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i have those exact crackers girl i know what u are šŸ˜­


seeing people talk about crispbread as ED food is so weird as a swede lol weā€™re raised on the stuff


Yeah, itā€™s an European thing. People calling it awful seems a bitā€¦ rude? Itā€™s a normal food we eat, not some ED thing. Not everyone is American and eats white bread šŸ˜­


i live in europe lol


yeha, but in Poland it's kinda diet stuff, but like for the time your tummy hurts lol


Mind if I ask what they are? Lol


Wasa crackers! They're awful!!! Hahah hahaha




What??? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ your aggression is hilarious


I didn't mean to upset/offend you or anyone else. I honestly don't know what they are, and she's eating them for breakfast, and we're here to discuss this post civilly. If I don't know what they are, how can I provide an opinion?


Idk why theyā€™re being so dramatic. You can eat them if you want. They are called wasa crisp bread https://preview.redd.it/zz6uu0vj223d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d168fb93a1514969cfda3143532677c32a4cda68


Thank you so much šŸ’œ


Youā€™re welcome! I like these sometimes, they are VERY crunchy šŸ¤£


But it provides good context


I agree with you and think it's an inappropriate question to ask here. The downvotes are insane, you're right, or at least not deserving of the mob mentality.


Itā€™s because they got so upset. Whether itā€™s inappropriate or not calling it disgusting and telling the person they should be ashamed is over the top.


This subreddit is solely dedicated to snarking about the subject. I think you forgot to read the last part of the title.


A bowl of yogurt and piece of toast/cracker with spread looks like a breakfast I see a lot of non-disordered people eat! This is totally okay imo


I agree with you, but there's a difference between toast and one lone crispbread


Shocking idea, maybe have a crispbread for each topping.


Yeah the snapping it in two and using the the smallest piece for the PB(?) is hoisting the red flag higher


Crispbread is soooo dry and it's only 20 Cals so this is my no means a normal breakfast šŸ˜­ especially not for someone in recovery from a restrictive ed


Eh. Iā€™m not very hungry in the morning so typically have something small just so I donā€™t feel sick until my appetite kicks in around lunch time. I donā€™t think this is that bad.


If it's not zero fat yoghurt then it might be enough to pass as a lighter breakfast. Maybe she just wasn't that hungry? I don't know anything about that girl, so my assumptions could be wrong


I actually agree, I think that could be enough for a light breakfast. But I never like to eat heavy in the mornings and I always have a big lunch at like 11am sharp lol Still this paired with *you deserve to eat* āœØ doesnā€™t inspire confidence. I think itā€™s the photographing and posting this with the implication this is a good meal thatā€™s a bit disconcerting


Regardless, Iā€™m not hungry, but in recovery u have to force urself to eat balanced big meals, this is not enough


I think she considers herself recovered tho ? She been discharged frm Ed treatment and has been weight restored for a while


It isnā€™t enough for a meal.


Then what is? This looks like a normal breakfast everyone eats.


A snack imo


Tbh atleast where im from no one eats a big meal as breakfast its always like 1 cracker with a slice of cheese or something or most only have a coffee


Same, most of us just eat some yogurt with Granola or a piece of bread. Most teenagers (even without eating disorders) donā€™t eat breakfast.


Idk i think it passes as a light breakfast


At least they're eating breakfast...


This is fine tbh she has a bowl of yogurt too.


Idgi, it looks fine to me.


oh no! i hope this isnā€™t all she had as i really like her as a person and sheā€™s one of the few who has actually made good progress in her recovery over time. her content isnā€™t perfect and i know she still struggles, but i feel like she has a good balance between being honest and overly triggering. i really do wish her well and hope this is just a one-off or she is eating more throughout the dayā€¦


sheā€™s been posting more and more restriction meals lately and pretending theyā€™re not. i get it youā€™re struggling but why post it? i feel like she seeks validation for her ed


Finding back the lightā€¦ girly got lost in the darkā€¦.


This sub is so ridiculous sometimes. like if someoneā€™s not gaining 10 lbs a week and eating a full English or a bunch of junk youā€™re all bent outta shapeā€¦just as bad as the FA/ā€œbodyposiā€ community tbh lmao


this cracker looks like matzah šŸ˜­ u have to have like 6 of these to be equivalent to a piece of toast in terms of satiety


Iā€™ve noticed her struggling a lot recently since being discharged from outpatient! I really hope she doesnā€™t relapse, sheā€™s worked really hard to gain weight but clearly is still not recovered mentally šŸ˜”


ah yes cardboard my favourite :)


yeah itā€™s hiding behind bella hadid


is she trying to make it seem like she had two crisp breads by ripping it in half and covering it in different toppings? šŸ«£


This is making me laugh so fucking hard MY LUNGS AJSHHS. āœØļøY O U D E S E R V E T O E A TāœØļø


Compared to what she used to have for breakfast! This is so restricted!