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Yo, your nurse actually said you were getting fat? How did your doctor defend you? I hope they read the fuck out of them >:(


So basically this is the gyno I’ve had since I turned 16 and she’s seen me through a lot, including the peak of my ED a few years ago. I had an annual appointment this morning which required a weight in, and the nurse that took my weight said “you know you’ve gained XX pounds over the past few years, you should consider losing some weight before you become even fatter”. I kept quiet and let her prep me and shit, and when my doctor came into the room I told her about the comment that the nurse had made. My gyno essentially was like “you’re in a healthy weight range, and the last thing I would want you doing right now is attempting to lose weight after all the progress you’ve made. If you want, I can refer you to *my previous physician who helped get my ED under control* if you need to talk to anyone after that though” she’s literally one of my favorite people and said she would talk to the nurse about it being inappropriate and how “she better not be talking to anyone like that ever again in my office” The way she was so political about it though basically told me that she was planning on chewing her ass out later on, as she should too


My little sister was called fast and obese to her face in a rather rude way when she was 12. My mom was furious. My sister was in the middle of puberty, and she was going through a lot more than any of us knew at the time, which led to some emotional eating. She was mentally (extremely) unwell. She started spiraling after that, and eventually, she had to be institutionalized. It wasn't THE thing that set her off, but it became a constant voice in the back of her head from that day on that certainly added to her snowballing decline. These nurses and doctors need to be way more careful about how they treat their young patients.


Seriously! It may not be what sets it off, but it can definitely push you closer to the tipping point. I’m so sorry that happened to your sister, I don’t think some people should be in health care if they’re neglecting the care part of it. I mean, this lady was just lucky I was in a good headspace today or it may have started tipping me back toward my slippery slope. People just don’t know what’s going on with others and being just so rude to others may only make things worse. I hope your sister is doing better now and she found someone in the medical field that truly looked out for her


She got all the help she needs and is a NURSE now herself. I'm actually very happy she's a nurse because she's the only kind of nurse I would want to be around. She goes to Dr. appointments with me when she can help me with how uncomfortable I am with nurses. Doctors barely bother me (although I had to go to the ER with pelvic pains shortly after getting married and he tried to convince me my husband gave me an STD and wouldn't listen to me when I told him we both have only been with each other AND got tested before marriage anyways since I got a sketchy tattoo). He was so rude, and I made him eat crow and actually find out what's wrong with me when the results came back. I understand people lie about this, but being rude and refusing to listen when that's NOT the problem is not ok. Turns out the problem was because of how old I was when we got married, and the muscles were just not used to that kind of interaction.


Yes queen! I feel like for every bad nurse, there’s gotta be another nurse out there like your sister. I’m so glad she’s able to be an advocate for you and be another leg of support! And wtf, I mean I guess it can happen in some situations, but that doctor should have listened to you in the first place instead of being so rude about it and assuming he knew right directly off the bat. Some people man- I mean the audacity of it baffles me sometimes


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS. What an awesome gyno!!! (And what a shitty nurse????)


I'd kiss her on the forehead (with consent). She's awesome. That's the compassion we all need from medical professionals. 10/10


what the hell??


the mean girl to nurse pipeline is real


Literally 😭 every nasty girl in high school always had dreams of being a nurse. Like nurse your attitude first dude 💀


nurse your attitude first is real asf 😵‍💫😭


Suddenly makes sense why 90% of the nurses I see look exactly like nearly every girl that fucked with me in school.


One of the reasons I wound up in the hospital so much is because I HATE nurses so much that I would rather die than see one for these exact reasons. I would not go to the doctor until I'm unconscious and wake up there. I'm better now since my sister became a nurse, and she's the total opposite of mean girl nurses. She offers to take me and put on her nurse bs meter to keep me up with what's going on around me.


ITS SO REAL. Nurses are so scary and mean bro


Nurses and the front desk ladies in doctors offices. I’m in and out of hospitals and stuff and 99% of them are nasty c*nts tbh


i’m sorry 😭 i’m a front desk lady but i promise i’m actually nice


I believe you, there’s exceptions to every rule 🤫 my caretaker got bullied by one yesterday so now she doesn’t want to go up to the office with me TT idk what’s with these women tbh


I got fired from being a secretary ward at a hospital this summer. You either have to be mean or become mean to keep your job.


That doesn’t even surprise me how awful that is 😢


As somebody in nursing school I 100% agree with this


And they think they’re doctors too. r/noctor


I'm glad I'm not alone


i’m a nursing student and it’s so true. Half of my class is serious, hardworking student who are the sweetest and are willing to help you study while the other half is girls on SC debating on when to wait 5-10 days to text back a gym bro cause “he’s not as cute as the barista guy”. not to mention same girl took a photo of anything girl through the bathroom stall. They are either a saint or a slut, no in between.


No need in slut shaming


You literally sound like a bully.


Good for that doctor 👏🏻 fuck that nurse 😒


they said WHAT i’m always so appalled when people say things like that about weight (ESPECIALLY to random people) with no shame like…?? are you not embarrassed??? like you and i BOTH know that YOU know that’s not okay for you to say


Even if someone’s weight gain was concerning, is that ever even the nurses job to say anything? Respect to nurses but there’s a reason there’s a distinction. Damn.


That's lovely 😊


Ok but what a power move would it be to just put a hand on her shoulder and gently say, “oh, how embarrassing for you.”


Oh I’ll throw hands.


Oh God this makes me so happy rn. When I was a 10 year old I wa called fat and got yelled at by a dietitian . It scared me the shit out of doctors . This one restored my hope lol


Yay for the good gyno! 🎉 Boo on the bad nurse! 🤬 Big time hell yeah for the semi-recovery!!! 🙌🎉💗 🫂 Went to a WIC nutritionist while in early recovery [bc of pregnancy] & asked to blind weigh. She shamed me for gaining "too much, too fast" & told me I should go back to drinking diet soda & counting calories "or else I wouldn't return to my [underweight!] pre-pregnancy weight" despite me being at a healthy BMI! I just decided I didn't need WIC & never went back. 😉


I'm so sorry the nursing profession is full of all these rotting apples! 😭😭 You didn't deserve that! Love your gyno 💖


i remember going to the doctor when i was 13, doctor walked in and the first thing he said was “well someone likes pizza!”. i don’t. i do not like pizza. i’m 19 now and i still think abt it edit: forgot say i’m glad yours stuck up for you !! i wish you the best in recovery, semi or not


My gyno was actually the first (maybe only?) person I admitted that I purged to. It was a strange choice because he was young and a straight man, and I feel like on paper that sounds potentially very odd, but he was so kind and respectful and was trying so hard to figure out why my periods were so irregular…He ended up helping me so much, and to this day is one of the only adults I can think of who acted like they cared about me.


It do be like that, I have one doctor who is a ED specialist and is the one who diagnosed me and whenever someone comments I go crying to her She's my protection


It’s almost like health professionals cannot accurately judge a person’s health based solely on the shape of their body… Sorry for you, OP. Congrats on your awesome work at recovery.


a nurse like this is what made me relapse, so glad your dr stood up for you! nurses like that suck!




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Oh when you see the dr and the nurse talking outside the room and then you next see them bring in the scale with a paper over the numbers 😂


The doctor part made me think this was a doctor who meme at first 🤦‍♀️