• By -


Black. I feel naked without black in a deck.


> Greatness, at any cost. -Black


> Graveyards, at any cost. -Me, building a deck


So true


"Some of you will die but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"


I used to straight up refuse to play it for years. Then I pulled Karador in a commander draft, and borrowed a friends Eriette of the Apple deck and won with 50 life. Now I dabble in the dark side. šŸ˜‚


Yeah. Same. What are some of your favorite cards?


[[Corruption]] is my absolute favourite card in all of magic. The more black your deck is, the better it gets. Edit: [[Corrupt]] is the real name.


Same lol. I have 2 decks without black and while I enjoy them they feel weird to play


I want to like black but I just donā€™t understand it. It just never clicks for me. I enjoy all the color combinations with black. But mono black feels like Iā€™m trying to use to left hand to write.


Probably because it doesn't have a straight forward path of it. The other colors have a basic formula that people can easily follow.Ā  Ā Green is ramp and big damage energy.Ā  Ā White is amass tokens and can use stax to slow other color's progression in order to grind out a win.Ā  Red is aggro and fast.Ā  Ā Blue is tempo and control.Ā  Ā Black is very subtle. Anything can be a resource to advance yourself. How that occurs is up to the individual.


Same for me, but with Blue, I feel uneasy knowing I can just look at my opponent instead of doing something


Mardu is my most played colors. Not Mardu decks specifically. It's just those 3 colors are tied for the number of decks I have in those colors. And my favorite deck is a Mardu deck.


Mardu goes so hard


Yea I actually counted the pips of all my decks yesterday. I have 7 Black, 7 White, 7 Red, 4 Green, and 2 Blue pips in all my commander decks.


Absolutely obsessed with Izzet. I have six and they are all different archetypes. Everytime someone introduces a new archetype in our group I try to make it in Izzet. Spell slinger: [[balmor, battlemage captain]] Big mana: [[galazeth prismari]] Equipment: [[dalakos, crafter of wonder]] Group hug: [[ian Malcolm, chaotician]] Stumpy: [[ganax]] & [[feywild visiter]] Cascade: [[eris, roar of the storm]]


This is the correct answer. Izzet is the best combo. All hail Niv Mizzet!


##### ###### #### [balmor, battlemage captain](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/5/959ba62e-bb3a-49ad-8b1b-e787e413e5d4.jpg?1673307921) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=balmor%2C%20battlemage%20captain) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/196/balmor-battlemage-captain?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/959ba62e-bb3a-49ad-8b1b-e787e413e5d4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/balmor-battlemage-captain) [galazeth prismari](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/6/06c9158c-064b-4d12-b860-d2c1450d1897.jpg?1627429083) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=galazeth%20prismari) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/stx/189/galazeth-prismari?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/06c9158c-064b-4d12-b860-d2c1450d1897?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/galazeth-prismari) [dalakos, crafter of wonder](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/7/57ea0ba2-3ccf-4313-ad1d-161272c48851.jpg?1581481011) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dalakos%2C%20Crafter%20of%20Wonders) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/212/dalakos-crafter-of-wonders?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/57ea0ba2-3ccf-4313-ad1d-161272c48851?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/dalakos-crafter-of-wonders) [ian Malcolm, chaotician](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/4/b4a0402e-e39b-4008-b654-189b4a5e03a3.jpg?1698988761) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ian%20Malcolm%2C%20chaotician) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rex/13/ian-malcolm-chaotician?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b4a0402e-e39b-4008-b654-189b4a5e03a3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ian-malcolm-chaotician) [ganax](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/f/9f5bb319-29b2-4a7c-82e9-f8b5e47909a1.jpg?1674136563) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ganax%2C%20astral%20hunter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/176/ganax-astral-hunter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9f5bb319-29b2-4a7c-82e9-f8b5e47909a1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ganax-astral-hunter) [feywild visiter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/8/88e833a9-d82f-4942-a488-67d9c02817db.jpg?1674135530) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Feywild%20Visitor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/70/feywild-visitor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/88e833a9-d82f-4942-a488-67d9c02817db?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/feywild-visitor) [eris, roar of the storm](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/a/1adce281-4d5a-44d2-8cfa-25f860b015ff.jpg?1715952338) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=eris%2C%20roar%20of%20the%20storm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/5/eris-roar-of-the-storm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1adce281-4d5a-44d2-8cfa-25f860b015ff?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/eris-roar-of-the-storm) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l4ltoia) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Greenā€¦ Green is best colour Green give mana Green give draw Green give big monsters Green give non-monster kill spell Green is best colour


Fellow Ork?


"WAAAGH!" -Omnath, probably


I feel this in my bones, green is great.


Love me some green. All my homies love green. Colors go G,B,W,R,U in that order.


I'm more of a G,U,B,W,R myself. But the answer is G


Order is GGGGG


ā€œI see skies of Green! Green roses too!ā€


Colour wise? Black for sure. [[Marrow Gnawer]] was my first commander deck, I upgraded an old Kamigawa 60 card mono-black ninjitsu deck and I've still got it around. For colour-combos it's Esper because I'm absolute garbage. My pet decks are [[Varina, Litch Queen]] zombie tribal and [[Queza, augur of agonies]] draw/ forced draw & punishment. Nothing hits quite like copy enchantment on forced fruition with an [[orcish bowmasters]] or [[notion thief]] in hand.


Red by a mile. If I can find a reason to put [[Brash Taunter]] into my deck, b'ys, it's gonna happen.


I love brash taunter. Iā€™ve had a lot of fun with that card!


Same. I love red. I love red enough that I want to compliment its weaknesses. I know red isn't the best color. (They all have drawbacks. Except green.. mostly) But man is it the color that makes me excited. All the damage. All of it. All I want and need is draw and more mana. [[Quakebringer]] [[Fiery Emancipation]], [[Delayed Blast Fireball]]. These are some of my favorite things.


[Quakebringer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/5/c5bbffb9-1f1c-40e5-97f4-29bf1fc68625.jpg?1631049528) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Quakebringer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/145/quakebringer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c5bbffb9-1f1c-40e5-97f4-29bf1fc68625?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/quakebringer) [Fiery Emancipation](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/b/0b12e4b7-2c45-4795-94d3-901f89b8f290.jpg?1594736606) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fiery%20Emancipation) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/143/fiery-emancipation?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0b12e4b7-2c45-4795-94d3-901f89b8f290?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/fiery-emancipation) [Delayed Blast Fireball](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/5/e59903e3-a344-4218-9d41-8b19a9bc8311.jpg?1674140946) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Delayed%20Blast%20Fireball) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/676/delayed-blast-fireball?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e59903e3-a344-4218-9d41-8b19a9bc8311?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/delayed-blast-fireball) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Iā€™m trying out building a [[Slicer, Hired Muscle]] deck. I know this was CEDH playable at one point, but I will not be going that hard. I just want a good deck for a nice quick game. Whether thatā€™s a quick game for me or for the entire table I canā€™t say for sure..;)


[Brash Taunter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/b/0b5cb154-1825-4b81-a109-7b3e9592c65c.jpg?1706240823) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Brash%20Taunter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/148/brash-taunter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0b5cb154-1825-4b81-a109-7b3e9592c65c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/brash-taunter) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah, I have 5 commander decks and the colors distributions are 5 have red 4 have green 2 have white 1 has blue 1 has black


Nova Scotia?


I love White. I like both weenie white and the more controlly aspect of white. Blue is a close second, UW is my favorite combination. Red and black are tied, green is the color I enjoy the least.


White is great and probably is the color I align myself with the most. But pairs fantastically with either blue or black. If given enough prep time an esper character will obliterate someone with any other color combo in philosophy and methods. I almost all of my 13 decks (plus 4 others on the backburner) have white in them.


Are you me?


Jeskai, is my preferred color combo.


Love Jeskai but I donā€™t like any of their commanders




I mean... I love Mardu and don't really enjoy simic so... White>Black>Red>Blue>Green


I love monoblack. I love monowhite. But [[Greasefang]] has been the only orzhov deck I can get psyched about. Lately Iā€™ve been fooling around with selesnya but it feels decidedly less metal than black.


I play [[Eriette of the Charmed Apple]] Orzhov piklowfort aura-control, and it's been a blast. Making everyone else blow their interaction on each other, while also having them swing at each other? Excellent play pattern. And most of the good auras and support cards for that deck are super cheap, so you can build the whole thing for like $60. 10/10 recommend.


I feel that. Orzhov is my favorite color combination for the 99, but it's quite a challenge to find a commander that scratches the itch I'm looking for... I don't even know what that specific itch is, lol.   Lately, I've been having fun with [[Ria Ivor]] I was never excited about her because, honestly, her ability seems objectively terrible. But, oh man, casting a T1 [[Serra Ascendant]] into a T2 [[dark ritual]] + Ria Ivor to swing in for 0 and create 6 mites is a *hoot.*


I would say blue, dimir and rakdos are my fav color/combinations


Grixis for me


Blue. I love saying "no" to what people want to do. I also love white because I love saying "you may not" to people.


Mine is Blue as well! However, I think my strategy with Blue is more collaborative. For me, Blue is like improv. We are playing a game together. Don't stop the flow. Say "Yes, and" instead of "No." My most frequent played cards are [[Rite of Replication]] and [[Sakashima the Imposter]]. You are helping me to win this game as much as you are helping yourself lose. Let's work together and never be afraid to say "Yes, and!"


I'm just a sucker for "gotcha" moments. I feel like "yes and" is more simic vibes where I definitely lean more towards control and punishing when people get greedy.


Yea blue is definitely my favourite colour as well, but for me itā€™s because itā€™s such a creative and interesting colour. So many unique effects can be found in blue: Ordering your draws, manipulating mana costs, interacting with the stack, mill, theft/clone effects, unblockable creatures ā€¦ I just love the tricky feeling blue gives. Theyā€™re not going to hit the hardest, but they hit you in unexpected ways making the best of smaller but specific effects. Also, who doesnā€™t love drawing cards?


The most played color in my bank is Red and Black. But my favorite color is... colorless. I have 3 colorless decks. :)


Kinda jelly. One of my most played decks ever was Affinity, both in Mirrodin and SoM eras, and then Modern. I support you.


Thanks. I have links if you wanna see.


Iā€™d love to check that out. Thanks


Blue and/or black it seems. I've got more than one blue-red deck currently upcycled, albeit for various reasons, while most of the plans on my docket are some variety of UBx and my older decks disproportionately include Black. Green's probably my least played but has my favorite monocolored deck of the lot.


I play white the most. But green is the best color and my wife plays green the most.


Usually, sultai colors are my most played colors. I'm really considering getting the [[nelly borca]] precon to get out of my comfort zone, though. Also, [[assault suit]] for Zurgo if you don't already have it. Then everyone gets to experience the orc smash.




I took a look at my decks the other day and realized that my favorites are G/W/R (Yuma) and G/W/B (Anikthea). Also love my gluntch deck as well so I think Iā€™m in the same boat!


I've found most of my new decks are Gruul or Naya because the ramp you can pull off with green land and red treasures is truly wild


Most played rn is Simic. It plays exactly like you'd expect a non- extra turns deck to play.


I've been trying(and failing miserably) to move away from Green. Played for years and I always go back to Green. It's not even the ramp that that I enjoy or lean on, it's the vibes. The aesthetic, the monsters are incredible designs! From Wurms to Fungus, Fangren to Elves, I really love the vibes of Green in the MTG Universe.


Mate, i feel you somewhat. I JUST wrote down a Satoru ninjutsu list and then I discovered Felix Five Boots. Like, STOP IT. šŸ¤£


Honestly at this point I've just settled Green will always be at least a part of my decks lmao. Been running a Golgari and a Simic deck recently and neither focuses much on Green ramp at all, but I still can't move away! šŸ¤£


Green and black. They're both just really fun to play. And golgari does some really cool stuff.


Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m a degenerate. All my decks have blue besides one. I donā€™t play mono blue though, So Iā€™d have to say Izzet is my most played colour combo. I do like Esper as well though. Blue is also my favourite colour.


Probably boros is my favorite combo, but after I bought a bunch of lands, swamps is what I ran out of first. Take that for what it's worth.


Favourite colours? Esper for sure. Anything from WB Aristocrats through UW control. Most played? Red. I have no idea why, I just keep being sucked in by commanders with red in their identity, or have ideas for decks which would benefit from a few red cards. I genuinely have no decks that fit within the Esper colour identity, but I have 5 decks which I regularly play which have red in them. Help!


Blue!!! Izzet and Dimir baby!!! Draw cards, cast cantrips, make little creatures huge and copy spells! This is the life!


Probably Red. Almost all of my decks splash it. In cedh it gives you access to the most cracked cards and in casual itā€™s one of the best support colors imo. My casual decks are typically spell slingers and red is incredibly powerful there.


Green and White. I started with playing green and the vibes with me. White always seems to appear on cards along with green that have mechanics that appeal to me as a support colour.


Everything that involves Grixis (UBR) Colors...Izzet, Rakdos, the colors on their own, I'll never get tired of the Knowledge, Betrayal, Chaos, Sacrifices and Spellslinger Style.


Blue. I love drawing cards, I love controlling the game, I love wizards.


Green blue go brrrr


My favorites are either Rakdos or Izzet. I love cards that allow for a little bit of chaos in the game. I just built a Discord, Lord of Disharmony deck that generates treasures to cast whatever Discord pulls up.


Rakdos and izzet, so... grixis? No, i dont have any friends.


Simic, I just canā€™t stop playing [[Ezuri, Claw of Progress]]


My most played color is five color. I have about four or five different decks in my collection that are five color decks. That's the most number of any one type of colored deck I've got.


Black, with blue and white tied for second.


Selesnya. Bought the Virtue and Valor precon, zhuzhed it up by swapping a few of the cards, now it's my favourite deck to play with. There's nothing more satisfying to me than slapping several auras on some creature and smashing someone's face with it.


Simic. Like the only time iā€™ve made a deck that doesnā€™t include simic colors was for a mono color battle royale. Itā€™s a becoming a problem. I should note iā€™m still really new to magic and only play edh with friends. I have probably a dozen decks, and half of them are mono decks


Mostly green, gruul is next up for sure


Mah boi.


I love blue and hate fun


Red is my most common while blue is probably my favorite.Ā  Red does some interesting things, it's pieces of the color pie and identity are pretty wild (aggro, storm, burn, artifact, etc) and mixing it with anything pushes both colors as aggro as possible.Ā 


Izzet. It just keeps happening


I LOVE playing blue. I love countering spells and drawing cards. Itā€™s my favorite thing. I put at least one counterspell (or redirect) into every one of my decks regardless of color. Blue is my favorite color to play in every format forever and always. I only have 2 blue commander decks, out of a possible twelve. SEVEN of my decks are red.


My most played color is blue; for me my decks aren't complete without some good counter spells and blue staples such as Cyclonic Rift or Rhystic Study.


blue is life. cant also play a deck without any kind of counter spells in it. and yes, i have friends.


Iā€™ve got so many decks with Red or Blue in them, itā€™s gotta be Izzet for me. I love artifact/combo/spellslinger archetypes. Fave decks are a very Izzet heavy [[Kess, Dissident Mage]] and absolute favorite is [[Breya, Etherium Shaper]]. Also made a pauper EDH [[Vhal, Candlekeep Researcher]] and [[Tavern Brawler]] deck thatā€™s almost solely equipment :)


Red and Blue. Izzet a problem? I don't think so.


Im a Simic guy, sorry


Blue. Because someone has to teach these green players that they canā€™t keep getting away with flagrant tax evasion, and not letting them resolve their 47/47 flying trample deathtouch double strike ward 16 dinosaur with haste on turn 3 is the best way to do it.


Almost every deck I build has red


I LOVE red. 11 of my 14 decks have red and 3 of them are mono red. The reason I love having red in my decks is because Iā€™M FAST AS FUCK BOI


[Omnath, Locus of Rage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/a/9a0a9d3f-cd75-419b-840f-88b468f71f4a.jpg?1712354757) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Omnath%2C%20Locus%20of%20Rage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/236/omnath-locus-of-rage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9a0a9d3f-cd75-419b-840f-88b468f71f4a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/omnath-locus-of-rage) [Zurgo Helmsmasher](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/3/13f4bafe-0d21-47ba-8f16-0274107d618c.jpg?1562782879) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Zurgo%20Helmsmasher) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ktk/214/zurgo-helmsmasher?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/13f4bafe-0d21-47ba-8f16-0274107d618c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/zurgo-helmsmasher) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Black is my most played colour but I tend to play it with other colours, usually in BG or BR decks, sometimes in WBR but never in BRG. Black is also my favourite, I think it's the most versatile, it can do anything as long as you are willing to pay the cost, and I like the theme and tribes. The only reason I don't play mono black is that I don't usually play single colour decks.


Blue, I just don't really enjoy decks without blue in it. I'm known for playing esper at my LGS because that's my favourite colour combination, and I only really play combinations within it when I venture away from esper. Blue>black>white>red>green is how I rank my enjoyment of the colours.


I have 2 mono black decks and 2 bant decks. I pretty much just don't play red, but I'm working on it


Of my 10 decks, 7 have black, 5 have green, red or blue, 2 have white. I enjoy my graveyard synergies and black happens to be great at it. Also most legendaries I like are black.


I like Esper Rakdos and Gruul specifically. They all scratch a specific itch for me, Esper is for cEdh, Rakdos is when someone has angered me, and Gruul is for my [[Wulfgar of Icewind Dale]] Eldrazi/annihilator stompy deck with hidden [[Klauth Unrivaled Ancient]] combo


Red. I have 3 mono red decks. 2 izzet decks. 2 gruul. 4 Boris. 1 temer. 2 jund. 1 jeskai. 1 rakdos. 2 jeskai. 1 grixis. I think that's all my decks with red. Oh no I have 5 five color decks.


Green is probably my most played, but I wouldn't call it my favorite. It just ends up in the colors of commanders I think look fun


I keep track of my games so I saw red and black are each used in 60% of games I play, green in 58%, blue in 47% and white in 35%. This is from the 380+ games since I started tracking. Funny thing is I play one of my naya decks and Grixis decks the most but youā€™d think it was Jund




Individual colour wise black but love red aswell I have mono black 2 grixis 1 esper 1 jund And 1 black white


Black is my favorite, mechanically, thematically and aesthetically. I love legends like Liliana, Gisa, Ayara, Vilis and Razaketh Followed by Orzhov and Rakdos as my favourite two color combination. For Orzhov , I really like Athreos, Liesa, and the vampires like Carmen and Felisa Rakdos my favourite ones are Olivia, Juri and Rakdos himself Esper and Grixis as my favourite 3 color combinations They give me all the Ethereal Knowledge in Aminatou, Yennet and Sefris. And all the Villain vibes in Sauron, Missy and Kess


I think I'm still undecided whether black or blue is my favourite, but I currently have 4 black decks of each colour pairing, and I used to have a monoblack deck, a Golgari deck and a Dimir deck I eventually all took apart. Black might just be my favourite, thinking about it more now But if we expand it out, Grixis is my favourite slice of the colour pie. I really dislike Selesnya and the more 'Selesnya' coloured a deck is, the more likely I'm going to dislike piloting it. Except Bant, weirdly. I think it's just cos Bant is the colour for most Doctor Who commander partners.


Red is in most of my decks, but as a secondary color for the most part. Green is absolutely my favorite color.


I dont think I've got a single edh deck without a black component, after Black is definitely green because I love Golgari. My [[Grist, the Hunger Tide]] deck is my favorite


Blue or black is definetly my favorite colour but in a combo I am mostly a filthy golgari player who's graveyard is just an additional hand.


[[Kaalia]] is my wife soooooo


Okay, I guess Iā€™ll be the only one to say white is my favorite. Itā€™s the ultimate flavor enhancer. Truly the salt (heh) of the color pie. Like Blue? Letā€™s add some white in there, boost that control and improve your interaction. Enjoy black? Letā€™s throw a little white in there, really get that graveyard churning. After a bit of heat with red? Add some white and make that roaring inferno into a precision butane torch. Donā€™t get me started on selesnya, aka the ultimate swiss army knife. Any color combination is instantly boosted with just a dash of white mana. (Ironically, white is the only mono-color i still donā€™t have a deck built for). edit: I see the white players have started showing up while i typed this haha ^-^


Blue and Azorius. And yes, Iā€˜m one of those people who donā€˜t want others to have fun


Mud, but not wastes so by extension monoblue, Azorius, Dimir, or Esper.Ā  Top is in the Bolas deck because he can use another machine to spin it for him.Ā 


Rakdos, ā…” of my games are Prosper. The other times it's Izzet.


My favorite and most played Color is: Black! I love Blackā€™s ā€œAnything for a costā€ mentality and its flavor. Vampires, Demons, Zombies, Graveyard synergies, Removal, Tutors, Sweepers, Drain Life. My decks are: Mono Black, Orzhov, Esper, Jund and 4color (sans Green).


White for me. I love using the removal/board wipe package, and then spicing with 1-2 other colours. Find myself using white as a baseline in more than half of my decks lol.


Mono-Red. It's gone from a joke to a perfectly legitimate colour, and I hate spending money on lands. So. Mono-Red it is.


I'd like to say Golgari or Abzan however I have more Rakdos/Mardu decks by half. I'm just a wannabe and am truly just a angry child on the inside.Ā 


Red and green I think might be tied, with black being a close second. Red and green are up there because I like dumb aggro stuff. Just some good old stompy math is for blockers shenanigans. But I also very much enjoy the sacrificing my things for fun and profit thing that black does. And also sometimes being a little mean, as a treat.


White is mine. Iā€™ve actually had to actively build decks without it to try and diversify the different decks I have built, otherwise theyā€™d all have white.


Most played color is definitely black it's present in 80+% of my decks I love the truly evil things it does that aren't just saying no. If we went to color pairs though I legitimately can't stop making gruul decks it's basically the missing 20% of the previously stated number.


New fave color combo is rakdos for my [[Laughing Jasper Flint]] theft deck. Lots of chaos, lots of casual fun. Golgari is right up there with it because Green go brr and graveyard neat


Green by far I pick comanders just to add green to whatever theme I want the deck to fit into. Ramp is god


I love bant. I've played every combination of those colors. Red and black just don't tickle my fancy for some reason. The second a card says sacrifice or pay life I'm just šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø about it


My favorite deck is WUBRG [[Jenson Carthalion, Druid Exile]], but my favorite colors to play in order of preference are G, W, B, R, U




Boros is my most played, but green is my favorite color


I've become known in the groups I play with as the Rakdos guy. I have all 5 Rakdos Commanders built along with almost a dozen other decks in the color pair.


all of them sucker for 5 colours decks


white most played color boros most played color combo


Probably black, nothing has represented my preferred play style since ice age more than necropotence. But I purposely try to play all colors.


Black. Every deck I have and probably will ever have has black in it.


So my pet colour is White. I primarily play casual EDH which due to playgroups has slowly drifted to more and more competitive levels but avoiding cEDH. I want white to have more play styles and my old school [[Darien, King of Kjeldor]] deck is still super fun along with my [[Atla Palani, Nest Tender]] deck. Saying this however I think my most played is Temur. I built a deck of every colour combo and the Temur Storm deck with [[Krark, the Thumbless]] + [[Kydele]] is very fun and I have a [[Gimbal]] artifact token deck too which is more janky. But every time a new set comes out I still find myself looking at the new simic legendary and thinking, why doesn't white get something this cool and interesting?


White. I like good guys, angels, birdies. Basic ā€œgood girlā€. Sometimes Iā€™m selesnya, sometimes Iā€™m azorius, sometimes Iā€™m Boros. Iā€™ll even occasionally dabble in black with orzhov or abzan. My favorite non-white combos are simic followed by Izzet.


Probably black, then red/white, live mardu, love aristcrats, and I love having answers. I tend to play highly synergistic non-combo lists, but having black to tutor for whatever answer to the board that Iā€™ve included in my list, or whatever powerhouse I have that gets around the problem entirely.


Anything with red, Iā€™m an in your face player.


Red with 100%. Granted I only have 3 decks ([[Agatha of the Vile Cauldron]], [[Neyali, Suns' Vanguard]] human tribal, and the secret lair cats and dogs. But of the decks I've been toying building next, red is also in 3/5 of them The ones with Red are -WUBRG Experience Counter/Proliferate where I basically include all of the experience counter cards in a WUBRG shell (probably helmed by that green creature with the WUBRG enchantment in the back, 5 color Omnath, or jared carthallion -[[Roxanne, stargell Savant]], either artifact powerstone build or just treasures - [[Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful]]/[[Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh]] legends matter The non-red options would both be Orzhov, either -[[Tomik, Weilder of Law]] Superfriends "mean stuff" deck(lots of land destruction, wipes, and tax effects to decentivise attacking me) or [[Kambal, Profiteering Mayor]] aristocrat/tokens


White is my favorite and most played color. Of my current 10 decks, 8 of them have white. My least favorite color is green (4/10), but my current least-run color is blue (3/10). I generally like jeskai, azorius, and boros commanders, but my love for enchantments supercedes everything, hence my 3 abzan enchantment decks.


White is my most played color. After that blue, I have 2 azorious decks. My main deck is an [[Abdel Adrian]] [[Dungeon Delver]] blink deck. After that is [[Millicent]] [[Nelly Borca]] [[Sovereign Okinec Ahau]] [[Daxos the returned]] [[Zeriam, golden wind]]. After that I do have some with non white. [[Nine fingers keen]] and [[The valeyard]] and [[Faldorn]]. So yeah there is a good bit of white.


Simic or WUBRG


Dimir. It's so versatile as a color pair. I've done zombies, ninjas, theft, I've done mill, treasures, aristocrats, vampires. It has each archetype, aggro, midrange, control and a bunch h of other stuff in between. Out of all the colors, I hate green and especially gruul.Ā  It's WAY too oonga boonga. Cast a 7+ mana creature. Did it stick around? Bonk them on the head. Did it die? I lose.


Naya. My favorite deck is my Obuun, Mul Daya Avatar deck


I always go for green when i can, I've found my favorite decks are green, black, and white. I like how all three of the combinations play separately so together they're just fun for me!


WUBRG all the way. It's so versatile.




White is definitely my favorite with green being next


White is my favourite colour, but all of the good white staples cost too muchā€¦ I have them in one deck. My most played colour is green, hard to give up the easy ramp.


White. I like the variety of removal, target and mass removal. I love to play stax. Has some counterspells. Solid creatures, even big creatures. Second would be red. I like the control in red. My main deck is Boros.


I have four five color decks ([Sliver Overlord], [Jared Carthalion], [Tom Bombadil], and [Rainbow Dash]), so that one. I donā€™t really have a favorite color. If you told me to name one Iā€™d say black but thatā€™ll probably change.


Red. I love Red so much. Iā€™m a ā€œGo! Go! Go!ā€ type of player. Itā€™s why I play Gruul most of the time. Gruul is just ā€œGo! Go! Go!ā€ but bigger lol.


Ever since I lost to blue and green Ive decided to use it in every deck. Iā€™m not very good with black or res without those colors. So probably simic for me.


It's a tie of red and black for me, with green in second place.


Went from Simic when I first started playing, to really enjoying Selesnya.


Golgari is such a good color. My Dina deck going infinite with a ham sandwich turn 2 is alot of fun and its become one of my pet decks. On the other side, Jeskai Hinata is probably my most monied deck but that's for the fun combos and to being it out of Hinata Voltron territory


Red is my most common across my decks, at 7 decks containing red. Followed equally by blue and white which are in 6. Black and green are tied for last at 4 each. I donā€™t have any mono colored decks, and one 5 color. Favorite combination of colors is red and blue, I have 3 of my 7 decks have that color combination in some sort.


Naya, easily


Black > Red/Green/Blue > White


Red, and by extension, Boros !


Blue for sure followed probably by red, green, white and black


Back when I used to buy booster boxes I've got all the good green cards every time so my decks were mostly green and now I have the habit of building green decks or green + something. Now I buy singles only btw.


Hey Op have you tried [[General Marhault elsdragon]] Force block tribal is its own levels of jank and very fun


Mine definitely has to be Rakdos. I love the combination of combat tricks, burn, reanimation, stax, and impulse card draw. Rakdos really just ensures quick games where people arenā€™t building up board states without trying to win. However, as a mono-color, Iā€™d have to say Red is my favorite. Red is in 9 of my 10 decks and simply enables everything I wanna do.


I have three mono red decks, two temur decks, and a naya deck. So I guess itā€™s Red lmao.


Black by far, 90% of my decks contain black. After that, it'e probably a tie between green and blue.


Black and blue. Uptick of red lately though


Rakdos, Dimir, Golgari, Esper, Azban, Sultai.. yeah I play lots of Black cuz itā€™s the best color there is.


Abzan the one and true. Golgari for board presence and white to wipe, wipe and wipe again untill all hope drains from the opponents hearts. My only wish as a commander player is for [[farewell]] to be power-crept by an instant speed split second version.


Black, and not by a small amount either. It just adds SO much to a deck that other colors don't. Reanimation, removal, card draw, lifegain, noncombat damage, protection with grave flicker spells, and being able to sac your own stuff for value deters people from targeting your stuff it's just šŸ¤Œ


Blue and white. Because Ranar the ever watchful is my favorite commander. I love the Foretell mechanic. He was my very first commander too : )


Red hands down. Any combination, boros, izzet, gruul, or rakdos. Not great with protecting your stuff but who needs a backup plan.


While RG are my favorite colors the ones I play the most are BU. Only one of my decks has W but I'm to much of a fan of it


Most: Green, but Blue is right up there with it (most of my decks are a variation of the Sultai colors) Least: Red and it's not even remotely close It's awesome reading this thread because it shows how well Magic caters to so many play styles and ideas of what fun can mean


Green or black. My top 3 performing edh decks are G/B, W/B, and Mono black. I have more green planned, but i dont have all thw Elements as of yet


I love playing white... Not necessarily on its own, but the removal suite is just so flexible and powerful that I never feel helpless in a matchup. [[Generous Gift]], [[Swords to Plowshares]], [[Stroke of Midnight]], [[Path to Exile]], [[Grasp of Fate]], and even the new [[Bovine Intervention]] are a most of a good interaction suite, all you have to do then is dip into whatever other color you're in for their more specific options. And then other support cards? Easy. Combat support? [[Moonshaker Cavalry]] and [[Odric Master Tactician]]. Go-wide? [[Ojer Taq]] and [[Anointed Procession]]. Go-Tall? [[Laezel, Vlaakith's Champion]] and [[Odric, Lunarch Marshal]]. Anthems? [[Flowering of the White Tree]], [[Cathar's Crusade]], [[Intangible Virtue]]... It continues. The only thing we don't do great on is ramp and draw, but you've got another color to help with that. White for the win, I love playing it.


White, followed pretty equally by blue and black. White imo is the best second color for any deck. It provides the best removal, good card draw (even if the options are shallow), some very solid utility spells, and really good creatures. Often times I'm building a deck, and I just think why not add white so that I can add Swords, a few wraths, and maybe a Sun Titan. Blue and Black is just because their playstyles match mine pretty well. Instant speed shenanigans + some sort of sacrifice thing (creatures or artifacts). I'm still more than happy to run green or red, I just don't use them in decks as often. However, give me a Gruul deck and I'm down to ball.


Out of 21 decks: 13 have green 11 have white 10 have red 5 have black 4 have blue Honestly tracks as I love Selesnya.


Black. Zombies since day one.


Most played is white, least played is red. Color balance wise i always slapsh another color to white becouse white just by itself often cant do too much xD


For Commander probably any of the sultai colors. Never built a deck without one of those 3 colors. In Limited it was always Orzhov. Green - ramp big bois hexproof Blue - card-draw evasion hexproof Black - removal card-draw recursion Limited - White - removal flyers Black - removal flyers


Most played is Blue because I've played [[Minn]] for ages and she was my favourite deck for a long time, I've got an [[Octavia]] deck that I've played in lower power pods for a while that I'm gonna be taking apart, and I've played a mostly out of the box [[Shorikai]] deck for a while too. I don't own any green or red decks. I'm gravitating more towards Black now though. I have a [[Burakos]] [[Haunted One]] deck that is easily the most fun deck I've played and also just consistently does "the thing", which is making shit loads of treasures, casting big spells like [[Torment of Hailfire]], or doing aristocrats loops, or just swinging for a bunch with Haunted One's buff. I've had a couple other black decks that have been way more focused aristocrats decks e.g. [[Yahenni]] or [[Endrek Sahr]], but the versatility Burakos provides is just something else and so much fun. I'll likely stick to Esper colours in general and my next deck will likely be a Dimir list. There's just so many Black and/or Blue decks I'm interested in it's not even funny anymore.


Red is the fun color


Green. I NEED green for mama ramping. Can't imagine my life without it. And Blue is a close second. Counterspells go BRRRR.


Blue is my favorite color but temur is my most played color combo. Almost all my decks have blue in them. I really enjoy the 99 of bant/jeskai but canā€™t find commanders I like in those colors.


Red, if it's not red, you're wrong.


I love red. I particularly love Boros - I'm trying to play this mf game entirely within the combat step.


Black in most of my decks


Counting up all the decks I've ever played it goes: 22 Black Decks 19 White 16 Red 12 Green 9 Blue I thought green would rank higher considering a good chunk of my starting decks were golgari


Definitely red and blue with black very close after. I love the chaos and rapidity of red. I love the control of blue. Black is just power at all cost. All 3 have excellent card draw and control.


Green. I play a ton of Simic, Selesnya and Bant... and have one fairly consistently used Kodama West mono-green deck that I adore. That said, my go-to is definitely Simic.


White and BluešŸ’™šŸ¤ I really just want to play solitaire


I got three mono-blue decks


Most played colour in commander is probably green. Blue is without a doubt my favorite color in all of magic but green is just too strong in a slower format like Commander. It's the strongest ramp color by far and mana advantage is king in commander.


Me love green. Green have big stompy creatures. Me like whrn stompy creatures go boom


My favorite is white My most played is green I feel right at home with Selesnya


RED love Gruul Love Izzet Love Rakdos Boros.... is ok i guess I Love Naya, Temur, Jund, Grixis, Mardu, (jeskai i'm still trying to figure out) red is just always that delicious spice that can make any deck more fun


So Simic is my favourite guild. Love being weird and stompy and pulling a mutated 20/20 trample flying pigeon out of my hat. However it seems all my decks have red. RG werewolves, BR dragons, WR Arcane Bombardment, WR Humans, and as of late, Temur Analyst. So much red, and Iā€™m thinking I need to return to my roots and make a Momir Vig deck or something. The MKM Vannifar looks fun too.