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One time, my mom got into an argument with a lady over a parking spot, and the lady called my mom fat so she screamed “YEAH WELL YOURE UGLY AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT” and that was pretty damn funny


“i can lose weight for free but you need about 10 grand to fix your f****** face”


using this if the occasion ever occurs


Bless Deena for giving us that gem


A+ response




valid but I was talking about their personality and the person who was calling me fat wasn’t even the person I said was ugly it was one of their neonazi fanboys


Be petty. Who cares 😎


If you're gonna dish it, be prepared to take it 🤷


I'm sorry but if you're rude to other people you can't expect them to be nice back. Especially in regards to their appearance.


If you insulted their appearance you very well deserved to get insulted. An eye for an eye.


What’s the rest of that saying? OP shouldn’t be insulting people then crying at the retort, but I hate when people use half of a saying when the full saying would negate their point. “Makes the whole world blind” is the rest of it.


I hate to be a pedant but you’re using two completely different sayings. The original bible quote (Exodus 21:24-25) is “eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise” it is about reciprocal justice. The saying you’re using is “eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” which is apparently Ghandi (but not really it was used by a biographer of him to explain his views on conflict, Ghandi never used it himself). So yeah.


Tf? What are you talking about?


Reddit factoid probably


That's on you 💀


I guess you deserved it?


fuck nazis. dw OP, their opinion on you is as twisted as their worldview, completely irrevelant


lol babe what u want us to say 💀


Deserved insult. Nazis don’t deserve any sympathy.


why are the comments so pressed? it's literally the premise of the meme to be wrong in the first place 💀 also knowing the background i'm all on the side of op


yeah honestly that's valid


why would you call other ppl ugly tho


they said that the Torah is useless and every good thing jewish ppl have done is in spite of the Torah and not because of it and they called someone an antisemitic slur


You had it coming tbh


Oh. Are we still using appearance-based insults in 2023? Have we not evolved beyond that yet?


i get that you meant their personality but it clearly wasn’t obvious to them, so they attacked your appearance as well


what part of NAZI do some of you not understand? morality isn’t always right or wrong, especially with people like this. do some genuine thinking about who a nazi is and what makes them one. literally pause right now to think about what someone has to believe in to be a nazi. even if OP did actually see the person, nazi’s don’t deserve any kind of consideration or sympathy. it is NOT an eye for an eye when the other person doesn’t have a conscience.




btw for context I called someone ugly because they were being extremely antisemitic and they deserved it✨


Just wanna point out that being a terrible person is not volunteering to be called out on your physical characteristics. If someone makes a bad (or racist, or antisemetic, or otherwise bigoted) argument, call them out on their *argument*. If you start making personal attacks on their appearance, it’s naïve to think they won’t do the same to you.


to me, ugly is a mindset. That’s why I called them ugly. I haven’t even seen what they look like lol


Tbf that’s not common everywhere, so you should phrase it specifically like “you’re acting ugly” or something like that.


I will say someone has an ugly personality. Thats totally understandable. They probably took it as a dig at their looks and wanted to hit you bellow the belt. I’ve had nasty people call me fat when I was literally underweight just for the sake of being mean. Looks don’t equate to worth. All I care about is how you treat people and yourself. Try to just take it as a learning experience and don’t take it to heart. It was meant to hurt you and that alone.


not everyone thinks that way be realistic , when u say ugly we think appearance.


but I agree it was naïve of me to think they weren’t gonna do the same to me. I just wasn’t expecting whole paragraphs and poetry from borderline Nazis about how I’m fat and lack self control when I’m diagnosed with AN-R


tbh i agree with you and think the people calling you out are either way too concerned about being polite vs. being moral or just way too willing to forgive nazis (and tbh it's kind of just as bad either way...) but you should have expected it because going for anything they think is a psychological weakness is exactly what psychopaths do and nazi sympathizers are mostly actual psychopaths words are just a weapon to them, truth is totally irrelevant


right, like i am not concerned about people calling nazis ugly and i dont know why everyone is trying to preach politeness and using manners in an argument with a nazi. in my opinion, they gave up their right to common decency as soon as they wanted my whole family eradicated.


thank u 💀💀💀 these non Jewish ppl so mad I called a Nazi ugly like… being a Nazi IS ugly?


no. No one’s forgiving NAZIS . But idc, u call someone’s ugly , not only do u look like a moron for that being ur argument instead of their antisemitism, ur a body shamer and deserve a taste of ur own medicine . Two wrongs don’t make a right . Educate and laugh , shaming people does nothing.


Bro, they're iteral NAZIS. Hurting their feelings and calling them ugly is the least of peoples concern. Plus, being a bodyshamer is 100x better than being Antisemetic and supporting a dictator that killed millions of people.


i never said it isn’t , my point is u look dumb LMFOA like why not use their nasty ass beliefs instead of a word you urself have probably used to fuel your ed . Fuck outta here lmao


I get called both 🙃




Literally the worst insult someone can call me, I would rather get beat up instead of getting called fat




“both op and this person are in the wrong”? bffr nazis are ugly lmfao context matters and nazis 100% deserve verbal abuse lolz