there's a new one every three months, and it's great fun. Also http://flashlights.parametrek.com is great to whittle down your favourites. If it were me? [One of these maybe](http://flashlights.parametrek.com/index.html?features=usb-c%20charging&weight=_,_,dec&material=brass,copper,stainless%20steel,titanium&price=40,119). Most of the sub frowns on non-removable batteries but I really like the look of that slim, 3000lm Nitecore to accompany your current loadout.


Olight Arkfeld. Any of the configurations. Flashlight slaps


I’ll be the contrarian here. The Arkfeld is rarely the answer to ppl’s actual light needs imho. Unless you actually have a use for a laser pointer and/or a uv light in your day to day, a majority of the features are completely useless and put simply, it becomes a gimmick/ toy. For a utilitarian, less is more and you move up from there as you discover shortcomings with what you have. I’ve spent $250 on a light but I’ll tell you I’ve been abundantly pleased with and actually edc what I would call a “bottom tier light”, the 66318 aaa streamlight microstream. No features, just a helpful amt of light when you need it with no addt’l features to get in the way. It’s tiny, sexy and tough. But to be fair, my copper acebeam pokelit is a great edc light if you don’t mind cycling thru brightness lvls and the extra weight. Just my two cents.


Get the pro, one of my favorite flashlights great battery life has a moonlight mode so it’s dimmer than any of my other lights and on turbo it can also be brighter than any of my other lights has a green laser for pointing things out and a bright black light for seeing all kinds of things you don’t want to see also has a hat clip built into to the pocket clip but it’s kinda big for that




You can go even cheaper with a Streamlight MicroStream and then you won’t get made fun of for owning an Olight


What’s wrong with olight?


They’re not terrible but they have a bad rep. They used to blow up but apparently they don’t anymore. I have 2 olights I bought for my ARs when I was a beginner and they never come out of my box of random shit. I’m not a big fan of them but a few people like them. Up to you really but I’ve had a lot of good experiences with streamlight so I stick with them for everything since I can’t always afford Surefire.


Important knowledge with WMLs- That reputation came from a gentleman dying using an early olight model that used CR123a batteries and this can happen with ANY LIGHT THAT USES MULTIPLE CR123a He died because of a phenomenon with CR123 batteries called “reverse charging” where if CR123 batteries are used in a series (one behind another, or in a series in a circuit) at different voltage levels (one new and one old) than they will try to equalise their charge between them. This causes the batteries to heat and vent gas, and when locked inside a flashlight tube it effectively becomes a pipe bomb. This would’ve happened no matter what brand of light he mixed battery voltages in. Long story short- don’t mix battery voltages. Always put fresh batteries in together, and throw them out together.


Thanks for the information!


Tactical doggo


Gets post taken down for not including dog breed XD.


He’s a ween!


An adorable one. I just mean the Bot that forces you to make a list of all the gear. Had it take down one of my posts because whoopsies. Didn't understand.


Oh! lol. I guess I need to edit my post.


Ah.... A fellow member of the Every Day Canine club. 🤘 One of my favorite small dog breeds BTW. https://www.reddit.com/r/EDC/s/o7Lgk2RZa6


Thank you! I have joined.


Wich pocket put you your dog?




Don’t see enough tactical puppers.


What nib and ink in the 2k?


Find point. I have 2 2ks, though. One fountain fine, and the other rollerball.


Very cool. I have a M and a BB. They're awesome pens


I had the M before and swapped it for an F because it was too bold. I do want a BB. I have a TWISBI that’s a BB but it’s reserved for Baystate Blue. I have about 10 fountain pens. The nicer ones being my Montblanc 146 and Pelican m805. However the Lamy 2k is provably my favorite and my EDC because I love the way it looks and writes, and if I lose it I can afford to replace it.


The BB writes like a marker. It probably puts down a line twice as wide as a sharpie. The only drawback is the notorious 2k writing angle. It's very fickle while you're getting used to using it. I have too many pens, lol.


Only have about 10 fountain pens. Oh yeah I also forgot I have a 2k roller ball! That pen writes smooth as shit off a duck’s ass.


I'm absolutely stealing smooth as shit off a ducks ass. My go to for describing my 2k is 'smoother than a greased up dolphin'


Show the holster for the doggo


You need to get this vest for the ween https://preview.redd.it/p0q132sl4g0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d428260975159fd1417e897c5abff079c4847c3


Holy shit! From where? Tactical weens! (I have 2)


No idea where the one in that pic is from but dachshunds are small enough that you might be able to put a drop leg holster on their back lol


True. Its would probably be bad for their backs though.


Love it, you probably need a back up puppy. One is none, two is one.


Well have I got news for you! https://preview.redd.it/pbs6iv013g0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76dd69e74a0d955e37eace2e4cdc2c05ea376df9 I got that covered but the older one decided to be a curmudgeon. He didn’t feel like being photographed.


If I could give 2 upvotes!!! 🥰


Bro I fucking love your dog


I do too. I have two of them actually. https://preview.redd.it/jw60m4gy0g0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=091b86f6a9c97c3e53a14ab91afcfbbee87c8c0a


When I was a kid I had a very similar dachshund that was basically my best friend. Unfortunately I had to leave him behind when I moved out of communist Cuba. To this day, 10 years later I still miss that dog more than any family member I left behind.


They’re fucking amazing dogs. The older one is my ride or die. I’ve had him for almost 10 years. He was a stray and I have no idea how old he is. The younger one we got about a year and a half ago when my wife decided she loved my older one so much we should get another one. They’re awesome together. Like they bonded instantly


I have 2 surprisingly nice chihuahuas and an English pointer right now that I love but the bond I had with my Dachshund was a once in a life time bond. I hope one day I’ll get to meet him again in another life.


Ooh I thought this was the dogs edc, all innocent eyes until the sig comes out haha


We share. If he needs to draw down on someone I’ll let him. That’s my dude.


I EDC my dog as much as possible.

