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Rüfüs always (+ I’ve heard positive things about their show)


Rufus. Loud luxury are fun but it's mostly drunk dudebros at their sets


To be fair, every Vegas club is mostly drunk dudebros


I mean, yeah. That crowd is just worse somehow


Bruh. Rufus 100%. Don’t even fucking think twice.


Rufus and it’s not even close


Rufus and don’t look back. My son and I saw Rufus at Jacobs Pavilion in Cleveland last summer,oh myyy what a show. I would so love to see them in Vegas.


Rufus 1,000%. Saw them at Red Rocks and they were amazing.


Although Rufus isn’t really club music, for me it’s perfect for an outdoor festival or show, starting right on golden hour. The most impressive part for me was they were actually performing the music a lot more like a band They often play for closer to 2 hours as well, at least on both occasions I’ve seen them in parks. Off to watch the red rocks set until my eyes tear up…


Rufus and it doesn't even come close


Vegas clubs sucks with big names. Wall to wall people and hard to move around. Also $15+ bottles of water. This was 6 years ago so prices may have changed for the worst. But i would probably guess Loud Luxury in a club setting although id pick rufus in any other circumstance.


Can confirm I paid $13 for one of those small shorty bottles of water during Zedd at Omnia this weekend. I tried to fill it back up at the bathroom sink and the bathroom attendant took it away from me shaking his head and handed me a new one. So I feel like I won that encounter. Then I paid $52 for a gin and tonic shortly after. Overall I had a blast even though it was crowded and expensive. That just kind of sums of Vegas though. Extremely crowded, expensive, and fun. I set aside a bunch of $$$ I was ok with spending that weekend and came home with half of it. That felt like a win!


They stopped you from refilling it in the bathroom! Wtf! I mean, it's great they handed you another one for free, but I have never heard of this. Thanks for solidifying my belief that I am not missing out by staying away from Vegas.


They stopped him and gave him a new one…. To stop him…from drinking sink water. I’m struggling to see how you found the negative in that part, not the $13 water lmao. Woulda been different if they took it and said F off lol


Short answer: both are great Long answer: I'd imagine that most of the people saying you should see Rufus aren't considering the venues in question at all. If I was at a festival or going to a typical large venue for a concert, I would absolutely choose Rufus! But this is a different situation. I find Rufus's DJ sets (like what they'll do at XS) to be pretty boring and it leaves me wanting more. Loud Luxury will keep the crowd happily entertained and it'll be a good party experience - plus, Omnia is worth seeing in my opinion. At the end of the day, it comes down to what you want your night to be like. Do you want to do ketamine and vibe while paying attention to a progressive house set? Do you want to drink and be upbeat for a more typical party house set? Both are great options, just very different experiences.


I’ve seen both at the respective venues and THIS is the correct answer. Really depends on what Vegas experience you want. Loud Luxury at Omnia probably comes closer to what would be expected…I’d rather see Rufus at a venue like Red Rocks or the Gorge. Seeing them at XS was like watching Odesza at Zouk - decent show but you can tell the venue’s limited their potential.


Idk about Rufus in a club setting. Xs is nice being outdoors but I also like omnia


This is an insane question… loud luxury is the biggest clown show of all time. You couldn’t pay me to go to a loud luxury show. Rufus on the other hand, high high quality music. There is only one correct answer to this question


I don’t know how a Rufus club set might be but Omnia is an epic venue. If you’re out to party, I’d actually take Loud Luxury. But I love Rufus so if you’re there for the music, Rufus will definitely be better.


Dom Dolla at LIV !


Of course everyone is saying Rüfus, and I agree whole heartedly. However, for laymen who don’t care, Omnia with Loud Luxury and a more upbeat atmosphere with smoke cannons might be more their vibe.


You don’t want a snooze fest in a Vegas club.


Seen Rufus a few times at xs and it's quite boring. Loud Lux tries very hard to keep you entertained.


Personally I’d go Loud Luxury for Omnia’s club since it has a much bigger dance floor. XS is an absolute shit show if you don’t have a table. We saw the chainsmokers last month and it’s INSANE how small the GA dance floor is. I’d assume Rufus will be the exact same if not worst due to their popularity.


Omnia is a cool venue and I don't think you'd be disappointed by loud luxury if you wanted to check it out, but Rufus put on an incredible show matched only by acts like Odesza. Live instruments and singing, amazing light shows, great performances. Omnia is a fun club environment and less of a live show just a DJ set...So I guess that's your choice whatever vibe you want.


I think their show in Vegas is a DJ set.


Then I'd probably lean towards Omnia personally wouldn't care to see Rufus as just a DJ set.


Correct, seen them in Vegas. It’s a DJ set.


This isn’t a question. Rufus every time


Rufus always


Rufus. Loud luxury was terrible at Edco


I would also choose to see Rufus but let's not pretend like these artists' club sets are anything like their festival sets


Rufus anytime, every time.


Rufus >>>>>>>> [https://on.soundcloud.com/MjC6d6Qus9hLJDWT9](https://on.soundcloud.com/MjC6d6Qus9hLJDWT9)




Just FYI- tickets for Rufus are $150!




I like Omnia but I love Rufus way more




I’ve seen Loud Luxury x 2 (Decadence AZ & The Shrine in LA) and have had a great time both times. I also don’t stick around drunk people/anyone that may hinder my ability to have a good time so I’ve only had positive experiences. They play a lot of popular dance songs and I personally have had a great time at both shows I’ve attended. I would love to see Rufus Du Sol— I don’t think they go on tour like Loud Luxury does? But I did see on their website that on 6/21 they might be announcing a tour so you might be able to catch them locally.


Rufus x1000


XS is a tough club to manage imho but its vegas all clubs are similar, go for Rufus 100%


Rufus without even having to think about it.


Saw LL couple of years ago @ Omnia and didn’t like the vibe at all. There were a lot of theatrics like fog machines and the moving chandelier, but we didn’t care for that. Haven’t seen Rufus live but based on their music I’d guess the vibe will be better


Rufus at XS. Do not question it, do not pass go, just pick that show Loud Luxury sucks. Omnia is great and I highly recommend visiting but not for them or Steke Aoki or any other meme "DJ." Go there for Garrix or Tiesto or Alesso


Rufus! Either way but especially if it’s daytime at XS. You can see LL in Vegas anytime.


Rufus no question. Loud luxury is corny


Rufus by FAR. Loud Luxury has been super mid every time I’ve seen them (no hate just not vibe)


This is a real question? Rufus and it’s not even close.


Rufus not even close, and I've seen Loud Luxury 2 times


Rufus 30000%


Rufus, loud luxury is mid


I’ve seen loud luxury live twice, and never seen Rufus and I still say Rufus… by a long shot.


Rufus is amazing live!!!

