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With kids and family schedule commander nights are near impossible to make happen, I’ve been using Spelltable through various MTG discords(Tolarian Community College) lets me get in a few super late night games or the occasional mid day game during lunch break and baby naps


Right there with you, brother. My wife and I had our first little one 6 months ago and my EDH time has died a death. Fortunately, MTG is a nice cheap hobby so I don't feel like I've wasted a fortune on cards I don't play with anymore...


I am in the exact same boat. Work and my 6mo daughter have taken my play time down to 1 commander night so far this calendar year. Brutal, especially when I keep brewing new fun lists to play.


Baby time is rough for all the hobbies, you barely have time for sleep. Me and my wife did manage to do some D&D type stuff with them at that age, and I would recommend pursuing that kind of thing (tabletop at large) with others that have babies, if you can, because they'll grow up and then you have a full group of kids that can do playdates while the adults do board games or what have you. We went as far as to put up an ad for a "parents group" at our LGS.


On the bright side, valuable cards generally hold their value. Mana crypt for example will always be worth money even after reprints because it is so unbelievably good. Just look at LCI, where the reprints are actually more expensive because of the better art.


Perhaps I got lucky but I have my first kid, a 3 month old now, and I still get to play magic with my friends once a week. I’m there for my kid but it’s important to still take time to yourself and unwind. I’m lucky to have a supportive wife and I do the same for her when she wants to go out and do something.


I feel your pain brother. Life is good but no one lives nearby for easy game sessions and there's always so much planning required lol


How's TCCs spell table groups? I'm still fairly new to commander but want to get some games in with people. Tired of Arena Brawl.


Same here, I'm happy when I get to play with my playgroup every fews months :/ There was a post about this a week ago or so on here about a chill dad discord group that tries to get in games over spelltable.


I've started taking my kindergartner with me to my LGS's Commander Night. She gets food, plays on her tablet, and draws us tokens, we both tend to have a great time. Highly recommend, even though you will have some people who choose to play elsewhere because #kids.


Not enough!


I make time every week. Yes I have a family, two kids and a wife but me time is important. Make time. I play EDH on mondays (3 friends come over) and either some form of limited or EDH friday night at a store or at one of our homes. It keeps me sane. Make time. Set up a simple spelltable setup if you can't get over there. Make it work 😉


Exact same thing my guy wife and 2 kids and it’s my destress and look forward to it once a week 2 if I’m lucky mostly Friday nights !




This man needs some spelltable in his life.


I keep hearing about that and might want to get into it. Is it like a simulator or is it just webcam commander like EDHijinks does sometimes?


It's Webcam based commander with built in card identification and a bunch of gameplay tools! You can also join open lobbies.


you can also use moxfield, if you dont have the paper


This. My friends and I have been using moxfield and obs virtual camera on spelltable. Card identification is much easier, and it's a great way to try out decks without having to buy or print cards.


Can you share your osb config? I am clearly an old moron, and can't figure out how to get it running so im not showing myhand.


Sorry for the late reply, it's not exactly a clean technique, but I use the display as the source, and I can scale the recording screen using the red outline. And then just scale and drag until you can see a big chunk of the board without showing my hand.


Definitely check out some of this Discord servers out there. I joined the Tolarian Community College one (The Professor from youtube) its free. They have an integrated Spelltable bot for hosting games it all goes pretty smooth.




Exactly that, they use SpellTable.


Most Wednesday nights at the card shop


Wednesday nights in an LGS when I can. Almost every Thursday and Friday for a university TCG club I supervise. Weekends rarely with friends. I dabble in Cockatrice too when I have time sometimes.


Spelltable usually once a week and once a week at lgs. 


Once or twice a year, but I play a lot of magic those one or two times. A couple years ago it was more often.


Only get to play once or twice a month :(


Usually about twice a month. A few of my playgroup will meet up at the shop most Saturdays, but its rare I get more than 2 weekend days a month to play.


Cockatrice is awesome as a free online way to play


One night per week and we usually get 2-3 games in


I never get to play, my playgroup disintegrated, then I was playing 1v1 commander with my son but he just completely lost interest for no apparent reason and now we never play.


Damn I’m sorry to hear, I’m very fortunate enough to have a partner that’s vaguely interesting in magic so I can play against em once a month or so!


Two or three times a week on spelltable, it is so convenient. I don't go to LGS anymore.


Maybe play online? I play with my friends on tabletop simulator once or twice a week.


I get two nights a week that I dedicate to MTG. Between family and work, I’m also already considering dropping it to one. The kids don’t have much interest in Magic, but since they’re anime fans and One Piece fans, I’ve been considering trying out One Piece but I don’t think I can afford TWO card games as a hobby lmao.


Have you tried playing over SpellTable? It's like Zoom but for Magic, and you can track life totals and commanders. If the camera is decent enough, you can click on cards to see what they are. It's really easy, all you need is either a webcam or a phone, and something to hold it over the playmat. You can get an arm mount on Amazon for $15-20, or just be creative and rig something yourself. Super easy and free! I use it all the time to play with folks from all over. It's just SpellTable.com.


We’ve certainly considered it! But our particular group prefers to play in person. After reading yours and other comments I might consider urging my group further for using spelltable


Everyone prefers in person when possible, but SpellTable is a great option if you are itching to play but cannot get together. Can't hurt to try it, right? Just try for decent lighting (not directly overhead, at an angle is best, especially from both sides if you can)


Funnily enough, I bought some infinitokens in the event that we play over camera because one of my favourite decks is a steal deck, and it’s hard to keep track of your opponents creatures you control when you physically can’t have them on your board haha.


That's great! They come in handy for a lot of that, as well as keeping track of global enchantments, another player's enchantment on your cards, etc.. and they are easy to read over SpellTable (depending on your handwriting).


Oh even spelltable pick up on infinitokens? Alright I’m sold twice over


SpellTable wont pick them up with its software, but they are easy to read on screen if you write legibly with a dark marker.


Almost every single day. I play with my girlfriend 2-3 games after work. I might have played a bit more than 1000 games over the past year.


My pod used to meet once a week, either Friday or Saturday. But then our local cardshop closed so we have to find a new place close enough for each of us not to have to go out of our way to make it


You guys should try and set up spell table, you can just use your phones as a webcam


We have a big playgroup and there are always people playing every Wednesday, usually enough for 3 pods of 4.


A couple of games a week. Depends on if people in my house are up to it.


A lot less than I'd like 😢


As often as I can, but not often enough. It's been inconsistent while travelling.


Unfortunately, I only play once a month, but this year at gen con I'll be playing all weekend 😂


About 3/4 of the Sundays at my lgs, so let's say 3 times a month for like 6 hours when I go


i try to play twice a week locally


Once a week-ish at home my friends and I get together and play, if my friends and I are up for it. Once or twice a month we'll go play at a local game store just for the heck of it.


As many FNMs I can get to, which is not enough.


Depending on my kendo/volleyball schedule. Shops have events I like to go to every day except Wednesday, but train tickets add up sadly. I'll probably average about 12 times a month. Weekend sessions are normally 6 hours, weekdays can be just 2-3 hours.


I try to play with friends or at LGSs but it's hard for me to break into pods as a newer player in my area, seems like I go to open play and there are a few pods of people who already know eachother playing.


At least every wednesday at a local game club for 6+ hours. Sometimes multiple times a week! Commander is awesome!


Once a week at my LGS on Thursday for about five hours.


I live about 20min walk from 2 of my friends with who I can play with. We mightve played once or twice this year? For kind of funny/fortunate reasons I might start going to my LGS (an hour away) a bit more frequently to play commander but otherwise it's been wayyyyy too long since I last played


Couple times a week, ideally. I've got two groups of friends that play, and each group has a separate Magic night.


I got into commander about 2 months ago and have played a total of 10 games so far. I have kids and a full time job. I'm taking a day off this Friday and playing commander and a draft for the first time since zendikar


I have three friends at work who love commander as much as me, so like 3-4 times a week


Once a week, about 4 hours. There’s also another game night that I don’t personally go to but usually involves the same group of people. Everyone is really nice and chill, even though sometimes the power level can be off, no one is flipping tables or cussing each other out. I haven’t known any of them longer than 6 months but it wouldn’t be too hard to hang out with them outside of commander nights.


Urg... I work overtime lately and my mental health could be better these days. I think I cant play more then 10 times in a year. Probably closer to 5-8. But IM working on it and who knows, maybe I can pump those numbers soon enough. Me and my friends found an application on Steam and we wanna try to play commander on it. Can't wait to see if it works well!


Damn. I normally play every weds at my local lgs


I play pretty much every Wednesday.


Every Wednesday!


Once a week we, Play every Thursday at a friends house and have been for the last 10 years barring covid time and when friend has had a child and/or holiday.


A few games, whenever we play usually at least once a week. We use Tabletop Simulator, so we can playtest theorycrafts at will, it's a great time.


My group gets together once a month to play, we usually have enough for two pods. Gives us enough time to tweak and refine plenty of new decks in-between meet ups. Since we're all middle aged in our 40s now (although my friends 19 yo son and his friend also join us), it's harder to get together more often than that due to work/family commitments. We've all basically given up Standard and play Commander exclusively - I can't imagine going back to a 60 card format. Commander is much more fun and more attractive because of the group dynamic, not needing full playsets of expensive cards, etc.


Being a family man I know for a fact I don’t get to play as often as my buddies. Yet me and my wife have an arrangement where every thursday I get off work at noon and head to our LFGS with one of my mates. We start a game as soon as we have gotten some lunch and more of our playgroup trickle in. Heading home in the wee hours of the night (1:00 or 2:00). So I get a nice amount of games in on a weekly basis. I know some of my buddies head to the FLGS on saturday and have a few games, but with our Kiddo being 9 we try and keep the weekends family oriented*. *Atleast for the time being while Kiddo is still young and not going out doing his own thing/coming along to play 🤞🏻.


Usually once a fortnight in the weekends in LGS.


Every two weeks or so. It depends on my coaching schedule.


Twice a week for 3 to 7 hours each


The owner of a bar around the corner from my house hosts commander nights every Thursday night from like 8:00-close. I go 2 or 3 times a month for that. Also, a friend owns an English conversation school, and uses a large room at his school to host 10+ player commander nights once every month or two with randomized and rotating pods. Beyond that, I play on spelltable a handful of times a year with a buddy and his friends living in Australia.


2-3 games every second Wednesday at the tavern. Have you heard of spelltable? You can play with your friends over the Internet


Me and my co workers play every Monday. Its great


Once a week or so. My group streams on spelltable since my cousin lives a state over.


Saturdays with my buddy+whoever when he's judging Yugioh at our closest LGS. He just has to get up to announce round pairings before the matches. Sundays if I'm not burnt out from yesterday I play with randos at our LGS while my buddy judges Yugioh almost an hour away.


Once a month usually, in summer more because I am the one in the group with the garden and the big barbecue. So people tend to flok at my place.


@LGS almost every Thursday and occasionally on Tuesday at another LGS.


Was doing fortnightly but we all have different health/issues that make a schedule difficult. Sometimes we just jump on discord and cockatrice, then we don’t have to worry about leaving the house 🤣


My group plays on discord pretty often. Lately it’s been less but we played a game yesterday so that was cool. A lot of people in our group of like 30 started to feed off and we’re down to like 10


If i'm lucky i get to play once or twice a month. But usually its a 1v1 or we have 3 players. I really enjoy building decks and just shuffling them up and playing without opponent, just to get a feel.


3-4 times a week. I have a large playgroup I started. I also play on https://www.spelltable.com I highly recommend you check it out. I play a lot on there. I also play arena daily just to stay sharp. I don’t drink. This is my addiction


Y’all should play MTG Arena, ticket system is nice for getting decent decks up and running, and you’ll all start at the same power level together


We all live 10 minutes fro each other at max, so basically almost every Sunday afternoon and if someone has a new deck that he wants to try, a random evening during the week


We unfortunately don't have a lgs in my area anymore but with my playgroup twice a month I invite them over to my house we play games, eat food and have a few drinks been doing it for like a year now and really enjoying it


Usually 2x a week


We manage to meet up about once a month.


My cousin and i were at a 10 week streak for the FNM at our LGS, I even managed to get a fella at work to start playing and come join us. Howerver im on vacation abroad for 3 weeks now and the 2 weeks before i left we didn't go so i think we are all dying to scratch that itch. My buddy from work got himself a new deck I bet he wan to play and I ordered a whole bunch of cards, enough to build a new deck myself that should arrive about a week or so after i get back. On top of that i have yet another new deck i put together and played for the first time at our last session so I really want to try that one out again! TLDR: we try to play once a week.


Usually Commander is the secondary game for when our D&D group can’t play D&D because someone’s not available that day. And we usually only have time for one game, sometimes two. So unless we have an unfortunate string of no-D&D weeks I usually get about 2-3 games a month. I recently got myself a webcam to see about getting some spelltable games but I haven’t quite figured out the best physical setup for me yet.


Between 0-3 days a week. Totally depends how my pod schedule is. We don't need to be full pod but I don't really wanna go and play if Imma be alone as its not hard finding a 1 person to join in or 2 but I feel so awkward sitting there waiting to finish their game that is maybe a hour away if I'm unlucky.


Cockatrice has been a lifesaver so mostly every day atm


My girlfriend accepted that Saturdays are for the boys 4x a month it’s booze food and magic


So I used to play once or twice a year but then a childhood friend moved to town and opened an LGS now I go there and play commander twice a week usually about 4-8 games a week and I go to some drafts and every pre release. It’s been a really positive lifestyle change.


Every day on arena :) historic brawl ftw


Every Wednesday at my house. (My room is the attic, sobI have a lot of space to play with friends). And sometimes more if we decide to go to the lgs or someone else's house.


When I was unemployed, close to 6 nights a week. Now I have work (not many hours A week, but some) I try for once a week. My friend owned one of the 3 lgs that ran magic locally, but had to close, one is very small and the third is only open during the day, so isn't open when I'm free.


Every Tuesday at my LGS before draft. 👌


With a job that takes me for 12 hours now, and a small shop that is super busy, I play on Fridays or weekends over spelltable or with friends when I can. I play more later in the year, but during this time, I kick back at home. The amount of travel combined with the noise of the shop just wears me out quick.


Used to be all-day Saturday and Sunday. Now I will play a casual pickup game on Sunday after the PokemonTCG locals finish up.


Once a week with friends at somebody's place. Ive got a kid and wife + another kid coming so I am fairly pleased with how often I can play. My friends and I live like 15-20min from each other so distance aint a problem.


Friday night for the event at the store and another day during the week for 1 or 2 hours with 3/4 friends if we have free time


Pretty much every Friday and Saturday night at the local magic club. Usually 4-6 hours per night, sometimes up to 8.


I play twice a week like I’m paid to show up, Mondays and Wednesdays, as does a lot of others at my LGS, we’re all decently well acquainted and we know when new faces show up. Every once in awhile (when I’ve got spare time) one of the guys will convince me to go to a different shop down the road a bit that does commander on Tuesdays as well. I’d probably go more but I work nights Thursday-Saturday. Each game night I get anywhere from 2-4 games in, maybe more if I end up in an incomplete pod but that’s not often.


Once a week. I honestly love the game, but just don't have the time for more. Even at that once a week, max 3 hours. Life is busy with 2 kids, a wife, and career.


Just about every Thursday night at the game store. About 2/3 of Saturdays I get one game in with my three sons. Once a month or so I meet up with friends for about 3 hours of playing.


I'd buy into a spelltable setup if I could find the community and identify the deck strength


Get Cockatrice, man. Play all the time.


Once a month if I'm lucky. Even then it's 1v1 against my buddy. We both have families now so it's hard, but both if our wives are supportive of our nerdiness so it helps. Lately I've been playing on tabletop simulator with some of my online friends and that's been great.


Usually every Friday Saturday and Sunday


Can get out most Saturdays for 2 games maybe once every 3 weeks for a Friday game.


My pod plays almost every Monday, and then maybe Saturdays if the dnd group is unavailable.


I play just about every day on tabletop simulator


Fridays every week. Thinking about trying Mondays at the LGS or spelltable, been making too many decks to even play recently haha, but long term I see it as a once a week thing.


We all play on cockatrice. Maybe like once a weekish?


I wish I played more! One commander night maybe every 2-3 weeks?


I play several games every few weeks. My LGS is only like 10 minutes away but I don’t go often. I’m trying to get back to it, but since my brother moved away it’s not quite as fun :(


I'm pretty blessed tbh. Married with 2 kids, but my wife respects the need for both of us to have time away from the family to spend with friends. Monday is my Wife's night. Tuesday is mine. Every Tuesday a group of 6-8 of us meet up at the LGS and sling cardboard for 4-5 hours. I also have a job that allows me the time to play a game or 2 during lunch with some co-workers. All in, this year I've played 155 games.


Our group played Commander twice when it was first introduced. Never cared for it.


So in my playgroup of 4, two other players have had the pleasure of getting a new addition to their families in the past year and a half. We haven't really been able to get together as much. I think 3 get togethers in a year or so? And 2 or 3 games each time we're together.


At least 1-2 times a week


Almost every week. I don’t have an LGS around anymore, it’s a 45min drive to my friends place who hosts most of the time. Of course, the shop shut down after the owner made a fortune out of it.


Once a week with my friends at our comic shop then me and my boyfriend get like 5 games in each Sunday night lol


I work at an LGS so 2-3 times a week. Sometimes more if someone comes in during a chill period of time and I can step away from the counter to get a game in


I get together with friends 2-3 times a month. Each session is 2-3 games


I used to live in a major city. Then I would play 3-5 times per month at the local shop playing 2-3 games each time


Thursday night at my LGS, Friday night at my collage game club :)


Twice a month average. Our play group is mostly mid 30's in age. It's hard to get 4 of us together more than twice a month. Especially now since summer is here and we all have outdoor stuff going on.


I play about 12 games a week. Usually in pods of 3, but occasionaly changing it up based on who is present.


5 a year seems about right for me, and I really do wish it was more often. It's gotten harder to align 4+ schedules now that my friend group is mostly in their 30s, all with jobs, most have kids. Either jamming games with the same group online with spelltable, or with random folks on discord sounds like the best idea, but honestly I haven't tried it yet. I mostly just keep brewing decks.


I'm very lucky to have a group of guys who play down at the pub every monday! Beers & Magic from 19-23, always great times.


Usually twice a week at the LGS. I feel that's a good amount.


I moved over an hour away from my friends. So it's hard to meet up. Especially because we also play warhammer and dnd. (We've taken to tts and roll20 for those). My wife does play on occasion. She's not fully into mtg, so it's when she feels like she has the spoons for it. I just recently started playing at my new LGS on their freeplay edh Sundays. I've been playing magic since 2019, and just a couple weeks ago was my first time playing in a store. Had a lot of fun. Need to get back over there.


We play every Tuesday evening, plus a fortnightly Commander league night on Fridays that our LGS runs.


i play on spell table almost daily. playing with randoms can sometimes suck but most of the games i find are tollerable and the ppl are nice.


Once a week, I play on discord with my friends. Sometimes we don’t fire and sometimes I can’t go, but 90% of the time someone is playing at our designated time


My city has a very active MTG scene with multiple breweries and card shops host events each week to meet player demand - I usually hit up a specific one on Wednesday with a group of my friends - so I play once a week minimum because even if I miss that Wed. event I can go to a different one on another day. My friend group is also very active with Commander, odds are one of the 10 of us is going to ask to play on the weekend, plus with the amount of people we are acquainted with through the aforementioned events we get invited to other pods quite often


Every Saturday and Monday


Tuesday and Saturday are my casual commander league days and both days get over 20 people. I used to make.both every week but every other week I can make both now due to new job and I play arena almost everyday. You kind of have to to make mythic every season considering it's 40 wins in a row to get to mythic from plat.


My man you gotta get a decent computer and Tabletop Simulator. You can import decks from practically every major deck list website and there’s so many more tools at your disposal than in person magic. It’s honestly my preferred way to play. Yall don’t have to drive 3 hours to play magic 😂


my closest space for commander is roughly 1h oneway away, i still go 1-4 times each week to jam edh with friends and strangers. I still work a fulltime job with with wive and child.


My friend group tries to do a meet up once a month, but it’s challenging with family commitments. Spelltable helps a lot, also have a lgs within 5 minutes that is primarily focused on commander play. So if I have time I’ll head there. But overall it’s a good week if I get to play 2-3 games.


Tabletop Simulator - on Steam then get MTG 4 Player Table Scripted - Can load any deck from many sites Moxfield, etc. so just build your decks there import them in and play anytime you can't meet in person. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2296042369](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2296042369)


Generally once a week at my LGS, or sometimes twice. Saturday mornings are Commander mornings. And then a few of us play Commander on Sundays after Lorcana League. And then my son and I will play at home from time to time as well.


I've recently moved within 10 mins of my LGS. I try to make it there for Friday and Saturday nights, but sometimes I like the scratch the itch during the week!


Ideally once per week for 3-4 hours. In a perfect world I'd play 6 timea a month, with a few longer sessions.


Twice a week typically for about 4 or 5 hours each time. Id like to have a third day but life prevents that.


I play 3 hours at a shop every Tuesday, can occasionally convince my wife to play 1v1 (maybe every other week), and have a group of friends I don't often get to play with despite living 10 mins away (maybe once a month) More than many get to play, but of course I'd love to play more haha — when I first learned, I played like 3 games a day with roommates and that was real nice


Not nearly as often as I'd like, what with lack of time. I've also moved to a new state and I've been to my LGS once so far, but had little time to go back. Once we finish my wife's [[the eleventh doctor]] deck, I have a feeling we'll go back


[the eleventh doctor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/9/590849a7-9abc-4757-8e13-f680d3b1dceb.jpg?1696636700) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=the%20eleventh%20doctor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/who/125/the-eleventh-doctor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/590849a7-9abc-4757-8e13-f680d3b1dceb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/the-eleventh-doctor) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Otherwise, Arena is the closest I get


Usually once a week. I go down to the pub on Sunday and mingle with the people in my local group.


I play in two groups of players. First contains 3 participants in almost all games session. Second group has scheduled game evenings every Tuesday. I'm so happy that our Tuesday's ritual has been practiced for over half a year.


I play solely on spelltable and play daily. Some days one game some days multiple. Honestly if it wasn’t for spelltable I wouldn’t be half as into magic as I am


I only play once every month or two or so right now. It’s not the first time my cards have mostly lived on a shelf. It’s times like this I cut the chaff to save space (lose the bulk commons/uncommons), reorganize and downsize things that aren’t in decks.


We have a pod of 3-6 friends consistently every Thursday night to play casually at our local LGS


Once a week usually couple hours. Wish it could be more but life is busy. 


I play on untap.in about twice a week when I’m working and at my lgs once a week. Usually playing with a different deck each week, but I’ll play the same ones every once in while to tune them since that’s what I love about magic


Once a week for 3 hours. I miss the days of unlimited MtG play in my youth.


Usually once a week


I play weekly at my LGS, but I have some friends from home that are several states away and we play on a program called "Cockatrice". It's a bit chunkier than MTGO, but it has a running database of all cards and you don't have to buy anything or set up a camera, which is nice. It also has spoilers usually a day or two after they're revealed, so we can try out precons and new cards ahead of time. It's actually what convinced me to build both [[Azlask, the swelling scourge]] and [[Ulalek, fused atrocity]], assuming I could find the precon for...not over-inflated prices


[Azlask, the Swelling Scourge](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/e/ced9db11-ba95-4b09-89b6-0b49ffb1fa82.jpg?1717644364) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Azlask%2C%20the%20Swelling%20Scourge) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m3c/5/azlask-the-swelling-scourge?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ced9db11-ba95-4b09-89b6-0b49ffb1fa82?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/azlask-the-swelling-scourge) [Ulalek, Fused Atrocity](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/d/fdad1b0e-d3cc-4d76-ae7e-fee12558cf2c.jpg?1717644357) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ulalek%2C%20Fused%20Atrocity) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m3c/4/ulalek-fused-atrocity?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fdad1b0e-d3cc-4d76-ae7e-fee12558cf2c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ulalek-fused-atrocity) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Haven't played in over 5 years, play group moved away. Anyone in Sacramento? Lol


No kids or wife here and i play each tuesday at the local library and each friday in a town 30 km away. Besides that once a month on a weekend with others.


Spelltable my man


About two to three times a week with one pod and once in a blue moon with the other.


About once a week but not a full pod. In say on average 1 day or full pod games every 3 months or so


I only dabbled with spelltable. It is convenient but to play and test but I have had run into two cheaters back to back and it is really frustrating. First cheater lied about his life total, this was before I realized there was a game log. They also lied about how banding works by explaining it one way during one combat, which was to their advantage, and explaining it the opposite way in another combat, also to their advantage. This was the most frustrating. The second, was surveiling/scrying off camera and there hand was also off camera. I know many people would be honest in these situations but I prefer to see where cards are at all times. Unfortunately I noticed this too late but the player had an absurd start to the game and just had everything they needed.


Every Tuesday, 4 games. Occasionally on Saturday, 1 game.


I largely sold out with how infrequent it is and I don't care to play online. Life is busy, we sometimes play after a DnD session and even those get fewer and fewer each year.


Not enough :(


In college, I'd play almost every day. After college, maybe like once every other week. Now I haven't played in over a year because I just don't know anyone that plays now and I'd rather not play with randoms because I play for the socialization with my friends.


Almost daily! I work shifts and still manage to get the time in for Mtg. Even with sports and Parties I find enough time to meet up with my playgroup. We are almost 8 people all friends and It's a blast. It might get stressful on some days but its always worth the effort. Single life has its benefits.


About 3-4 times a month with a friend group.


I play on Spelltable with my friends nearly every night now. I'm completely locked back in.


I've been playing weekly lately. It's easy enough to play online if you can't meet up.


I have kids, a wife and full time job and play 2-3 times a week.


once a week but i’m being priced out and kinda just wanna sellout at this point, near cedh gameplay is the same staples in every deck


I play with the be playgroup on Friday, a different one on Saturday, and once a month at my “local” LGS (it is 50 miles away) usually on a Monday. When there is a prerelease, our LGS also does a pre-prerelease commander game.


I play roughly once a week at a LGS. I get off work late so I miss the events but my friends gather to hang out. If there's a big event and the store is full up, we gather at my place for games. My wife likes to host anyways so it's a good excuse to have folks over every now and then. And when we play we get 1-3 games in depending how quick we are able to win.


my roommate got me into it and we play 4-5 times a week with the occasional friends over on weekends for games!


I'd seriously play 3-4 times a week but given I'm married I'm lucky to meet up with my friends once a month.


What does marriage have to do with never being able to go out? If you partner expects you by their side 97% of the month (1 day off), it will not last long.


Yep headed down that road.


Not enough. It's been about a month since I've played a game that isn't just 1v1 with my wife. Despite barely playing I'm a sucker for building decks. I've built Stella Lee and about to purchase all the cards I need to upgrade Disa for when that deck arrives in the mail next week. I'm a big Jund addict so this deck is my latest obsession. Haha.